The Dead Heir | By : Diane Category: Gundam Wing/AC > Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 719 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing/AC, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Author: Diane Rainwater
Pairings: 1x2x1 (or
something, the hentais haven’t decided yet), 3x4,
13x6, maybe more
Yaoi, lemon (soon), fantasy, blood, violence, AU
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything involving Gundam Wing
and I make no profit from this story.
Yes this makes me sad, but there’s nothing I can do about it except
borrow the characters and make them do wicked things because it amuses me.
Many thanks to Marlenus, my beta. I love you, hon,
and thank you so much for your help.
Thanks also to Mentor
and Darion McLeode who read
this for me even though it isn’t their thing.
The Dead Heir
Chapter One: The Summons
The hair on the back of my neck
stood on end and I looked up at the woman passing my table. She was staring at me and, for a moment, I
was captured by her eyes. They were gold
and the pupils were slitted. A barely
restrained hunger clawed behind those eyes.
Then she passed me and I shook my head clear. I dropped my sandwich and pulled a pencil
from my bag. My hand quickly sketched
the vision before it faded. I’d use
those eyes later in one of my stories.
Flashes like that fuel my imagination.
Tiny details that can create entire stories.
I noticed the vision, and drew it,
but I didn’t believe what my eyes had said about hers. Women didn’t have eyes like those. It didn’t matter though. I’d seen such things since I was young. I didn’t know then to be quiet about what I
saw, but children were expected to have such fantasies. I didn’t learn to be quiet about them until I
was older and adults began to look at me differently. Even later still I learned to turn those
flashes into stories. I make quite a
living with my children stories and even more from my adult horror. Only my publishers know that I was also famous
for my paranormal romance novels, written under a pen name. Men aren’t supposed to write romance.
I smiled when I thought about what
my fans would do if they found out I wrote sap.
It’s just so easy for me. I know what women want when it comes to
romance and to the darker things they don’t want to talk about. Probably doesn’t hurt that I’m also looking
for “tall, dark, and sexy.”
My hand stopped moving over the
paper. Something was off. I glanced once around the restaurant. Nothing seemed different. People ate, talked, or worked. I glanced at the bar. A slightly tan man wearing sunglasses was
staring at me. I couldn’t see his eyes,
but I knew he was looking at me. His swept back, light brown hair was perfect
except for the two pieces hanging down to the tops of his shades. The sunglasses were big enough to hide his
eyes, but his forked eyebrows stood out clearly above the rims. They’re
perfectly sculpted, but who has eyebrows like that? They’re just creepy. His cream colored shirt was buttoned all the
way to the collar and looked tight and stiff.
I felt messy compared to him. I knew that at the end of the day, my long
hair would be pulling free from my three foot braid. I’d rolled the sleeves of my white turtleneck
and buttoned-up, high collar jacket up so the white showed. I liked having my hands free to work or - in
this case - eat. My once nicely ironed black
slacks had long ago become wrinkled and soft.
My black tennis shoes were lovingly worn and more comfortable than
stylish. At least my eyes could rival
anyone’s for uniqueness. Switching
between blue and violet, I’d confused and mesmerized several fans during
He put down the glass of thick, red
wine and stalked toward me. I’d never
used that verb to describe the way a man walked outside of one of my stories,
but he moved like a liquid predator.
People moved out of his way without notice. I thought he was a vision because no one else
seemed to notice him, but the woman I’d seen with such strange eyes seemed to
bow to him. That really confused
me. She saw him, but who bowed to
someone walking past?
The man was at my table now. He stood over me for a moment and I couldn’t
help marveling over his perfectly carved face.
The lines and structure were those of high-class breeding and the air
about him was pure aristocratic. The
errant hairs on his forehead only accented how perfect the rest of his hair and
body were.
“Why are you here?” The lofty, smug
voice surprised me and I jerked. The
pencil in my hand went flying and I hoped no one had been hit.
I stared at the perfect lips where
the question had originated. I had to
think about the question, but I all I could come up with was, “I was
hungry.” I could hear the ever present
cocky tone in my voice despite my un-witty response and gestured at my
forgotten sandwich. I couldn’t see if he
looked at it or not. Who wears sunglasses indoors?
“My eyes are sensitive and they
make people stare. You should know
that. Now tell me why you’re here. This city is mine and anyone wanting to
challenge me should do so directly.”
I know I didn’t just say that out loud.
It must just be a common question… but why would I already know the
answer? I’ve never seen this guy
before. And what the hell is talking
about? Challenge him? For what? Why?
This is just getting weird.
The man’s glasses slid down his
nose and I caught a glimpse of crystal clear, swirling blue eyes. I felt myself spinning with the color until I
was fixated. They’re amazing. I can see
everything in the world in them. They’re
so beautiful. I- I’d know everything
too, I could have it all, I just have to fall, fall into them.
“You really have no idea do
you? What brought you to my city?”
I shook my head and it helped clear
it a little. “I had a book signing and
now I’m taking a short vacation to explore the Earth. I’m Duo Maxwell.”
I could see the man weigh my answer
and my name. I was used to people
recognizing me or at least my name, but this man didn’t react. I could have told him I was John Smith for
all he seemed to care. I expected him to
ask for an autograph or at least leave me – and my sandwich – alone. Instead, he pulled out the chair across from
me. He slouched into the chair and I
quickly re-estimated his age. The air of
power and confidence that surrounded him made him seem much older. The air lessened when he was sitting and not
looking down at you. I doubted he was
more than a couple years older than myself. I was sure he wasn’t over thirty.
A waitress bustled over and put another
glass of red wine and another Coke with a slice of lemon on the table. I didn’t really need a fresh soda, but I
thanked her anyway. The other man barely
nodded at her.
“Please, Mr. Maxwell, don’t let me
keep you from your lunch.” He gestured
toward my plate and the half eaten sandwich.
