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Reviews for A Prince Among Men

By : CardDragonBall
  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on April 21, 2004
    Loving it,

    “Oh I can’t believe I’m doing this.” --rofl!!! I can...

    Vegeta was insanely happy about this. Deliriously happy, in fact.--hehe, I bet he deserves a nice bath!

    “Alright, Now before you go thinking I brought you out here to molest you, I’m going to help. Unfortunately, I only know how to do this with my mouth.” ---ROFL!!! I ..can't...breathe...laughing to hard.

    and he was going to murder his fucking father and his idiot little brother and laugh while he played in their blood.--LoL...the sad thing is I can actually picture Vegeta frolicking around in this blood with sheer delight, oh yes and squeeling like a girl...ok scratch the frolick and the squeel...hehe

    Most of them died long before the rest of them.--WHAT!? Why? Is their life expectancy half as long?

    Radditz said, sticking his ugly face into the tent. -- LoL...and by ugly did you actually mean gousgous?

    I love how Kakarott got in trouble for sexing up the virgin Prince. And now he feels bad...awww. I also love the title of this fic. I get into titles and stuff like that and I think this is a cool one. I sat and thought about the title for like 5 minutes, not that I was confused. I just liked it alot. I kept repeated it in my mind...oookkkk now I am sounding slightly crazy.
    Anywho I luved this chap!

    *whips out photographic evidence* Seeeeeeeee?!?!?! He is so much BIGGER than Vegeta! My goodness he’s like MONSTROUS in comparison… *upon careful inspection of the photo, there is revealed a picture of Goku standing next to Vegeta, both of them fully clothed and posing*
    He. He. What’dja think I was talking about?!---ROFL...uh I thought you were talking about their heads...yeah that's it! You know since Vegeta has a very large head...*coughs* get your mind out of the gutter! I am talking about their heads, you know the one's attached to their necks... what do you take me for? A hentai of some kind? *hides G/V yaoi doujinshi* Gosh...have more faith in me...



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  • From ANON - jaygoose on April 21, 2004
    I think that its cool that Kaki is a ass in this one. He needs to stretch himself and get out of the clueless idiot thing he always has going.
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  • From ANON - Getarian on April 20, 2004
    Sheesh! I think I may just have made a true connection to whom it was who placed the ki repressors on Vegeta. Still not fully sure of the actual reason why, but can now untandtand, that this would not be an unheard of action for my guess. If my guess is correct...allow me to congratulate you on some marvelloucunncunning word play. If my guess is wrong, you are so never going to know about it...I think I've embarrassed myself enough just lately as it is. LOL!
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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on April 20, 2004

    that he was pissed off that this stupid, smelly, dirty third-class moron that hadn’t even taken a bath in the past decade was thrusting into him. --no bath in the last decade...ROFL that is so gross...

    trapped under a man that was more powerful than him, bigger than him--*coughs* bigger than him...really? and this 'bigger' that we are talking about, it wouldn't happen to be between his legs would it? Because if so I need a full description and pictures, you know for proof..hehe j/k I know what ya really mean...*Shifty eyes* yeah what you 'really' mean...hehe

    and obviously more dominant than him.---*cheers* Give it up for dominant Kakarott, that is a goregeous thing!

    Polarity would return to normal, he would remember he hated Kakarot and his whole smelly world. ---no no I think the polarity is just fine...I like what is happening...I likes it alot!

    But even that wasn’t enough. Wanted more of it, wanted his vision black and blue and red.---rofl is that safe?

    He nakeded (yes, I’m using nakeded as a verb) Vegeta himself.---LoL I like that verb, very cool!

    Another wonderful chappie! I love the twins and I loved the lemon!!!! Vegeta was making me laugh during some of the lemon when he was going through half hearted denial that he was liking it....loved how it was all written...

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  • From ANON - Getarian on April 20, 2004
    You have no idea how glad I am that I got the whole K/V lemon scene wrong... alright, not completely wrong, there's still Vegeta's vriginity issue, but the thing that really had me not liking those two, was my mistaken belief of how the whole thing had been set up, and I'm pleased to note in this chapter that, that's not the way it happened...hate being wrong (who doesn't) but this time, I'm glad I was :-)

    Got to enjoy the lemon more because of this, and Vegeta was his usual responsively, sensual self. Really loved his thoughts as he realised that he was thoroughly enjoying something he felt he should be enraged over. ;-) I really hope it works out for these two, and seriously hope that Kakarot appreciates what he's got, still a bit worried in that department, cause he's a full blown Saiyan in this one, and this group isn't exactly the flowers and chocolates type :-D

    "“Oh, the Prince and Kaki are going at it,” Goten said. Smirked like this was funny."“W"“We are not interrupting t Got Goten,” Vegeta said."

