Full Moon | By : Tairyn Category: Dragon Ball Z > Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 1624 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own DragonballZ, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I get to my barracks and of course no one is there, my comrades are more than likely out there doing what I will not. I push my way down corridors, almost falling, it is becoming difficult to even walk, never have I experience it like this, never has it gotten hold of me this way, I smirk at the irony of it, wondering mildly, how long will it take until I brake, how many more moons until I let it all go and join the rest of these mindless monkeys in their madness.
I get to my room and throw the door open not even bothering to close it behind me and plunge into my bed frustrated…why do I fight it so, why can’t I just admit what I am and surrender myself…to the moon. But no… You must fight it; my pride whispers into my mind…do it and then what? Satisfy yourself or be swallowed by pain, but in the end either road will lead to the same destination: Loneliness.
I close my eyes and my mmy mind wonder, to a lone figure, the one I always see in my dreams, when I lay with someone, when I am alone at night. My hands follow the path they know well, from my open mouth, down my chest, to my stomach and to the core of it all…I want it, I need it, but I will settle for no one else, although I know I will never have him, although I know he is so far out of my reach, that I cannot even enter the same realm of fantasy as he, I will not let go of these feelings, my pride will not allow it.
“Ouji-sama…” I call out, like I do all too often, my hands working their magic almost savagely, my hips moving to the rhythm of my own growls. My lips bleed from where I bit them, my tongue lashes out to catch the precious drops of the crimson liquid mingled with my own sweat… “Vegeta…” I whisper in the darkness, only when I am alone at night like this, unable to take it anymore, do I allow myself to call the name I dare not otherwise think. I suck at my fingers repeating it like a prayer, then everything explodes inside me, I shake my head from side to side, grinding my teeth, closing my eyes to shield from the moon light, trying to keep the madness from overtaking my mind…my soul.
Full Moon again…hmph, pack of fools, weaklings, without any sense of control, pride. Morons who know no better than to surrender themselves to the call of their flesh, to let their instincts take over and cloud their judgments. If there is ever a time to conquer this planet and take over the reins of our world, it would have to be during this night. As the evening approaches I can sense more and more madness amongst us, only the strongest retain a bit of reason, at least enough to put order amongst the weak…but come night, is all fair game, eat or be eaten, dominate or be dominated. Will I get like this, will I lose my mind and growl like a caged animal, will I lose my mind and fuck the first thing that crosses my path? I would die before I allow it. It will be few years before I have to concern myself about it, I am eighteen years of age and I will not go on my first heat until at least twenty-four…hmph If I had it my way I would make it a hundred. Legendary in heavens don’t ever turn me into a mindless moron such as this.
I stand at my window watching the city below, even this early I can see countless bodies dancing to the rhythm of passion, a few fights over mates brake out here and there, but mostly orgies all around. I feel disgusted, but fascinated at the same time, I fix my eyes on a couple of lower class soldiers, both males and narrow my eyes wondering what is it about the moon that make them act as such, that makes then grind against each other and commit the most private of acts in front of all prying eyes to see? Not that any one is paying attention, but I always wondered what mysterious powers the moon holds on us. I can hear ozarus in the distance, now this holds great fascination to me. As I will not be able to transform until my first heat, that is the only thing I am looking forward to in becoming an adult. I shift my eyes to the couple again and watch them at play, they are now on the floor ravaging each other, I feel my temperature rising, my body pulsing…damn puberty, I should just turn away from this, I should just go and train my body until is numb. But as I get ready to do just that something catches my attention, a lone soldier scrambling his way through the road full of heated animals, pushing those who dare try and touch him…It’s him! That longhaired one, I have seen him a handful of times, and it never ceases to amaze me how tall and regal he is, how enticing, how seductive. I don’t even know his name or what rank he belongs to. Although it doesn’t really matter; it isn’t as if I can mingle with any of them. They belong to an exiting world I cannot reach, that I am so called “too good” for, no… the crown prince does not lower himself to perform the duties of the lower beings… hmph, what wouldn’t I give to be able to go off planet and purge other worlds, to have a team to train with, to share life’s ups and downs, instead of being coped up in here looking down and dream about the world below.
