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Reviews for The Meaning of Pride

By : CardDragonBall
  • From ANON - Hecate18 on May 05, 2004
    I am hap happy that Vegeta is going to teach Goku about his Saiyan instincts... it should prove to be very interesting. ^_~
    Though I'm glad they're not fighting anymore.

    I almost fell out my chair when Goku said, '"Oh. What's foreplay?"' - I actually felt pity for Vegeta.

    '- he swore to Kami if one mquesquestion came out of him he would beat him straight into the ground and CACKLE while he tried to dig his way out.' - I was laughing so hard... although its mean.
    'He smiled. ‘episodes’ he had an ‘episode’ that was funny.' - He makes me laugh so much, but he's so cute! ^-^

    931 reviews!... soon it will be 1000
    *cheers for Card and does a happy dance*
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  • From ANON - jaygoose on May 05, 2004
    Ugh! the boar thing has my stomach feeling kinda squirky...I haveierdierd thing when it comes to food...if it has been compromised in anyway I just won't touch it. Sad...I miss out on many interesting meals that way...

    Yay, for Saiyan enlightenment...that sounds a lot more fun than anger management courses anyway.
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  • From ANON - Onomotopeia on May 05, 2004
    Luuuv it, as usual. ~_^ Poor saiyans and their bloodless boar... ^^

    ^-^ I wonder if I'm the only one who reads the author's notes at the end of the chptEFOREFORE reading the chapter... :D It's funny as hell and Goku ALWAYS lets u know if there's been sex or there WILL be sex... XD ..."FINE! GO KNIT!"
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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on May 05, 2004
    He had never backed down from so blatant an attack on him. Until today.--Well thats good. I lad lad Vegeta did back down, ot this could have turned into something much worse.

    “Stop cringing,” he snapped. His voice was slightly messed up do tho the fact that his throat was bruising. --aww It's almost hard for me to believe that Goku did that. and equally hard to believe that they had this fight.

    could he, Vegeta, handle all of Kakarot?--ooh wow I really loved that line. I think handling all of Kakarott might be just a little more scary than handling all of Vegeta. Never really looked at it from that perspective.

    If part of that included ‘being held down’ as ire. re. --*smiles* whats wrong with that! Taht sounds very nice to me...*pictures it again*

    “I am not ashamed of you Kakarot. I do not think you’re an idiot. And if I thought you weren’t worthy of me than I would have killed you years ago…”--I loved this thought that was very sweet of Vegeta to tell his mate that and I loved that he kept saying No when Kakarott said they should leave each other alone.

    He was interrupted by Kakarot pointing out—helpfully—that “But you did try to kill me years aVegeVegeta--lmao!!!! Funny!

    THEN WHY WERE THEY EVEN HAVING THIS ARGUMENT?! He swore to all the Gods that this moron before him thought like a WOMAN!--ROFL!!!! Poor Vegeta having to go through all of that...oh gosh they crack me up!

    This is what he got for fighting with a victim of attention deficit disorder.--lol GAH!!! This couple is insane...hehe but I love them.

    “You have no idea what you’re doing, do you?” Vegeta asked. “You really have no idea how to be mad?”--aww I guess that can be good in some ways and bad as in the example of Kakarott holdong Vegeta's throat...although I find that a very good maybe him not knowing how to be mad is a very good thing.

    That means whatever happens to you happens to me as well.”--aww that is so sweet. Really, that was just..*wipes tears* beautiful

    This got him raised eyebrows. “How do you accidentally twist off a boar’s head?”--LoL, yes how?

    Somehow, this made Vegeta proud. Because he gave him that little smirking smile thing that meant he was impressed. --*dies* that is so sweet b/c Goku wanted him to be proud of him for doing that!

    “You’re a Saiyan--I am so glad Vegeta said that, I really think Goku needed to hear that.

    “When I…uh…had you pinned down” winced a bit here, “I was… You know…” --AHHH! *screams, cries, drools, faints, dies* I will never forget that moment when Vegeta was pinned down...I loved it so much *hugs moment*

    “It better not be hningning with anyone but me,” Vegeta snapped back.--O_O hehe oh

    Which made him grin, because he had actually made Vegeta JEALOUS. Or else suspicious. --hehe aww Good job Goku!

