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Reviews for The Meaning of Pride

By : CardDragonBall
  • From ANON - macha on May 01, 2004
    *sniffs air* I smell another plot twist brewing. Or maybe it's always been there, and I am just now noticing.

    I don't think Bulma is a blabber mouth, is she?

    This chapter wrapped up the momentary laundry issue. We'll see what happens next time.

    Goten gagging Trunks? Interesting.

    I am hoping that the next chapter actually goes into Goku and Vegeta's hunt, and not just skip over it.
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  • From ANON - Hecate18 on April 30, 2004
    This will be a very short review cause I am supposed to be working/writing my fics ^_^ (BTW i have a favour to ask but I'll email u. ^_^)

    And now on with the review...
    First and formost I should tell you that I am glad... (no thats an understatement) I am ecstatic that Tien iad! ad! Athough I am still worried about this uneasy feeling Goten has.
    Ah and the meaning of pride... that had to be the best ever view of Vegeta's pride I have ever read (and I've read many fics), you should get a medal.
    I LOVE THIS FIC! *hugs fic then hugs card for writing it*

    (I will email u with my other address which is '' ^_^)
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  • From ANON - Getarian on April 30, 2004
    Reviewing: Chapter 33

    Felt both sad and worried over Vegeta's thoughts in the opening scenes, could feel his anger, his pain, at never being given the chance to settle with himself, no matter what, someone always seemed to want to keep pushing at him, bringing him back to who he was, instead of allowing him to move onto something new... sort of reminded me of Michael Corleone, in "The Godfather" Well expressed scene. :-)

    Really loved the way you had Vegeta feeling from this point:

    "Let them ask, with their snide little grins ‘Where is your Pride?”"

    This line and the following ones, were very well expressed, extremely so. Vegeta's rage, his frustration, his need to give into his natural Saiyan instincts, yet his love for Kakarot, which is holding him back at this point, was very well explored. I could completely feel the anger, bursting from the page(computer screen):-) Loved how his rage seemed to calm as his thoughts settled on Kakarot and what he gained being whim.him. Loved this culminating thought at the end of this scene:

    "Nothing was lost."

    Emotive stuff. Loved it all. :-)

    "“OH SHIT!” And of course it would be his child to interrupt them, because Goten had unfortunately inherited his sense of very bad timing."

    LOL! Of all the times for Goten to turn up. :-D

    “Now that you know,” Vegeta said, “Go away.”

    LOL! Loved this. :-)

    Love the little remarks about Goku's stinky clothes, which were mentioned throughout this chapter. Nicely placed humour, in an otherwise tense setting. :-)

    Nice love scene between Goku and Vegeta. Wondering if all is well now, and both me and Goten worry too much, or if there is still something there that Vegeta needs to deal with... the end line was a bit concerning.

    Loved this chapter. Definitely looking forward to the next. :-)

    I figured that you were pretty swift when it came to writing chapters... 'cause y'know, 4, sometimes 5, chapters a day... but still, 20 minutes... that's pretty impressive. :-)

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  • From ANON - Getarian on April 30, 2004
    Reviewing: Chapter 32

    Deeply concerned that Goten seems to feel a sense of doom, where his father and Vegeta are concerned. I know that I mentioned that I was concerned that all of this holding back on Vegeta's part might spill over into something, possibly not good for him and Goku... but I was thinking along the lines of a temporary parting of ways... you know, to be resolved, happy ending and all that stuff :-) But this is slightly worrying... didn't expect this, didn't expect Goten to feel that something was heading their way.

    "There was no other resolution."

    Wondering what he means by this? I'm wondering if Goten has got his grandfather's ability to see into the future, but maybe in a more "sense it" fashion rather than "visualise it."

    "Tien was a catalyst, Goten thought, because he was the one that would make the great powers separate again."

    Hmm, Guess either way, he's going to be some sort of catalyst. Either for Vegeta's rage, or for Goku's deep sense of right and wrong.

    "Not yet. There was a first time for everything. After all, nothing happens until the first time."

