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Reviews for Group Therapy

By : CardDragonBall
  • From Lenora on May 07, 2004
    Okieday. Let's forget Lil'Geta and just make it a Goten/Trunks/Lenora sandwich. Either way it works for me...

    Yeah forget my blonde question...i forgot which story Much Like Sufficating was when i read The Twins go A Travelling. Only having net for three days a week can do that. lol so i read the Lil'Geta/Trunks thing and i was like o.O and i wanted to know. hehehehe silly me.
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  • From ANON - Ginia on May 07, 2004
    Yep, the birth name was Virginia... but I guess I think of myself as Gina witbiggbigger ego - hence the extra I.

    Another lovely chapter. Were you expecting some other comment? *snort* Ya know another form of therapy is Family Therapy - think you might eventually write enough sequels to use that title?
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  • From cueball2 on May 07, 2004
    Trunks does need that t-shirt.

    Your stories are very entertainting.

    And yes, I will tell you that prank that I thought of.

    I will email it to you, just in case you want to use it. (And so there aren't any sneak peeks at the review section.)
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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on May 07, 2004
    “Well, until she comes out there’s really nothing to see,” Pan said--LoL

    Wow. Exciting. It was a little pink thing wrapped up in a light blue blanket. This was what she was waiting to see? Wow. Spectacular.
    Not.--lmao, I felt like that to when I saw my sibling for the first time. I love Presta, she israblrable and tough!

    I also loved the interaction between her and Trunks. Trunks getting annoyed b/c she is always calling Aya 'it'.

    And little Presta is's understandable though, especially since the baby is a girl. I loved seeing her reaction to the baby and this whole situation especially when they talked about what she shouldn't do to the baby like kicking her through walls and

    One for each of the bright-colored ones. He handed them around. “Drink these.” --I am glad they will all retuo tho their natural state of color, Gina should be very happy. It seems like it affected her the most.

    “If you’re waiting for someone to miss you…” Presta said with a grin, “Keep waiting.”--rofl, she is mean but that's what makes her so wonderful.

    lmao at the end notes, loved the blinking!!!!

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  • From ANON - Getarian on May 07, 2004
    Wow, I only just noticed... you passed the century on this fic... 109 reviews... soon to be 110! Congratulations Card! Yeah! :-)

    I really liked the beginning with Goku and Gohan trying to keep the kiddies away from the house. Love how Goku thought of Vegeta as his dear mate... so sweet. :-)

    Totally loved all the squirming kids, but the best part was with Bardock... I really do love this kid. :-)

    “No faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiirrrrr!” Bardock howled, curled himself up and sank his teeth into Goku’s arm. Ah. The biting stage."

    LOL! Such an adorable image, although I doubt that Gthinthinks so, but I love his calm reaction to the bite. :-)

    Also love this:
    "...moved over and picked his son up, held him so he could sniffle and sob into his chest."

    So sweet, I love this image of Goku comforting his baby son... I mean I love it with Vegeta, he's the mother and it's more natural, but it's good to see it with the father occassionally. :-)

    Loved Presta's reaction to the newborn...

    "...This was what she was waiting to see? Wow. Spectacular."

    LOL! This is a good reaction... I definitely don't see her playing 'little mother' :-)

    Love the interaction between Presta and Trunks, her jealousy was understandable where her dad was crnedrned, but I'm glad that she has decided on the role of protector of her new baby sister... it's pretty sweet... but don't tell Presta that I said that. :-D

    Loved this:
    "... they decided (all three of the new family) that they should shower and promptly confiscatee bae bathroom. Although nobody could figure out why, Presta declined to join in the family grooming. (One could only wonder why she wouldn’t want to.)"

    LOL! It's got me beat why she wouldn't want to join in on that... sounds fun... not. :-D

    Have I overlooked something? Why is 'Geta annoyed? Sounds pretty bad if Goten feels that maybe Goku should go with him when he spars with Presta.

    LOL! Loved the end dialogue. Really loved the 'blinkathon' with Goku and Vegeta. :-)

    "Gah! For hark, I see an ending. *looks out over the story *"

    Noooooo, I love this universe, don't take it away from me. :-(

    "I thought it was pretty calm too. Of course, when faced with disasters and emergencies I get very calm. Weird."