“I hope you’re enjoying your trip here.
You’re from L2, if I’m not mistaken.
It is certainly a,” he paused, looking for the right word, “lively
colony. I haven’t been there for a long
time.” He paused again and looked at me
“It’s been a good trip so far. I really enjoy the book signings, but I’m
looking forward to my own, private, travel time.”
“Ah, so you travel alone. What a shame. Someone as lovely as yourself
shouldn’t be traveling alone. I would
love to take the opportunity to show you around my city.” He raised his glass. “Shall I have someone bring you a glass? It’s quite a good year.”
I shook my head and took up the
sandwich. I could hear Hilde yelling at
me for my poor eating habits. They were
really more of a habit of not eating.
“No thank you, Mr…”
“Khushrenada, but please call me
“Thank you for the offer… Treize,
but I’m not exactly vacationing alone.
The woman who does the illustrations for my novels was also at the signing
and she will be traveling with me. Thank
you for the offer though.” It was hard
to call him by his first name. The whole
thing just didn’t feel right. I flashed
an amazingly wide smile, but I was clearly pushing the older man away. “I’m sure you must be busy, Treize, and I
should be hurrying along.” I liked to
think that people responded better to manipulation when you’re friendly and
direct them with a smile. Something
about this man was making me nervous, but I had no reason not to remain polite.
Treize’s smile was nothing short of
predatory. “Oh, but Duo,” the use of my
first name seemed far too intimate the way he said it, “we were just getting to
know each other. I want to know
everything about you. Tell me why you
decided to write? Where do you find
such… amazing ideas?”
The hair on the back of my neck
stood up again. Something inside me
screamed for me to run. I was nervous
before, but now I was scared. Treize was
smiling too much. He’d ask about my
story ideas in a voice that suggested he knew something and he wanted to know
if I knew. I didn’t think he knew who I was before, but
he obviously does. Does that mean he
meets people more famous than me on a regular basis? What’s wrong with this guy? Why is he creeping
me out this bad? I’d eaten enough to make Hilde happy so I started putting
away the napkin I’d grabbed in haste. I
looked for the pencil for a moment before I remembered throwing it. “Writing was a calling I couldn’t refuse, Mr.
Khushrenada.” I wasn’t comfortable enough
to use his first name now. Something was
wrong with his behavior. I had to
distance myself from him. I stood up to
leave, grabbed my bag, and opened my mouth to say goodbye, but the words froze
in my throat.
I turned my head slowly and then
looked up. A tall, gorgeous man stood
behind me. His long, blond hair reached
his waist and the color was amazing. It
was a blond so pale, it was nearly white.
The color reminded me of ash, the pure kind that’s so hard to create
outside of a chemistry lab. His blue
eyes smoldered and pinned me to the spot.
He was taller than me by a good couple of inches. His muscles weren’t bulging and he wore a
soft tan suit, but he was clearly a bodyguard.
I’m fast and I can handle myself
in a fight but there’s no way I’m going to get past this guy. Not unless
something explodes in the kitchen or something else distracting happen. I couldn’t help wishing someone would be
caught having sex in one of the booths or something.
“Ah, this is my lovely, but rather
intimidating lover, Zechs. I’m sure he
didn’t mean to scare you. It’s a bad
habit of his. Now please sit and have a
drink with us.” His elegant hand
gestured at the chair I’d left. My eyes
darted past the blond hunk. I’d eaten
late and the sun was already setting. It
would be dark soon, especially in the city.
Hilde never wanted me to be out alone after the sun had gone down.
I turned back to the predatory
man. “I’m afraid I must go. My companion knows I’m here, but I promised
to be back early. I’d hate to worry her…
she’ll probably beat me for it.” I
chuckled a little at the last part, hoping a joke would make the men relax and
let me go. I suppose it’s a little sad
that I wasn’t really joking at the time.
She was likely to at least hit me for making her worry over nothing.
Zechs made no move to clear my path
to the door. Treize made no move to
stand and say goodbye. I wasn’t sure
what was going on, but I knew it wasn’t good.
I hoped Hilde was on her way here.
She would be upset I wasn’t back at the hotel yet and she might have chosen
to walk the couple of blocks to retrieve me.
I knew it was strange to have a
woman no older than me act like my parent, but that’s how it’d been since I was
nearly eighteen. I’d spent my life in
foster care, had finally scored a contract with a publishing company, and I was
preparing to live on my own when I met her.
My agent, Solo, had introduced me to Hilde and we’d just fallen into our
roles and never questioned them. Life’s
funny like that.
I wasn’t laughing now though. I wished Hilde would come through the door
and that her presence would diffuse the tense situation. I never prayed after far too many
over-zealous, religious foster parents attempted to force their religions on
me. I didn’t believe in God, but I almost
changed my mind when I saw Hilde enter the door with a worried look and my coat
draped over her arms. I’d never been so
happy to see her young face and nearly purple, black hair. She was no taller than me and slim rather
than muscular, but I felt so much safer with her there.
Zechs tensed as he felt someone
behind him. He shifted so he could see
both of us while keeping his body between me and the door. “Ah, as you can see, my companion was
worried. I really must be going.” I made to move past Zechs and meet Hilde, but
the blonde remained in my way.
Hilde had reached us, but rather
than yell at me for being late and demanding to know what was going on, she
bowed to Treize. My fiercely independent
friend bowed. “Good evening, sir. I am Hilde Schbeiker and I have come to
escort Duo Maxwell back to our hotel for the night. If it pleases you, I request both our
leave.” She gave another, smaller bow
before looking at Treize expectantly.
Treize regarded her for a moment
before replying, “I am pleased to know that Duo’s escort is not as clueless as
he. However, I have decided to keep
him. You may have your leave, but Duo
will remain with me.”
