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Reviews for Group Therapy

By : CardDragonBall
  • From ANON - Webtester01 on April 07, 2004
    I love the part where Goten wiskes in stops and smiles and punces. LOL Now that Goku has his tail back, all that's left is for Trunks to get his.
    It would not surprise me if Trunks became more frisky with his tail back. Then again, with being turned into a hermaphrodite might compound it.
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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on April 07, 2004

    (which proclaimed My Ass is Your Ass.) --rofl! hehe what a lovely shirt.

    “HANDS OFF ASSHOLE.” --LoL again another wonderful shirt

    “Ugh!” Bardock said. Jumped on the back of the couch and ran off in the opposite direction of them. Screaming at the top of his lungs.--rofl! Aww he is so cute. I like little Bardock already.

    If they knew the secret it would be no fun.--true, but what is this mysertious secret. One can't help but to be very curious

    “If you’re not sure than don’t take the fucking hormones. If you do love him, than do.” --rofl! Than you Vegeta for that heart warming conversation. I could really picture him saying that, fl exl expressions and all.

    “Fine. But you need to sleep on the floor in our room because Mommy and I are going to have sex. Its not good for Daddies to go without…” --rofl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is so hilarious! I can't believe he was saying that to his son. hehe its's not good for daddies to go without! I loved that.

    “Oh, Kami,” Vegeta muttered, “Go get a room.” --hehe LoL

    And Vegeta was naked.--I did a double take when I read that, for some reason I just wasn't expecting that. A neaked Vegeta is a very nice thing...especially w/ a tail.

    Gk: I think this story should be all about me and how I get sex.--I agree!!! Well not really I like everyone else in the ficcy! They make me laugh, but Goku sex is a great thing too!

    Another wonderful new fic!

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  • From ANON - Getarian on April 07, 2004
    "And, most of the time, it was also devoid of a certain horny, spastic puppy, overly-possessive mates that snuck up on people and somehow managed to convince him that sex was something they should do everywhere."

    LOL! And so it is, when it comes to these two anyway :-D

    "but the last time he hade soe something his child considered to be obstinate and asshole-like, he had ended up with bright pink hair."

    LOL! So this is why he got the pink treatment :-) I'm stunned that no one has ever considered payback.

    "Sighed. Wondered how much work it would take to put another bathroom in the house."

    Poor Vegeta, can't even enjoy a nice relaxing shower.

    "Wondered just how long this little boy was going to live under the mistaken impression that he was more stubborn than him."

    LOL! I do like Vegeta, looks like he's got a battle on his hands with baby brother :-)

    "“I don’t remember being asked to make anything,” he said."

    Lazy 'Geta, he needs to take lessons from his father. I loved the way Goku fussed over Vegeta when he was pregnant :-)

    "Because it was so much fun to watch them endlessly pushed to the ends of their wits by the rambunctious child. If they knew the secret it would be no fun."

    LOL! I can't wait for both Vegeta and Goten to become parents...payback time :-) Deeply curious as to what the 'secret' is...

    "...Crossed his arms over his chest, and nodded to himself like he had just fulfilled some sort of motherly duty."

    ROTFL! Gods Vegeta, sometimes you're so bloody useless...LOL!

    Okay, Vegeta told Trunks what he needed to hear, I'm glad that he was able to warn Trunks what to expect, loved this:

    "...Oh, and get over your sense of modesty before you drink it, because Goten’s like his father, they don’t have an ounce of tor dor discretion.”"

    LOL! Another important warning :-) I do miss those early days when Goku kept talking about sex with Vegeta in front of everyone :-D

    “Fine. But you need to sleep on the floor in our room because Mommy and I are going to have sex. Its not good for Daddies to go without…”

    ROTFL! Gods, I love this guy...You tell 'em Goku. You need sex with their mum...this beats the heck out of all the pink hair treatments :-D

    "Stood there, holding his hands over his father’s mouth until he was sure that nothing more would be said before he backed away,"

    Bardock is so sweet :-)

    Yes! Goku and Vegeta have their tails back :-) Loved how the twins manipulated Goku so he didn't see the needle coming :-D

    Oh wow! Loved the whole tail stroking scene, naked Vegeta, soon equally naked Goku and then synchronised tail stroking, panting and thrusting...steamy :-)

    Can never get enough G/V action...and I totally loved Vegetaing ing “Kakarot,” and Goku saying “Mine,” - how I missed this...*sigh*

    looking forward to the next chapter :-)

    Loved the end dialogue :-)

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  • From ANON - jaygoose on April 06, 2004
    Yes a new story...loved lots...have no time to say more really...paper due in the morning...damned college! Yay! Tails!
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  • From ANON - Rc on April 06, 2004
    I love the entire series!! It's fucking funny as hell. You should keep going with this!! Right on.
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  • From ANON - Webtester01 on April 06, 2004
    Excelent sequel!!!!!!!!!!! I had a feeling a needle would be iled led in restoring the tail. My guess is an injetction of saiyan stem s. Ws. Which can be extracted by the
    inner lining of the stomach, at least in humans.
    Anyway the "HANDS OFF ASSHOLE" shirt on Gina is so fitting. ROFL. Now that she is pregnant her mood swings are really going to heat things up.
    And you are right Trunks couldn't hold out for long against Goten in the trick department. If however a certain pregnant mood swinging human mate gets involved,
    then both the twins will be in a lot of trouble. LOL
    Keep up the good work!!!!
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