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Reviews for Group Therapy

By : CardDragonBall
  • From jaygoose on May 03, 2004
    Pan is actually sort of likable in this fic. Oh god the world is coming to an end. I hated Pan in GT. Anyway, youhan han is turning out nicely. gotta more final for today and I get go write. :)
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  • From ANON - Getarian on May 03, 2004
    Really enjoyed this chapter. :-D

    Loved how Vegeta totally respected his brother'periperior skill the the prank department. Bothselfself and their father seem to be in awe of him. Loved this:

    "...And his Dad summed it up in one sentence: “They’re going to get their asses kicked, aren’t they?”"

    LOL! A fatalist. :-)

    "He spent time with Trunks—as an absolute ‘See, I had nothing to do with it, I’ve been here with him all the time’ sort of insurance against his brother deciding it was high time that his older twin received some of his revenge schemes."

    LOL! Absolutely love this wardwardly' attitude of Vegeta's when it comes to his cunning twin. :
    “Ink ink its more a melon shape.”
    "And this made Vegeta hate his brother."

    LOL! 'Geta can't understand Trunks' attitude either... this is so funny. :-D

    Absolutely loved Goten's pre-emptive prank. I loved them all. Felt a teensy bit bad for Gohan getting his head shaved, but it'll grow back, and everyone's reactions to each other, and then themselves was hilarious. Totally lost it when I cctedcted all this with why Goku and Vegeta started to shower at Bulma's place... LOL! Smart parents. Been there, done that. :-D

    Loved Goku's reaction:

    “Oh, man, guys!” he said, “You all look ridiculous!”

    LOL! That wasn't comforting at all. :-D

    "So when Bardock came over to him and climbed up on to his back and whimpered: “Aren’t you going to yell at him?”"

    Ah, Bardock, I really love this little guy... I think hs hos hoping that his 'mum' would read that nasty Goten the riot act... :-D

    "Vegeta just shook his head. “Why? He ’t h’t hurt any of you.”"

    “He hurt my eardrums,” Gohan said. “Mom and Videl screamed for an hour when they found Pan. Then they told me not to come back until she was normal again.”

    LOL! So they have new houseguests, this could be fun. :-)

    Looking forward to the next chapter.

    Liked the end dialogue. :-)

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  • From ANON - Getari ° on February 29, 1920
    Reviewing Chapter 19

    Sheesh, I thought I was all caught up on this fic. How did I miss one?

    I loved the scene with Pan and Presta. But I cracked up at the point when Goten picked Presta up by her tail, and Pan ended up kickinrselrself in the head. It was hilarious :-D

    Gohan showed amazing restraint, he must really look forward to family visit day. ;-)

    "...“Because having sex with you is so very boring.” (Still, one would notice that he had not put the ice cream aside or removed his pants.)"

    LOL! I get the feeling that Goten is getting the, not so good side of a contentedly pregnant mate. :-)

    “Don’t even think you’re going to kiss me. I’m eating my ice cream.” He motioned to the lower half of his body. “Everythyou you want is down there.”
    "Goten snorted. “Oh, please,” he said, “Stop the romancing.”"

    LOL! I'm really loving this 'new improved' laid back Trunks. Guess his mate is rubbing off on him. :-)

    "Felt his body tremor and thought that he was going to prove to be more important than that damn ice cream eventually."
    "(Maybe not today, or tomorrow, or for the next four or five months…but one day

    LOL! I really enjoy the way these two are with each other... not as much as Goku and Vegeta, but close. :-)

    I love that Presta is teaching Gina how to use her new-found powers. Loved it when Presta asked her what she was going to teach her, and Gina came up with this:

    “Lets see,” Gina said. Tapped her finger against her chin. “What would piss your father off?”

    Followed by this:

    “Hey,” Vegeta said from the side, “Don’t be teaching her anything that will get you in trouble. He’ll think I helped you.”

    LOL! Love that Vegeta is afraid of his brother's vengeance skills. :-D

    “What about…” Presta stopped, shrugged. “I have no idea what you girls do all day. Just don’t teach me anything that will turn me into that little…Pan thing.”

    LOL! Good decision!

    Enjoyed it when Vegeta got all concerned when Presta told Gina, that it's way more fun to fight the men, as a form of attraction, rather than acting all helpless. Cracked up when he told Gina not to listen to her because she's mentally unstable. Loved how Bardock defended her:

    "Bardock pushed his way into the conversation. “No she’s not.” Then he tugged on Presta’s arm and perepered—loud enough they all heard—“You’re not unstable are you?”"

