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Reviews for Heero Worship

By : mchan
  • From ANON - Anon on October 02, 2006
    Lol! I loved that last part with Wufei! Poor guy, you could almost feel sorry for him. And I love the Relena part, she annoys the shit out of me. She's so PLAIN and BORING! I hate her! Lol...this was a great one-shot. theres no plot which is good cause ones with plot shit me because they have such amazing stories they could be but arent! Lol :D
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  • From ANON - Jhon Doe on August 15, 2006
    To tell the truth it was pretty good. I had difficulty imagining the bathroom tussle between the characters wouldn't leave any damage. I wondered if you would mention whether or not Heero was hurt in the tackle. Perhaps I'm being too picky. But all in all very sweet and nicly written fan fic. I look forward to seeing more of your work.

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  • From ANON - lo on August 15, 2006
    Well done, that was fun. You kept up the tension wonderfully.
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