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Reviews for Mental Therapy

By : CardDragonBall
  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on March 30, 2004
    Funny Interlude...
    Very funny!

    (was wearing a white t-shirt himself, but didn’t seem like he was too concerned his endless muscles were showing.)---rofl, yeah I bet. I wouldn't mind looking though...

    “Look,” is what he said, “My brother just said that I wouldn’t be able to come over here and kiss you.” ---LoL what?! right out of left field. That is so insane I loved that line.

    “Anyway,” he said after a prolonged moment of staring, “I’m going to kiss you to shut my idiot brother up.” --well he is very forward isnt he.

    then dropped his eyes down to her breasts—like that was the best way to identify someone—and recognition dawned on him.
    (She swore to God that if one more guy did that to her, she was going to start staring at their crotch like that was the best way to identify them.) ---rofl...that is hilarious!

    “Right.” He crouched down, met her eyes and gave her another little grin. “My eyes are up here,” he said.--LoL nice comeback Geta

    Damn freak aliens.--LoL

    They are the cutest couple. I loved how much he was concerned for her at that party, and how serious he was in wanting her to leave and never go back to one of those parties.
    Great chappie!

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  • From ANON - jaygoose on March 29, 2004
    The little interlude was great. I am starting to like Gina more and more.
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  • From ANON - jaygoose on March 29, 2004
    I loved this chapter. I think you did an awesome job with it. It made perfect sense under the circumstances. Now they are all a nice happy little family. Yay!
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  • From ANON - Mnicanical Butterfly on March 29, 2004
    I loved this chapter

    He. Was. Going. To. Kill. Goten. Messily. --LoL poor Geta getting interruppted during his great sex! I would be mad too.

    That kid had better be pretty fucking spectacular.--rofl, oh gawd that is so mean. Of course that kid is spectacular it's Vegeta and Goku's!

    Pulling his pants on was made difficult by the fact that his two hands were constantly tapping against each other. ---rofl that would a hilarious sight to see.

    Dad came back (still mumbling about gross things and how he always got stuck doing the nasty crap) with a wash clothe and wiped their mother’s face clean. ---LoL that is so Goku, I loved that

    It took an eternity (actually it was about 45 seconds) --LoL I know how that feels

    “Hi Gina,” Kakarot said. Completely undisturbed that his sons were both mated. “How are you today?” ---rofl, I can't believe Goku sometimes. I love how easy going and seemingly (but don't think he really is) oblivious he can be.

    I loved this it was just great and very funny!
    Goten and Vegeta are just a delight to read about, I love'm!
    and no I did not finish my report, I went to, I don't care. I just gave my professor the 12 pages I wrote. and now I am in the library...once again reading your fics...
    *points at you* See you're just as bad as me, not writing your reports so you can write fanfic! *shakes head* What have we become?

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  • From ANON - Getarian on March 29, 2004
    Poor Vegeta what a time for his little brother to arrive. LOL!

    Really happy to see the arrival of baby Bardock...personally I would have loved another birthing scene, but I understand completely what you meant about already having written enough...after all, it's not everyone's cup of tea, and you wrote the afterwards scene very nicely...I loved this:

    "Got to see their mother looking at their whimpery little baby brother. (So cute that it was actually a bit sickening.)"

    LOL! Ahh, I love cute Vegeta :-)

    "Dad came back (still mumbling about gross things and how he always got stuck doing the nasty crap)"

    LOL! Poor ol' Goku...and he doesn't even get to have any sex as compensation. This'll teach him to work at getting Vegeta pregnant. :-)

    Young Vegeta singing to Bardock. I'm having a hard time trying to picture this, yet somehow, it seems so right :-)

    I loved the night kitchen scene, with Vegeta sitting and feeding Bardock, when Young Vegeta came home and sat with him for a while. It was nicely done :-)

    Really loved the tie-in scene with the end of "Cross Eyed" Getting to see it from Vegeta and Goku's perspective this time really rounded that whole scene out. Loved it!

    Yes! I knew Vegeta would like Gina...okay, in truth, I was a little worried...but mainly not. :-)

    Looking forward to Gina's story of how she and Vegeta met :-)

    Loved the end dialogue :-)

    Thanks for explaining about the time machine, and how Bulma knew...I must confess, I didn't think of that...know I should have...but I didn't :-)

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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on March 29, 2004
    Lovely chapter!
    I like Vegeta and Gina they a cua cute little co........

    A whole lot of energy that wasn’t getting a focus and Goku loved his son, but if this went on for very much longer he was going to toss Goten through a mountain and leave him there.--rofl! I loved that

    Considered what would happen if he didn’t bring breakfast.---hehe, that would be really mean if he didn't get breakfast. I thought this line was great it madelauglaugh to think Goku would even consider such a thing.