    Gotta love Goten's smirk, don't know what he had planned, but it's dead funny that Vegeta obviously knew what, and put a stop to anything before it started. Have to wonder if Goten was just in the mood for putting a spanner in Kakarot's works. :-D

    “They’re done!” Goten said happily, “Let’s go get this over with.”

    Ah, Is this when they take care of mum's ki repressors? Btw, thought I'd mention at this point, that I was also wrong in my assessment of Saima, I really am liking her more and more. I guess I find her a lot less abrasive now, and she no longer annoys me. In fact, considering the company she keeps, she's a pretty decent sort...I seem to be on a roll with misjudging in this one don't I? Actually looking forward to how Bardock and Red come along...not that I disliked Red anyway, she struck me as rough, but quite likeable. :-)

    Hmm, so Goten hinted that someone from their childhood is responsible for the ki repressors currently on his mother? I have an idea who that could be. However, as you never asked for guesses, I 't s't say anything...besides, still trying to figure out the why's of my guess anyway.

    Definitely looking forward to more. :-)

    "...but Goku’s twins sons are there now and you know they aren’t good at staying out of trouble…(or their parent’s business.) MWHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

    LOL! Why am I not reassured by this? Just kidding. Yeah, the twins always dance to their own tune, sometimes you just want to throttle them...actually, I never have...ah wait, yes I did, when they took forever to kill the androids, back in 'cross-eyed' :-D

    Anyhoo... I truly love the twins. :-)

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  • From ANON - jaygoose on April 19, 2004
    Well, hello there. I sqeezed some time in to read your fics. Finals just might kill me. I love this chapter of course. Some most loverly Geta and Kaki fucking. Yes! Always good and have I told you how much I am liking Red and Bardock, cause I do. I am on the fence about Saima. I don't know about that girl. Hopefully, I'll have tio reo read again tomorrow.
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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on April 19, 2004
    Lovely, very lovely...^.^

    chapter 6

    “Goten? Who the fuck named you some out-planet idiot?”--rofl! heheonlyonly he knew...

    Goten—oh, Radditz had a feeling he was going to hate that kid—grinned from ear to ear.--poor Radditz...

    “Yep. Better run along and get straightened up Kaki.”
    “You two, Raddi,” Vegeta added, with a sort of dark glowering humor.--rofl! That is great! I love how well you keep everyones personality's in matter which ficcie its in. It is amazing.

    Vegeta (the only Vegeta in the world that really deserved the name Vegeta and how dare all these lower-class fools steal his rightful name)--awww poor Vegeta is sad b/c everyone has his name. I love Vegeta in this fic he is so cute...ah bloody hell I love Vegeta in all your fics what am I talking about!?!?!?!?

    “Look,” Goten said, “I’m not a tactful Saiyan, I’m not discreet, and I don’t really like having to beat around the bush endlessly. So this is what I can offer you: I can make you fertile again and get you pregnant.”
    WHAT THE FUCK?!---oh gods..ROFL *gasping for breath* Goten is so freaking hilarious! I could just picture Saima's face..not to mention my face when he said this to her...*coughs* and not to mention Trunks face if they ever tell him...

    Vegeta: *SIGHES HEAVILY AND LOOKS HIGHLY DISTURBED THAT EVERYONE IN THE STORY HAS PLAYED WITH HIS NIPPLES*--rofl! I didn't get to play with his nipples...although I am not in the I guess that makes sense.
    chapter 7

    Bitch, he thought, but fondly thought it.--nice my brr Lur Lucas and I had a contest with who could say this line fastest...I won of course...*drops head ashamed* No I didn't, I lost!!! But it was fun!

    so to speak because Saiyans didn’t have doorsteps, they had tents—LoL

    Blinked away the sleep-fog and found that he had a completely disrobed Prince under him, furious and aroused—and perhaps furious because he was aroused—WHAT!!! O_O disrobed Vegeta how did this happen!?!?!?!?!? I smell lemon pie a baking!!!!!!!!

    (well duh, he was the Prince, and the royal family doesn’t exactly go around asking to be fucked now do they?) he must have been a virgin.--LoL awww that is so Vegeta!!!!! *dies*

    Vegeta was hardly breathing, staring up at him like he had no fucking clue what was happening to him.--hehe that is cute too!!!!! awww ^.^ I love this lemon!!!!!

