Stupid Monkey | By : VegsMate Category: Dragon Ball Z > Het - Male/Female Views: 2444 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own DragonballZ, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Special Thanks: to RM for beta-ing.
Chapter 11: Summer Heat
Strong arms, tight
fist, broad chest, rippling abs glistening with sweat, tighten and relax with
strain and flexibility. Pushing off the ground with speed, dealing blow after
blow with precision. Hands upon the ground, athletic, supple legs flying in the
air, executing a semi-somersault and then a few back flips while dodging ki
blasts. Motion never ceasing. Fluid and graceful. I wonder just how graceful
he’d be in bed.
I did not just think that.
What has gotten
into me? Nothing much but the Saiyan no Ouji. Yeah, short stuff is on my brain,
has been for a while now. For today at least, ever since I knocked on his door
earlier and he addressed me so amicably with “kisama”. If only he could charm me
so for all eternity.
Regardless of his
caustic slur, or the many crude things he’s used to dishing out, my mind has
been consumed with him. And have grown less chaste despite the guilt I’ve been
feeling, which is rapidly metamorphosing into resentment since Yamcha had the
audacity to accuse me of cheating. So yeah, I can admit that I like Vegeta and
that my regard is more than just budding friendliness. Yes, Bulma Briefs likes
the bastard ouji. Why? I don’t know or rather there are multiple reasons that I
cannot yet sift through or care to analyze.
“You don’t have any
problems living with him?”
I look at Chichi
who’s leaning back in her chair with her head in her palm.
“No… hardly ever
anymore.” I wipe the sweat from my brow. Even with being under the shade of an
umbrella, the heat is getting to me. “We argue, sure, but it’s not as harsh as
it used to be.”
“Really?” she
drawls as if she’s not really listening.
“Yeah… He’s been
subdued lately. But perhaps that’s because he trains so hard in the gravity
capsule that he has no energy left to be a prick later on.”
She laughs lightly.
“I would say that that’s a good thing if it wasn’t the case that he’s getting
stronger because of it.”
“Don’t fret…”
“I’m not. Goku will
kick his ass anyway.”
I assume she is
talking about after they dispose of the androids. Vegeta promised that he’d help
but afterwards he and Goku have a score to settle. Saiyans! I swear they don’t
know what to do with themselves. It sort of upsets me that they will fight.
Knowing Vegeta he’ll want a battle to the death. But I don’t want either one of
them to die. If Vegeta wins he won’t hesitate to kill Goku but Goku wouldn’t
kill him if he won. That saddens me because I’ve hoped that somehow Vegeta can
see Goku as a friend rather than an enemy.
I sigh.
“He’s not that
“Bulma, don’t even
“No, I’m serious.
He’s like a friend to me,” I say with a slight smile as I continue to watch the
Saiyan prince fight. “I don’t think he’ll ever be so friendly with others but we
talk a lot, and joke too.”
“Maybe he has a
soft spot for women,” Chichi says sarcastically.
I ignore the
sarcasm. “Maybe. He is nice to my mom, too. You saw how he didn’t go ballistic
when she latched on to him. And you know how annoying my mom can be when she
fawns over attractive guys.”
“First of all
Vegeta is not attractive and second of all your mom is just too weird. Vegeta’s
just probably at a loss as to how to treat her. And thirdly, I doubt he’d have a
soft spot for women considering he’s butchered them along with men when he and
his two cronies scourged the universe all the live long day.”
“Okay… I see you
are still pissed off at him. Wanna change the subject.”
This sucks. I want
a girlfriend who I can talk to about him! Chichi will definitely not appreciate
that I’m so preoccupied with Vegeta since all of my affection is supposed to be
for a certain someone not Saiyan. But honestly I think my heart wants another.
Because in all of the time I’ve felt guilt it’s only due to the fact that I had
someone, because that someone was supposed to trust me and I was supposed to be
honest and faithful. Never did I ever feel regret for the act per se and that’s
something to think about. At least that’s how I feel now. And a part of me wants
that kiss again…
“Kuso!” Baldy
exclaims, reeling from the painful blow I just dealt him. “Do you gotta hit so
“Am I really?” I
sneer and execute a successful left hook to his jaw.
