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Reviews for Group Therapy

By : CardDragonBall
  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on April 15, 2004
    Very Funny...

    Thought that if he didn’t get to the sex for this he was just going to stop being a nice fellow and have sex anyway. (But he knew as well as Vegeta that this was going to work.) --I thought that would work to, Vegeta can't hold out that long, especially when all the good stuff is happeneing to him...

    attacked him and kissed him, used his hands to tear at the pants and knocked him right back onto the floor.---aww I love that

    “Mine,” he whispered--hehe and you know I always love to hear that.

    Licked the claim mark, thought that Vegeta was all his. Absolutely just his and his alone and it was about time that he set about reing ing everyone of this fact. (Especially his mate who thought he could just go about and take away sex.)--@_@ What is Goku planning? One can only wonder...

    “I swear that if you so much as think about touching me again for at least FOUR solid hours I will get a butcher knife and CUT IT OFF.” --LoL that is so mean!!!!!! He can't cut that off!!!!

    AND HIS BROTHER KISSED HER!---ROFL! That would really upset me! Eh, but since it's Goten it isn't all that bad.

    “Yeah, you’re only saying that because Goten did.” She stood up, rubbed her round tummy and smiled AT HIS BROTHER.--LoL Poor Vegeta. I loved how she smiled at Goten...

    And he remembered fondly back when he thought he too could control when his child would be born. Those were the days. Cute naïve days.--ROFL!!! that is so very true...hehe and it's pretty funy to here Vegeta think this...since he is a man...ahhhh but I love it so much!

    OMG!!! What an evil evil cliffy!!!!!
    You hurry back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Getarian on April 12, 2004
    Loved Goku's thoughts at the start. I love how he sounded so put out by the fact that Vegeta had even voiced the threat that he was going to put a stop to the sex :-)

    Loved this:

    "(Thanks to his oldest twin son saying: “Still trying to think of ways to suck up to Mom?”) he could just ‘suck up’ to Vegeta and everything would just peachy!"

    LOL! People are really going to have to watch what they say when speaking to Goku :-D

    Loved the lemon! ly ely enjoyed Goku's manipulation of Vegeta, the sexy Prince is highly responsive to Goku's touch and that crafty bugger knows it :-)

    Loved this:
    "Vegeta pulled back and gl at at him. “I hate you,” he hissed."

    LOL! I could feel Vegeta's annoyance at himself for his lack of control where his mate is concerned, and acknowledging how easily Goku melted his resolve to never let him touch him again (or at least until he was over his anger), is what makes this line snny.nny...definitely no hate there :-D

    Yup! Beautiful lemon :-)

    Really enjoyed the scene between Trunks and Goten. I loved the way you had them carrying on a conversation, whilst we were also getting a peek into Trunks' thoughts. Loved the way he kept calling Goten an asshole :-D

    Poor 'Geta. There's no way he's going to be able to make sense out of Gina's mood swings :-D

    Loved this:
    "(Wondered why it was that his brother got to be the comforting one and he had to be the asshole for the whole damn pregnancy. Hoped like hell that Trunks gave Goten so much shit while he was pregnant.)"

    LOL! Me too! :-D

    Aw, loved the scene with Vegeta and Gina :-)

    Also loved this:
    "Vegeta set Bardock on the table, “Stay there or I’ll have Goten deal with you,” he said."

    Cunning! I never thought of this, but very clever of Vegeta to reason that if he can't know Goten's secret, he'll just use the threat of getting Goten to deal with Bardock...whatever works. :-D

    "“I’m not having this baby without Vegeta.” And he remembered fondly back when he thought he too could control when his child would be born. Those were the days. Cute naïve days."

    LOL! Loved this.

    Really enjoyed this chapter :-)

    Looking forward to your return. I miss those updates :-)

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  • From ANON - jaygoose on April 10, 2004
    So you ARE trying to kill me. *sigh*
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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on April 10, 2004
    I loved this chapter! ^.^

    “Except you,” he said to the little clueless one, “No sex for you.”--rofl, well I should hope the little one would not have sex. *shakes head at Goku* He is crazy...

    “Or,” Trunks said between bites of food, “Goku fucked him into a complete blackout and now has to wait for him to wake up before he can do it again.”--hm...he seems like he can relate to this.

    “I was starting to wonder if he was really Saiyan,” Goku said--Goku was wondering if he was that must have been bad.

    Gina turned to look at her mate. “Uhhh… Did they just go to have sex in public places?”--rofl!!!! I can't believe that thre are actually going to go to a store and have sex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    There were a few very, very high-pitched screams and it sounded suspiciously like some people were fainting.--hehe, that is so funny!

