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Reviews for Group Therapy

By : CardDragonBall
  • From ANON - jaygoose on May 05, 2004
    Awww...preciousness...Trunks is a mommy! Hurray!

    Hmm...what can't Goten do...I don't think that he would make much of a social worker. Goten and social don't quite mess well...Could you imagine how many people the boy could adversely affect.
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  • From ANON - angry monkey on May 05, 2004
    so far (as I know), Goten can't dance, play ping pong, beat me at tetris, do the washing up, be a gardener, be non- flamable, play someones brains like bagpipes, be a maid, do nanotechnology (and send the nanobots to eat......stuff), play the fiddle, tap dance, be a farmer (its bloody hard), make dragonballs(Dende can, and he's a midget), shout clothes into existence (Piccolo can- that is so cool), be a taylor, make cocktails, work at hooters, shapeshift, deep fry pig intestines and eat them as a snack, get me a chocolate bar, bake, build a spaceship, build a house of cards, outstrip Goku's lidibo, find the weapons of mass destruction, produce deadly toxic farts, produce an outfit uglier than Frieza, make his voice sound as old ladyish as Frieza, eat ak, mk, make brain smoothies (I saw that on spanish TV once), be a brain surgeon, get his ass stuck in a bucket, get his tongue stuck to a hurricane lamp (my brother did), uncap bottles with his teeth (I can- never can find the bottle cap thingie), make self baking/microwaving foods, comb Vegeta's (big(little) one) hair into a ponytail, produce a chemical to alter taste buds so that everything tastes like pork and summon local monkeys to brutalise Pan. There's probably other stuff, but here a start
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  • From ANON - Webtester01 on May 05, 2004
    In response to your poll on 'What can't Goten do?'

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  • From ANON - Ginia on May 05, 2004
    Give Birth - no one is stupid enough to let him take the formula. He is also a poor choice as a psycologist. Not open to feelings enough to help someone else with their own emotional troubles.
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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on May 05, 2004
    How!?!?! Tell me how you do it!!!!! How do you write such incredible lemons? I dont think I could understand if you did tell me! You are amazing *bows*

    Damn Kakarot straight to hell. --LoL, that was such a freaking amazing lemon!

    as his poor older brother walked into the room at nearly the exact same moment their father pushed up his power level, made the house shake and his mother scream out “Kakarot!” --rofl, I feel so badly for him. And I can't believe it Vegeta screamed Kakarott!! YEAH!!!! But now it seems as though many children in the household have been traumatized.

    “That explains so many things about you two,” Gohan said.--Lmao...hehe really...

    So his hand was still outreached, grasping for the pen that was no longer there. Instead, there was Trunks who looked highly perplexed indeed.--hehe, I love how these siblings operate.

    “I hate you sometimes. Gina was too fat and he thinks he’s not fat enough. Asshole.”--rofl, that is so mean he called Gina too fat!!!! hehe, Goten does seem to have everything going for him.

    “What the fuck is that?” Trunks demanded when a rotating silver disc appeared in the air.--lmao!!!! I loved that!!! Goten is so cool. I do hope everything is ok though, or maybe I am reading too much into it I dunno.

    “You know,” his twin informed him with a pat on the back, “I’m not so jealous now.”--LoL, I loved that!

    Besides, didn’t he say in APAM that he made the shirt himself? --I totally forgot about that!

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  • From ANON - macha on May 04, 2004
    Thank you for filling my lemon order with the first part of the chapter. Can't get enough of those two. I can honestly say, that Ildnldn't have the same issues as Gohan seems to be having. Of course one of them isn't my dad. I think that I would have a totally different issue, like having two sayians shooting ki balls at the very annoying interloper. (I am fairly certain they could shoot ki blasts and still have sex.)

    Presta seems to be so jaded, calling Gohan a baby.

    Ah yes, the wrs ors of DBZ science. I could really use the technology to send a message back to myself, on a regular basis.

    I am glad that you are struggling with calling the new baby Bulma, or at least the first name. It just seems wrong for some reason. Can't think of anything creative to help you out though.