After grunting in
pain, he ups his defenses with multiple block combinations. But I’m just too
quick for him, sending him to the ground with a hard thud.
“Sometimes I don’t
even know my own strength!” I cackle menacingly. But my laughter is cut short
when I’m kicked to the ground.
“Neither do I,”
Kakkarot says, proud of having caught me off guard. The bastard! I pounce on him
instantly while the half-breed deals with Cueball.
This sparring match
isn’t as intense as it could be if I were to just spar with Kakkarot and no one
else. The simple fact that Baldy and Gohan cannot fight at our caliber is a
major turn off. It is fun to smack Baldy around as well as watching the
demi-Saiyajin pound on his father but I want more!
I slam Kakkarot to
the ground, having powered up a little more and then kick him in his side. He
skids into his son, who Baldy had the fortune of knocking down. The
demi-Saiyajin grapples with his father and manages to get him in a chokehold.
Baldy attempts to get into the fray but I bat him away and begin to tenderize
Kakkarot’s midsection. Soon, Cueball gets me in a headlock. It does nothing to
stop me from pummeling Kakkarot’s gut, only holds me aloft slightly. Kakkarot
finally gets his son’s arms from around him and throws him into me. In that same
instant I’m in the process of punching him again and instead punch the boy in
the head.
With the
demi-Saiyajin sprawled out on the grass, Kakkarot begins his assault on me.
Baldy reins me in tighter and to my dismay I can hardly breathe. The little
shit! Well this is just great! I can barely defend against Kakkarot with Baldy
upon me so I grab his arms and attempt to get him off. But struggling for a
little while, I decide that the best way out is to blast them both, first
Kakkarot in the face and then Baldy. With that executed I fall on my hands and
knees gasping for air. The half-breed is now beating on his father and I get up
quickly in a defensive pose when I sense Cueball on the attack.
An hour into our
unruly sparring match and I’m surprised that neither Baldy nor the demi-Saiyajin
are yet tired. I am glad that they can endure for so long because it will take
far more than this mediocre fighting to exhaust me. Although, I do not even know
why I’m bothering. I could do far better by myself in the gravity room. But
honestly, on days like this it is better to train outside. The heat is so
comforting even if it is more than I’m used to on earth. Halfway into our match
they got rid of all extra clothing and are only wearing their gi pants. I also
decided to forego my top, gloves, and boots. Inside the compound it’s so
air-conditioned that I hadn’t even realized that today would be so sweltering.
But regardless of the extreme heat, I’m not one to turn down a sparring match,
even if it’s not what one would hope.
I drop kick
Kakkarot. Baldy deals me a roundhouse kick in my side. I brace for the blow so
the pain isn’t as potent as it could be. The brat punches him in the face,
having come upon him unsuspectingly. Then the demi-Saiyajin uses rapid-fire
attack. Cueball attempts to jump and dance his way out of range, as well as
Kakkarot who finds himself in the line of fire. I join the boy using the same
attack. However, in the blink of an eye Kakkarot disappears out of the way with
that goddamn instant transmission technique. Damn him! I sense him behind me too
late as his knee connects with my side. Not having anticipated the blow, the
sheer force of it fractures a few ribs.
“Shit! You just had
to do that, didn’t you?!”
He smiles in his
usual guileless way, an expression I’ve come to detest, and aims a punch at me.
The Saiyajin in him hasn’t surfaced this day since he isn’t taking this sparring
match seriously. I haven’t either. There is no point in doing so, for there is
no real gain save for getting the fucker as bruised and as broken as can be. And
I have given him a few bruises.
Soon, though, our
free-for-all becomes ridiculous. Kakkarot is lying on his stomach with his son
sitting astride his thighs, pulling on his left leg in an attempt to make him
yield. But the big dumb Saiya-jin is doing anything but that as he grapples my
upper torso, rendering one of my arms useless as well as putting pressure on my
ribs. And somehow I have my legs entangled with Baldy’s as I manage to pin one
of his arms behind his back with my free hand.
“Say uncle!” the
demi-Saiyajin demands so that we can win this match.