    Curled his hands into his own hair. Utterly beautiful.--ok yeah!!!! that is UTTERLY BEAUTIFUL!!!!! *dies for the millionth time*

    Wow...very nice lemon. I loved it as I loved the two chappies I just read. I said this in the other fic but I do love the connection that these stories have I think it is very cool. I love the twins.

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  • From ANON - Getarian on April 18, 2004
    This is a very rough bunch of Saiyans, and so far, not very likeable. I'm not knocking this portrayal by the way, I'm actually very intrigued by what sort of people they are at the core, are they 'what you see, is what you get' or is there something deeper underneath the surface crudity? Saima seems to show something more, I am looking forward to the unfurling of Kakarot's personality, because so far...

    ...Can't say that I'm liking Kakarot or Radditz in this story. I sort of had different visions of how Vegeta and Kakarot would finally get together, and yes, although I hoped it would be a semi-humorous wake up thing, I didn't really mind how they got together provided that both parties were content to do so, which is why I was pretty disturbed by the implication that Raddiame ame in, stripped a helpless Vegeta and placed him under a waking Kakarot. I know that Vegeta became aroused and obviously enjoyed it in the end, but the method used bothered me, as did the fact that, Kakarot didn't seem to care that the Prince was a virgin. So yeah, not liking them at the moment.

    I'm actually hoping that I've misread this scene, because I'm definitely rooting for a K/V coupling, but so far, the Prince has been shown little reason to like this bunch.

    I must say, that Iery ery intrigued by the story itself, so much is happening, and I'm not even close to understanding what it is all about, there seems to be so many threads, that I'm left wondering how it's all going to be eventually tied together.

    Very curious as to why Goten is going out of his way to make Saima pregnant, but I am glad that he can. My heart went out to her in the end, when she cried. It all must be very overwhelming for her.

    Extremely interesting story so far,kingking forward to more. :-)

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  • From Hecate on April 17, 2004
    Just what I like to read... Lemon, lemon and more lemon... with a good plot to go with. ^_~
    I'm sooooo happy that Goten and Lil'Vegeta are both here, I love those two!
    Also Whoohoo for Vegeta and Kakarot! ^-^

    You know I'm looking forward to the next chap! ^_^
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  • From ANON - jaygoose on April 17, 2004
    Yeah! Kaki and Geta got on with the banging. Good. I am so incredibly tired. Sorry for the lamer than average review. And I will try to include more perverted Goten in future ches. es. ;)
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  • From ANON - Getarian on April 17, 2004
    I think I'm always going to love Goten, he possesses the most laid-back insolence I've ever come across...I love it! Loved his attitude with the other Saiyans, and loved this most of all:

    "Goten Rad Radditz had a feeling he was going to hate that kid—grinned from ear to ear."

    LOL! Yup! more than likely :-)

    Love that they quickly picked up their mom and took him away from the camforefore they examined his ki restraints, and even though the Prince had no idea who they were and was outraged by their treatment of him, and they didn't exactly go out of their way to reassure him ;-) It was nice to see that although they can have some fun with mom, they're not letting anyone else gawk and poke that! :-)

    Vegeta's mixed pleasure and uncertainty at being in the presence of Super Saiyans, and his excitement at the thought of returning home (which, something tells me, isn't going to be happening anytime soon) was kind of touching. I have a feeling that he's going to be in for a let dowPoorPoor sod. :-(

    Very interested in what it is that the twins told Red. I know that they're only staying for a little while, but I'm really enjoying their presence in this story :-)

    Looking forward to the next chapter :-)


    LOL! Poor Vegeta. You shouldn't have such delightful nipples then, should you? :-D

    "Aww, don’t be so hard on Bardock. He had yet to show his full colors. You might just like him yet. *wink *"

    Feel much comforted by the wink :-) Expect to be liking him anytime now :-)

    BTW. I know I mentioned it when I reviewed "Never Before"...but, once again, welcome back! allyally missed these updates :-)

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  • From ANON - jaygoose on April 16, 2004
    That last review was me...damned traitorious computer.
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  • From ANON - Anon on April 16, 2004
    (Yes, Vegeta remembered his Grandmother, and that woman…well…let’s just say he knew where Goten got his highly-developed sense of revenge from.) - I know you thought that I hadn't caught this line from Group Therapy but I was just waiting to find out if my suspicions were correct. Ha, you are a clever little minx. This had been bother me for the longest. Thank god you finally got around to it.