The formal attitude surrounding my
dark haired friend broke and her more normal temper showed through. “You- you can’t keep him! He knows nothing! Shinigami demanded that he remain ignorant
and free until he’s Chosen. Even you
wouldn’t face Shinigami’s wrath…” Her
voice died off and she looked totally shocked.
“Unless you’re planning to use him to over throw
Shinigami. That’s- that’s-”
“None of your
business. If you are wise, you’ll
leave before I give you to Zechs.”
Treize looked at Zechs and Zechs leered at Hilde.
I was confused about what was
happening, but I was sure Treize wanted to own me like a pet. I also knew that I was screwed if I didn’t
get help. Hilde was doing her best, but
it wasn’t going to be enough. Since it’d
worked once, I concentrated on my desire for help. Looking back, it was childish, but it was
that or start running my mouth until they let us go or I made a scene and
something worse happened.
I dragged all my will into the wish
and stuffed it until I felt a little explosion.
I jerked and looked around.
Everyone was staring at me. I
don’t mean the small group I’d been talking to.
I mean everyone in the restaurant and bar was staring at me.
“I thought you said he knows
nothing.” Treize looked shocked, but he
also looked cheated, like Hilde had intentionally lied to him. Hilde just looked shocked and let her mouth hang
open. Zechs had his hand in his jacket
on what I was sure was a gun.
A couple tense seconds ticked by
before the people went back to their meals and conversations. Hilde closed her mouth, just not for
long. “He shouldn’t be able to send a Call
like that. At least he didn’t have anyone
in mind. Please, sir,” she turned to
Treize, “let him go. We have to follow-”
I didn’t hear the rest of Hilde’s
request. Prussian blue eyes super
imposed themselves over my vision. I
felt my head turn and the eyes taking in the scene. They locked on to Treize’s and paused
considering. Then I hear a deep, nasally
I knew no one has spoken, at least
not out loud to me, but I also knew I’d heard that voice. Electricity seemed to travel over my
skin. It prickled and vibrated, making
me itch and rub my arms. My eyes broke
free of Treize and they scanned the room again.
I was looking over to the side facing the bar at the back of the
restaurant when the front door banged open and a fresh wind filled the room. I turned to be lost in those Prussian blue
eyes again. It felt like drowning, but I
wasn’t scared. Then I heard the nasally,
almost accented voice ask, “What do you want?”
It was a simple question and I
answered, “To leave.”
His eyes flicked to Treize and back
to mine. He nodded and stepped between
Treize and me. I finally saw Hilde’s
face. She looked even more panicked. When my eyes moved to Treize, I noticed he
didn’t look very calm either. His air of
control seemed to have fled with the fresh wind.
“Why Heero, my dear rival, what
brings you here?” Treize licked his lips
and did his best to smile unthreateningly.
“We’re leaving.” Heero’s voice held menace and it was clear
that he would follow through with it if Treize or Zechs tried to stand in our
“But what if Duo wants to
stay? I’ve barely had a chance to
explain everything I could do for him.
He could ask Zechs how… lavishly I treat my people. I could make him happier than he can imagine
and he would want for nothing.”
Heero didn’t appear uncertain, but
he did look at me. His glare was warmer
than the one he focused on Treize, but I still shivered and had to swallow
before I could answer. “I want to leave.
I don’t want anything from him, even if
he would offer me blondie’s
tight ass.” Yeah, I was scared and
making flippant comments and off hand gestures at Zechs. It probably wasn’t the best thing for my
continued freedom, but I couldn’t help myself.
“Do not be so sure of that,
Duo.” If he was going to say anything
else or contradict my remark, Heero’s icy glare cut it off. “Think on it, Duo. I will be seeing you again.” He got up and walked away, Zechs trailing
behind him like a dog. Heero didn’t take
his eyes off Treize’s retreating back until he and Zechs disappeared through a
door leading to the back of the restaurant.
I turned back to Heero and
blushed. I hadn’t focused on anything
beyond those cold, blue eyes. He looked
about my age, just into his twenties, and I was a little surprised to see
myself looking at him eye to eye. I’d
become so used to looking up at men my age, I’d found it a little unsettling
when I didn’t have to. He looked
Japanese so I valiantly tried to brush my discomfort aside. No reason to be thrown off by genes. I hadn’t noticed how his chocolate hair and
long bangs continually flicked over his eyes and seemed to hide them. I’d seen Heero’s eyes so clearly before, the
hopelessly tousled hair hadn’t even registered.
I hated sounding like one of my romance
novels, but Heero looked dashing in dark grey slacks, black dress shoes that
looked comfortable, black, button-up, v-collared shirt, and a long black
jacket. My eyes were instantly glued to
the exposed v of smooth, slightly pale skin.
His ancestry gave his skin a soft glow of golden color, but it still
managed to look like it hadn’t seen enough sun for a long time.
Heero shifted and I realized how
much time had passed while I was drooling over Mr. Dark and Mysterious. He looked very, very irritated with me. His glare had increased a couple degrees
before Hilde jumped in to save me again.
She threw my coat at me, turned on her heel, and headed for the
I twirled the well-worn, soft
leather jacket around and slid my arms into the sleeves. A quick flick corrected the fold of my
collar. Damn, I forgot to roll down my sleeves.
Now it’s going to look weird.
Swiftly bending to retrieve my nearly forgotten bag, I threw a thank you
at the silent man before running after Hilde.
We dashed out the door and Hilde kept a fast pace up the sidewalk. The hotel we were staying at wasn’t far from
the restaurant so it wasn’t worth the effort to catch a taxi.