    Really liked this. :-)

    "Enough to make his hands shake as he realized it was their duty, his and Trunks, as the sons to keep this fight from being the end. He had never fought his father, never fought him with any intent to destroy him or harm him. Had sparred, and had not even done all that well against him. Hadn’t fared any better against Vegeta."

    Not fully understanding this. Is Goten saying that he feels he may have to fight either his father or Vegeta? Wondering what the hell is shooting way over my head. :-D

    “What are we going to do?” Trunks asked, “We can’t both leave. I won’t let my Mom be left unprotected.”

    Good lad Trunks. I liked this. :-)

    Really loved Goku's reflections on how he loved his family, but how the fight was something that was truly a part of him, of who he was, and what he loved best of all. Found this to be very Goku :-)

    Goku's thoughts on his ultimate love for the fight, has sort of got me wondering where Vegeta fits into all of this... could be interesting to find out. :-)

    Cannot begin to say how much I loathe Tien in this, even more than I do in the show... Looks like he's just too stupid for words:

    re’sre’s your pride?”

    The death knell for Tien. There's no way that Vegeta is going to allow him to live after this. Can't see him raging so much over the fact that Tien thinks being the uke is pride shattering, so much that Tien knows something, which is so deeply personal for Vegeta, and is using it to mock him. I can see Vegeta suddenly realising that his pride needs him to finally put an end to all of this shit once and for all. Am deeply glad that Goku sensed that he needed to back right away from this one. Although, with Goten's fears, I am a little concerned about the catalyst thing. Although, I can't say that I disagree with Vegeta at all.

    "“Nobody can save you now,” Vegeta said."

    Loved this. True Vegeta rage. :-)

    "That life did not last very long. Vegeta rose his hand, cracked a sadistic grin. “Good bye.”"

    Hmm, surprisingly, I felt a momentary pang at seeing a return of the old Vegeta... really a shame that it had to get to this point, but Tien really was leaving them with le cle choice. Can't say he wasn't given enough chances.

    "...Looked at Goku like he did not know who he was-or else, recognized him and didn’t give a damn about who he was."
    “Hey…” he said, put his hands up, “Vegeta? Come on,” he said, “I swear I’ll wash my clothes.”
    "There was a smirk then. Power dropped down. “Good.”"

    Goku beautifully defused a potentially dangerous moment. :-) Hope that it's truly settled, worried that it's not.

    Very good chapter. On to the next. :-)

    "… … Is it ever over that easily?"

    No. That's what's got me worried.

    Loved the end dialogue... especially between Goku and Goten :-)

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  • From ANON - Getarian on April 30, 2004
    Reviewing: Chapter 31

    I like the way the lemon started off... intense, with Vegeta battling with his thoughts over what he should have done, and what he knew that Kakarot would not allow him to do. Loved how Goku sensed that Vegeta needed this intensity and provided what he could without giving the level of pain that Vegeta seemed to want at that point The meshing of emotions of Vegeta's true Saiyan nature, and his calmer nature, which has surfaced since being with Goku, was very interesting, sort of giving me that 'pressure cooker' feel, where sooner or later, something is definitely going to burst if not attended to, and I worry that Vegeta may feel that he's surrendering too much of himself, in order to keep this relationship from ruining.

    "“I like to watch you fight,” was the answer, “Its so…” Instead of searching his mind for an answer, he moved faster into him."

    Mmm, good answer. :-)

    Gods, another well described lemon... so very hot!... and yeah, I could be so overestimating how Vegeta is going to react to all of this, because he seems pretty damn happy at this point. ;-)

    "Thought that if anything was a passion killer, that three-eyed freak definitely qualified."



    LOL! Love this. Bulma from rage to carefree in 0.6 seconds. :-)

    “Oh. And…what happened?” She looked pleasant, patted him. But there was the underlying ‘if you don’t tell me I’ll scream at you until you go deaf, so just spit it out already kid.’

    Okay... pretend carefree... LOL!

