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Reviews for United Hearts

By : Deb
  • From ANON - bakahanyou on July 22, 2005
    It's good, but I believe there are too many sex scenes at unappropiate times. I have read a lot of your stories and found some errors like mispelled words, unfinished words, and combined words that probably happened when you uploaded. I suggest you go through all of your stories and fix the errors. Some are hard to tell what words they are supposed to be.
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  • From Kort on April 10, 2004
    Duo and Heero make a great couple. I wanted to kill Heero if he didn't take Fayah with them. The L2 gang is still great. I completely approve of what Duo did to that bastard. No one touches Duo or Shane.
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  • From ANON - Rez on January 27, 2003
    Awww! Soet. et. And when DID Heero start to have this affinity with toys, hmm? Kinky as all hell in any case. You sure do know how to peg 'em.

    Now, I am wondering whether or not you would allow me to post this story, and "Lost Souls" up on one of my message boards. You would have full credit and I would encourage others to drop by your name and leave a review. I'm just asking because we have a bunch who would appreciate great YAOI GW fics. And these two are prime examples of such. If you do not th am am fully accepting. I would just like to share with others your stories. In either case I would appreciate it if you could just e-mail me and tell me as such.

    Again, great job with the fics. You are a very talented writer and I encourage you in all your endeavors.

    Congrats on a fic well done.
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  • From ANON - Rez on January 25, 2003
    One sentiment...AWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!

    Way to go Une! Letting Duo and Heero off with no serious damage. And I could not stop laughing for about five minutes when I read that Duo fainted. LOLOL! Too funny. And then Toby and Benny being so sweet to Fayah. And just Duo in everything. He's such a firecracker. Gotta love him. I'm a little sad that the series is coming to an end. Although it is good to finally have the happy ending. Can't wait for the conclusion. Till then, I supose.
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  • From ANON - Rez on January 22, 2003
    *clap* I knew it! I knew you couldn't let them part. Those two are just too cute together. Hehe. I knwe the second Heero got back into the cockpit that Fayah was with them. Too sweet. Awwwwwwww. And the whole date was so emotionally jarring. You couldn't help but be all happy and sad for the two of them. Definately sweet. Definately. Poor Shane though. He had to go through sch. ch. And now everything is working out for him. Wonderful.

    And gotta luv Wufei. The whole shocking Quatre and Trowa was so funny. And Quatre is a little devil. Hehe. But still, it will be funny when Duo finally finds out. Kodak moment indeed. And then when Benny and Toby confessed their views on their "family" with Trowa and Quatre, too cute. I love them two. They have to be some of the sweetest kids I've ever read. And Paul. He's just so kewl. Definately one of my all time favorite OC's.

    Gosh. I love this series so much. You are just too talented for your own good, you know that? Well, in any case it is still great to read. Keep it up and keep the updates coming. I know then end is coming soon but I"m not sad. This just means I can finally get those anticipating jitters I get every two days waiting for your updates over and done with. Plus I'm going to go re-read them all over when this is done. Hehe. Can't wait.

    (yes, I realize this is going up twice. Ooops.)
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 22, 2003
    *clap* I knew it! I knew you couldn't let them part. Those two are just too cute together. Hehe. I knwe the second Heero got back into the cockpit that Fayah was with them. Too sweet. Awwwwwwww. And the whole date was so emotionally jarring. You couldn't help but be all happy and sad for the two of them. Definately sweet. Definately. Poor Shane though. He had to go through so much. And now everything is working out for him. Wonderful.

    And gotta luv Wufei. The whole shocking Quatre and Trowa was so funny. And Quatre is a little devil. Hehe. But still, it will be funny when Duo finally finds out. Kodak moment indeed. And then when Benny and Toby confessed their views on their "family" with Trowa and Quatre, too cute. I love them two. They have to be some of the sweetest kids I've ever read. And Paul. He's just so kewl. Definately one of my all time favorite OC's.

    Gosh. I love this series so much. You are just too talented for your own good, you know that? Well, in any case it is still great to read. Keep it up and keep the updates coming. I know then end is coming soon but I"m not sad. This just means I can finally get those anticipating jitters I get every two days waiting for your updates over and done with. Plus I'm going to go re-read them all over when this is done. Hehe. Can't wait.
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  • From ANON - Rez on January 20, 2003
    Awwwwww...Wufei and Sally are getting married! Toooooo cuite. And I loved Paul's reaction. It just seemed so appropriate. And then the whole schpeal about how they would only get married if Paul agreed to it. Kawaii!

    Good chapters all together. Gotta love that Yaoi freshness. Duo...such a little devil. Not to mention I laughed out loud for about three tes tes when I read what he had said to Une. LOLOL. I cannot believe that even HE could be gah. To Lady Une no less. Oh my. And Shane not believing Trowa is that flexible, too funny.

    But now the question on everyones mind...when's the infamous date between Shane and Fayah. Them going to see Lady and the Tramp, too sweet. I mean, how perfect, hmm? But the real reason behind it all. What's gonna happen between those two lovebirds? Like come on. Don't rush or anything, just the's getting to me. Awww. And then when are Trowa and Quatre going to get hitched? You are gonna marry them right? Then eventually Duo and Heero. And you're right, Duo will be all wierded out when he hears the good news about Wuffles and Sally. hehe. Couldn't you just picture it?