“Never!” Kakkarot
exclaims dramatically, struggling against me.
“Fine!” And his son
puts on the pressure. Kakkarot yelps but is nowhere near ready to give up as he
holds firm.
“Aaah!” Cueball
screams as I pull harder with my legs.
“Say it…Baldy!” I
growl, pushing firmer on his elbow, “or I’ll blow…out your…ligaments!”
him…STOP!” comes his cry.
“I…CAN’T!” Kakkarot
“So be it!” I say
in a sadistic tone, with a cruel chuckle for emphasis. Baldy screams before I
even do anything more to him. Honestly! I won’t break the weak creature. It’s
just fun to see him writhe futilely. His attempts to get out of my iron hold are
absolutely laughable!
Kakkarot tries to
put more pressure on my torso and arm, but pain like this doesn’t faze me. The
asswipe should know better!
“Fuck!” Cueball shouts. He is
exasperated in straining against me and I can literally see his resolve crumble
as he sucks in his breath about to speak.
“Krillin, no!”
Kakkarot panics against his son’s squeeze and at the look of desperation on his
friend’s face.
“UNC-CLLLEE!” comes
the scream.
Kakkarot chimes in.
“Yeessssss!” the
brat intones. He lets go of his father and jumps to his feet, fists thrust up in
the air.
comes my seedy laughter. Muscles loosen and holds are broken. I get to my feet
as quickly as I can.
“Yeah! ALRIGHT!”
the demi-Saiyajin cheers. “We did it!” And he gives me a high five.
I continue to
laugh. Then bend down to where Kakkarot’s face is buried in the grass. “Loser!”
“Sorry Goku,” Baldy
laments as he rubs his sore muscles.
The demi-Saiyajin
continues his gleeful cheering as I show Kakkarot and Baldy the various ways one
can be called a loser.
Kakkarot finally
gets up and laughs. “Damn! You guys are strong,” he says. “Great job!” And he
ruffles his son’s hair. “You too, Vegeta,” and he continues to laugh.
“Naturally,” I say,
wiping the sweat from my brow, then crossing my arms over my chest. With the
exhilaration of winning slowly leaving me I begin to feel my ribs inflame.
“Well with me and
Vegeta-san teamed up, of course we’d win!” the brat says.
Kakkarot laughs
more. “Kuso! Next time I won’t make that mistake—you can have Krillin!”
“Hey!” Baldy
exclaims in mock offense. “I guess there is just no love for the little guys.”
“Aww Buddy, I’m
just joking—I bet anyone teamed up with Vegeta can win.” And he winks at him.
I don’t know if
Braindead is just trying to assuage his friend’s feelings or if he is trying to
mock me. And that makes me pissed. “Shut up, Kakkarot!”
“No, I’m serious,”
he says. “Gohan and Krillin are practically floating around the same power
level. You could have won with either of them.”
Then why can’t I
win against you on my own, you shithead? “Humph. Wanna bet?” Why the hell did I
just say that? Do I want to disprove that I’ll win? I guess the want to disagree
with Kakkarot has become habit.
“Sure,” he says. A
bit of confusion plays across his features but the exhilaration of fighting
again overshadows that.
“Go-haan!” the
voice of Kakkarot’s mate calls from the terrace. We’re not too far away from her
and the onna so her shout carries excruciatingly well.
“Yeah mom?”
“It’s time for you
to continue with your studies.”
“But mom,” he
“Gohan,” she says
“Aww, come on,
Cheech,” Kakkarot says, “can’t he study later—we’re having so much fun.”
“Goku, we have an
agreement that Gohan can train as long as he keeps up with his studies. And now
since he has trained, it’s time for him to study.”
“But we hardly ever
spar with the guys or visit Bulma. Besides it’s such a nice day. Why be stuck
inside? I think we should just let him have a day off from hitting the books.”
“Humph! We’ll just
see about that!” she retorts, getting up from her seat. Using the railing to
hold herself up she jumps over it in drop kick fashion towards her mate, who
easily moves aside. Cueball and the brat jump out of the way and I too find it
advantageous to do so as I begin to realize just why all of the Z fighters are
afraid of Kakkarot’s mate.
