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Reviews for A first time for everything

By : bunnilove88
  • From ANON - Akakuro-sama on February 07, 2004
    My gods, this story sucks. From the painful conglomeration of cliches to the wide array of Mary Sues, the entire thing might just be too bad even for me to MST... yes, and might I add that the lack of proper grammar and spelling, not to mention literary structure of any type, grate so heavily on my nerves that I really would like to MST it. Or perhaps I'd rather cripple you for life... I'm not sure. The jury shall exit for deliberation now; I shall let you know when they reach a verdict.
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  • From ANON - Tobias Raziel Akira on November 20, 2003
    ^.^ great work, I read and roleplay a lot of different things and this is just what i like to read, i was curious though about where you story would fit on the DBZ timeline, i haven't seen DBZ GT eps. yet so i don'tw, bw, but i hope i will get to read much more from you, just remember, it takes time, a great author i saw on tv said it took him a year, writing a few lines a day, to finish a hardback book thats a best seller, well drop me a note if you ever need any help on story plots and characters, laterz
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  • From ANON - Rexxar on November 19, 2003
    A great and intressting story that is a musst for reader's. It has everything you can hope for in a book. Out of my entire being i recommend this one for you!
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