    “No, sirs,” that sounded like someone was attempting to talk to them.--rofl! If I worked there I wouldn't be trying to stop them I would be egging them on. Besides I would never attempt to try and stop Goku o_O he is very possessive and can be quite scary

    , th, that was put to a quick end when Kakarot exploded into Super Saiyan. “MINE!” he growled.--hehe this is exactly what I mean. Although that is very sexy! I love it!

    It was on the news. Shots of two supermarkets and their destroyed aisles.--*laughs* I can't believe it was on the news that fast. Those poor idiots that were fainting, they must be traumatized for having to see to absolutely sexy saiyajins engaging in sex! yeah, as if...I would be taking pictures!

    (Unless you counted the fact that Mom had forbidden their father to ever touch him again and kicked him in the gut for even thinking about having sex in store much less actually doing it.)--ROFL!!!!! Poor Goku...I know he will get sex...Vegeta can resist him that long...

    The end notes were hilarious!

    I don’t want everyone to forget about me! *sobs *--No way we could never forget about you!

    Plus, I won’t be near a computer or have time to write while I be gone. *sobs even louder *--@_@ oh no! That is horrible. I feel so badly for you. *hands you a laptop* There you go. ^.~
    I do hope that you have fun on your trip and I am glad you are posting tomorrow..that is really, really nice of you.
    Well I will miss you why you are gone...aff won't be the same...WHAT WILL WE DO!?!?!?!?!? No one prepared me fro such a moment!!!! *counts to ten* Ok..ok...I will get through this...
    Well have fun on your trip!
    Can't wait until ya get back!
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  • From ANON - Getarian on April 09, 2004
    Loved this chapter!

    “Oh I thought you guys were dead,”
    "“If only,” Trunks said."
    “Oh, waaa-waaa,” Vegeta (his twin) said, “Everyone here feels so fucking sorry for you.”

    LOL! Do I detect a note of jealousy in our poor deprived 'Geta?

    Totally loved Goku's response to this! Loved how he pointed to the, one year old Bardock and told him “No sex for you.”

    “Or,” Trunks said between bites of food, “Goku fucked him into a complete blackout and now has to wait for him to wake up before he can do it again.”

    LOL! Totally loved this! Finally, Trunks shows his teeth :-) I like the fact that he and Vegeta (mummy) have something in common...not that he did Vegeta (or himself) any favours:

    "Goten grinned. “Well, damn, I bet I could convince him to have sex in the supermarket now.”"
    “No way! I’ve been trying to get ‘Geta to do that for years!”

    ...And the race is on. Poor Vegeta, no one felt sorry for him, but he was so oblivious to all of this, just trying to catch up on some sleep, and he wakes up in the middle of the canned vegetable aisle being molested by his mate...yes! :-D

    "“No, sirs,” that sounded like someone was attempting to talk to them."

    Completely hilarious, loved this! :-D

    "Well, that was put to a quick end when Kakarot exploded into Super Saiyan. “MINE!”"

    ROTFL! Always love Goku's possessiveness...but this was a crack-up, loved the way that he instantly thought that the grocery mer (er (or whoever) wanted to steal Vegeta from him. :-D

    "“Mine,” Goku repeated."

    "Oh. He was so going to kill his mate. And whoever came up with this idiot idea of having sex in the middle of the canned goods aisle."

    Loved Vegeta's reaction. :-D

    "Smirked. Heard the insane little word again, and was pulled up tight against Kakarot’s body as they pulsed and shivered against one another."

    Good stuff! :-)

    "...which was the exact same shade of lavender as his hair which made him wonder where the hell he got purple hair from anyway."

    Me too! Genetically speaking, his hair should be black, as should his eyes, considering the fact that Saiyans would not carry the recessive gene. Cartoons... *shrugs*

    “Please tell me that this will not become a habit.”
    “I thought you didn’t want me to lie.”

    LOL! Poor Trunks. At least Goku had the decency to allow Vegeta a rest during the first couple of days, before he started his 'sex every 2hrs' marathon...ahh, the good ol' days :-D

    "(Unless you counted the fact that Mom had forbidden their father to ever touch him again and kicked him in the gut for even thinking about having in in store much less actually doing it.)"

    LOL! And this makes it, how many times, that Vegeta has said 'never again'? :-D

    Really enjoyed this chapter and looking forward to the next :-)

    Enjoyed the end dialogue :-)

    "Beee Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwy Quiiiiiiiiiiiiiiet, He’s huuuuunnnnntinnnnng Trunks."

    "Hee… *sits back in chair and thinks away…*"

    Yeah! More possessive Goku, more G/V sex. Bring it on!