She instantly
attacks him with multiple punches and karate chops.
Kakkarot’s mate can
fight? But it is true. She can. And she’s putting up a good one at that,
attacking every careless opening he gives her and using her slighter frame to
get out and away from his advances. It’s amazing. Not that she is a spectacular
warrior, for she is obviously not that good, but she is actually a
warrior! No wonder the brat is so damn strong!
I continue to watch
with curious eyes as the half-breed and Baldy begin to cheer and hoot. This
should be interesting, to see who comes out on top… Especially considering he’s
a Saiyajin and she’s just as much as one with her fiery temper. For a Saiyajin,
sparring with one’s mate is one of the many pleasures between mated pairs. In
fact it’s almost like what humans call foreplay. I wonder if she knows? Perhaps
not since she challenged him in front of everyone else, forget the fact that
Braindead would have no clue aside from instincts—and even with that he’s
Harpy aims a volley
of punches at her mate’s face and upper torso. He blocks some of them. She kicks
the side of his shin, hip and then face, all in one swift motion. He hunches
forward. She executes a roundhouse kick and he falls into a tree. She powers up
with a roar and a red aura surrounds her. He quickly gets to his feet and powers
up to about the same level she is at. She charges.
Funny thing,
Kakkarot can end this match with the flick of his wrist but instead he fights at
her level to give her a chance at beating him, or at least make her think she
has a chance. He always does this when he is not fighting an enemy, or whom he
presumes isn’t his enemy, if he’s not about deceiving them, that is. It is no
longer a battle of power, rather of strength, cunning, and endurance. I hate him
for it. He always does this to me, holding back as though condescension is what
is wanted. I hate that! And it’s not that my cunning could ever be outwitted by
a fool. It just makes me wonder if having the blood of an Elite Saiyajin warrior
means nothing in this world. I loathe being in the same league as the others.
It’s beyond revolting. I growl audibly but force myself to not delve deeper into
these thoughts.
He punches. She
blocks, then spin kicks him hard.
I understand the
desire to fight one’s mate at her level, the consequences of such a match can be
very rewarding. I wonder if Braindead knows what he has… I prefer to have a mate
that I can fight with regardless if I want one or not. It really irritates me
that I will never have that satisfaction of fighting with mine.
I turn towards the
terrace where the onna is. She leans over the railing with her arms folded on
it. Her blue hair flutters in the soft breeze over partially open eyes. With the
sun’s rays beaming down on her face, it’s no wonder. She has on a slight smile
watching her friends duke it out. She shakes her head as if in a silent
reprimand but with amusement. Then she stands up straight, letting her hands
fall to her sides, and goes indoors. So fragile…
I look back at the
dueling pair. They’re breathing raggedly with flushed cheeks, eyes intense. No
more grinning idiot looks from Kakkarot. And no more angry glares from his mate.
As I suspected. They do want to fuck. I wonder if the innocent realizes that his
parents no longer care if he studies or not. It’s so obvious, I know Cueball has
to notice. But they’re still just cheering at every connected blow and making
sounds of empathy to every hard strike. Kami, I think this is getting serious,
by the way he’s allowing her to get her licks in, as though he wants her to know
that no matter how hard she tries she can never overpower him.
She swipes his legs
up from under him. He falls to the ground on his back. She drops down to
straddle his lower torso. Her hand clutches his neck in a death grip.
“So I guess Gohan
studies, ne?” she breaths out.
Fiery eyes look up
at her. Movements that are too quick for human eyes take place before she is
able to save herself. She lays on her back now with him over her, wrists pinned
above her head.
“I don’t think so,”
Kakkarot says in a husky voice.
She’s stricken by
surprise, perhaps because she was unable to see his swift movements, or perhaps
because the ludicrously passive Saiya-jin has never before dared to win against
The baka grins
mischievously, a look that becomes him so well and reminds me of his father. Her
flushed face reddens more. And he leans down and kisses her full on the lips.
“Awww,” Baldy pipes
up, “ain’t that cute!”
“Eeeel,” the brat
says, “get a room!”