I have even imagined being under that very same struggling guard on more than one occasion. I watch him now stumble through, holding his chest as if his heart were trying to rip through of his flesh an offer itself to the moon, probably the reason why he is acting like this. But why isn’t he taking part of the fleshly rituals, why isn’t he on the floor somewhere writhing in pleasure like the rest of them? I so would like to see that. I close my eyes and fancy myself that I can hear the thumping of his heart, feel the heat of his skin, see the sweat as it drips down his brow. I take a deep breath and come to a decision; I levitate out my window and descend setting foot close behind him, I hide to avoid being discovered, by him or any one for that matter and I follow him closely, holding my breath at the smallest gesture, the smallest change in his pace. I can hear his heavy breathing, his tail is not even wrapped around his waist like it should, but reaching upwards as if trying to touch the very moon, seeking its light, its heat, emitting the most delicious scent I have ever smelled; my own tail acts on its own and trto sto seek for his. He came to a building, a barrack if I am not mistaking and went in it. I follow him inside amazed that I have gotten this far without being noticed, any other night I would already be dead.
He opens a door and don’t even bother to close it behind him and plunges himself on a bed, almost growling demently…why commoner, why do you endure it? I watch him tear his armor and battle suit, and in an instant he is naked, his tanned skin against the white linens of his bed, an exquisite sight to behold, the only contrast is his long ebony spikes sprawled all about him…how magnificent he is, how perfect. I suddenly feel weak. The moon is already high in the sky, and even if I do not suffer from its full effects, I can feel a pull in my groins, a rush in my blood.
I hear growls all around, yet this man bites his lips sealing all sound, shaking his head from side to side, enduring this torture he is putting us through both. I can see the blood running from his lips, down his neck in onto the white sheet below, he brings a two fingers into his mouth an suck at them with abandon…Gods, I open my own mouth in a silent plea, how I want to taste that blood, that sweat glistering on his forehead. His other hand travels down his body and takes hold of what I failed to notice before, so enthralled I had been with his face twisted in pleasure and pain. I swallowed and gasped for air at the sight of his manhood… so this is a man, a man I am to become.
I shut my eyes close, gulping, thinking on nothing other than I have to get out of here, before I surrender to my own petty desires, I turn to go with great difficulty, but determined to leave before is to late, when…
“Ouji…sama…” He calls out, I froze, gods he knows I’m here, spying on him! I take a step to go, but the moans filling the room are driving me insane, stopping me. I turn to him again and he is still on the bed, his hand continues to stroke the monster between his legs, then I realized…He does not know I am here, he did not called me, he called out to me. His back arches and I take a step forward…
“Vegeta…” he whispers over and over, never in my life have I heard my name and felt such pride, I am the one he sees while he fights the moon, I am the one he wants, the one he suffers for. A smile spread across my features, and the roar that follows sends me over the edge. I throw myself savagely at him, if he is shocked, I did not notice, did not care…Oh gods I’m so ready… so ready to become a man.
Rough hands take a hold off me, but I am too weak to fight them, I snap my eyes open to see the face in my dreams, right here, right in front of me. Our eyes meet, but only for a second, I feel his breath on my face; see his chest heaving…this can’t be real…it can’t be. He kisses me roughly, bruising me… oh how I longed for this. If this is a dream let me never wake up.
He breaks the kiss making me growl in disappointment and smirks evilly, then I feel his tongue is all over me, lapping my blood, at the product of my weakness. I tore his cloths off before he realizes his mistake, before he realizes that he mustn’t be here, before he can get away from me. My hands touching his heated skin wherever they can reach, every crevice, every hard muscle. His tongue is maddening me, threatening to eat at my sanity…I want more…oh so much moand and as if reading my mind, he takes me into his mouth.