    LMAO!!!! END NOTES!!!! *dies*

    900 reviews!!! *dies more* that is awesome!

    is interrupted by Goku : What’s hard? *--rofl!
    I am so glad that you didnt scrap that fight...*smiles* I treasure it...really I loved it and not just b/c Goku pinned Vegeta down. I just liked the whole thing in general.

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  • From ANON - macha on May 05, 2004
    Oh, and another thing *after reading other peoples reviews*

    Getarian and MB really are gifted at giving reviews aren't they?!

    (Please don't respond, I am just jealous of their abilities.)

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  • From ANON - macha on May 05, 2004
    Yes, yes, yes. You tell him Vegeta, sayian pep talk, I love it. *is holding pom poms* Give an S-... and A-... an Y-... an I-... an A-... an N, what does it spell SAYIAN.

    Ah, I like it when Kakarott gets converted to sayian rather than when Vegeta gets converted to human.

    Can I smile manically, even though I am not certain what I am smiling about?

    *Sake induced Phylosiphy* (okay, I know that I didn't spell that correctly!) 'interesting' is a very interesting word, isn't it. Most people think that 'interesting' is a synonym for 'exciting' which most would think of as a good thing, but exciting can be a sysnonym for chaotic, which isn't such a good thing. I am going to go with 'interesting' lemons as the exciting kind, and not the chaotic kind, and I will just have to read and find out, won't I. (sadly this has nothing to do with reviewing the chapter and everything to do with your comments at the end of chapters.)

    Ah, if my side note is disturbing, let me know, and I will try to leave them out.
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  • From ANON - Hecate18 on May 04, 2004
    There was so much tension there… too much! *runs away then comes back to finish review*
    The beginning of the chap in Vegeta’s POV was good, made me feel better. ^_^

    “Look, Vegeta,” Kakarot said as he got to his feet finally, “I think maybe we should just leave each other alone for a little while…” – when I read this I was like Nooooooooooooooooo! Thank god for Vegeta’s stubbornness… or tenaciousness as Goku put it. (and of course his love for the big lug. ^-^)

    ‘He didn’t even think about sex when he sparred with Piccolo.’ – I hope he doesn’t, twoulwould be… odd O_o

    And Vegeta was jealous, isn’t that *looks around for any sign of Vegeta* … cute ^_^
    I was smiling by the end of this chap, cause it ere made me smile… actually I’ve been smiling all day, I think maybe I slept with a coat hanger in my mouth. @_@

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  • From ANON - angry monkey on May 04, 2004
    Nameks are asexual,(and this n odn odd thought) but what if piccolo had boobs?! That'd be hysterical. Oh yeah, wd, you almost have 5000 hit (i've never seen much like it before-go you!)
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  • From ANON - jaygoose on May 04, 2004
    *sniffles* That was a fascinating chapter. I didn't stop reading it not even once. Yes, that is a compliment. Goku needs and anger management course in my opinion. And since he is Saiyan, I say that Vegeta be his instructor. I don't think I've ever seen the Prince have a problem expressing his anger.

    900 reviews...that's a lot of reviews. I'm shooting for 100...when I get that far I will know I've truely made it. :)
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  • From ANON - Webtester01 on May 04, 2004
    When I…uh…had you pinned downncednced a bit here, “I was… You know…” he dropped his gaze down, motioned in the general direction of his disappointed nether parts.

    And Vegeta must be really considering choking him now. “Aroused?” the Prince offered.

    “Yeah. Why?” Because he couldn’t remember that ever happening before. He had fought Vegeta tons of times. And while he generally did like to see his mate beating the hell out of someone else, sparring with him hadn’t exactly yielded happy sex thoughts (not really) in the past. ROFL

    Another wonderful chapter. Finally Goku actually ts tts to admit he has problems like everyone else. And is starting to deal with them.

    Keep up the great work!!
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  • From on May 04, 2004
    Hehe i'm sure it didnt bother anyone else, wen ur dealing with Saiyans you gotta exspect a fight. This was a nice chapter, poor Goku gets so confused, its so cute ^_^ heh. Ja ne!
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  • From on May 04, 2004
    Hehe i'm sure it didnt bother anyone else, wen ur dealing with Saiyans you gotta exspect a fight. This was a nice chapter, poor Goku gets so confused, its so cute ^_^ heh. Ja ne!
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  • From ANON - Getarian on May 04, 2004
    Well, that fight didn't last long did it? :-D Nonetheless, I liked the way it wound down, very realistic. :-)

    Really loved the way you incorporated the final scenes from the last chapter into this one with the addition of Vegeta's thoughts... this really fleshed it all out very nicely. :-)

    Very curious about this:
    "(It wasn’t really a question of struggling, because he could kick the moron off him without much effort, or he could just e hie his power level and knock him off that way. But he didn’t want to.)"