It was a block before I thought to
look behind me. Heero’s following us… no, that’s not right… he’s guarding our backs and
making sure Treize doesn’t send someone to follow us or worse. He’s really taking this thing seriously. Who the hell was that guy anyway? Wanting to keep me for a
pet. I’d bite his hands off if he
tried. I’d turned back around before
I realized how silent Heero was. I looked
back and watched his eyes work back and forth from the street to the buildings
we passed. Even looking at him I can’t tell he’s there. Even a light post gives some feeling of
existence. He totally lacks the feeling
you get when someone’s standing behind you.
It’s like he’s not there… or he’s not alive. If I couldn’t see him, I wouldn’t believe he
was there. I looked back to the
sidewalk in front of me. Strange, I feel safer with him.
I shook my head and continued to
follow Hilde, letting my mind wander to ideas for my next romance novel. We’d reached the hotel before I found my way
out of thoughts about Japanese warriors.
Hilde led us up to our joined rooms.
She entered hers and I stopped short at mine. I stepped in, set my bag on the desk, and threw
my jacket over the desk chair. The hotel
room looked like every other I’d stayed in: door to the bathroom and a closet
to the right, door to Hilde’s on the left next to a desk stuck to a wall,
unused dresser with a TV on top, and a bed and nightstand across from it. The far wall contained a window with an
uncomfortable plush chair in front of it.
I’d open the curtains earlier so I was looking out on the lit city.
I turned at the soft grunt from the
doorway and Hilde entered through the joining door. We both looked questioningly at Heero who
still stood in the hall. “It’s impolite
to enter without an invitation.” I
almost laughed at the look on his face.
He seemed angry at the idea of needing to explain himself.
“Come in, come in, oh mighty knight
who hath saved me from the terrible Lord Treize Khushrenada.” He entered the room and I fought the urge to
throw myself into his arms and swoon. I
think he knew I was planning something because he was giving me a glare that
promised physical harm if I tried it.
Heero looked over the room before taking the seat next to the
window. Hilde turned the desk chair
around before she flopped into it with a tired huff. I threw myself on the bed and rolled onto my
stomach with my head propped on my hands.
“Alright, my dears, I believe
someone here needs to begin explaining a whole
lot of stuff before I start believing the world’s gone mad. I want to know what happened with that-”
“Duo!” Hilde’s voice cut in.
“-creep, what were you talking
about, who’s Shinigami, and who the hell are you?” The last was directed at Heero.
“I am Heero Yuy, owner of GUNDAMS,
and apparently your guard while you’re in Treize’s sphere of influence.” My mouth hung open. GUNDAMS was the largest global supplier of
security. Globally United National
Defense And Maintaining Security supplied security and
other services to the majority of the Earth and a decent handful of the
colonies. The company was worth more
money and manipulated more power than several political states. Everyone knew they supplied body guards and
security systems to anyone with the money to afford it, even nations. Rumors ran that they also took jobs as
hitmen, spies, and outright terrorists.
I was sitting in the same room as
the richest, most powerful man in the solar system.
It took several tries before I
could speak – a real first for me. “What
the hell are you doing here saving some young writer who caught the eye of a miserable-”
I didn’t continue my rant. Instead, I stared holes into the somber man, waiting,
daring him to answer. “You Called me and asked for my help.” He said it so matter-of-factly,
it put my teeth on edge. If he had said it with any inflection, I’m
sure it would have sounded condescending.
“I didn’t call you! I’d never be able to afford you as a bodyguard. I may be a good writer, but I’m so not that famous. Don’t get me
wrong, I’m glad you pulled my butt out of there, but I didn’t even have my cell
out. There’s no way I could have called
you on accident even. I don’t even know
the number for your company much less the one directly to you.” I was angry and babbling. If
Heero wants payment, I’m so screwed. His
time has to be valuable and his company is known for their ruthless business
practices. I hate to think what they’d do
to some nobody writer. Alright, not that much of a nobody,
but still.
“I don’t care about money. I would however encourage you to answer one
of your own questions and tell me who you are.”
Heero’s voice was so monotone I couldn’t be
sure if he’d really emphasized who.
“I’m the famous fiction writer Duo
Maxwell.” Yeah, I was a little hurt when
I received no awe from Treize. Heero’s
reaction – or lack thereof – hurt even more.
He didn’t even blink. Instead,
his eyes slid to Hilde.
“I’m Hilde Schbeiker. I look after Duo and do the artwork for his
books.” She nodded her head in a sitting
bow and Heero bowed back.
“If you are the one guarding him,
why was I Called? More importantly, how
was he able to access the power to call me?
He’s supposed to still be ignorant and innocent.” I didn’t like them talking over my head like
I wasn’t listening, but I kept quiet and hoped they’d let something slip.
“I’m not his guardian. I’m not strong enough and anyone who would be
might draw attention to him. I’m just
supposed to look after him until he has Chosen or…” her eyes slid to me and she
sighed in defeat, “he comes of age, but I don’t think we could avoid telling
him for that long. I don’t think we can
avoid telling him now. He knows
something’s up, and he’s just the annoying kind of brat to bother and pester us
until we kill him or tell him.”
“Aw Hilde, you say the sweetest
things. I love you too.” My face was split with my biggest, cheekiest
smile. I bounced on the bed once before
I let my face smooth and the harden into the serious
look that often wanted to cover my face.
“Tell me, Hilde. I think I have a
right to know what’s going on, especially since it put me in danger tonight.”
Hilde leaned forward and propped
her elbows on her knees. “I wish there
was a gentle way to do this, but I doubt it would make any difference. Duo, the stories you write, they’re not
entirely fiction. There’s magic in the
world and creatures humans no longer believe in. The… visions you have, the ones you write
about, they’re glimpses of the world hiding in the human’s. We’ve hidden in plain sight for centuries,
millennia even. You’re part of that
world, Duo.” My heart had stopped
beating and the loquacious Maxwell was speechless.
