Slave | By : vegetagoddess Category: Dragon Ball Z > Het - Male/Female > Vegeta/Bulma Views: 33223 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own DragonballZ, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
DISCLAIMER: I do not own DBZ or any of the characters from it.
A/N – Thanks to the people who read the last chapter! You’ve all been very patient waiting for this chapter and the lemon it contains – after all this fic is lemon orientated!
Ilandra nervously paced up and down her room. Her lilac hair hung loose around her shoulders, and her face was devoid of makeup. Her eyes flickered this way and that as she waited for him to come.
Why had she been so foolish to say those things to Brolly? She knew who and what Brolly was. After all, she was King Vegeta’s closest confidence. She knew things about Brolly that even Prince Vegeta didn’t know.
“Why?” she cursed herself as she caught site of her reflection in the mirror. Her red eyes shimmered with fretful tears, and she shook her head to clear them from her eyes. She would not be a victim, not like the rest of her people.
Her home world, the planet Medoria, had been attacked and conquered by the Saiyans almost 25 years ago. It had been a harrowing experience for all of the Medorian people, or so she had been told.
At the time of the event she had not yet been born. Her mother had been one of the few people to escape the planet during the attack and was able to start another life elsewhere under the protection of a new Lord. It was on this alien planet that her mother had got herself pregnant and had given birth to her.
Her childhood on this alien planet had been an excellent one, although at the time she had not known it. She had been trained in the special art that her alien father had deemed her worthy of, and her mother had been content with this. It wasn’t until she was fifteen that she had traveled back to her mother’s home world, curious to see what her ‘real’ people were like.
The result of this trip had been her capture by Slave Traders and her sale to King Vegeta, who in those days was still Prince Vegeta. She had been a lowly concubine at first, fodder for anyone who wanted to take pleasure from her – including the other female concubines.
But as time passed she managed to worm her way into King Vegeta’s heart, so much that he began favoring her above all the other concubines. She was taken out of the harem and given her own suite of rooms right next to those of the King.
Years went by, and her Vegeta became King. He married the woman he was betrothed to and had a son to her, the now Prince Vegeta. It was after the birth of the new prince that King Vegeta arranged for the death of his wife. And he had done it all because she, Ilandra, had told him too.
Her mother had often told her when she was a child that women were stronger then men, but it wasn’t until she achieved the death of Prince Vegeta’s mother that she understood how true her mother’s words were.
Men were disgusting animals who lived only to indulge their base instincts, and it was because of this that they were so easy to control. Every time King Vegeta touched her it was a struggle for her not to show her true revulsion for him, not to show how much she really hated him.
She could sense that Bulma was beginning to control Prince Vegeta in the same manner – giving him what he wanted in order to gain favor. It was the oldest trick in the book for a whore to use, but men have always been blind to its use, preferring to believe that when they took a woman it was because the woman wanted them, and not because the woman wanted the extras that came with being a concubine.
“Men.” Ilandra licked slightly dry lips and let out her breath in a stark hiss. She much preferred the company of women to men, and luckily King Vegeta often indulged himself by sleeping with two women at once, never dreaming that Ilandra was taking just as much pleasure as him by the presence of another woman.
The door to her room beeped suddenly, giving Ilandra a second’s warning that he had finally come for her. His power level swept over her skin like burning acid, and she sucked in a breath as she fought to contain her fear of this man.
Brolly strode into the room, his black eyes flickering with anger as he caught site of her standing in the center of her room. Reading arrogance in her stance as she intended him too.
“Brolly, what a surprise,” she murmured hoarsely and swallowed her fear as he began storming towards her, his training uniform showing off every muscle as it strained with surprised energy.
“A surprise? Don’t lie to me Ilandra, we both know you were waiting for me to come to you,” Brolly smirked and began circling around her, his deep voice booming in the space of the room.
“Is it wise to leave Bulma unattended?” Ilandra caught his eyes and matched his smirk. “I doubt that Bardock would be much protection if He should choose to come for her tonight.” She kept her voice even, relying on her years of experience of dealing with angry Saiyan males.
“Oh, I think you should be more worried about what’s going to happen to you.” He stepped closer to her and energy began to crackle around him.
“I suppose he sent you to do his dirty work for him?” Ilandra chuckled and shook her head. “I hope you don’t think that getting rid of me will be that easy. I know all about you Brolly. I know why the King keeps you around when he knows what you really are.” Ilandra caught the flash of surprise in his eyes and smirked. “I’ve told one of my closest friends what you really are, and if you so much as lay a hand on me then they’re going to go and tell Vegeta your little secret.” Her voice was now crawling with pleasure at the fearful look in Brolly’s eyes.
“You’re lying!” He ground the words out, but they sounded hollow as if he knew that she would do as she was threatening.
“Am I? You know, somehow I don’t think that Prince Vegeta would be too happy if he knew why you were really here – do you?” Now Ilandra was the one circling around Brolly, her dominance asserted once more. “You play the game well Brolly, I’ll give you that, but you don’t play as well as I. You haven’t been at the palace long enough.” She whispered the last past in his ear hoarsely.
Ilandra stepped back from Brolly and watched as he fought an internal battle against some demon. Finally he looked up at her, his eyes angry. “I can’t allow Vegeta – or anyone – to learn why I am here. At least not until I have completed my mission. I will kill you Ilandra but until I can discover which of your little friends knows my secret I have no choice but to let you be – all I ask is that you stay away from Bulma. I know your mission and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let you hurt her.” His voice was rough with feelings and Ilandra arched an eyebrow.