    "And it was fun to sit there and wait for them. *I’m very weird. *"

    LOL! Nah, perfectly normal I'm afraid :-D

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  • From ANON - jaygoose on April 09, 2004
    Insane sex crazied Goku never ceases to be fucking hilarious. The Supermarket of all places...*Sigh* They actually competed to see who could have sex in a grocery store. I don't why I am so surprised. It funny how Vegeta was so mad but still able to preform or just stay there and take...which ever you perfer to believe. He He. I kinda figured the younger ones would cause the most destruction. Goku and Vegeta are seasoned veterans at fucking in public.

    I'm always the first to review. Wow? I guess it's because I always have to get up so early in the morning for class. I check my email everyday in hopes that class is cancelled and since I'm already on the computer...
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  • From ANON - Webtester01 on April 09, 2004
    Great new chapter. The following is my favorite: ...had to wonder if Goten had some sort of special training that allowed him to go days without sleep or food
    just so as long as he could have sex.

    “I want food,” he said, putting a pause on the whole sex thing by clamping down on Goten’s hardness inside of him—discovered that made his mate
    stop immediately, also made him give him a look like that was such an astounding ability. He nodded and repeated himself: “I want food.”

    “Right,” Goten said, grinned like a lecher, “But first…” his eyes flickered blue and his hair stood straight up as he said this,
    and Trunks panted helplessly as he was stretched, “I want sex.” ROFL

    Keep up the exccelent updates!
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  • From ANON - Majin Bulma on April 09, 2004

    WOW. i just love ur work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^___________________________^ u are now on the top list of my favorite authors >=) mwhahahahahha O_O -admires Trunks' hot ass' x.x heheheheh



    Majin Bulma ~
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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on April 09, 2004
    Another wonderflu chap...

    Vegeta (mother of three rather troublesome children) entered the kitchen the next morning to find his youngest son sleeping next to the sparkling white wall.---aww so Bardock decided to cleam it before his parents woke up. That's so sweet. I loved how Vegeta smiled at him.

    thought that when they couldn’t make noise or trouble they were still pretty cutaww aww another adorable moment from mommy Vegeta, I love that!

    that was his overly-horny mate speaking, standing in the doorway giving Bulma that glaring look that he almost always gave her anymore as if to ask why the hell she thought she was allowed anywhere near his mate.--YAY!!! Goku! I love when he is possessive, it's suits him well I think.

    He stepped out of the doorway and moved closer to Vegeta, still with the glare at Bulma.--hehe I luv that...*sighs*

    “Get a room.” He got off the lawn chair, yawned, stretched and disappeared as well.--rofl! poor Geta having to witness that...although I wouldn't mind one bit!

    You're leaving for 5 days *gasp* what will I do!?!?!?!??!!?

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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on April 09, 2004
    Lovely chap!

    If they had stripped him naked, spread-eagled him and put up a sign inviting tour to to come and gawk he was fairly certain he would have been more comfortable.--LoL aww. That would be a funny yet strange sight.

    When the woman did finally show herself, she was wearing some sort of pale-blue body suit--What!?! LoL

    “Okay,” she said through the little metal plate over her mouth,--ROFL!!!!!!!!! Has she lost her mind? Is it really that serious?!?!?

    ansannsanely possessive dementia--ROFL!

    Bardock ran to the door to make sure he was gone and then turned to his parents and picked up right where he had “I HATE BOTH OF YOU.” ---awww he is so cute! I love how he had to run to the door first to see if Goten was gone.

    Gk: I think the blue-suit was a step too far, Bulma.--hehe me too, but it was insanely hannibal-esque!

    Hilarious chapter! Loved it!

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  • From ANON - jaygoose on April 08, 2004
    Is Trunks's tail purple or brown? I know that most people make it purple to match his hair. I do that too. It just seems to me that their tail color should be the same as thier hair color. Hmm... Anyway, I loved this chapter of course. I don't think that I have ever read a chapter of yours that I haven't liked.
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  • From ANON - Getarian on April 08, 2004
    Poor 'Geta...Deeply horny and not getting any, whilst Goten and Trunks are going at it like rabbits. Gotta feel for the guy :-)

    "...So the only solution was to kill his little brother. He’d revive him after he got a little sleep, naturally, but he would kill him and leave him that way until he started to smell."

    LOL! Sometimes that twin bond can be a real pain :-)

    "It took her two years to get them all put back the right way."

    LOL! Oh Gods, little bastards :-) Bet she was really regretting her hormone therapy at this point :-)

    "Dropped his brother on his parent’s bed—where they were actually just sleeping for once."