“Nearly twenty-three years ago,
Death, Anubis, Shinigami, Azrael decided it was time to create another
child. He’s done it before, but never
had he created a son like this one. This
son was born powerless, but capable of destroying everything. Death decreed that his son would know nothing
until he’d Chosen someone. This person
alone would explain everything and forever protect him. Duo, you are the son of Shinigami and through
you, certain people are capable of accessing and wielding immense power.”
I stayed frozen for a moment,
staring at her. Then I shook my head and
started laughing. I rolled over onto my
back and clutched at my aching stomach.
Tears quickly filled my eyes and poured down my face. “Oh Hilde! I- You-” I gasped and fought for air between
howls. I think I’d gone a little insane
at that point. It took a moment, but
slowly I stopped laughing. “Hilde, I
swear you’re quoting one of my books. If
you’re that opposed to telling me the truth, you don’t have to. I suppose you were going to continue and tell
me that you can see the future and other stuff and that Heero here is a vampire
or something else creepy. Come on,
Hilde.” My head hung off the bed and my
braid trailed on the floor. I could
almost see her up-side-down face. I
thought she looked a little pained and exasperated.
“Heero, I can’t really show him
what I do. At best, my eyes would glow
while I searched for someone, but he wouldn’t believe I was really seeing that
person. Even if I was lucky and got a
vision, nothing says I could prove it.”
Hilde didn’t lift her eyes from the floor as she stood. “I’m sorry I wasn’t able to protect you,
Duo. You were supposed to have a long
time to make your decision.” She walked
to the door to her room, eyes still down.
She paused with her hand on the knob and her back to us. “I did have a vision, Heero. When you told Treize we were leaving. Duo can know now because he made his choice
when he sent that Call. Shinigami will
be pleased.” She opened the door and
left us staring at the empty spot.
“Duo, you’re right. I am a vampire.” I rotated my head toward Heero and nearly
fell off the bed. He- he’s right-side-up! Heero’s dress shoes were flat against the
ceiling and his jacket hung up against the top of his legs like the laws of
physics no long applied. When he slowly
dissolved and drifted to the floor as white mist, I really did fall off the bed
and straight on my head. I kneeled on
the floor and stared up at Heero’s knees.
really- really a vam-vampire. Even my brain was sputtering. Slowly I tilted my face up. My eyes slid over his body and my nose
tickled with the slightest smell of musk.
As my eyes swept up his chest, I couldn’t help imagining that expanse of
skin exposed under my teasing fingers. I
found myself caught at that displayed v of skin. My mind flicked through the delicious things
I could do with that wonderful, flawless skin.
A flash of movement drew my eyes
higher. Heero’s tongue glided over his
lips before moving over his teeth. I
felt my jaw drop and my heart pump harder when I saw that they weren’t just
teeth. Heero snarled like an animal and
I watched those perfectly white canines stretch and lengthen into deadly sharp fangs.
Their precise points drew the eye down
to where Heero’s tongue was scrapping back and forth. My tongue darted out to nervously lick my own
lips. I wonder if they ache like they do in my stories.
I finally managed to bring my eyes
back to Heero’s, but I found no refuge there.
From my place on the floor, I could see his dilated pupils. Only a thin blue ring remained they were so
large. Those dark eyes staring at me
practically burned. My mind slid fully
into the place my paranormal romance novels come from. I thought of all the bites I’d written about,
from the point of the victims’ view and the biters’. They hadn’t all been vampires either. However, with a vampire staring down at me
with hunger in his eyes, he was the only one I could imagine. The original characters were gone. Instead, over and over, I saw myself as the
victim and Heero bending his head to feed from my neck.
wonder… would he-
“Get off the floor, Duo, and go
stay with Hilde.” Heero’s voice was
husky with the smallest lisp as he spoke around his elongated fangs. “Do you even realize that you’re Calling to me again?
I know what you’re thinking, Duo.
The answer’s no. Vampire’s must
never feed from the dead.” He said the
last like it was an insult.
I could hear my heart beat in my
ears, strong and fast. I stood like I
was following his command, but rather than turn for Hilde’s door, I stepped
closer. My body was only an inch away
from Heero’s. I leaned closer still and
felt his panting breath against the side of my neck. He
smells like sex in the moonlight. I can
see it when I close my eyes. No, it’s
more like fresh air and pine. I
lifted my lips to his ear, glad that he was just tall enough to make me stretch
my neck so close to his mouth. I
whispered, “Do I feel dead, Heero? Can’t
you feel my heart beating? I’m alive,
Heero, and I want-”
I will never know what I was going
to say to Heero, but he knew what I wanted.
His hands came up to clasp my upper arms through my shirt. He pulled me closer until I could feel his
pounding heart against my own. Then his
lips touched my neck in a gentle kiss.
He was cold, velvet soft, but his lips sent a chill down my spine that
raised goose bumps along the same path.
With a groan from one of us, his fangs sank deep into my neck. I convulsed and clawed at his back. It hurt;
the pain unimaginable. My jaw clenched
and I hissed through my teeth.
~Duo, relax.~ Heero rubbed his hips against mine and the
friction of two hard cocks trapped in fabric broke through the walls of
fire. Instantly the pain fled and was
replaced with the purest pleasure I’d ever felt. My fingers splayed over his shoulders blades
and felt the strong muscle clench and flex.
I tilted my head farther to the left, exposing the right side of my neck
even more. I twisted my face into Heero’s
neck and felt him swallow. A deep breath
pulled his musky scent deep into my lungs.
~Heero.~ His name drifted through
my mind sounding deeper and rougher than my usual voice. Heero groaned and pressed his mouth and groin
harder into me. I tried to examine the way
I’d called his name, but I was too blanketed in the pleasure from his fangs in
my skin and the pull from his sucking mouth.