    “Right. You’re right.shoushould have been more attentive to the customer and I wasn’t. I failed to uphold the level of conduct and all that bullshit. And I quit.”---rofl she has an attitude! sheesh, I sometimes wonder if she is part saiyajin.

    Because Goku would kill them if they even so much as thought about trying to find out.---@_@ LoL Goku is so cute, I loved everything he was thinking during this part. You make the sweetest and most loving relationships.

    yeah I some sleep...but now I am back at square one and I am as tired as ever! I had to write this crappy 15 report -_- I am still doing it...only on page 12. Oh well...I lied I am not writing it anymore, I stopped to come read your fics because they make me happy ^.^ So thanks for a wonderful chapter that kept me highly entertained.
    woo hoo and Time Machine fun!!!!! (I love Trunks too!!!)


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  • From ANON - Getarian on March 28, 2004
    Oh, it's drawing closer now...almost time for the twins to start their journey...

    "...But sheesh, you’d think that the Almighty Vegeta, son of the Great Vegeta, would just say he wanted to go instead of this mumbling shit."

    LOL! That's never going to happen any time soon :-)

    Simply love the way Goku is when he's watching Vegeta sleep [and waiting for him to wake up ] :-)

    "...was nestled inside his Mother’s warm body. (Which, sadly, Goku was not.)"

    "...he had the sneaking feeling that if he woke up his mate before his mate was good and ready to be awake he was going to end up with a face full of ‘fuck you’ and a knee to the unmentionables."

    ROTFL! Loved this! Can easily see this happening :-) I wonder if this is instinctual knowledge of his mate, or if Goku has received this type of response before...he can be just a teensy bit impatient when he's waiting for his morning nookie. LOL!

    "Bulma told him that Goten had fixed it,..."

    Is this open knowledge now, or is Goten not as crafty as he thought he was? :-)

    "...but Vegeta said that their children, while he loved them, were idiots and could not possibly understand what they were doing."

    LOL! I see that Vegeta has the same faith in his offspring that most parents have. :-)

    Poor ol' Goku...waiting all that time for Vegeta to wake up and then he has to go and fix breakfast...LOL!

    "“Telling my mom about you would guarentee death, Gina,” Vegeta replied."

    LOL! He's not going to react that badly is he?

    “Right. You’re right. I should have been more attentive to the customer and I wasn’t. I failed to uphold the level of conduct and all that bullshit. And I quit.”

    LOL! See...I'm sure that she and Vegeta will get on like a house on fire :-)

    I think I've said this a million times before and you'll probably hear it a million times more...but I love your lemons! :-)

    “I want Ice cream,” is what Vegeta said. “Strawberry ice cream.”

    Oh, this was just so damn irresistibly cute...I bet Goku is a puddle on the floor...either that, or he's really pissed off that he has to trudge back down to the kitchen again :-)

    Yeah! Looking forward to the birth :-)

    Loved the dialogue at the end :-)

    "Gina finding out about the Saiyans… I bet that’ll come out when Lil’Geta finally tells his parents. So will how they met too."

    Good. Looking forward to this. Should hopefully be fun :-)

    "...And meanie Goku chuckling at him; but I think he made up for it."

    He certainly did :-) I loved the idea of Vegeta bumping his's realistic and funny :-)

    "...But he doesn’t seem to really care that he got killed."

    I know...sigh...hopefully Trunks will change that attitude :-)

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  • From ANON - Getarian on March 27, 2004
    I loved this chapter!

    Really like Gina! She's good with young Vegeta.

    “Poor baby.” She said. (Didn’t really care.) Picked up another puppy and rubbed its little back. “Cleaning the whole big bad house.”

    LOL! Loved this!

    Loved how Gina just turned the conversation around to the currently pregnant Vegeta, whilst young Vegeta's mind was still on the puppies and housework...pretty much how real life conversations can suddenly make sharp turns...nice input :-)

    Loved this:

    "A snort. “I do have a squalling baby brother. His name is Goten.”"

    ROTFL! Wonderful answer. LOL Everything I would expect from young Vegeta :-)

    "He was stronger, but she was the one that held the real power here."

    *cle* le* Oh yeah! Really love this girl...the easy way she is about the Saiyans, the fact that Vegeta's mom is a man and this is all perfectly normal for her (would lto hto have seen her reaction when she first learned of the Saiyans) really love the fact that she is interested enough in the family to show curiosity/concern over the fact that Vegeta hasn't given birth yet...I look forward to the time when she is officially introduced to the family. :-)

    Always ready for some G/V lemon :-)

    "Hands opened his thighs, a thumb pressed into him, and he jerked his head back, knocked his skull into the stone and as he saw stars from that movement of brilliance, he heard his mate chuckle and felt him push into him."