“Ahhh” I loose the little control I have left and take him as well, deep, deep within my throat…but still not deep enough. I wish I could swallow him whole, make him a part of me. My nails claw at him, raking his perfect skin, drawing blood, his hips move forward in the most erotic and desperate way. I must have died and gone to heaven; there can be no other explanation for this. My prince is not even old enough to go into heat, and yet he is here, pleasuring me, devouring me whole. My mouth leaves him to lap the blood my claws drew… ahhh, I can’t take it anymore. I want it, I need it, his vibrating purring is taking me to the brink of delirium. I grab his tail and tug at it stroking the soft fur; I hear him growl and he stretched like a feline in pleasure. I cannot see, I cannot think, I can only form two words…
“Take me…” He stops, turns fixing those glorious onyx orbs on me, and I open my legs offering myself, and without another thought he plunges into me… mmm, I most definitely died and went to heaven.
It’s so hot, so tight… Legendary in heavens, I can hardly contain myself. This must be hurting him, but I cannot stop now. I bury myself deep within him to the hilt and stay there shuddering like a schoolboy, his tail comes to warp around my neck and his hands grab my hips, urging me to move…hmph, who am I to differ. I pull out almost completely and push myself back in with such force that I must have injured him, but gods I cannot get enough of this intoxicating sensation, I do it over and over again, eliciting the most ferocious growls from him…or is it from me?
“Take me…” he said, oh nameless one, I shall do that again and again, but right now I can’t hold it anymore, I must feel it, I must surrender to the pleasure my body so desperately wants…to the moon.
It’s dawn, the insanity is over and the last vestiges of the full moon are gone and the scorching sun comes out to take its place. I look to my side and see his peaceful face in deep sleep…what are you dreaming about, precious one?
As for me, it was not a dream; he really is here, sleeping right by my side. I wish I could freeze this moment in time forever, keep him here with me, but I know, as much as I dread to think about it, he will soon wake and realize what I have done and punish me severely for it, maybe even take my life. I don’t really mind the punishment though, I smirk satisfied, for the first time I don’t care about the consequences, I can die and be happy, because I got to be with him.
I kiss his forehead tenderly and unwrap his tail from my thigh carefully not to wake him, my body is sore from my toes to the roots of my hair, but oh it cannot be more worth it. I get up and walk the window to close the blinds and keep the sun out, let the darkness of the night linger a little bit longer, to keep him for as long as possible.
“Hmph…I see you can still walk.” His soft voice mused; I turn to him, ready for his wrath, for the storm that must follow the calm.
“Ouji-sama.” I say softly in reverent respect.
“That’s not what you were calling me last night,” He looked at the scratches I made to his skin and winced, then smirked. My heart skipped a beat, is he…happy? “ You bastard, look at what you did, what the hell am I going to tell Nappa about this?!” He sat up and stretched, his tail lazily swaying back and forth, I’ve never seen anything as beautiful, the love I felt for him cannot be described with words. “What are you looking at…feed me!” I smirked and made my way to him, we kissed long and passionately, but tenderly compared to anything we did the night before.
“How old do you think I am… Ouji-sama?” I asked as I broke the kiss and bit the tip of his nose, making his cheeks go red “I don’t take orders from brats.”
“I took orders from you bastard… take me, fuck me, suck me…I did it all, and you can’t even feed me!” He stood his full magnificent height and turned to the door. “Then I’m going.”
“Vegeta …wait.”
“Yesss” He turned smirking.
“Next Full Moon… may the gods help you.” I smirked at him, running my eyes seductively over his nakedness.
“What is your name, commoner?” the words were said with such candor that it warmed my heart.
“Well Raditz the commoner, nFullFull Moon… may the gods help you…”
The End
A/N Well minna-san this is my first PWP one-shot so be gentle, I thought I could not write short stories for shit, but hey! What do you know, I just proved myself wrong. I love this couple and I think I didn’t do it much justice, but is a start… give me your thought, flames, whatever I’ll take it all^^
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