~Heero, I- I need you. Please,
this- I can’t take it. Please, Heero.~
My mind was playing a video of
Heero rising above me, sweat glistening on his slightly golden skin. His head bowed as he pressed into me and my
legs wrapped around his waist to pull him closer. I arched my back and-
My hands lifted from his back and
pulled down his coat. He released my
arms and let the supple leather fall to the floor. His arms wrapped around my chest and more
visions and sensations danced through my head.
Things were getting hotter and stickier in there.
~Stop, Duo. I won’t. Release me from your command. I’ve already taken too much.~
I was starting to feel light
headed. I didn’t know what he meant by
command, but I imagined him pulling away from my neck and taking my clothes
off. They were too tight and they were
irritating my sensitive skin.
Heero pulled away and panted hard
against my skin. “Duo,” his voice was
ragged, “you must stop doing this. Go to
Hilde and leave me. Your blood is making
me high and the ideas in your mind are destroying my self-control. I can’t fight you much longer. Leave.”
He nearly growled the last word and shoved me away from him. I was too dazed to catch myself and the back
of my leg clipped the corner of the bed.
I was lucky and barely managed to twist my body enough to land on the
bed rather than the floor - again.
I propped myself on my forearms and
spread my knees to see Heero through my legs.
“Take off your clothes. I want to
see you.” My voice sounded like the one
in my mind, deep and rough.
Heero closed his eyes and
groaned. He seemed to hate his lack of
control over the situation, but lacked the conviction or ability to stop
it. I felt how much he’d been enjoying
the taste of me. I knew he enjoyed
rubbing against my body. Eyes still
closed, Heero worked the buttons free at his wrists, reached to his chest and
tugged at the already low buttons. I
drank in the creamy skin as each inch was exposed. Heero’s shirt clung to his shoulders. His hands sliding up to push it off, Heero
paused and looked up at me.
“We should stop, Duo. This shouldn’t be happening. Not now, not like-”
“Say goodbye, as we dance with the
devil tonight. Don’t you dare look at him
in the eyes, as we dance with the devil tonight.”
Both of us froze as the over loud
music started to play. Hands darted into
pants pockets and mine came out with a black phone, top of the line because
Solo and Relena thought I needed it.
Heero’s hand was empty as he searched around for his coat.
“Trembling, crawling across my
skin. Feeling your
cold dead eyes, stealing the life of mine.”
I started laughing in my head. How
weird. We must have the same
ringtone. Wonder what that means.(1) Heero
found his coat behind the chair and hastily tore through the pockets. He finally pulled out a sleek piece of
metal. “Cut transmission.” The music instantly cut out.
I stayed kneeling on the bed while
Heero leaned against the chair and fought to catch his breath. He kept his head down and refused to look at
me. I couldn’t believe what I’d almost
done. Sure Heero was hot – granted we’re
talking solar hot – but I’d barely met him and then found out he wasn’t even
human. Yeah, I didn’t have any hold-ups
about sex, but I’d never thrown myself at someone I knew so little about –
other than the fact that he was beyond dangerous and powerful. Alright,
alright, so I would have been throwing myself at him if I was drunk and I’d met
him at a club or something, but that’s different.
I watched Heero visibly calm
himself and raise the phone. “Start
transmission, return call.” Heero held
the phone a short distance away from his face and waited.
“Yuy! Where have you been? I came for you at your usual rising time, but
I only found your chambers empty and no one knew where you’d gone. I assumed you wanted to hunt tonight rather
than feed from me. Thanks to your
impromptu vacation, I’ve had to cover your appointments and reschedule my
own. Do you have any idea how angry
Sally is with both of us? I swear I’m
going to get you for this injustice!”
The small, but powerful and slightly accented voice erupted from the
phone and ranted without drawing breath.
Heero seemed slightly annoyed and
gave the device a low level glare. “Chang,
that’s enough. I received a Call shortly
after rising. I assumed the company
could handle itself for a few hours and you’d be able to handle everything else.” Heero raised an eyebrow questioningly at the
phone and I got curious. He was making
faces and acting like someone could see him.
“A call!” the voice shouted. “Who is so important they thought they could
call you at home and you actually went to him?”
“No Chang, I was Called.” The way Heero said that made me blush. I’m not sure why, but it shook with hidden
meaning, about me.
There was a pause on the other end
of the line. I’d slid off the bed and
started toward Heero. He turned a
slightly stronger glare at me, but that couldn’t freeze my curiosity. I continued closer and started to peer around
the device.
“Yuy, why is your
shirt unbuttoned and why is your hair even messier than usual?” The question was hesitant, like he really
didn’t want to know, but couldn’t stop himself.
I’d finally moved to where I could
see the face of his phone. The
relatively large screen was filled with the face of a young, handsome, Chinese
man. “You have a vid
cell! That’s so sweet! I didn’t even know they made these,
especially of this quality and outside of Japan.” Yeah, I liked gizmos. I’d jumped up next to Heero and kept jumping
with excitement. I can only explain my
manic behavior by pointing out blood loss and heightened sexual arousal combine
in interesting ways depending on the individual.
“Chang, this is Duo Maxwell. He’s the one who Called. Duo, this is Chang Wufei. Chang works just under me and has helped with
the company since it began.” Now Heero
really sounded annoyed. “They don’t make
phones like this. I own a company that
supplies GUNDAMS with all of our electronic surveillance equipment among other
My jaw was hanging open at this
point and so was Wufei’s. He had noticed
several things I hadn’t. To start with,
I had placed my arm around Heero and my thumb was brushing up and down his
neck. I also didn’t notice his free hand
wrapping around my waist and pulling me closer to his almost naked torso. I didn’t notice the trickle of blood on my
neck, but Heero did. I heard him sniff
at the air before twisting and dipping his head to my neck. I practically purred as his tongue traced the
red trail on my neck and probed at the swollen puncture wounds.
