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Reviews for For The Love Of The Fight

By : MisaTheGreat
  • From ANON - Ariel on February 13, 2013
    When will you make more of this story? Cause this is just getting good
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  • From ANON - chibi_vegeta on June 17, 2004

    look...I don't want to come across as mean or anything...but for kami's sake...can you not run spell-check on your work before posting?? and try not to use the thesaurus so much...I know it's difficult to come up with a variety of adjectives to define one character from another, but "corpulent" does _not_ mean 'large' in the sense you wished to use means fat...grossly huge...not at all an attractive word to use in describing Kakarrot ne?

    keep a _lot_...expand your vocabulary...

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  • From Shan on June 17, 2004
    I'm interested in seeing the transition from proud prince of all saiyans to Goku's snuggle-bunny (j/k), because you are starting from the beginning with this one. What I mean by that, is normally writers have Vegeta later on in the show, or affected by something, and you never really get to see the developing part of him that makes him decide to stay on earth. I'm sure you'll be handling that just fine and I can't wait to read it (provided Vegeta doesn't poison Goku in his sleep for his atrocious table manners).
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  • From ANON - Macha on June 16, 2004
    I love the way you write about the minute details. The part about Goku's unhealed wounds still leaking blood and then scabbing over.

    Even the part in the meal where Vegeta was noticing every crumb that Goku was leaving behind, even in the water, Yuck! That even made me lose my appitiete. I am glad I wasn't eating while I was reading.

    Still so discriptive! I love it.

    You gonna write about Vegeta in the shower? Huh, huh? (he he)
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  • From Shan on June 13, 2004
    This is good, I can see already that Vegeta is in denial, I've forgotten how the line goes, but it's something like the way Goku's sweaty body makes Vegeta's stomach flip. He thinks it's a sick feeling, but of course, rabid yaoi fangirls know better...
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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on June 11, 2004
    Nice story.
    I like it a lot, very descriptive.
    I was unsure about Goku getting on his knees...needless to say I was just about as shocked as Vegeta was.
    That was very different.
    and different is very good.
    So I will be waiting for the update.
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  • From ANON - Webtester01 on June 11, 2004
    Great story. Very descriptive.

    Vegeta's reaction was priceless. lol

    Write more!
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  • From ANON - ~*Noel*~ on June 11, 2004
    First of all thisa Gra Great start and I have been sitting at the computer for the last like 24 hours waiting for an eyes are burning please hurry.

    He glared at Kakorot, the idiot of his race. The only other full bloodeiyaniyan was the most moronic creature he had ever encountered. His race, the race of skilled fighters and killers, was just made a joke of by one man. One insect in the evolutionary chain of his people. Killing him was not good enough. He had to destroy him, his his flesh from his frame and melt his bones. Laugh as this man before him was incinerated and marvel in the glories of his ultimate perfection. The perfection of an ultra elite, a prince..............O.O.O.O my mouth was hanging open at this. What a Great way to start off I was like OMG and this is yaio? How can this be, the prince *gasps* hates Goku?

    Sweat dripped from his brow and the salty water stung his large chocolate orbs.........this has to be my favorite sentace it is sooo discriptive and I just love the visual. I can see the sweat and his eyes and I can almost feel the burn hehe feel the burn HAHAHA Ms. Parker hahahhahha.

    He would make his late father proud if it was the last thing he ever did. He would destroy this third class idiot and claim the power that was rightfully his................*wipes tears away* I feel bad of the arrogant bastard

    The prince ged aed and charged, only to be batted away like a fly. A stupid little bug, not even worthy of the name it was given. A bug so weak that it vomits every time it lands. The same bug that the prince, the all mighty prince of the Saiyans resembled at this moment soaring backwards. ..........See I liked this because Vegeta became the insect. Where in the first paragraph it was Kaki. The rolls reversed and the only difference is that Goku after this helps Vegeta he is not fighting for power or revenge or justification or himself in this story (or ever) he is fighting to better the nouns of the worlds. I think this paragraph clearly states that and I was like O.O............^.^

    The prince’s face twisted in anger at the sound of the nickname he was given. The insult to his people insisted they were friends, averred they were comrades in battle. He claimed they could live side by side, work hand in hand, live a happy life in the company of one and other. And yet the mere presents of this man made him sick. The thought of his strong, firm, sweat covered, powerful body clad in only his baggie orange GI pants mad his stomach flip.............At the begining of this I was like yeah he hates Goku but in the end I was like ?.? I'm not so sure. Does he hate him. Why would he spend so much time at thinking about how the man looks if he hates him.

    And this I just had to thi this in there because I loved it. I was like Oh this is great!



    “Beg. Get on your knees and Beg.”

    Well I called I reviewed the only thing left is for you to update. Good luck with everything Girlie.


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  • From ANON - jaygoose on June 11, 2004
    Whao! This was really good. Your descriptions are amazing. Details are a great way to get me hooked. I hope to see more.
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  • From ANON - Ladylupin on June 10, 2004
    I truly doesn't suck. I really like it.
    Have you seen my story, 'Devine Introvention' ? Yours is better.
    Please update soon! Don't be like other writers who get ya hooked and then never update!!
    *Glares at said writers* You know who you are!
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  • From ANON - macha on June 10, 2004
    You are very discritive in your writing. I like it. Detailing is not my forte'. You discribed the disaray of their clothing and their bodily injuries very well.

    I think that you have Vegeta's personallity down fairly well, especially if you are thinking/writing this as though it was just after the Namek/Freiza sagas.

    And for the most part Goku's also. I do have to say that I don't think that Goku would ever actually get on his knees and beg Vegeta for anything (well, except sex maybe, but you know....who wouldn't?) So, granted this is an AU and a very good start of one at that. Please don't take my Goku anlisys as a flame, it certainly is not. His actions were just something I didn't expect. I hope to read more very soon.

    (Hmmmm, Vegeta and Goku in the same house together, alone, for a whole week. Whatever will they be doing?)
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