    LOL! Vegeta can be such an idiot at times...LOL! I can just picture him throwing his head back in ecstatic need and clunking his head against the rocky surface behind ..Go..Goku chuckling at him wouldn't have helped...LOL, I love these two together :-)

    "...Whimpered and moaned and let his power level rise. That, instinctively, triggered Kakarot’s own power, and he got harder, moved faster, and Vegeta grinned."

    (*chuckle*) Know thy mate :-) Vegeta is a cunning, sexy little bastard :-)

    "Felt the skin on his back get torn from the little sharp edges of the stone behind him, dragged his fingernails down Kakarot’s back to share that little annoyance."

    LOL! Yes, I can definitely see Vegeta reacting this way :-)

    Loved the end part of their lovemaking very much - full of emotion - wonderful :-)

    Another superb lemon!

    "(At one point his parents had fought them every time they did something incredibly stupid, but after he and ‘Geta because Super Saiyans, they stopped dothatthat and settled on maid duty for misbehaving.) Stupid parents."

    LOL! God I love Goten!

    "...He was not a fucking eight ball. “I don’t know, why is he?”"

    LOL! I love this. :-)

    Goten can be such a bastard to Vegeta...I can't believe he allowed the Gallick Gun to hit him, although I don't think he realised that it was going to kill him...still, poor Veg I' I'm surprised he's not a head case with Goten for a twin. :-)

    “Mom’s only carrying one baby now. It’ll probably take twice as long to be born.”

    Ah Gods, poor preggie Vegeta! If I was told near the end of my pregnancy that I had a further four months to wait, I would have had a fit.

    Enjoyed this chapter very much :-)

    Gods, you wrote this on just two hours of sleep in over 36 hrs. I'm stunned and more than go get some sleep, woman :-)

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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on March 27, 2004
    Great chapter!
    The twins are hilarious and the lemon was fantastic! You write the most juicy lemons!!!! YUM! Woo HOO I can't wait for Trunks to appear! YAY TRUNKS!!!! As always it was wonderful!
    I am so sorry for the short review...but I am soooo tired -_- Oh and I hope you get your much needed rest, I know you need it badly! After I read your other ficcie I will be off to dreamland myself....
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  • From ANON - jaygoose on March 26, 2004
    Oh I don't mind the skips in the plot at all. Don't mind my not so entertaining review. I amtiontioning on a ridculous lack of sleep myself. Damned college.

    I must address this line though: "Because quite honestly, it was getting to the point where masturbation was better than sex, and that was just a travesty."

    H hav have to agree with Goten on that one. Anyway, fantastic chapter and now I am on to the next one. PS: Also thought your explaination for why Vegeta was still preggers was genius.
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  • From ANON - Getarian on March 25, 2004
    A wonderfully humorous chapter :-)

    "(if you count taking the man into another room as seduction.)"

    LOL! Loved this!

    God I love the twins! Goten's revenge was pure poetry! I loved how Vegeta (long suffering though he is) fell nicely into his part as soon as Goten jumped on the 'stage' I would seriously not like to annoy these two lads...they have the most wicked plans ever :-)

    "“What have they done now?” Vegeta asked."

    LOL! Oh God, I love how he instantly knew :-)

    "He had been meditating, and that was interrupted by his mate storming into the training room, seething "

    This is something I really would love to see :-)

    I totally loved the way that Kakarot and Vegeta dealt with the boys, and I cracked up at this:

    "...looked at one another and immediately pointed their fingers at each other."

    “It was him.”
    "“Shut up,” Kakarot said."
    “Yes sir.”

    "Ah, these moments of fatherly discipline were beautiful things. He crossed his arms over his chest and waited for the yelling to start once more. Took great satisfaction that he had rubbed off onto his mate."

    I love the way you portray this family, the way that the twins are and Kakarot's extremely disturbed and angry response which Vegeta takes great pleasure in, whilst at the same time being secretly proud of his boys. Wonderful characterisation of Vege & Kaka and their different views of the world around them, whilst remaining in harmony in any given parental action.

    I loved Kakarot's response when he found out that Kane was thirty-two.

    Loved Vegeta's response to Kakarot and loved that Kakarot went from glaring at Vegeta to wrapping his arms around him as soon as Vegeta turned his back on him :-)

    “You can keep meditating,” Kakarot whispered-amusedly-“Yon’ton’t even notice me.”
    "Right. Like he wouldn’t notice the baka ravishing him. Because his mate was always so covert."

    ROTFL! Oh Gods! Love this! Also love how Kakarot is quite happy to ravish Vegeta whilst he is meditating...he's such a little hentai...please never let him change.:-)

    Looking forward to more :-)

    "Gk: *picks Vegeta up, throws him over his shoulder and heads towards the nearest available surface.*"
    "Goten: Gee, I wonder what they’re going to go do." LOL!