I turn around,
having gotten my full of Kakkarot’s mating habits, and hover up towards the
terrace. Damn bastard.
The feeling of my
aching ribs has not yet dulled as I touch down near the table. I notice there is
no more iced tea in sight. And although I want to get rid of this pain, my
parched lips have other demands.
Suddenly the brat
exclaims in dismay with an “oh Kami, no!” as Baldy follows that with hearty
laughter. I look over my shoulder to see Harpy kissing her mate back hungrily
and that she has her legs wrapped around him.
I make a sound of
disapproval as I agree with the demi-Saiyajin. All battles aside, get a fucking
room. No pun intended.
Shaking the image
of them out of my head, I enter the living room. The sudden coolness hits my
sweaty form full force and even though I enjoy the heat from outside, this
feeling is nice. In any case, I head towards the kitchen to seek out a cold
drink. I sense that the onna is in there. My mind chooses this moment to remind
me of my dream and her splendid form. As I come upon the doorway, I try not to
feel anxious, be it dread or excitement.
She stands over the
sink. Clad in tight jean shorts, she’s on her tip-toes with her hips pressed
against the rim, offering me a lovely view of her round ass. Two fingers pluck
open the blinds to watch what is going on in the backyard, giggling all the
while. “Goku, you charmer,” she utters under her breath, “now I wonder just how
many days you’ve bargained to keep Gohan from his books?”
I step into the kitchen. “I guess that
idiot wants his son to become as stupid as he is,” I say to announce my presence
since it is obvious she knows not that someone else is with her.
She jumps with a
small yelp and spins around quickly. Some of her hair falls in front of wide
eyes. “Vegeta!” she shouts as one hand comes over her heaving chest, which seems
to want out of her skimpy tank top, if her jutting nipples through the pink
material are any indication. “You dolt! Are you trying to give me a heart
“What the hell is a
heart attack? And why the hell would I want to give you anything?” I cross my
arms and eye her with one raised eyebrow. “Stupid onna,” I admonish for effect.
She looks at me
confounded with her mouth open. “…what?!”
“Good god, Onna!
You look like a dead fish!”
She immediately
closes her mouth. Then opens it again with a grimace in place. “Shut up!”
I chuckle lightly
and make my way over to the refrigerator.
“Ha…ha,” she
utters, not at all amused. “Very funny.”
I can’t believe
Goku just pulled that. I giggle to myself as I watch him and Chichi from the
kitchen window. I wonder if Son-kun knows he has that power over her. Forget her
anger or stubbornness, all he has to do to get what he wants from her is charm
her senseless. I bet that’s how he was able to get her to let Gohan train in the
first place.
“Goku, you
charmer,” I utter under my breath, “now I wonder just how many days you’ve
bargained to keep Gohan from his books?”
“I guess that idiot
wants his son to become as stupid as he is.”
I jump with a small
yelp and spin around quickly with wide eyes, my heart pounding rapidly. “Vegeta!”
I shout as I clasp a hand over my chest.
He stands near the doorway only in his
spandex shorts, sweat slowly trickling down his corded muscular physique. He has
a few light bruises, nothing serious. Damn! Does he have to look so good? But I
try not to think about that lest I blush in his presence. Instead I think about
how he scared me just now.
“You dolt! Are you
trying to give me a heart attack?!”
“What the hell is a
heart attack? And why the hell would I want to give you anything?” He crosses
his arms and eyes me with one raised eyebrow. “Stupid onna,” he chides
Doesn’t know what a
heart attack is? Wouldn’t want to give me anything? “…what?!”
“Good god, Onna!
You look like a dead fish!”
I immediately close
my mouth, not having realized it was open. What the hell? He can’t tell me what
to do! Out of abashment I yell, “Shut up!” trying not to sound whiny.
He chuckles lightly
and makes his way over to the refrigerator. And I realize then that he’s only
pulling my leg.
“Ha…ha,” I utter,
not at all amused. “Very funny.”
“I think so,” he
says, skimming the contents within. “Where’s the iced tea?”
“All gone.”
“And why is that?”
“Because we drank
it all. Duh!”