    Enjoyed this. Onto more. :-)

    Enjoyed the end dialogue. :-) Thought the lemon was wonderfully described, beginning to think that Vegeta is getting a touch of 'Gokuitis' where sex is concerned. :-)

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  • From ANON - Getarian on April 30, 2004
    Reviewing: Chapter 30

    Really loved the opening scene with Vegeta and Bulma. The emotions were definitely palpable.
    Bulma's tenuous question, was laced with apprehension, and I could feel her need to have Vegeta laugh of her feelings as being silly and emotional. I very much like how Vegeta reacted to her unasked question. That niggling feeling he had earlier, and had tried to shrug off, came back with full force, and his own sense that something was definitely wrong, hitting him square in the gut, was very well done.

    Got goose bumps when he asked where Trunks was.

    Loved how well you expressed his inner thoughts and his deep seated fear, as he flew to where he sensed Goku and his son were. The fact that he felt he was going too slow, I could understand that no speed was ever going to be fast enough for him, and could sympathise with his frustration, Totally understood his fear over what he would face when he finally got to where his son was. This whole scene was very well done.
    as vas very glad that Trunks was still able to be saved, I had my fears that he would be dead.

    Love that Goku initially stepped aside and didn't try to interfere with Vegeta in this fi Ti Tien going after Vegeta was one thing, but going after his son, was beyond repnsibnsible, and personally, I think that Vegeta should have killed him. This is one time, when I disagreed with Goku stepping in at the last minute to hold Vegeta back.

    "Saw Tien smiling as he did this. Saw that he felt he was perfectly justified. Saw that there was corruption t tha that could not be fixed."

    This should have told Goku, that sometimes, you can't always save people.

    I must admit though, I really loved the way he was arguing with himself over allowing Vegeta to take Tien out. You presented the inner Goku trying to reason with his Saiyan nature, very well.

    "Found himself watching this and wanting it. Wanting Vegeta. Thought that was only slightly odd."

    *chuckle* Not even slightly odd Goku... perfectly natural. ;-)

    Didn't expect Vegeta to accept being pulled away quite so easily. I'm confused as to why Goku felt the need to feed Tien some of his ki. Can't help but wonder if Vegeta is going to reflect on this and feel that maybe Goku is monitoring him a little too closely, first he was prevented from getting rid of the menace who would have happily killed his son, had Goku not turned up in time, and then, by feeding Tien some ki, he reduced the pain that Vegeta's beating would have provided. I'm wondering ifs wos would eventually have an impact on their relationship.

    Ah, obviously not... Vegeta seems to be fine with the way things went. Personally I wouldn't trust Tien as far as I could throw him.

    Good chapter. :-) Onto the next...

    "Trunks: I’m glad they were onceoncerned for me"

    LOL! Cracked up at this. :-D Wondering when Vegeta is going to tell poor ol' Bulma that Trunks is fine.

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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on April 30, 2004
    this was a really excellent chapter...

    Accepted him. --*sobs* this is such a beautfiul couple...*wipes tears* makes me so happy when Goku does stuff like that, but I knew he would accept him...

    *bangs head on keyboard* Gosh I can not even begin to describe how much I loved this chapter. and the lemon...All oe the thoughts Vegeta had...his thoughts on Goku. Especially the part where he said Kakarott fights but not to kill and hated death but Vegeta had handed death out like candy..I mean that was f*cking poetry. I loved it soooo much. Brilliantly written.

    and then the fool had thought he could defeat the Prince. --rofl, I Can't believe Tien actually thought he could defeat Vegeta. I was laughing very hard at the thought of this...and just remember how cocky Tien was when he was egging on the fight with Vegeta..hehe..pathetic...

    I am very glad Goku doesn't feel bad for what happened to Tien...very glad. Because Tien was a total and utter idiot who deserves to dies over and over everday in hell. And I am just glad he let Vegeta, be who he is...let him defend his pride...let him show Tien what the real meaning of pride was/is...too bad someone had to die for the definition to be realeased...but not too bad that it was Tien who died b/c he truly deserved it. He didn't even try to coexist with them...just kept pushing Vegeta's buttons...