    LOL! He's so adorable. I think he's got a little baby crush on her. :-) Just weirded myself out as I realised that she's his niece... even though she is older... Ah, who cares... baby crushes are sweet. :-)

    Enjoyed the scene between Vegeta and Goku. It had a wonderfully contented feel to it. :-)

    Liked the end dialogue. :-)

    "Honestly, push come to shove, I think Trunks is the only one of the ‘mates’ that would flat out tell his mate to go ‘fix’ himself and leave him the hell alone."

    Yeah. I can see that as well. :-)

    "And don’t worry about Presta, she’s just naturally that disrespectful. The only one she really respects is the King."

    Ah, yeah, sort of fits her personality. :-) Love that she respects the King. :-)

    "Okay. *Goes to track the wild ‘Goku’ in his natural horny habitat as he stalks the elusive ‘Vegeta’ * I wonder what I should wear for camouflage?"

    Well, seeing as how they're nearly always up against a mountainside, you could go as a rock... or for those special candlelight supermarkcenecenes... you could be one of those ladies handing out free food samples, and can enjoy watching Goku get himself all wound up in knots as he tortures himself over what to do, eat or 'bump uglies'... then again, he might incorporate the two... :-D

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  • From ANON - K-GT on May 02, 2004
    I read all your stories! And I love them all I am truley sorry I do not review to all of them... oh my favorite t-shirt is... GT: Why YES You can Blow Me lol it is great keep up the good work (plz)
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  • From ANON - setharo07 on May 02, 2004
    OMG!! I loved this chapter! Goten's revenge was great. It was hilarious picturing all of them multicolored.

    Vote: - We deliver. Funny as well. Thanks, Card
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  • From ANON - macha on May 02, 2004
    Okay the voting thing. 1) No, that's not a banana in myket.ket. 2) Been there, fucked that

    Now on to the rest of a review.

    Spent a lot of time reading this story. I noticed that there is A LOT of lemoney goodness. (Happy, horny, humping sayains:))

    I see neon people. (okay. that was bad, but what you wrote was Funny) , and Chi Chi with Green hair, LOL. And the 'Once upon a time...' harpy story, that was a good one.

    Presta is a very interesting person. I wonder who's theroy about her power level will turn out to be the correct one.

    I am surprised that useing the dragonballs to wish humans into sayians hasn't been used more often. I think that it is a valid use of dragonballs. Of course, if I had had Bulma or Chi Chi as a mate, I wouldn't have ever suggested that the balls be used in this way. Can you imagine what Goku's life would have been like if Chi Chi was able to fly. OMG, that would've sucked! (This is only the second story that I have read that's had that senario in it, and the first one was a while ago.)

    And now that you have all of these sayians and demis together, what are you going to do with them other than lemons? If this is just a story about lemona I' I'm okay with that.

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  • From ANON - macha on May 02, 2004
    chapter 13 in reference to the lil Vegeta and Gina situation, I like happy, horny, humping sayains. *huge smile*
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  • From ANON - macha on May 01, 2004
    Hey, just doing a little catch up reading, and what did I find in chapter 4 of Group Therapy? Public sex! Yeah.

    Any way, back the the rest of the stroy.
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  • From ANON - jaygoose on May 01, 2004 got them all in the same house together. How clever and hilarious. I feel the worst for Gohan for some reason. Maybe because he's the only one who lost his hair. It didn't even matter what the pranks was...the revenge was so much more entertaining.

    Am I supposed to vote on this pole again?
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  • From ANON - EleneK on May 01, 2004
    "*glances at Elenek significantly *" Yeeessss? *blink blink bat bat; evil lisa grin* I have an OC whose an evil enough bitch to do it. You bor borrow her if you'd like. Just Kidding. I really don't trust her outside of my own little world.

    Thank you for bringing Gohan into the story. I forgive you. He really should have known not to join in on that prank though. LMAO. "Looser" on his forehead Ha Ha. No Hair. hmm he probably looks better. *rolls eyes as El always hated his professor hair cut*

    Rainbow people!!!!!!!!! Whoop!!!!!! I love it.

    Something tells me that Pan and Presta togeather could be a very dangerous combination.

    Personally I like Trunks in that "I can kick your ass" mode. Then again I'm a sucker for dark Saiyans *yummy....................................................................* Sorry, zoned out for a moment. You should show it more often. Before he got pregnant was he training with the others? Has he bothered to trian since he came back? Maybe I just missed that.
    Hn. Never Mind.