    I think I am rather relieved that I couldn't get the steak. I have this funny feeling that Vegeta would have probably retreaved it back from my in some uncomfortable manner, i.e. punch to gut or arm down throat. Niether experence is on my 'to do' list.

    Do you have invitations to all the great sayian gatherings? Could you help me get tickets to the next orgy?
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  • From ANON - pam on May 04, 2004
    i think you should play out trunks birth
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  • From ANON - jaygoose on May 04, 2004
    Interesting...we get a crash course in reproduction in this chapter. Goku and Geta banging in the beginning and Trunks going into labor at the end. All and all a very exciting chapter. I don't know about naming the kid after Bulma either. I have a hard time with baby names too. It took me forever to come up with some of mine. One of them was right there for the taking though. I know...I wasn't much help...Sorry...
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  • From ANON - Webtester01 on May 04, 2004
    I just loved this chapter.

    Goten is such sneaky bastard... Time traveling message disc and all.

    Also I thought of tthe Mother of all pranks that could be pulled on Goten and still get away with it.

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  • From ANON - Getarian on May 04, 2004
    Another incredible lemon! I don't know how you do it... so many lemons and they never get dull or repetitive... always so fresh, and so very, very good. :-)

    Loved this:
    "Rewarded his mate’s prowess by arching his back again, panting and managing to get his name shouted fairly loud."

    Not only was it very hot... but everyone's reaction to hearing this was hilarious. Loved Gohan's reaction, that was the best. Presta and Pan's reaction was great too. Totally loved this:

    "“That explains so many things about you two,” Gohan said."

    LOL! Oh, he's so gotta stay long enough to hear his father shouting out Vegeta's name. :-D

    Poor Gina... I think she's learned her lesson. :-D

    Really liked that whole scene with 'Geta and Gohan, the way they conversed, the way that 'Geta broke off at Gohan's question about Trunks' pregnancy to shout out to Presta, asking her how long she had been here, the way that she mumbled as she worked things out, and then shouted back an answer, and 'Geta and Gohan's conversation carried on from that point... it was so very well done, well written, it flowed and had a very realistic tone to it. Yeah, loved it :-)

    Ah, so now we find out about how Saima died... and Radditz too... feel very sad :-(

    "Vegeta punched him in the shoulder. “I hate you sometimes. Gina was too fat and he thinks he’s not fat enough. Asshole.”"

    LOL! Loved this!

    Okay, a bit worried about the disc appearing... I take it that originally something bad happened? I hope that Goten can prevent it, now that he knows whatever it is... gotta love that sharp mind of his. :-)

    “I’m a little busy HAVING A BABY RIGHT NOW!”
    “You know,” his twin informed him with a pat on the back, “I’m not so jealous now.”

    LOL! Loved this.

    An enjoyable chapter. Looking forward to the next. :-)

    Yeah, I like the idea of Bulma being her middle name. No-one should saddle their kid with that name. :-D

    Loved the end dialogue... poor Gohan :-D

    "Oh? What sort of prank would you pull on Goku?"

    Have you ever posted something and then wish you hadn't? It was just something that popped up in my head, and it would have affected both Goku and Vegeta, and because I was still laughing when I was typing... out it came... but now I'm not so sure it's that funny. I can't leave you wondering though, so I'll tell you when I e-mail.

    "(Fell off my chair giggling about Goku and Pink-haired Vegeta. What would he do? *ponderHm… Hm… Hm… )"

    LOL! Oh yeah, I've just gotta know :-)

    "Ah, no, that is a sign that Trunks is going to be unpregnant soon. Contented during the pregnancy, bitchy dg thg the delivery."

    Ahh! LOL! Looking forward to the delivery then... could be fun... hopefully... still worried about that disc thing.