“You seem not to
comprehend, Hekigan,” he replies. “Why haven’t you gotten anymore?”
Hekigan? Why would
he call me that? It seems too nice of a nickname for him of all people to use.
“You know, Vegeta, I’m not your servant,” I say as I finger a few strands of
hair from my eyes. I then put my hand on my hip, not in an austere manner since
I’m slouched against the counter. “And I’m not about to go out in this heat just
to buy his holiness iced tea.”
“Well at least you
got my station correct. But why you’re delusional about your own is beyond me.”
I shake my head in
a dismissive manner. “I’m not going to argue with you today.”
He closes the
fridge and turns to face me, crossing his arms again. “Why the hell not?” He
actually sounds offended.
I hold back my
giggles as I say: “It’s too much of a nice day to do anything but enjoy it.”
“I enjoy arguing
with you,” he utters stepping closer to me, his voice getting slightly lower,
“doesn’t that count for something?”
I can feel the heat
of his body by his closeness. And I’ve already been aware of his masculine scent
that permeates my surroundings, which is surprisingly pleasant considering he
was just sparring moments ago. His eyes lock with mine and his gaze is as
piercing as ever. I grin softly and then sidestep him to get to the fridge. As I
open it I feel his gaze upon my back.
Vegeta has this
habit of scrutinizing people. I guess it comes from not trusting anyone as well
as trying to figure out people. He always stares at me, not so much in a gawking
way. There was only one time he actually ogled me and even then it was more like
he was trying to assess something. So I never think much of it… at least not
really. But ever since our kiss, whenever I notice his gaze on me I always
wonder about it. And it unnerves me sometimes. Even though he told me that we
can pretend that nothing happened, the looks he gives me make me wonder if he
feels more for me than he lets on.
I take out a bottle of water and turn
towards him to meet his gaze. “Here, drink up—I know you must be thirsty.”
Taking the bottle
from me, he twists the cap and guzzles it down, eyes never leaving mine. I turn
away abruptly, and pluck open the blinds to look out the window again, if
anything to occupy my attention. “How can you guys spar out there? It is way too
“Once I break a
sweat I’m fine—I don’t know about those losers but I particularly enjoy the
“Is it because you
and Satan are acquaintances?” I joke, looking away from the window.
“Heavens no! We’re
practically brothers!” He polishes off the bottle then tosses it in the trash.
“Actually if you must know, I’m used to this type of weather.”
“Ah,” I say
knowingly. “Hey, are you up for some water fun? I know you guys can’t spar all
“Huh?” He has this
sexy way of raising his eyebrows as he eyes a person curiously. I wonder if he
does that on purpose or if it’s just out of habit.
“As in swimming
pool and water floats?”
“Oh, that… I’d
rather train in the GR.”
“Doesn’t it get hot
in there despite the air conditioning? Oh wait, you like the heat. Man! You are
no fun. I bet you’d enjoy a good swim with me.” I didn’t really mean to say
“with me”, I was going for “with us”. I don’t know how it came out that way. I
hope he doesn’t think I’m flirting with him. Although…
“Will you be
wearing one of those skimpy underwear things?”
“It’s called a
bikini and yeah,” I say lightly, “You don’t have a problem with that, do you?”
He inches closer to
me almost making our chests touch. “I’d prefer you wear nothing but I suppose
that will suffice.”
And I blush… a bit surprised he would
admit something like that. I open my mouth to call him a pervert but nothing
comes out. He leans into me. Not thinking he would want to pursue closer contact
because of what he said yesterday, I’m a bit stunned. However, I particularly
like how his chest feels against mine. I don’t make a move, wanting to know what
he’s about and not daring to dissuade him. Why? I can’t say that I don’t know
but I’m unwilling to think deeply on it.
His penetrating
gaze is on mine, and then it caresses the contours of my face as if he’s
studying me. Again he inches closer and I think he is about to kiss me so I
close my eyes, but instead our cheeks brush against each other and he inhales.
His tail strokes lightly up and down one of my legs. A warm hand molds to my hip
and the other comes to caress the side of my bare midriff, sending tingles in
every which way. I lean my head down, almost resting it upon his shoulder as my
stomach churns.