“YUY! What the hell is going on? Please don’t tell me you ran off this evening
and made me cover for you so you could have a blood affair. I don’t even understand how a human could
have Called you unless…” Wufei trailed
off before grabbing the phone and shaking it.
“Please, please tell me that he’s a blood slave and just happened to
have the number to your cell. Don’t tell
me you were…” Wufei blushed and
coughed. “He can’t be the Protected
Heir. You have too much control for something
that foolish. I know he’s in the area,
but- no, no you couldn’t.” Wufei was
starting to look frantic. I doubted the
video, while amazing, was really doing his flushed cheeks justice.
Heero paused and seemed to be
thinking. His arm unwrapped itself from
my waist and he moved to step away from my draped arm. Smooth as silk (2), I moved with him and he
turned to glare at me before moving it back to Wufei. “I think I’m drunk.” Heero’s voice was
deadpan, which is unusual for such a statement.
Unusual enough to send me into a laughing fit. Wufei fell out of the chair he was sitting in
and I laughed harder. A glance at
Heero’s confused and annoyed look and tears started down my cheeks. “I don’t see why you think this is
funny. It’s your fault.” Heero was just as deadpan as before, but
something in it sent heat to my groin.
That sobered me faster than anything else ever has.
“What do you mean it’s my
fault? Are you saying I took you out for
a drink and brought you back to my hotel room to molest you or something
because let me tell you, I’m the cheap date, not the molester.” I’d started poking him in the chest and the
silky skin under my finger soon distracted me from my mouth and what it was
saying. He’s warm now, it’s like touching sun-warmed
silk. “Besides, a guy like you
wouldn’t have to buy too many before I’d willing follow you home.” My fingertips were now brushing over his
chest, reveling in the feeling of smooth, warm skin.
“Duo, your
The words were simple but they
heated and chilled me. My blood got him drunk? Why would blood make a vampire drunk? I suppose it could be common, except he seems
a little surprised too. Hilde couldn’t
be serious about me being the son of Death.
Then again, Heero really is a vampire.
This whole thing is crazy.
“Chang, bring me a portable for the
night. Transport it yourself with Williams.” I hadn’t noticed Heero turn back to the
phone. He then rattled off the address
for the hotel and my room number.
“Yes sire, we’ll disguise it as a
cart. Also, I would like to discuss your
current state and foolish actions.”
“Hn, I expect you in one hour. Cut transmission.” The screen turned black and Heero tucked the
phone in to the pocket of his slacks.
His hands moved to the buttons of his shirt and I was forced to pull
mine away from his chest. I kept my hold
on his neck though. “Duo, Chang will be
here before we could finish anything that would satisfy you.” Damn, does
he know me well or what? Wait, he
doesn’t know me at all. “You should
shower and prepare to,” he paused, “to go to bed.”
I sighed, knowing he was
right. Jumping the first vampire I’ve met probably isn’t one of my better
ideas. It would sure help my writing
though. It’s not like it’d be the first
time I jumped a man either. At a
glare from Heero, I reluctantly pulled away and headed for the bathroom.
Heero’s voice stopped me just
before the door. “Duo, why are you
taking this so well? You just found out
that magic and all the things that are supposed to scare humans about the night
are real.” He sounded puzzled.
I cocked my head to the side. “I guess… I’ve always walked in your
world. I just never realized it.” I slipped inside the bathroom and left the door open a small crack.
I told myself I did it because I wanted to hear if Chang arrived and I
didn’t want the mirror to fog, but I knew it was a temptation and invitation
for Heero to join me.
I turned on the water, touched the
music player so rock music filled the small space, and started rolling down my
sleeves. The black over-shirt was folded
and placed on the countertop. The white
turtle neck joined it quickly. I kicked
off my shoes and tucked them under the sink.
My sock joined the pile along with my slacks and red bikini-cut
briefs. I couldn’t help speculating what
Heero would think of such bright underwear.
I chuckled and pulled the tie from my hair. My fingers quickly
un-braided it before twisting it into a bun high on the back of my head and
replacing the tie.
I slid into the shower and let the
heat soothe my over-sensitive body. A
deep breath had my cock bouncing against my stomach. I frowned at it and went about washing the
rest of my body. My smooth skin was
naturally hairless. Space does strange
things to a boy’s body as he’s growing.
A few curse words had the tie out of my hair again. I worked the lightly scented lavender shampoo
into my hair close to the scalp before working another handful into the rest. After rinsing out the suds, I coated the
bottom three feet of chestnut hair with conditioner. Great, now what am I going to
do for the next 15 minutes? I’m not
jacking off with Heero out there.
There’s still a chance I could get lucky tonight. Gah, I really need
to make up my mind. I really shouldn’t
want him this much, but damn. I
looked around for something to entertain myself. Finding nothing, I slumped to the floor with
my back to the far wall.
has been such a long day. So I fell
back on an old favorite. I started
singing along with the music playing. My
voice was deep and loud enough to disturb the neighbors. Several songs went by before I glanced at my
watch. Close enough. The sooner I get
out of here, the sooner I can torture Heero and order a cup of tea from room service. I need something to help me relax.
I struggled to get all the
conditioner out of my long hair. Then it
was one more rinse and I turned off the water.
I wrapped my hair in the special towel I always traveled with. The bag like form held my hair until I
twisted it and slipped the loop over the button. I pulled another towel from the rack and used
that to dry my face and body. While I
waited for my hair to dry a little, I brushed and flossed my teeth. Then I marveled at the perfection of my skin. Well
nearly perfect. My fingers probed the
dark red mark on my neck. It looks like a hickey if you don’t look too
close. You almost can’t see the little
I thought about just leaving my
hair to air dry, but that would take a good hour and I didn’t want Heero to see
the awkward half dry, half wet stage.
