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Reviews for Oceans

By : Salza
  • From ANON - Kitkat on November 06, 2010
    Oh My God! I think this story is just perfect. The way it's not about the sex, but the feelings. The very elegant way you write. The subtle way everything fell into place oh so smoothly during these 11 chapters. Even the more conflictive emotions, they felt so true while reading this, it's so very rare when we find a story so well written like this one. Thank you so much for the gift you gave us by writing this. It was like my old days of reading (it's been years since I've read any fanfiction) DBZ in "Kamikaze's lookout" were I've read the best - until now, but still my all time favourite - story featuring Picollo and Goku togheter: "A partaking of spirit" by Syldana, if my memory not fails me. I don't know if this review will ever reach you, but the quality of your work deserves all the praise it can get, even if a bit late. Congratulations!
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  • From ANON - Redrum on June 02, 2010
    Unexpected pairing, but 10/10. So often characters getting written inconsistently with their established personalities but you nailed 'em. I was so happy this was complete and not a WIP.
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  • From ANON - gabs on May 06, 2010
    I read chapter 10 two years ago and lost hope of ever see it´s final, I´m so happy I checked again. It´s so cute and accurate with the characters, I love it, congratulations!
    See you!
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  • From VampireHaku on February 21, 2010
    Just re-read chapters 8-10, so good :). In 8 the part about Goku having to fight Piccolo, and it breaking his heart, made me think you (or someone) should write if something happened like in The Worlds Strongest movie, where Piccolo can't control himself and has to fight Goku... that'd be good :).
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  • From ANON - AOD/Trunks Lover on July 19, 2009
    I loved reading this story! Your ability to convey all the different levels of thought and emotion are simply and utterly amazing! Thank you for your posting and finishing this story. I would be interested to see your alternate ending to this story for comparison.
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  • From ROGUEFURY on July 12, 2009
    Wow...I was aching for some good stories, trying to remember the last time I checked out the DBZ archive, and the memory of this story slapped me in the face! lol I ran back here to find you had finally updated!! So happy you did. I was afraid this had fallen into limbo. I think this last chapter was very fitting. The only thing I was kind of left wondering was the ChiChi angle. Besides that, this was a really fitting end, I think. Of course I'd love another alternative chapter! I really love how real to the series and the characters you were. It's very rare to find someone who can create the balance and leave the reader thinking about the characters. Great job and hope to see more awesome stories from you!!
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  • From ANON - mgpem on January 30, 2009
    Wow, wonderful ending! I'm still baffled by your skill in keeping everyone in character and still managing to write completely believable yaoi that feels fresh, yet familiar in a way I can't quite explain. It's been amazing. I'll most assuredly be checking up on the alternative ending.^^ I hope you'll keep writing DBZ fanfiction and posting them on AFF for all of us to enjoy! Thank You
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  • From VampireHaku on January 18, 2009
    This ended wonderfully :). When Gohan asked about Piccolo and Goku I burst out laughing, ooooh man that was awesome. Very lovely ending, I'm nervous about the other you mentioned though lol. I hope you do another nice Goku/Piccolo story, I'd love to read it. One of my favorite fics, ever.
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  • From Robyn on January 11, 2009
    :D You were right, I do like this ending! *happy sigh*

    Poor Piccolo having to discuss those things with Gohan - and Goku waiting on purpose until Gohan had left before showing up. That would be growl worthy. Of course, if Goku had shown up in the middle of the conversation I don't want to think about how it would of gone, or how long it would have taken. O.o

    The half finished sentences between Piccolo and Goku were so THEM! *GRINS*

    Yes - it is fun to think about them running around the planet/universe together.

    Thank you!
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  • From CrimsonTide on January 10, 2009
    That was absolutely perfect. I can't say much more than that. This will be marked as one of my all time favorite DBZ fics, and I love you for writing it ^.^
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  • From Pixelgoddess on January 10, 2009
    *happy sigh* This is how it should be. I think you've written the perfect, completely in character, Goku and Piccolo story. They are such a perfect match for each other. You have Piccolo's voice sounding so true. *loves this story some more*
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  • From ANON - Dania on January 10, 2009
    ... This is a beautiful, poignant end to something I'm very sorry to see finished. You've done a very good job on taking me on a ride of epic proportions with the ability you have to actually get into the character as if they lived and breathed beside you.

    I'm still sniffling a bit, God help me- but I can't seem to come up with just the right thing to say that'll sum it all up.

    It actually rather hits in a way that most fanfiction falls flat in, in that you feel a connection with the characters and they seem almost real. You make us laugh, hurt, cry, snarl, scream with frustration or just look on in abject horror as they are put time, and time again through situations that while exist only in the realm of the fandom- seem to nontheless be plausible.

    I recommend this to anyone to read, especially in this fandom. It's worthwhile.

    +++++ Effort, hon. Thank you.
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  • From ANON - ginia on October 08, 2008
    Hi Ginia from Saiyan HideAway here. Your story came highly recomended - and I have enjoyed this first little bit of it... on to more.
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  • From Pixelgoddess on October 08, 2008
    Your email is hidden... Can you contact me at I'd like to post this on my site, and I've recommended that Ginia post it at the Saiyan Hideaway.
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  • From ANON - tk on October 03, 2008
    I absolutely love your story!! I think the flow and language is perfect and you have just the right amount of details to really make this story visual to the mind's eye!!
    I also love the fact that Piccolo is ticklish, that is really hot and I really hope you include this feature more in you later chapters!
    I am obsessed with GokuXPiccolo pairings but until I found your story I could not find a single yaoi about these two!! Keep up the great work I can't wait for your next chapter!!
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