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Reviews for Travelers

By : sailtheplains
  • From PrincessDoreen on October 20, 2007
    Hail! Hail! The gang's all here! The Rockbell house is bursting at the seams. How are poor Ed and Winry going to get ANY privacy?
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  • From on June 25, 2007
    Is chapter 17 the very last chapter then? ::curious and confused::
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  • From on January 17, 2007
    Hello, again! ^^ I'm just wondering if they'll be any more chapters for this story because I'm really loving it. If so, and you're in the process of writing it, then I'm sorry for rushing.... >
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  • From ANON - Damgel on January 08, 2007
    sorry i have reviewed before now; i've been an avid reader since... like... chapter 6 ^-^ heehee; i looooooove that you update so reguarly. you are my hero when it comes to updates.... i love you... hehe.

    but yes. i must say, this is the bestest chapter in the world! i was giggling so hard when Ed and Winry were continuously interupted; which makes sense!!! there are sooooo many people in that house!! i don't think they could get away with anything unless they went to the inn in town; but then they'd have to fight off Roy and Gangs teasings for years to come! so they won't win either way ;) i loooooved it! i really was just giggling away at that. and Ed's reaction was priceless -i could just see him grinding his teeth and trying so hard to act like nothing had happened.... though he would be beet red and avoiding eyecontact. heehee. awe, so brilliant!

    i look forward to the next post! *giggles and bounces* keep up the awesome work! you're writing is getting better and better everyday!!! brilliant!!!

    ~Melissa the Damgel
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  • From ANON - JigokuHana on January 07, 2007
    Keep...writing...goddammit! This is one of the best AU post series fics I've ever read!
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  • From ANON - Sands on January 05, 2007
    Win. Just win. I laughed when Ed and Winry got intruppted both times. He's like, Dammit, go away! I wanna make out, not eat!

    And him and Roy! Hahaha! That was funny.

    I also love all the tiny details you put in. Not surprised at all considering your other stories. But the idea of Russel and Fletcher in a panic from setting the stove on fire and--shit, I'd never considered that Alfons could possibly have a chance of being able to do alchemy but his own reserves on introducing his science in their world. That was good. I'd love to see some more from Alfons and even Noa's point of view about this world. Al and Alfons working together just---it just seems to fit perfectly. Total irony.

    And if you bring Armstrong into this I will love you forever. I'd love to see Alfons' reaction to him!
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  • From on January 03, 2007
    Chapters 16 and 17 were awesome as usual... ^^. And yea, I get chocolate and hugs! (Lol) As for the constant reviews, you deserve them, I just wish others would review as often as I do... lol. Well, later! :) (:
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  • From ANON - TS on January 01, 2007
    No problem. I'm interested to see how Winry's new automail will fit Ed; did she make it big enough, or assume he wouldn't grow very much?
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  • From on December 29, 2006
    Dude, chapter 15 kicked ass! ^^ And it actually didn't take me very long to figure out what was going on with Noa's powers (is surprised)... though longer than I expected, lol. Again, woot for Chapter 15! ^^
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  • From ANON - Vegan Star on December 27, 2006
    OMG, you can't stop there! I absolutely love your FMA stories! Ed Win all the way! Hope they make it through the gate...

    Oh, and Happy Holidays!! 8D
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  • From on December 27, 2006
    I didn't type the "R" in Dusty Road.... so there it is. ^^ (Lol) Don't mind me, I'm anal like that (and that could be taken in a very unflattering way...
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  • From on December 27, 2006
    Wow, those last two chapters were pretty intense. o.O Oh man, this is a great story, you really do the anime justice with this one (as well as Dusty oad)I believe. ::grin::
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  • From ANON - Sands on December 26, 2006
    I gotta say. I read Vincent Comes Home--I see you're still doing edits, ah, a writer's work is never done--anyway--I gotta say, this is another pin for ya. At first I thought, "No way, she's just gonna set it up like that...with Russel and Noa, I mean." But then, looking at it--I don't think that's your intent--which I respecfully must disagree with the review above. I don't think Russel is falling so easily for a pretty face. He's realized that Winry really is in love with Ed--and I don't think he's suddenly latched onto Noa at all. He's shown no signs of suddenly falling for her. I noted that when she came out, Alfons and Winry both were all right but he swallowed. Which is acceptable--he's a young man after all and she is pretty but that doesn't mean he's in love with her. Yes, he sat and watched her and did gesture for her hand but he doesn't like Ranen (another great use of original characters by the way, just like in VCH) and he might have felt really awkward taking a guys hand. Plus, if he had taken Alfons' hand, that would leave two women on the end--not to sound sexist but going through the Gate is rough--it makes sense to alternate. That's just in my opinion and you could have a totally different reason for doing so--that's just me. Plus, the two of them flipped when they saw the Gate and what they were in for, it might have been better to have Russel and Ranen on either sides of the two of them, because they've been through the Gate before. Having Alfons and Noa take hands also makes sense, as they are from the same world--it'd be natural, hold onto the familiar while going through something utterly terryfing that you never imagined could possibly exist.

    Now, personally, if you decide to hook up Russel and Noa--that'd be interesting--especially because it seems like Russel is never used as a main character, I loved his role. But I think, like in VCH, it would all be in interpretation. Vincent cared about Tifa at the end but wasn't necessarily in love with her, was how I took it--but I know others saw it that way. Not to mention, I think you got a little more finesse when it comes to this sort of thing. I know, I know--I've read your other stuff too and read too far into shit sometimes (are you going to add more chapters to To the Skies?! I wanna read more about Cid!)--ANYWAY! I'll be interested in how you take this! Good luck!

    Though--Tank is right--Stone loses power as it's used--but, you mentioned that--so, just a type/mistake? It can be easily fixed.

    Oh yeah. NISSAN. WTF?! Y'know, I actually looked that up on Wikipedia to see if you were bullshitting and holy shit--you researched that! Or--knew it already, randomly--but that made me lol that you'd put that in there!
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  • From ANON - Tank on December 26, 2006
    Woah! You updated chapter 14 faster than I can say... Philosopher's Stone! Well, not really... But I thought I'll just say that. XD

    The reunions were pretty nicely done. I'm surprised Officer Hughes didn't just arrest the lot of them right there, crazy Nazi that he is ("No Soup For You!"). ^O^

    Oooh! And it's great that Alfons has a shot at living! But eh... I don't really like how Russel seems to be just going for any pretty face he meets. Really lame, ya know? (If you haven't guessed it, I really hate Noa. Slut. Skank. Non-canon HO. And shouldn't they inform her about the situation with the Ishbalian's, and the people of Lior?)

    IIRC in the anime, the Philosopher's stone transmuted by Scar doesn't exactly deteriorate with time--it was the USE of it to do alchemy (as Al did), that caused it to be consumed. And since Al's armour body *was* the Stone--and not just the container for it--Al (or his armour body) was being eaten away.
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  • From on December 23, 2006
    Yea! Three new chapters! As usual, they were very good, and I liked that in chapter... 9, I believe, you used Ed's meeting of Noa from the movie. I felt a vague sense of deja vu... ^^.
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