    Red, huh I like that name. And I am so glad the twins are in this story. It feel really comfortable now.

    Oh, and don't min, I , I actually love cliffies. He. He.

    Thanks for reviewing my fic. I actually got the idea for a lecherous Goten from you, so thanks for the inspiration.
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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on April 15, 2004
    ^.^ Lovely...

    and had to admit that it actually felt pretty damn good to have someone else rubbing them.--hehe I bet...

    He didn’t even bother to deny that Kakarot was molesting him. Took too much energy that he didn’t have.--aww, it's ok, it's b/c he probably wants to be molested by Kakarott...

    “We’re not scheduled to be near the home planet for at least five years. So shut up about getting home and accept the fact that you’re out here with the rest of us shit-piles. I will tell you what to do, not the other way around.” ---*gasp* 5 yrs!!! How horrible for Vegetgaspgasp again* He told Vegeta to shut up!!!! How dare he!!!

    when he made his regal way back to the palace. Because getting beheaded would suck. A lot.--LoL I liked that, his regal way...and the beheaded part...yeah that would most definately suck.

    Twice because he had gotten in a fight with his father—which was a mighty humbling experience. ---Wow, I am sensing that did not have a good outcome 4 Kakarott.

    “Yeah, I told you to fuck your hand, but even it has higher standards!”--ROFL!

    Krt: Gee, I wonder who these new strangers are.--yeah I wonder...hehe *cheers* YAY!!! The twins...and another cliffy!!!!! *shakes fist at you* Darn you!!!!

    Awesome chapter, I am loving this story more and more...
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  • From ANON - Getarian on April 12, 2004
    Poor Vegeta.

    “I gave you a tent so you could molest your boys and girls there, Kakarot. I think he’s recovered,”

    Wow, I figured that Bardock probably had little time for the King, but I can't believe how disrespectful he is to his Prince. I have a feeling I'm not going to like Bardock too much in this fic.

    Totally understand Vegeta not bothering to protest against such things, I think he's finally beginning to pick up on the atmosphere and is hopefully using his smarts a bit more. He's right, all proing ing would do, would be to bring further taunts from those around him.

    "....I will tell you what to do, not the other way around.”"

    This I understand. Bardock is the leader of these troops and he can't afford to have someone, who doesn't understand how they operate, butting in,protprotest of the fact that he's royalty. I still don't like his attitude, but I agree with this.

    "He was dropped on a pile of dirty clothes. Joy."

    LOL! Gotta love the way that Vegeta is dealing with the rough handling. He's handling it all pretty well at the moment, gotta wonder how he would be, if he had full use of his power, either way, I love the scenes with him and Kakarot :-)

    "...And we’re taking the boyfriend today.”"

    LOL! Oh dear, poor Vegeta (I knew I'd be saying this alot) ;-) I cast ist imagine the thoughts running through his mind and the look on his face, when things like this are said-:-D

    "To illustrate that Vegeta was that boyfriend, the tall and overly haired one shook him. As if there was someone else lying around that could be misconstrued as Kakarot’s boyfriend."

    ROTFL! I really love the sarcasm :-D

    Really loved Kakarot's wince and thoughts as Radditz (the big bully) dropped Vegeta on his arse, but particularly loved this:

    "...Because getting beheaded would suck. A lot."

    LOL! It certainly would! :-D

    "So, one severely beaten body and six hours later, he was finally released from the fight, and with a grunt of effort, picked up the Prince—who had fallen asleep during the first hour of the fight and was snoring away."

    Oh Fuck. ROTFLMAO! You have no idea how cute and funny, the picture I just got in my head at these words, was.

    Not really sure if I'm going to like Saima or not, but I did love this:

    “Maybe he’ll wake you up one morning and you’ll fuck him before he even realizes what he’s done.”

    LOL! That's right, Vegeta has no idea about Kakarot's morning wake up routine, does he? Could be very educational for him *smirks*

    Hey hey! The twins are here. They're going to help their mum, right? They can't leave him like that with those ki restraints, amongst that lot, can they? I actually felt a thrill of something comfortable settling around me when they turned up...and that's scary...'cause 'comfort' and 'the twins' just don't go in the same sentence :-D

    But it's good to see them :-)

    C'mon your mum!

    Really enjoyed this chapter.

    Looking forward to the next :-)

    "...when I get back but I *trips on misplaced shoe and falls on face * really have toish ish getting ready. *ow. *"

    LOL! Hope that your return home is less frantic :-)

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