    Was it that he didn't want to use those measures against Goku? Or was he saying that he didn't want to knock Goku off of him? The last one had my hentai mind working overtime :-)

    "Vegeta shoved himself to his feet and looked at him, at the way he was hanging his head in utter disbelief and not quite cringing, but honestly expecting to be berated like he was a worthless dog."

    Ah, now this made me sad. I hate picturing Goku like this. I think that it's a real good thing that Goku has Vegeta, he needs to learn to be able to blow of some steam and not feel like a bad person because of it. :-(

    Love that Vegeta held back from his natural instinct to finish the fight, and was pleased to note that he realised that Kakarot wasn't actually attacking him as such but everything that was battling within him.

    Loved this:
    "...and he was damn well going to prove that green thing wrong so it could just wipe the fucking green smirk off its face.)"

    LOL! So that was the reason for the smirk... or was it just Vegeta's interpretation? Either way, I love that he's determined to fight against Piccolo's (supposed) belief that he (Vegeta) was clueless where Goku was concerned. Yay! Go Vegeta. :-)

    "“Stop cringing,” he snapped. His voice was slightly messed up due to the fact that his throat was bruising."

    Yeah, I like this. It wouldn't look right on Goku, and this would really annoy Vegeta. Can definitely hear him saying this. :-)

    "...his mind helpfully pointed out that Vegeta had once asked if Kakarot could ‘take all of him’ and here stood Vegeta avoiding that very subject—could he, Vegeta, handle all of Kakarot? If part of that included ‘being held down’ as it were."

    Oh, good question! Yeah, it definitely works both ways. So the 'being held down bit' did sort of bother him... understandable... so yeah, he does have to consider if he tru truly handle the fact that Goku does have power over him on a physical level (as well as an emotionl level).

    Really loved the way that Vegeta wouldn't give up on Goku, and just bluntly pointed out that he was wrong about all those things that he assumed that Vegeta was feeling. Really loved this though:

    "...And if I thought you weren’t worthy of me than I would have killed you years ago…”"
    "He was interrupted by Kakarot pointing out—helpfully—that “But you did try to kill me years ago, Vegeta.”"
    "“Obviously I didn’t succeed in that task,” he snapped back—hated when people threw those helpful things back in his face—"

    LOL! Truly enjoyed this!

    “The way we have sex is nobody’s business but our own. Its not a dark secret, its our secret.”
    So love this! :-)

    I'm not really sure if I should be laughing, but I found this so funny:

    “Why do you want to tell anyone anyway?”
    "“I don’t,” was what Kakarot said."
    "THEN WHY WERE THEY EVEN HAVING THIS ARGUMENT?! He swore to all the Gods that this moron before him thought like a WOMAN!"


    “And your Pride,” Kakarot said agreeably. “I know. It’s just… I don’t know. Why was Piccolo smirking at me, anyway?”
    "This is what he got for fighting with a victim of attention deficit disorder."

    LOL! Actually, Piccolo has a lot to answer for with his mysterious ks..ks... silently causing a shit-load of trouble... I'm hoping that it wasn't intentional.

    "Yes, his mate was tenacious."

    That's a good one word description for Vegeta. :-)

    I really felt bad for Goku when he once again tried to brush his feelings under the carpet, because he didn't want to deal with an argument with Vegeta... and I loved that Vegeta persisted with him, tried to get him to seek out what was really eating at him... this was a good scene. :-)

    Loved this:
    “Kakarot,” Vegeta said—very patiently—“He is your son. I don’t care about his existence other than if he says something to you. We,” he motioned vaguely between them, “Are together. That means whatever happens to you happens to me as well.”

    I can really 'feel' the love between these two. Very well written. :-)

    Really loved how Vegeta suddenly noticed the blood on Goku and switched the subject to ask about that... I loved the way that tscenscene played out, I could feel Goku's confusion as he relayed the scene to Vegeta. Loved Vegeta's impressed little smirk. :-)

    " maybe that smirk meant that he thought Goku was wrong about letting Vegeta finish his fight with Tien."

