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Reviews for Violence plus Sex equals Love (remake)

By : shinigamiinochi
  • From ANON - Mii on March 17, 2011
    I am enjoying the remake just as much, if not more, then the original. I had liked the original story but I LOVE this one. Instead of rushing to the smut you took time to introduce us to the characters and how such actions may cause a bit of emotional turmoil for them. I especially like Duo in this. His condition being a main part of causing his social insecurity and looks makes me feel like I'm reading an actually story rather then just porn. Unfortunately a lot of stories fall pray to the porno syndrome. AS in rushed story lines and no plot. Sometimes this is good as long as they are a good writer but most of the time this is not so good. You think porno movies have bad screen writers....

    You on the other hand keep me on my toes. I have read your stories before but now you have more and i am going to read through them all over again. Keep your eyes open for my reviews because I WILL review them.
    I hope you keep updating! ANd if you could send me and email when you do update then I will seriously consider bearing your rape babies!!

    Much love,
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  • From ANON - Djargo on December 02, 2010
    I know writers are their own worse critics^^. I totally understand since this is one thing that helps you grow as a writer but,in all fairness,your first take on VSL was just one long PWP. It wasn't really about plot just sex. Your writing has improved by such leaps and bounds since then that the styles are barely similar.

    While reading this chapter I realized one reason why Duo was so responsive to Quatre and Heero. Anytime he has ever been touched by another it resulted in physical or emotional pain. This was the first time anyone elses touched ever brought him pleasure. I think he's so torn up about feeling good from this because he doesn't think he deserves the pleasure. I knew this subconsciously but just never let it completely rise to the surface. Makes me feel kind of stupid since that was one of the points you were trying to get across in the story. Please excuse my slow brain processing. I blame it on sleep deprivation. *damn 3rd shift job*
    Looking forward to the next chapter and TRTK.

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  • From ANON - nini on December 02, 2010
    I read the beginning of this one and the went back to read the original. To be honest this version is a LOT better. It's way more developed. The original seems rushed and it's not explained as well. I think part of it is because you have more experience as a writer now than back then. I really think you should go with this one. I cant wait to read the rest. ^^ Either way you chose though, good work! :D
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  • From ANON - Djargo on November 30, 2010
    Hello! You surprised me. I'm not complaining,because I thoroughly enjoy your writing,but you stated you weren't going to tackle a remake of the GW version of the story. You couldn't resist the challenge,could you^^?

    Are you going to try match up Duo's and Ian's characters or let them stand on the own? I can't imagine how difficult it's going to be to try and combine the different elements of both stories. As a reader, I understand that Duo/Heero/Quatre and Ian/Jacob/Josh are two totally different set of characters and their stories don't necessarily have to intertwine on every level. So do whatever is best for the pace and flow of your story even if all the elements don't match. I enjoy all your takes on your stories^_^. Looking forward to your next update.

    I read on your LJ that you were feeling pressure from people emailing about Roads updates. Don't let others stress you;you have more than enough on your plate. You have to write at your own pace and rhythm not others. I send you peaceful thoughts,calming vibes, and lots of chocolate^_^.
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