    Or maybe they could just take the clothes over to Bulma’s and use her washer and that way he wouldn’t have to do anything but play the idiot and ask someone to help him get them started.--LMAO, ok..Goku is very bad...using his idiot-ness to fool ppl. I knew that guy was secretly intelligent.

    Yes! He had once again successfully avoided having to do his own laundry. Smiled gleeful--*smiles* that is so cute...

    Stink did have its advantages.--lol yes it does...only if that were to happen to me I am sure my b/f would head for the hills...

    so you wrote this ficcy last, eh? Well I thought it was superbly written.

    *reads end notes and digs hole, buries self and dies* That was TOO funny...I will never EVER forget those end notes...yamcha and the self esteem tapes...oh gosh the whole thing was hilarious though...

    I like it when he gets all dominant sometimes. --so do I

    OMG, I can not believe you would write 50 pages a night...
    I took creative writing classes in high school and the most we would have to write was 30 pages a week ma many times I barely did that. Oh yeah I definately would have envied you.
    Well I still do...

    I have a short attention span myself, very short. I don't think you would like to watch a movie with me either..I get very in I pick it apart...combine that with a short attentioan aan and you have a very annoying person on your hands...hehe

    oh, I don't think you were bragging at all...^.^

    *Meanwhile, Trunks and Gina plot ways to get even with Mechanical Butterfly for insinuating anything about their mates. *--*gasp* Don't even think about trying to get even with me...or else I will get my Doppelganger Goku!!!!! I mean it I will! *smiles and waves at Goten and Vegeta* Yes...a 'good bad' way can be very good, but oh so bad..and we all know how good, bad good things are...*is confused* Well you get the general idea...

    Anyway I loved this chapter ght ght that the description from Vegeta's pov was just beautiful...and hilarious that Goku once again doesnt have to do laundry.


    Hey 4000 hits! that is great that is AWESOME!!!!!! ^.^

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  • From ANON - jaygoose on April 30, 2004
    Wow...took me long enought to review didn't it. I am actually taking a break from writing my final paper so I could get it in before tomorrow.

    You know I love that a movie. "Interview With a Vampire!" Dammit, I should have known that! Louis was great wasn't he. "Q of of the Damned" was such a dissapointment...but we are getting off subject.

    I am glad that you did Goku's POV after this fiasco...I was worried about the poor guy. He is very sensitive you know. I am glad that he is taking things well...obviously. And I am also glad that he found a way not to do his laundry. :)

    *pouts and looks generally sad* This damned paper is taking up all of my writing time. I still haven't finished my chappies yet! Dammit. I will try to get them u tom tomorrow EVENING anyway. I hope.
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  • From ANON - macha on April 29, 2004
    I was very happy to read that Goku had no regrets about what Vegeta had done, and still had none the morning after.

    I still think that Goku needs to do Goku's laundry. I liked his thought process about abusing the machinery, and seeino woo would intervien to stop him from breaking it, LOL.

    Oh, and because I didn't say it in the lastiew iew I will now, I was VERY impressed with Vegeta's definition of Pride. (I got side tracked when they took my ice cream)

    And I did read your little author's paragraph right before Goku and Vegeta did their dialog at the end of a chapter. I am sorry to say I don't know all of those stories. I am on the computer a couple of hours just trying to keep up on the ones that I am current with. I will have to catch up on those during the weekend or something.
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  • From on April 29, 2004
    So beautiful....^_^ I'm looking forward to the baby being born... do you think u'll be making a Pan/Bra side plot next to it if the story gose on that long? lmao. Btw i saw you updated this last, i kept tabs,lol. Anywho can't wait till the next update, ja ne!
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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on April 29, 2004
    He knew the difference between pride and arrogance. --Love that. B/c that is where ppl make their mie. Te. Taking Vegeta's pride for arrogance...^.^ You are so..*thumbs up* you rock!

    Let their worthless lives float away on the wind because only the planet itself could really mourn the loss of something so fundamentally stupid.--O.o oh wow that was funny but also true...

    Hell, he should have handed out cards with pre-printed insults. --rofl...wouldn't thavehave been lovely. Maybe it would have saved time or brought on the fight a little faster.