    There you go... that bloody smirk is the root of all evil :-D Okay, seriously... I liked the way that both Goku and Vegeta both saw this smirk, and interpreted it completely differently. Love how you showed this difference in them. :-)

    “Hey, ‘Geta,” he said, “Am I bad person?”
    “You’re a Saiyan.”

    Hmm, not sure that this is entirely the answer that Goku needs right now. He's definitely feeling completely insecure about himself at the moment. I'm wondering where this is all coming from? Is it because of Gohan and the others? Or, is it because he is feeling things within himself that aren't sitting well with him at the moment? Or, possibly both?
    Just some thoughts swimming around my head... don't mind me. :-)

    "Which was a huge complement coming from Vegeta. He considered this. Didn’t feel so incredibly annoyed anymore."

    Okay, what do I know? :-D Apparently, it was what he needed to hear. :-D

    I really loved the end scene, it was so... comfortable... I hope that makes sense. Really loved this:

    "“As long as you’re not getting hard fighting anyone but me,” Vegeta said. Gave him a very serious look. Which made him grin, because he had actually made Vegeta JEALOUS. Or else suspicious. Either way, it made him very happy."

    This was a wonderful way to end this chapter... so sweet. :-)

    Looking forwardmoremore.

    Loved the end dialogue. :-)

    "You did it again! I was all with the writing the responses and then WHAM, there’s a review. *gives her the eye *"

    LOL! Sorry... I thought I still had a good couple of hours in front of me. :-)

    "It’s like 6 AM over here in my neck of the woods, btw. When I got the revie

    Yeah, then it's like I said, your morning is my evening. :-)

    "...So I applied this idea there to this thing, and had Goku feel ‘safe’ enough with Vegeta to bitch at him. (Because everyone else has betrayed him recently except Goten.)"

    Ahh, that makes perfect sense. I like this! That's a good bit of reasoning for why the remaining parent does tend to cop a lot of flak. :-)

    "Lucky Vegeta, huh?"

    LOL! Yeah... lucky Vegeta. :-D Still, it's really good to know that Goku feels safe with him. :-)

    "Ah…well…about that inner Saiyan coming forth thing… *suddenly her voice is muffled by a large glob of vanilla icecream * "


    "YEAH! WHOOP WHOOP! In total I have over 900 reviews! (On 13 stories) YEAH ME! Oh, oh, More of Us finally inched its little way over 3000 hits! YEAH! *celebrates *"

    That's great Card! Well done. :-)

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  • From ANON - Getarian on May 04, 2004
    You know, I have a feeling that I'm probably the only one here, but I'm kinda enjoying the argument between Goku and Vegeta. Now tI caI can see that it's more of an explosion of pent up emotions on Goku's part, I can understand some of the things he is saying, because nobody thinks rationally when they lose it... and there's that old saying, 'you always hurt the one you love'. Probably, both men are going to go through that by the time this is resolved... which, I'm hoping will be happy for them, I can't bear the thought of them parting ways.

    I like the way you played out the initial argument, with Goku misinterpreting Vegeta's words:

    "“Gee, thanks Vegeta,” he snapped."
    "Vegeta snapped: “I didn’t say I thought it.”"
    "“Like that makes a difference,” Goku retorted, “You said it."

    This is the sort of thing that can easily be taken the wrong way during a heated argument, and I really liked the way who whole scene played so beautifully into a full fledged fight... something that was definitely brewing.

    Now this was interesting:
    "...And wasn’t that fucking insane, because he was angry—very angry and at the same time he felt a deep disappointment in himself—and at the same time, he was very aroused."

    I have no idea if I've interpreted this correctly or not, but I feel a sense of more than Goku just being pissed off by everyone around him. I feel as though Goku and Kakarot are having some sort of internal struggle at the moment, and everything that has been going on has been a catalyst for this more than anything else... are we seeing an emergence of some parts of Kakarot? Or am I just being hopeful? *evil grin*

    Definitely looking forward to the next chapter... this is getting deeply interesting. :-)

    "So feel free tol mel me that you didn’t like the fight. I’ll understand."