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  • From ANON - Getarian on May 04, 2004
    (ckleckle*) You write 'annoying kids' very well. :-) It was very easy to picture the scene between Presta and Pan, and I simply loved Goten's frustration at not knowing how to handle the 'Earh style' brat, that is his Presta. Loved that he used one of his dad's tactics to shut them up. Can picture Goku banging the twins heads together, very easily. :-D

    Really liking the way that Gohan and Goten are beginning to ease into a respectable friendship, and amazingly, I think that they 'fit' better than Gohan and 'Geta. I say amazingly because, without giving it any thought, I would have said that Gohan would feel more at ease with 'Geta, but now that I've seen him with Goten, and bac back and thought about it, yeah, although Gohan would probably always keep a wary eye out where Goten is concerned ('cause of his impish sense of humour) I think that he would feel more relaxed around Goten. More than likely because 'Geta has a more lethal personality... not that Goten's a pussycat by any means. ;-)

    Really like the scene where Gohan and Goten were talking about the 'stud awards' and how easily they were discussing the fact that Goku got Vegeta pregnant... twice, liked the sense of awe that Gohan exhibited over this fact, and loved the way that Goten pondered on the different ways that he and Gohan view the Prince. I sometimes forget that before Vegeta drank the hormone treatment, that yeah, all he was interested in was fighting and besting Goku. :-)

    "...And Goten knew his mother as the Prince, his Mom and the man who tried (and failed) to tame his father’s libido."

    LOL! I don't think anything could tame that libido... find myself wondering, how the sex scenes were, when Vegeta had pink hair... I've gotta know, did Goku manage to keep a straight face? :-D

    Ah, Goten was sweet to give Gohan a remedy for his prank induced baldness, and the 'loser' dye. Yeah, that wouldn't have gone down well at work. :-D

    "...and partly because he had never been pranked by his son and rather liked this prestigious honor that he shared only with Vegeta (his son.)"

    LOL! Smug bastard. :-D I can just visualise a couple of perfect pranks for Goku (and Vegeta, as it would turn out) but I'm not sure if Goten's life would be worth living afterwards. :-)

    "Eventually, Bardock decided to go find the oldest twin and hang out with him because he was the only one in the house that wasn’t a jerk."

    (*chuckle*) Poor Bardock, didn't get any sympathy from his parents. :-)

    "So, what was wrong with this picture?"

    Love this and the following scene. Loved how Vegeta knew exactly what was on Goku's mind, and deliberately slowed down his eating, just to be 'evil' to his horny mate. :-D

    "And his happy little dream world where he had Vegeta all prone and panting was interrupted by angry footsteps,..."

    Ooh, love Goku's happy little dreamworld... damn those angry footsteps. :-)


    (*Chuckle*) So, is this a sign that the 'contented pregnant mate' is out the door? :-D

    Really love any scene with Goku and Vegeta. Love this:

    "“If you try and grab me I’ll kick your ass.” Then he started up the stairs toward their room."

    LOL! Really love how Vegeta puts his foot down, but has no intention of putting it down to the poiherehere he doesn't get any nookie. :-)

    "Presta considered this. “Pregnant Saiyan? Run.” Then she did, turned and ran for her life, screamed at the top of her lugns and heard Pan right next to her."

    ROTFL! Loved this! Love that Presta knew that she had no hope of outrunning Trunks, but gave it a go anyway. :-D

    So, the two girls have house cleaning duty? That could be interesting... :-)

    Really enjoyed this chapter. Looking forward to the next.

    Liked the end dialogue. :-)

    "I think at this point I’m more worried about Goten (being mature and thoughtful) than I am about Trunks..."

    LOL! Am wondering if this will change once Trunks is no longer pregnant? Still, I kinda like the more mature Goten... providing he allows his impish nature to show from time to time. ;-)

    "Ah, I think Presta and Pan might end up being…*shudders * Friends."

    Gods... well hopefully your Pan will be much more likeable than the GT version... and yeah, it would be good for Presta to have a friend... help her settle into this new life. :-)

    "LMAO. Oh, goodness. I could see myself messing up that camouflage andringring the rock-costume in the grocery store."

    ROTFL! Yeah, that'll blend. :-D

    Yeah, I'm kinda liking Gohan in this fic, and he was okay in the 'More of us' universe if I remember correctly. I still laugh when I remember the scene when he comes to CC and asks "Where's breakfast?" and Vegeta says, "At your house." LOL!