    No, that's a good thing... much better than running around in circles in a blind panic. :-)

    "Yes he is a genius."
    "Yeah she’s born."
    "I really liked the abbreviated entsents here."

    LOL! Thanks... I loved your responses to my abbreviated comments. :-D

    Re: Poll:

    Best sex? G/V of course. No question for me. Goku's imagination and stamina are absolutely amazing, and Vegeta's extremely tactile body is an incredible writhing mass of pure sex appeal... together they are explosive. :-)

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  • From ANON - macha on May 06, 2004
    So, the last story I reviewed I said something like "Where would I fthe the time to read them all," but now, you tell me there is a end coming to the lemonfest? WTF? (I don't think that gets used all that often, but you may see it more, so What The F*%^?) Nooooooo, I need Card lemonfests! I really, really do.

    Ah, Presta the jealous, protective older sister.

    Trunks didn't want a crowd in his room? Why, he could have held Aya up and said "See." and then told them to all GTF out. That would have gone much, much faster. Rude, abrasive, but much more expedient.

    Poll, who has the best sex? Vegeta. Okay, I guess it takes two to tango, Vegeta and Goku.
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  • From ANON - Anon on May 06, 2004
    Very good. Its ending though. *I think I'll go pout and glare at Card with Bardok* I do believe that you had the twins rubbing off on Gohan. Poor Chi Chi. Thanks to the twins, he'll probably be stand up to her. he he. I'd say poor Videl I a fully believe that she's made of stronger stuff than that.

    Your Polls:
    Wednesday's poll: I thought really long and hard about this. Goten cannot beat his mom or his twin at Chess, Go, Risk or any other game that requires strategy. Vegeta is known as an exceptional strist,ist, even better than Goku. Since Lil' Geta inherited more of the fighting ability he would be one as well. This is not to say that Goten can't strategize, he probably is as good as Goku, he's just not as good either of the Vegetas.

    Thursday's poll: You've only got three couples having sex. Poor lil' Geta never gets any, and I don't want to try to differentiate between the other two. So I volunteer Gohan, he's the stud with 3 kids by three diff pregnancies.

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  • From ANON - jaygoose on May 06, 2004
    *is noticeably seething* I hate the internet! was supposed to be "It may be the emotion factor."
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  • From ANON - jaygoose on May 06, 2004
    *sigh* Yeah, I feel it too...the end is near.

    Hmm...the best sex? Though it is true that Goku and Vegeta do have the most sex, but I also think that they have the best. I mean wow...I think that Trunks and Goten in the supermarket came extremely close but no...the OSs (Orginal Saiyans) are so much more intense. I might be the emotion factor...
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  • From ANON - jaygoose on May 06, 2004
    *sigh* Yeah, I feel it too...the end is near.

    Hmm...the best sex? Though it is true that Goku and Vegeta do have the most sex, but I also think that they have the best. I mean wow...I think Tru Trunks and Goten in the supermarket came extremely close but no...the OSs (Orginal Saiyans) are so much more intense. I might be the emotion factor...
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  • From ANON - Ginia on May 06, 2004
    The best sex? Need you even ask? VEGETA of course! (the mama not the twin) Regularly screams his partners name with only the best of provokation... Is also happily capable of causing Goku to do his share of screaming as well. No, screaming is not the measure of good sex - some folks are actually quiet - but I still think Vegeta has the best of all worlds...

    Have I ever told you how much it threw me the first time we met Gina by name? Half my friends spell my name that way... GinIa and Vegeta... can I vote for that pair to have great sex?
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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on May 06, 2004
    Awww the baby is born!

    (One could infer from the threats on Goten’s manhood, that should they want more children, Goten would need to be the one doing the delivering.) --@_@ lmao...I think it would be kind of funny and scary to see Goten delivering some babies.

    He turned at looked at Goten, saw the deadly serious look on his face. And sighed. “I’m going to get Mom.”--O_O I hope the baby is going to be ok.