    Actually, I loved it. We don't seem to be agreeing on a lot lately do we? :-D

    Loved the end dialogue. :-)

    "Hmm. *bites tongue * Oh, I had this whole response where I pointed out Goku’s POV, but I didn’t want to use it because that would make the whole next chapter repetitive. *sighs * "

    Ack, sorry about that. I hate it when I feel the need to get my point across, and know that I can't for one reason or another, so I know how you feel. Hopefully, I'll get what you wanted to say when I read the next cha.


    "...Now if Vegeta took him to Bulma’s house and sat down and had a whole conversation about their sex life, Goku would be like ‘oh yeah!” and all would be fine. (Not that Goku wants that or anything, I’m just saying. It’s a gesture, not a word.)"

    I understand what you're saying here about the gesture, and I understand that actions definitely speak louder than words... gotta agree with that, but in this instance, Vegeta telling Bulma was the gesture, and sometimes you have to take your lover at their word, or where's the trust? I think that's why I felt that whole... 'hasn't he done enough to show his love?' sort of thing.

    "...And *bites tongue again * Oh, I have to say it: Goku is a passive-aggressive person (in my opinion)"

    Hmm, Yeah, never really thought about it before, but yeah, I tend to agree with this. I can see that in him. Hmm, so maybe my 'Kakarot emergence theory' is a tad premature... ah well, I can dream. ;-)

    I'm definitely eager to read the nehapthapter anyway, would like to hear a little more of what's exactly running through Goku's mind. :-)

    "*goes to put ice on her bleeding tongue. *"

    Winces, feels very guilty... err, how about ice-cream? Better than ice... Mmm, tasty. Feels less guilty, now that Getarian has given Card an excuse to consume gallons of delicious ice-cream... it's for medicinal purposes only. ;-)

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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on May 03, 2004
    This fic took a turn that definately surprised me...

    Goku heard what Vegeta said. “Stop being such a fucking human.” Heard what Gohan had said: “How inhuman can you be?” --Oh wow, I can understand how frustrating and mindbending this all must be for him. On both ends someone is always complaining about what he isn't.

    They don’t have to worry about you killing them because they don’t think you’re smart enough to figure out HOW!”--O.o things seem to be heating up a little too much. Vegeta, like Goku made some valid points in his rant a I c I can see that they are both tangled in a very complicated and sensitive situation. It seems as if they both had these words hidden underneath the surface of their skin and they have finally been scratched out.

    Not only was he not Saiyan enough for Vegeta, now he was too stupid to figure out how to kill something. --that really must of hurt especially coming from Vegeta, whether he thought it or not...words like that cut.

    Also noticed that Vegeta did not dispute tGokuGoku was some sort of dark secret that he didn’t want to admit. --:( How sad, and unfair for Goku. He is not a dark secret he is wonderful!!!! *shakes fist at Vegeta*

    Then there was the slight fact that he wasn’t ‘Saiyan’ enough for the good Prince. So what would a Saiyan do in a moment like this? Beat the shit out of his opponent is what he would do. --lol, oh..I hope he doesn't hurt the Prince too much, I don't think he will, but still skeptical..he seems very unstable right now.

    “Is this what you want, Vegeta?” he demanded, “Would it make you happy if I held you down? Is this Saiyan enough!” *raises hand ashamed for what she is about to say* Um..that is what I want...and I think it is very saiyajin...and uh..*coughs* sexy...

    “What makes you think I won’t?” Goku snapped back. “Or are you afraid to find out?” --*is afraid for Vegeta* Goku can be very scary when wants to. I am glad that this fight didn't go any further. I do hope they can work through this. I am very anxious to see how Vegeta is going to react. I actually liked the fight scene and thought it was splendidly written.

    and they weren’t making a noise other than the muffled little curses.--hehe, what a interesting little lovemaking session they are having.

    “Yeah. Besides, would you want to eat anything made by us right now?”--lmao, I dont think I would.

    Thanks for the lemon in all the midst of the Goku/Geta madness ^.~
    Waited for the rising of ki and the beginning of a battle, and Goten bit his lip—hoped he was wrong, hoped that rise in power never came.*prays to kami that the rise in power doesnt come too* I am so scared!!!!! I want Vegeta & Goku to be ok. This was a excellent chapter!!!!!!! I can hardly wait until tomorrow.


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