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  • From ANON - macha on May 03, 2004


    I know up here in Oregon we have things like the Azalia Festival in Florence, and the Pear Blosom ide ide edfoedford, but nothing compairs to a LEMONFEST. Alas, it's not warm enough up here to grow lemons, so I am very happy to read about them.

    Want to start a paraide? Oh wait, I think you already have! Thank you!

    Ah, Presta is a smart girl, running from a pregnant sayian (that nothing else has seemed to of bothered so far), isn't she. Of course it would have been smarter not to do anything to have pissed Trunks off though. I thought that Trunks handled the situation quiet well.

    STEAK, muahahahaha, I'll steel it. *notices that it can't be removed from the fic.* I should have known that wouldn't work.

    That was really nice of Goten to let Gohan of the hook so easily.
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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on May 03, 2004
    Ah..another great chappie.

    Nobody got hurt—except Gohan’s hair, and his hair was stupid anyway. --Yeah it was, wasn't it. Aww but your Gohan really isn't that bad in this The Meaning of Pride...I hate that Gohan. But this one is very likeable.

    (Because fixing broken bones and houses he could do, but dealing with her every little problem was starting to drive him INSANE.)--aww, now he is getting a taste of every aspect of parenthood, how wonderful is that.

    Pan copying Presta was so funny and very cute. I remember the days when I used to do that to people or when people did that to annoying.

    In fact, he even managed to mention that his son was not Spoon nor Kettle but Analu.--Ah, that is very good to know, hehe..and videl is pregnant again! This fic is exploding with kids!

    (Like the Orgasmic Bunny; I Just Keep Coming and Coming…) --*falls over* lmao!!!!! that is just sick...the place where he gets these shirts should be making a profit off of Goten alone. ^.^

    Naw,” he countered, “Dad does. He got a man pregnant twice.”--Yep and considering that is was Vegeta like Gohan said he deserves lots and lots of awards..lemon awards...^.~

    I loved the explanation of the different types of Vegeta Goten and Gohan know. Even though Gohan knew the crueler Vegeta..the one that tried to murder his father at one point I am very glad he isn't being an ass or stuck up about it. But he seems very mild mannered.

    “Maybe I just want you to say it out loud. What am I thinking about?”--^.^ oh very coy, I like that question.

    “I’VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU TWO!” Then he slammed the door and disappeared outside where there were screaming little girls heard. --o_o Trunks!!! I can't believe he just yelled!

    Woo!!! Go Trunks dishing out punishment!!!! I'm so proud.


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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on May 03, 2004
    Hilarious chapter,

    “Gee, nobody has managed to pull a prank on Goten yet.” --you know I never even thought about that, and now I really want to see if they can pull it off. ^.^ I have a feeling they might not...bu ya never know.

    Hoped that his brother’s revenge on them would be reversible.--LoL, me too. hehe messing with Goten spells trouble if ya ask me.

    “Why is everyone STARING AT ME?!” Presta demanded--lmao, poor child...hehe. That was good.

    (Her forehead read “Champion Kicker”)--rofl..oh gods I was nearly dead when I got to this line. These poor multi-cod kid kids.

    “Thanks, Goten. How long before it washes off.” Pointed at his own forehead (Loser.) “And my hair grows back?” He was also bald. --lmao...I loved that he said thanks. oh gosh finding it hard to breathe ...hehe

    Goten laughed. “Just wait until she goes Super Saiyan. Should be like neon lights.”--lol, very intresting. It would be fun to see them at night then...and scary at the same time.

    “So,” Kakaraid—aid—having finally given up on getting Vegeta to move and IT’ed past him into the kitchen—“Who’s making breakfast?”--lmao!!!!!!! Gosh, this chapter was too hilarious why did he have to it past Vegeta...!?!?! Funny! And always worried about food isn't he?

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  • From Lenora on May 03, 2004
    I'll review here then review later because i wanted to put my opinion down.
    GT: No, it’s not a Banana in my Pocket
    MT: Been there, fucked that.
    MT: Guaranteed Orgasm

    those three are my favorite. *hugs the twins back* yeah it was counterproductive wasn't it? heehee. can't wait to read the rest. :)
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