    In response to your response to Mechanical Butterfly:

    "Sigh. I think the shows ratings would just get better if they let me write for them."

    Oh, how I would love to see your "Hormone Therapy" universe on the T.V. (all of your stuff actually. But particularly this world) They could have done an AU world instead of wasting precious ink on that ridiculous GT...I think that the ratings from your HT universe would shoot through the roof! DBZHT Sounds so good. Yeah! :-)

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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on March 25, 2004
    I loved this chapter! It was hilarious!

    Poor Mr. Kane (not really, that pervert deserves everything het gets!)

    Stepped inside, let his little brother jump onto the table that a couple dozen boring looking humans were sitting at.--I hate boring humans...LoL I loved that line.

    He had been meditating, and that was interrupted by his mate storming into the training room, seething (yes, Kakarot could get very annoyed.) --he is so cute when annoyed, but then again he is cute all the time. I love that is says yes, Kakarott could get very annoyed...LoL

    Goten slid away from his brother, ran down the table, jumped off it and landed on his father. Shouted: “Daddy!” and then started to cry (actually he was laughing but it sort of sounded like sobbing.) ---GAH! rofl...that is so funny! I love the sight of this 16 yr. old boy jumping into his fathers arms...hehe funny. and it was so funny that he keeps secretly laughing...I did that once in high school, we had to make these movies and I had to write a sad love letter and cry, but I kept laughing, it was very horrible...I will never become an actor.

    “It was him.”
    “Shut up,” Kakarot said.
    “Yes sir.”---I love Goku like this, and the twins are so cute! Me and my twin brother always used to do that too! We still do sometimes, but we are very immature.

    “What the hell did you just do?” he demanded, “Bulma said it was on the NEWS!”
    “Wow, that was fast,” Goten said, “I didn’t think it would be on until 5.”---rofl, gee that is fast! Poor Bulma...I don't know if I would want Goten to work for me...

    “Thirty-huh?” Kakarot turned to look at Vegeta (his mate) and gave him a look. Then sighed. “Fine. Go clean the lookout.” Pointed in the general direction. “All of it.”---rofl!!! They have to clean the Lookout! Oh no what wil Mr. PoPo do?

    The child that was born saying “Fuck y--Lo--LoL hehe I bet he was too.

    No wonder their son turned out the way he did.-- I know Goku is the horniest baka alive...well next to his son of course.

    “You can keep meditating,” Kakarot whispered—amusedly—“You won’t even notice me.”---sureeeee LoL

    I think the shows ratings would just get better if they let me write for them.---I wish! That would be so awesome! Hehe imagine all the ppl who hate yaoi @_@ awww....what would they do?

    Thanks for another great and very hilarious chapter! I love those twins!
    and yay a lemon is coming!

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  • From ANON - jaygoose on March 25, 2004
    Goten, Goten, Goten. *Shakes head in bewilderment* He never ceases toze mze me. Now Kane was an OC so of course he absolutely deserved what he got. He. He. But I don't think that is what Bulma had in mind. The twins are so creative. I need friends like them. Oh how I would laugh.
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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on March 24, 2004
    Great chappie!

    Pulled his shoes off, dropped them in the growing pile of dirt at the end of her bed--ewww growing pile of dirt...hehe gross! But as long as it's VegeVegeta, I guess I don't mind.

    Crossed arms over his bare chest, stared at his mate as Goku gleefully pulled all of Bulma’s clothes out of her closet, threw them on the bed. ---rofl I like that he gleefully pulled the clothes out!

    Kissed Vegeta even when he scowled, kissed him until he stopped scowling.--aww thats so cute!

    Vegeta: Go screw a cow.
    Goten: Mom! Don’t call yourself a cow!--rofl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I looooovvvveee your lemons....
    LoL poor Bulma (not really)
    I thought that was incredibly cute that Vegeta couldn't move


    You know,all these lemons...I think are affecting my brain...
    I was watching DBZ on the comp...and I kept getting sooo frustrated that Vegeta and Goku weren't kissing. I was even yelling at the was so sad. I was like: "Just a little bit closer to Goku's face Vegeta..yeah there you lick him! Kiss him!"

    Then Damion (my b/f) was like "uh this isn't fanfic"
    I was like Oh yeah...then I said not all fanfic is yaoi... but anyway....
    Your lemons have become a way of life for me now....I have been lemonfied! @_@
    but it's a good thing.

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  • From ANON - jaygoose on March 24, 2004
    Yes, two lemons in one chapter...and a het one even. It wasn't so bad though. It got me all pumped up to do mine...*sigh* Nope, I'm nervous again.

    Anyway. I can not believe that Goku and Vegeta actually had sex on all of Bulma's clothes. I mean you said they would but I didn't think that it would have actually happened. I should have know better, huh?
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