I unbuttoned the towel and started
fiercely rubbing the wet locks. It took
ten minutes to work out all the tangles with a brush. I picked up my blow dryer and started the
long process of drying my hair. Some
people though I braided it still wet. If
I did, it would never have the chance to dry. (3) Yeah, it’d be easier, but my hair would end
up smelling funny. Another ten minutes
of hot air, followed by five of brushing, and five more drying and I was
finally able to brush it the last time and work it into its customary braid.
I wasn’t too surprised when my hair
seemed to have a mind of its own. It did
seem to act even more lively than usual.
My hair kept wrapping around my fingers and wrists. Twice it pulled the brush from my hand. It wound around my body and caressed my
skin. When the silky strands rubbed over
my finally relaxed dick, images of Heero’s lips danced behind my eyes. His cool, full lips sucked in my hot, hard
prick, started breathing life back into it.
I reached over to the player and
turned off the music. It was then that I
realized I’d brought nothing to change into.
My clothes were in the closet so at least I wouldn’t have to prance
around too much in my dinky hotel towel.
Damn! Just when I’d relaxed
enough to get rid of my hard-on.
First my hair has a conspiracy against me and now just thinking about
teasing Heero in just a towel – not to mention thinking about his mouth – is
making me ache again. Lovely.
I didn’t have much choice so I
pulled the door the rest of the way open.
Strange sounds made me pause on my way to the closet. I glanced at the room and noticed the chair
had been removed and the bed was now flush with the wall and window. Between the bed and the wall I stood next to
stood a long, rectangular object draped in white cloth. Coffin. The word slid
across my mind and I jerked my eyes away.
What they landed on next was far more interesting and exciting.
In the corner of the room, Heero
stood with his back to me and his arms around the muscular figure of what I
thought was Chang Wufei. It was hard to
tell since he wasn’t glaring or shouting now.
Instead, his head was thrown back and to the side. Pure bliss colored his face, making it
softer. His mouth hung open and his
pinned arms were barely able to hold Heero’s waist.
The noises that attracted my
attention in the first place were clear now.
Wufei was groaning and… well… mewing as Heero sucked at his neck. My eyes walked over the hard lines of Heero’s
body and the throbbing between my legs worsened.
my God, he’s feeding. He’s feeding from Chang
and Chang is about to orgasm by the look of it.
They’re gorgeous together. I’ll
have to write something about this later.
My mind was already working on details of the scene. Silk, I
can see them wearing lots of silk. And leather, the smell of it, it’d fill the
It was with the smell of leather in
my mind that my gaze moved from admiring Heero’s ass back to Wufei’s face. Glazed black eyes met my blue-violet. A small pink tongue slid out to moisten dry
lips. Wufei panted and continued making
those delicious moaning sounds. His eyes
stayed glued to mine as his mouth worked open and closed. I watched him struggle to speak and wondered
if I could make the Chinese man scream my name.
His voice broke once and his accent was thicker than before, but liquid
heat rushed to the already straining hard-on that was trying to force itself
from the towel still barely around my waist.
Heero spun their bodies around
making Wufei scream as their hot bodies rubbed together and Heero’s fangs were
forced into his neck a second time.
Nearly black, blue eyes captured me from under chocolate brown bangs. Heero lifted his lips, tongue sweeping out to
lap up the last traces of blood and the holes started to close as I
watched. His eyes stayed with mine as I
felt my body burn. Phantom fingers
caressed my cheek, slid over my chest, brushed my already hard nipple, and
finally settled on the mark his teeth had left on my neck. I groaned and worked my hand against my cock
through the towel. Heero’s eyes shot
down to my groin and I was free to look at Wufei again.
Wufei was slumped in the vampire’s
arms. I could now see his hips moving
against Heero’s, trying to find relief for the same pain I was feeling. His billowing white pants and shirt made
shushing sounds and I could almost see his body through the thin fabric. Silk,
he’s already wearing silk. I
couldn’t help moaning. My eyes were
drawn back to Heero. His tongue was
rubbing against his lips, seeking the last traces of the Chinese man’s blood.
Shivers ran through me again when
Heero opened his mouth and I saw a glint of light on his fangs. “Duo.”
1. Dance
with the Devil by Breaking Benjamin.
Again, not mine, but that is
actually my ring tone. I had to edit the
song a bit to get that part, but that’s what happens when someone calls me.
2. Yes, I
can see Duo saying something that cheesy.
3. I’m
serious. I have long thick hair (granted
not that long) and if I braid it, it’s still wet 12 hours later. If he did braid it wet, it’d get pretty nasty
pretty quick.
Author’s Note: Wow, that was long.
Sorry to leave you there (I’m serious), but I had to stop
somewhere. Now, the question I have for
my dear readers is, do we keep Wufei or make him
Wufei: Do I get
any choice in this?
Diane: No.
Duo: It’s not
like we don’t know what you’d choose, Fei.
We all know how hot and worked up you are.
Heero: You might
know, but I could feel it.
Trowa: …. *raises
Quatre: Did Heero
actually just say that?
Duo: You should hear the other things he says when
he’s forced to stop in the middle of things.
He’s just upset that the mean lady made him wait to pounce on me.
Diane: Oh, he’s
going to be even more upset if you talk me into letting you be seme. I’m starting
to think 2x1 is the right fort to be in.
Heero: I want a
new author.
Wufei: You’re not
going to threaten to kill the stupid onna?
Heero: She won’t
let me. She said she’d do worse things
if I didn’t agree.
Duo: He had to learn the hard way just how many
things she can do with a hairbrush before he agreed.
Group (except
Heero who’s hiding his face): *looking at scary author lady*
Diane: What? I’m a creative little psycho and very
persuasive. Now, you little hentai’s better convince our readers to review quickly if
they want to figure out what happens and if they want a say in who gets lemon
Group: *runs off
to tease and tempt readers*
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