    LOL! Oh my God! What's the matter with Goku? He's not sick is he? :-D

    "“Knock me out,” he said,"

    Wow! Goten actually has a limit? :-D

    “And give Trunks his tail back.”

    Isn't that just going to make the horniness worse? Or is this to make him more able to handle it all?

    Hope Vegeta manages to catch up on some Zzzzz's now. :-)

    Loved that scene with Vegeta and his sleeping baby boy. So sweet. Also loved it when he stood watching his twin boys being all peaceful and asleep :-)

    "Goten had probably purposefully sought out his brother so he could give his mate a few hours without the constant ‘sex now’ thing. What a considerate person."

    Ah, all is right with the world...Goten's passionstilstill limitless...he was actually being considerate of Trunks...also sweet :-)

    "...Which meant that Kakarot was going to try to convince him to have sex again. Joy."
    L! L! And...Ooo, possessive Goku, long time, no it! :-)

    "She backed up a few more feet and looked unsure as to whether or not she should just flee completely."

    LOL! Oh dear lord, this was funny...poor Bulma :-)

    Loved the whole l stl stroking' scene which culminated in Bulma's abrupt departure. :-D

    And everything thereafter...especially when Vegeta (twin) glared at his parents and told them to get a everywhere he looks, everyone is getting some, except for him...gotta feel for the guy. :-D

    Poor Trunks...still, I doubt that his mate's twin, has any sympathy for him...he seems to be getting 'Geta's share of the sex as well as his own at the moment...kinda funny for the onlooker :-D

    “Right,” Goten said, grinned like a lecher, “But first…” .... “I want sex.”

    LOL! Did Trunks really think that Goten was going to leap up to make a sandwich at this point? :-D

    LOL! Loved the end dialogue...poor Bardock...'my eyes' maybe he can go to counselling with Yamcha :-D

    "*Getarian, I respond to your review (since you appear to be leavthemthem while I’m trying to respond) either later today or in the next chappie. *"

    No problem. :-) I knew that I was racing against the clock...really cut it fine this time. But see, I'm really early this time around :-)

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  • From ANON - Getarian on April 08, 2004
    Poor Trunks, f thf the whole hormone therapy thing wasn't disturbing enough...Bulma has to deck herself out as if she's dealing with a highly contagious virus...and the bit with the tongs... She didn't use tongs the first time, just left it on the kitchen counter...either Bulma has come down with a huge case of paranoia, or she's playing with him isn't she? LOL!

    “I think you underestimate the depth of what you just got yourself into,” Vegeta said—smirked like the fucking bastard he was—“


    Loved the scene with Bardock, scrubbing at the mess on the wall :-)

    Enjoyed sharing Gina's inner thoughts...still crack a smile when she refers to Vegeta as 'mummy' but it's sweet :-)

    ",,,curled his little hands into fists and shouted: “I HATE YOU! I HATE BOTH Of…ok, ok, I didn’t mean” He” He dashed across the floor, grabbed the sponge and went back to cleaning immediately."

    LOL! Cracked up at this. Have to wonder just how the heck Goten does that. :-)

    "“I HATE BOTH OF YOU.” Tossed the rag against the floor a second time and took off."

    "Goku and Vegeta (Mummy) played a quick rock-paper-scissors, and Goku lost. “Oh, man,” he said and raised two fingers to his forehead."

    ROTFL! Loved this! Loved the whole scene :-) Love Vegeta and Goku's way of determining who gets to go after Bardock...totally l Gok Goku's response when he lost. Can hear it's so him...LOL!

    Bulma was actually serious...This is even funnier...LOL!

    Poor Trunks, it all must be so overwhelming for him. As it must have been for Vegeta, but I was so happy at him and Goku getting together, I sort of forgot to k ofk of this...but the end result has been wonderful for those two, so I know that Trunks'll be fine :-)

    Really enjoyed this...Looking forward to the next chapter :-)

    "Just imagine what will happen if Goten & Goku start this unspoken rivalry to see who can get away with having sex in a more public place."

    LOL! Ooh yeahhat hat would be great! Any chance of that happening?

    "...(And you’ll just have to keep reading to find out, won’t ya?)"

    *chuckle* Love this family too much to ever stop reading :-)

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  • From ANON - Monita on April 07, 2004
    The who series is good. I want to see Trunks have at least one girl and two boys. I think those kids would drive Goten up the wall, and the poor grandparents should go nuts. Just an idea, oh and can you make more of the frosting chronicle please
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  • From ANON - jaygoose on April 07, 2004
    Yes, now all the action can begin. JOY! I also think that Bulma might have gone a little too far with the blue suit but to each their own.
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