    “If she’s not, I won’t be the one losing blood,” Trunks informed his mate.--oooh hehe he is already a protective parent. I love that. Although I am still scared about this whole blood loss thing.

    “Trunks is in labor. Might have blood loss. Going to go get Bulma. There’re in Goten’s room.” --totally loved how Vegeta understood that completely.

    “When are we going to have a fucking cookout, Goten. What the hell do you think I’m talking about? When is she going to be born?”--lmao!!!!! I loved that.

    Damn his logic. --it is somewhat comforting that he is so patient, although I can understand where Trunks is coming from. But I really like that Goten is like that.

    we obviously didn’t make the actual passage strong enough to withstand a Saiyan birth. So that should strengthen it enough that this won’t be a problem ever.”--^_^ I am so glad everything is going to be ok. I wish I had the twins in my life to solve problems like that all of the time, that would be so cool.

    “What the hell kind of name is that?”
    “You’re right, plus she was a horrible kisser.”--rofl!!! This one of the craziest births I have ever seen. Actually the only birth I have ever seen physically is my own...and that was far from fun or funny...hehe

    I like that name, Aya...very pretty.

    And as for something Goten can't sit still, like take a break. He is constantly doing stuff.


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  • From ANON - Getarian on May 05, 2004
    Really liked the calm way that everyone dealt with the possibility of a problem happening during the birth of Aya... lovely name, by the way. :-)

    I know that Goten was concerned, and the way that he kept up his 'no problems' cheerful attitude with Trunks was really great to see... not that he fooled Trunks any, but it was still a nice effort. :-)

    Really loved this particular scene:

    "He found his mother emerging from the shower, and said—in as few as words as possible: “Trunks is in labor. Might have blood loss. Going to go get Bulma. There’re in Goten’s room.”..."
    ..."His mother nodded, turned, opened the bathroom door again and told his father to get Bardock and the obnoxious females out of the house for a while."

    Really loved the way you wrote this. Once again there is that sense of activity in the household... I don't know if I'm going to explain this as well as I think it... but, the above scene, had me realising that life was moving along, showers were beiakenaken... people were doing others things... they weren't just sitting around waiting for something to happen... it came across as very real to me. :-)

    Loved Trunks and Goten throughout the birth. Loved Trunks snappy responses to Goten, and then Gotens realisation that all is not paradise with his mate during labour... Loved this:

    "...Then looked back at him and gave him a pat on his knee. Asshole. As if he was going to be anywhere near his knee anytime soon."

    LOL! They don't call him a genius for nothing. :-)

    A happy birth... all is well. :-)

    A good chapter. Looking forward to the next.

    Loved the end dialogue. :-)

    "Huh. Gina was not even mentioned here."

    Ah, yeah... sorry about that... my fault. I should have highlighted to what I was referring. I was actually referring to the scene when 'Geta was thinking that she was hiding because she didn't want anyone to see her in her new colours. :-D

    Re: the poll:

    Yeah, I can't really see Goten as the diplomat type. :-D

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  • From ANON - macha on May 05, 2004
    First, the poll. I haven't seen anything that says he can cook.

    Ah, the wonders of science. I still want a future-reminder-thingy. So useful.

    Aya is a great name.

    "Stop hogging our daughter," LOL.

    And only letting Lil' Vegeta touch her ONCE.

    I think you did and excellent job with the "Birth of Aya" chapter.
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  • From Lenora on May 05, 2004
    'Allo! I loved it. *psst* can we make a Lenora/Twins sandwich again????? Anyway, i loved the birth, cause i just adore Trunks. And Veggie, and the twins...and...well pretty much everyone. hehehehehe cept for ChiChi, cause she deserves to be mauled by a wild mountian lion then brought to my worst enemy Ben's house so he can torture her with his very presence. gosh, i almost feel sorry for her...almost. :D *cackle cackle*

    Ya know, i was reading the part about everyone getting nervous a couple chapters back and i was like, ooh here comes the lust cycle. Then this morning i was like wait a tick, that's More of Us. Not the Therapy Saga. lol I'm such a dork.
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