    Keep up the good work.


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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on May 01, 2004
    Oh *gasp* I change my shirt vote!!!! I want to vote for...
    GT: My Ass is Your Ass
    Thank you Ginia for posting those shiamesames!!! I knew there was one like that...and I couldn't quite remember the name. I was skimming through all of the stories to find it!!! And that be it!!!
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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on May 01, 2004

    It had taken every single ounce of self-control on Goten’s part to keep himself from falling down and rolling around on the ground cackling when Pan tried to kick Presta and ended up getting knocked through the wall of her house. --Goten is so cruel! How could he want to laugh at something like that! I mean just the thought of little Pan getting knocked through walls makes me want to...*laughs uncontrollably* Ok who am Ilingling that was hilarious! Love the chibi rivalry that is going between all the little ones.

    and Pan ended up kicking herself in the head. (Oh, that was funny as hell too.) At that point, Masuyo started to cry, Bardock attempted to launch himself at his niece—Pan—and got caught by Vegeta--LMAO!!!! hehe these kids are so crazy. Pan is a idiot! When I read what Bardock attempted to do...that was just too funny... poor poor Pan...*said sarcastically and rolls eyes*

    and he tossed him the pint of cookie-dough ice cream. --*drools* That is my all time favorite ice cream!

    “Everything you want is down there.”--rofl, oh he is very romantic, and far along is Trunks anyway?

    “Wow,” Presta said, “I thought I was going to have to beat you up there for a minute.”--lol said so casually. But that would have been such an interesting fight. I don't blame her for not wanting to be like Pan, I wouldn't either...blech!

    Then uggeugged on Presta’m anm and whispered—loud enough they all heard—“You’re not unstable are you?”--rofl. Kids...hehe. That was so cute of him to ask that.

    “You know, Vegeta,” --O_O You mean that very statement is the key to get the Saiyain Prince naked? ^__^ *happily goes to find Vegeta and use this new phrase*

    But the only ones that saw the T-shirt was Red and Bardock. (And if either one of them had done it I would have fallen out of my chair and died.)--rofl!!!! I would have died too!

    *gasp* you mean I have to vote for another shirt!?!?!?
    how about
    Spank the Monkey shirt...yes that is the one I will vote for. ^.^

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  • From ANON - Ginia on April 30, 2004
    Ok - I'm sure I missed a few but here are the shirts from Goten's collection th fou found. I included the ones worn by the others during the 'revenge' missions against Kane. Why? Because Goten pulled each of those shirst out of his capsule collection so I think they should count.

    APAM: Spank the Monkey
    C-E: I’m handing out Ass-whuppin’s Want one?
    GT: My Ass is Your Ass
    GT: Hands Off Asshole (special shirt made for Gina by Goten - probably dosen't belong here)
    GT: All Ass All the Time
    GT: No, it’s not a Banana in my Pocket
    GT: Why YES You can Blow Me
    GT: Non-Professional Proctologist
    MT: Been there, fucked that.
    MT: I’m Easy, How About You?
    MT: Guaranteed Orgasm
    MT: Cherry-popper
    MT: Please Take Me Now
    MT: WWW. UnderageAss. Com - We deliver
    MT: Hot Ride (Vegeta on their visit to Kane’s meeting)
    MT: Virgin? (Trunks for the group revenge on Kane)
    MT: I hold the patent to the Fuckn’suck (Vegeta for the group revenge on Kane)
    MT: Lollipop Licker (Gina for the group revenge on Kane)
    MT: Spank Me

    Now as to which one is my favorite - and obviously I've thought about it a lot - I'd have to go with MT's Guaranteed Orgasm... just because...

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  • From ANON - Christina G. on April 30, 2004
    Gotta love "Spank the Monkey" from APAM. It's so damn funny. Goten wearing a shirt like that around a bunch of third-class Saiyans; that don't even get the sexual reference. It makes me laugh just thinking about it.

    I was wondering what happended to Gohan in this fic. Had trouble reveiwing yesterday. Darn site and its too many connections shit. Pan aka mini-ChiChi is such a painintheass. I can't stand her in at all. Especially teh GT series. Loved Goten's POV about her attacking Presta.
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  • From ANON - Elenek on April 30, 2004
    I forgot to mention it. My favorite shirt was Spank the Monkey written in Saiyago no less. Double entendre even if the Saiyans didn't get it. I kept waiting for someone to spank him on his ass really hard and them tell him that he shouldn't wear a shirt that said "spank the monkey" when he was one.
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