“Why do you stay
with him?” His voice is a husky whisper. Why would he ask this now? I don’t want
to think about Yamcha at the moment and it vexes me that he’d bring this up now,
while only his caresses are what I so crave.
“Don’t tell me you
love him,” he brings my thoughts back to his question, his cheek still caressing
mine, “—that doesn’t mean anything to me.”
I lean my head on
his shoulder now. He touches the small of my back, trailing his fingers gently
up and down my spine. I breathe out at the tingling sensations, and close my
eyes as I shiver. “He’s all I have,” I whisper shakily, not knowing what else to
His lips are upon
the delicate skin of my neck, planting soft lingering butterfly kisses. Who knew
Vegeta could be so gentle?
“Is he all you
want?” Deeply spoken, my insides flutter and I feel regret… only because I’m not
“Don’t ask that…”
“Why?” he queries.
Why? Why what? Why
don’t I want you to ask me that? Or is it why am I letting you touch me like
this? Or why am I not caring that I have a boyfriend?
“We…we can’t do
this,” I whisper meekly, attempting to pull away but halfheartedly. It’s not
what I want. I want to be like this with him. But I have just spent the last
week or so trying to make up for kissing Vegeta. Do I want this guilt on my
conscience? Do I even want to go back to him? The ass thinks I’ve cheated. Why
not make his presumption reality?
“Why not?” He
breathes with his lips now on my collarbone and arms wrapping more around me,
pulling me closer. Why not? Why not make this happen or why can we not do this?
“Because I… I don’t
“I want you,” he
whispers in my ear. I never thought anything could sound so erotic.
“Vegeta…” I whimper as I feel the
evidence of that grow against my stomach. I want him too. But… how can I? I’m
attached to someone already… someone who doesn’t trust me…
Doesn’t trust me?
Do I even trust him?
The memory of
Yamcha being too friendly with his fans comes to mind. If I hadn’t showed up, he
would have surely signed that bimbo’s bra. Who knows how friendly he’s been with
women when I’m not around? The thought chafes at me and suddenly, I really don’t
care anymore.
Vegeta pulls me
even closer and I wrap my arms around his torso. He kisses my jaw and then my
cheek and then my lips. I kiss back, parting them. Who knew it could be like
this with him? A hand still caresses my lower back and spine. One brushes my jaw
lightly then delves into my hair, pulling me closer for bruising kisses filled
with fervent longing. I moan in my throat, as our tongues stroke one another.
His tail wraps around my thigh and pulls me even closer.
What has she done
to me? Moments ago I was telling myself not to think of her how I did in my
dream, not to let her enticing body sway me. But who can overcome the wiles of a
goddess? Every movement of hers is delicate, graceful, sensual. I never thought
I could be taken in so completely. Or maybe it’s just my hormones taking over.
Without the moon I cannot really tell when my lust for sex becomes strong. It
could be that or just my weakness for her or… I haven’t had a wet dream in a
while, perhaps it has fueled my want. Whatever it is, all I know is that I want
to take her now.
Removing my hand
from her hair, I glide it down her shoulder taking with it the strap of her tank
top, glad she isn’t wearing a bra. I cup one breast and my thumb massages the
quickly hardening nipple. Our tongues still battle as our kisses impassion. She
tastes far better than what my mind conjured up and her scent is deliciously
aromatic. I wonder if she’s wet already? I can’t wait to taste her juices. But
for now I will enjoy her breasts. My mouth leaves hers and I kiss her throat,
traversing her collarbone with my lips and tongue. Her arms tighten around me as
she moans, one hand in my hair, the other pressing against my back. My inflaming
rib was temporarily forgotten but not now. The more I set her senses alight the
more she squeezes into me. Kissing the top of her breast, I gasp and cringe as I
shut my eyes. Damn you, Kakkarot!
“Is something
wrong?” She says pulling away.
“No,” I say through
clinched teeth and try to hold her against me. But the aching of my ribs makes
that difficult.
She looks me over,
trying to find the source of my discomfort, with her hands still on my affected
side. She moves them away and looks. She gasps. “Vegeta, what happened?” and she
pulls the strap back over her shoulder.