    My fist in your face, my foot burie you your broken chest, the dust of your body as it floats away—useless, the same way you were in life. That’s my fucking pride.--*is slightly scared* I would definately say you have the Vegeta mindset.

    Pride was knowing that there was some purpose in your existence.--Oh gosh, that line and the paragraph before it was wonderful. I was so pleased with Vegeta's meaning of pride.Really, it was said exactly how I think it should have been said. That was so awesome.

    “Uh…” Goten turned red, turned around so his back was to them. “Just…uh…making sure you two weren’t fighting.”--ROFL!!! I feel so bad for him his timing is ALWAYS horrible. Although I don't feel too bad b/c I would love to walk in on that! And they are definately not fighting...hehe...

    “Alright,” Goten said. Didn’t turn around again, but managed to get up into the air (after a few stumbles)--ROFL!!! poor kid has been traumatized!

    Held out one of his hands—the universal ‘hand me the lube now, please’—Lmao, I didn't know there was a universal sign for that.

    You ARE trying to kill me!!! With these lemons! And I noticed a lemon theme...well I haven't read MLS yet, but in the other fics Vegeta was on top including this one. It's like Vegeta's dominant theme going on...^.^ I will soon see if the them is carried out in the other fic...that is if there is a lemon in it.

    (And although I hardly believe anyone will believe this: I wrote this in twenty minutes. The whole chapter! WOW!))--you're right I don't believe it and I am highly envious! How do you do it?! It is a mystery to me. I couldn't write a chapter in 2 hours if someone paid me...well maybe if someone paid me... But I am amazed...

    End notes were hilarious...

    O_O I swear I will NEVER touch a dragonball...I don't want those twins after me in a bad way...that would be very unfun.'s a good 'bad' way...*smirks*


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  • From ANON - chibi_no_oujo on April 28, 2004
    *cackles at the endnotes before turning all reviewy serious*!...a second review!...all in one day!...i'm bing productive...hee! off...the three-eyed freek died in far too little pain...i think you should wish him back so that Vegeta can tear him apart again...and what's this impending fightness? aren't going to make something disasterous happen to our saiyajin are you?...huh?...huh?...' would be mean...

    oh yeah!...just thought you should know that i'm blaming's your fault...i'm writing again and it's _your_ fault...*chibi's muse idly wonders why this is a _bad_ thing*

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  • From ANON - Sarkywoman on April 28, 2004
    Right, just read all of it so far and I think I'm putting it on my recs.
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  • From ANON - jaygoose on April 28, 2004
    WHAAAAAAAAAAA! I can't figure out what movie that came from. I know the line but I don't remember the movie. *sigh* Ahhh well. I loved Vegeta's little rant at the beginning of the chappie. It was superb. My favorite bits...lets see...

    Pride was knowing what you were. Pride was knowing what you came from. Pride was never giving up when you got knocked down. Pride was crawling back into your space ship when it took four freaking morons to defyou you and cackling as you realized that yould uld be back—would they? Pride was living after everyone else died. Pride was saving this world that you would have destroyed because it was the home your child was born on. Pride was standing with the rest of the fucking morons you would have killed years ago and proving that while THEY died, so had you, and YOU refused to give up the fight. ---This was an amazing paragraph. I think that this gives wonderful incite into the Prince and who he really is. I loved it as I loved the whole rant.

    A lover that was more powerful than any enemy they had faced. An equal that had proved himself. Someone he could not destroy, did not want to destroy, and someone who was part of him because he was the only other one that could understand. Dropped on his head or not, the Saiyan was still inside Kakarot, and it would come out and play when it was needed.

    Nothing was lost. -----that was soo beautiful. I think I'm gonna cry. *Sighs* You leave me with some much to live up to in my ficcy. Thanks for the challenge. :)

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  • From on April 28, 2004
    Nice, and you wrote it in that short amount of time? Youre a godess,lol. Poor Goten must be embaresed, hehe, and i liked the way you potrayed what pride means to Vegeta i thought it was perfect meaning. Can't wait till the next chapter, Ja ne!
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