    Me= rabling now. Gonna saw it one more time: GOOD STUFF!!! Great stories and definately keep it up.
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  • From ANON - Rez on January 17, 2003
    Poor Heero, no ones answering. Am I to assume that he's calling while the whole kafuffle is going on? If so then it's understandable. However, if not, then it's confusing. In any case good chapters. Although they were mainly fillers it's still of the high quality I expect now. Especially the whole emotions situation with Wufei. Kawaii. And the whole Quatre getting tougher on Benny and Toby, good. The boys need to know that Quatre is a big bad Gundam Pilot for a reason. Not just some push over. Good chappies! Can't wait to read how Shan'es date goes with Fayah. Should prove interesting!
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  • From ANON - Rez on January 16, 2003
    Awwwwwwww!!!!!! They are just too cute together. And Duo is just so cheeky sometimes. *sigh* But he does have his fun. But what's gonna happen when the time does come for them all to go back to the Earth? Fayah is gonna go with them, right? Or is Shane gonna stay on L2, now that Quatre and the Earth are gonna help make it better? 'Cause I know you're not gonna split them up. They are just too sweet a couple to split up like this.

    And what about Sally? Will she be ok? I hope so, I liklly.lly. So many people have a thing against her and I don't know why. I like her. She a good character. What I don't get is the whole age deal. When she and Wufei met wouldn't she have been in her early twenties? Then wouldn't that mean that she is a few older than Wuffles? Meh. In any case, I like her and don't want her to be hurt.

    And what's nexxt with the boys and Quatre? I hohey hey will all be able to get over all the commotion. And I hope Trowa is ok. And Relena! Who boy, she's turned into quite the little something or other. My oh my. But will Wuffie be ok? Poor sweetheart. First his wife Meilan, and then Sally. Why do all the girls Wufei gets close to get hurt? *sob* Poor guy.

    In any case, good chappies and can't wait for the next update!
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  • From ANON - Rez on January 13, 2003
    Hehe! Is quatre gonna shoot him? I hope he does. I really REALLY don't likie that Evans imposter. Gah! I'm all twitchy (is that a word?) and am twittering (yes, that IS a word) with excitement! No, I haven't had too much sugar today. Why do you ask? Hehe! Good stuff! I can't wait for the next two chapters. I hope Quatre shoots him. I hope Benny, Toby and Paul are all right. I hope that Nylan gets his ass kicked and I hope I have more cookies downstairs! Anywhoo, good stuff and keep updating! I loves it!
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  • From ANON - Rez on January 12, 2003
    Hehe! Trust Duo to lighten a mood and to bring Fayah around to the fact that whether she likes it or not she's coming home with them. BUt I guess the question of the hour should revolve around Une and her plan for cing ing Carter, Nylan and the imposter L2 senator. How she's gonna do it? Probably monitor them and wait until they do something stupid like try to phone the L2 guy. Then catch them all on tape. Or something to that general effect. Right? But I'm stiill more concerned for Quatre and how he's gonna get close enough to the guy to tell for sure that he's an imposter. Oh well. You'll figure soing ing out. You probably already have. And I have to agree with Kari. This series does have to be one of the best GW fics I've read. It is well planned out and has just the right amount of detail and emphasis. Good job! Keep it up!
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  • From ANON - Rez on January 09, 2003
    But...but...NOOOOO!!!WherWhere's the next chapter?? Come on. I have been reading these two stories damn near religiously for the past four days. You can't just stop there! It's inhumane!! Especially when you were just getting to the torture scene. NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Come on! Where's the next chapter? I was really looking foreward to Quatre finding out thje grand secret which would lead Trowa and Wufei to the imposter L2 leader. And then on to Nylan and Carter and then the whole "you saved the day! Thank you Gundam pilots" bit. Where is it? Ack! Please take up writing this again. I can't believe how far you are in this and have yet to finish. Please!!! I just can't get over this. I know I'm ranting but I don't care! Please post!! Please!!! I need to know what Heero and Duo do to the scum bag that almost killed Duo. Gak! Please?!?!?!?
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  • From ANON - Kari on January 01, 2003
    This is most certainly one of the best GW fics that I´ve read here on AFF.N. It´s both exciting and extremely heartfelt. I simply adore your OC´s, especially Toby and Shane. Though right now I´m freaking out because the bad guy kidnapped Shane -.- I´m seriously worried...*sigh*...and I wanna kick that guy´s ass like there´s no tomorrow! What an a**hole!!! ~_~
    *ponders a bit* I´m not entirely sure, but I don´t think I´ve seen any grammar or spelling mistakes. So far you´ve done a wonderful job on this fic and I ALWAYS love it when you update... *slaps herself* Yes...I´ve been reading your fic for a little while, but I never seemed to get around to review it >_< Bad bad me! Sorry...I usually review when I´m on FF.N. *_*
    But anyhoo...I´m very excited about what´s gonna happen next and I´m very much in danger of biting my nails in fear of what´s gonna happen to Shane! *sobs uncontrollably* Poor poor Shane!!! *sniffle* Come on Duo, Heero...ANYONE!!! Save Shane from his errible fate!! Or...feel the wrath of my new frying pan! (I´m not kidding...I actually did get a frying pan for Christmas...) Well, kepp writing ´cause you´re truly an amazing author!

    Ja ne, Kari aka The Girl Who´s Utterly Fascinated By Duo´s Braid
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