“Nothing.” I cover
my bruise and pull her close for another kiss. Last thing I need is for her to
She wiggles out of
my embrace. “Don’t tell me nothing!” She tries to remove my hand to get a look
at my injury.
“Onna! Stop, it’s
“Oh really?” And
she pokes me there. Hard.
“Aah!” I wince,
“What the hell did you do that for?!”
“Nothing, huh?” She
eyes sternly.
“Hey Bulma!”
We break contact
and turn towards the doorway that leads outside to see Baldy coming in.
“Chichi was
wondering if you both were going to…” He trails off as he looks down to where
the Onna’s standing. We follow his gaze. To my abashment my tail is still
wrapped around her thigh. Onna blushes deeply as I snap my tail away. I try to
keep my features from reacting but I snarl angrily.
Kami is against me.
“Uh… am I
interrupting something?”
“No!” Onna says
abruptly. Then calms her breathing she asks, “What is it that Chichi wants?”
“To know if you two
were going to start on dinner or if you just planned to order out.”
“Uh… I don’t know.
Whatever she wants to do is fine with me.”
“Alright, I’ll tell
her that,” Baldy says and turns to leave but he stops short. “Hey Vegeta, you
wanna go another round? Goku and Gohan are waiting for you.”
“He’s injured. I
have to make sure he’s okay.”
I look at her with
annoyance. Since when is she my nurse?
“Oh, tough break.
Goku has a senzu if you need it.”
“I’m not dying.
It’s only a fractured rib.”
Onna gives me a
disbelieving look. “And that’s supposed to be nothing?”
“Hn.” I shrug my
shoulders then cross my arms.
“That means ‘I know
you’re right but I’m too much of a tough guy to admit it’,” the Onna translates.
“Get the senzu, okay?”
“Okay, I’ll be
right back.” And he closes the door behind him.
Onna breathes a
sigh of relief. “That was close,” she mutters.
I don’t know why
but it bothers me that she’d be so relieved. “Why? Are you afraid that your
boyfriend will get wind of this?” I cannot help but sound bitter.
“He is my
boyfriend!” And her eyes fire hotly.
I inch closer to
her. “So does that mean you don’t care?”
“Don’t care about
Is she playing
games with me? I grab her hand and place it on my groin. “Don’t care about
The blush that was
leaving her face comes back with a vengeance. “NO! I was just confused about
what you meant!”
I let go of her
She takes a deep
breath in an attempt to calm herself. “Listen, this was a mistake,” she says not
looking me in the eyes, “I-I don’t know what’s gotten into me. I don’t do stuff
like this. I don’t cheat.”
Damn her! Why does
she have to be so attached to that loser! I growl and turn away. And I too begin
to take a deep breath to calm myself. It’s not really that which angers me at
the moment. I honestly would think less of her if she did cheat. But since the
fucker has already done it to her, I don’t care if she would. The irony of it is
that since she doesn’t know, to her it would be ignoble to do so. And it’s not
like I can enlighten her about the recreant. It would seem petty or desperate
for a fuck.
“Vegeta, I’m sorry.
I didn’t mean to—”
“Don’t. This is my
“But I—”
I growl. I’ll have
her one way or the other. This is just a slight setback.
The door swings
open. “Hey Vegeta, here you go,” Kakkarot says with a broad smile on his face
that looks suspiciously smug as he tosses me a senzu bean, “I didn’t know I hit
you that hard!”
I catch it. “You
don’t know many things. It’s nothing to feel bad about, Braindead.” I get a
whack on my head and turn to snarl at the onna.
“Shut up Vegeta! Just because you are
rather pissed right now doesn’t mean you can drag others down with you!”
I grin evilly.
“This is the only time I will allow you to go unscathed after pulling a stunt
like that. Don’t think just because things changed I won’t demand respect,
Hekigan.” I pop the bean in my mouth and chew as I head outside. From the corner
of my eye, I can see Kakkarot scratching his head as I pass by him, not able to
comprehend yet again what just happened.
Author’s Note: Hekigan means blue
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