“I’m impressed, but I don’t have any mission, Brolly. And as I said to you before; I’m not going to hurt Bulma, I have other plans for her.” Ilandra shivered as she thought of Bulma.
Oh yes, she had great plans for the beautiful human female.
Bulma knew Vegeta was in the room even before he touched her. Her skin prickled, and there was a faint scent of ozone in the air, and that was all she needed to know that he was stalking her.
She shivered with anticipation as he stealthily moved through the dim light of her room. She didn’t know how he had managed to sneak in without her hearing the door but she knew he had managed it.
Bulma could picture him in her mind. Perhaps crouched in some dark corner with his tail flicking in excitement. His eyes glowing and flickering with reflected candle light as he watched her, waiting for the moment when he could launch himself at her, and pin her to the carpet.
Bulma suppressed the moan that threatened to spill from her mouth and instead willed herself to be silent and to listen to any noise he might make. Her eyes opened again as she realized that he must be levitating somewhere – the smell of ozone usually became strong when he was using his powers.
“Vegeta?” Her voice was high and frightened, and somewhere in the shadows to the left she heard a small growl. The shadows almost rippled, and Vegeta lunged out of them, giving her time to squeal but not to move.
Her landed on her with practiced ease, turning slightly ie aie air so that he landed on the ground with her above him. She could see and feel how excited he was, and she began to struggle, some part of her was frightened despite her knowledge that Vegeta only
He held her above him with one arm and smirked as he ran the other hand down her body and pulled her close to him so he could lick her neck. He growled and rolled over, trapping her beneath him as he looked down into her face, his eyes wild with something so primitive it had no name.
He sat up slowly, pulling Bulma with him, keeping their eyes level as though he were afraid of losing eye contact. Then Vegeta lent into her and kissed her.
He held her so close that Bulma struggled to breath. He held her arms so tightly behind her back that Bulma was afraid he would break them. He kissed her so hard that Bulma knew she must have been bleeding.
Her eyes stared into his as he fed at her mouth like a vampire, drinking the blood that was dripping slowly from one corner of her mouth. He slowly let her arms go and wrapped his own around her, grinding her body into his as he lowered her back to the ground and continued to kiss her.
“Bulma.” Her name was dragged from his lips on a whisper of breath and spoken so harshly that it was almost a curse. Her eyes fluttered shut as his hands ran down her body again, as though memorizing it. He then followed the trail his hands had left with his mouth, leaving no inch untouched.
Bulma arched against him, lost to the passion that she had onceght ght so hard not to feel. When she opened her eyes again he was still watching her, hunting her with those black eyes as endless as the night itself.
Vegeta pulled away from her and smiled a frightening smile. Bulma swallowed in fear as he abruptly leapt to his feet and leered down at her, the wildness in his eyes growing as he sensed Bulma’s fear.
He reached door hor her and pulled her to her knees. Despite his silence, Bulma knew what he wanted from her, and she obediently followed his lead as he crouched behind her and painfully jerked her arms behind her back again.
“And now it starts,” Vegeta whispered in her ear, his breath feathery light and deceptively gentle. An instant later Bulma felt a sharp blow to the back of her neck, and a thick blackness rolled up to greet her.
Bulma slowly fought her way out of unconsciousness. It was like swimming through thick black tar – as if the world of black she had slipped into was reluctant to release her from its grip.
She blinked eyelids that weighed a ton and stared dazedly at the floor below her in confusion. The floor was made of worn stone and had something that looked like dried blood splashed across it.
Bulma tried to scream but there was a gag in her mouth preventing her. She began to struggle, realizing very slowly that she was chained in a kneeling position by glowing ki bands that only Vegeta could have made.
As if summoned by her thoughts Vegeta materialized out of the shadows as if he were the devil himself. He stared down at her with his eyes, frighteningly empty eyes, and strolled closer, perfectly at ease with the dank and dreary surroundings.
“This is the dungeon of the royal palace.” He crouched in front of her and ran a hand down her face. “When I was a child my father made me come down here to watch the execution of one of his whores who had cheated.” Vegeta spoke slowly and carefully as if he had rehearsed saying this a million times before.
“Maybe that’s why I’m so fucked up. Because my father made me watch him beat one of his concubines to death when I was a child.” He tucked her rogue strand of hair behind her ear and looked at her carefully. “I don’t remember what I felt when I saw her die, but I do remember that my father was adamant that all disobedient whores should be given the same treatment.”
Bulma felt her chest tighten and moaned against her gag, twisting her wrist in the ki bands in a poor attempted to get them off.
Vegeta blinked in surprise at her apparent fear and then chuckled quietly. “Don’t worry, I didn’t bring you here to kill you. I just plan on having a little fun with you.” He ran his hand down her body again, following the curve of her hip and trailing his fingers down her thigh.
“I like your outfit by the way. It’s very appropriate for what I have planned tonight.” Vegeta undid her gag and took it out of her mouth, tossing it over his shoulder in an idle movement. “I’ve never brought another woman down here…but it seemed right that you and I should spend a night together in the place that began my madness. It’s something I have to do.”
Vegeta stood up again, reading the acceptance in her eyes and acknowledging it with a nod. “I’m going to push you to the edge of pain tonight, but the pleasure will be worth every minute of it.” He walked around behind her again, and Bulma could hear him fiddling with something. “Give yourself to the pain.”
She felt the air stir behind her and Vegeta’s hand gently traced a pattern on her back. “It’s a pity that I’m probably going to scar your lovely skin.” There was a small amount of regret in his tone, but there was anticipation in it more then anything else.
She could feel Vegeta step away, and she heard the sound of leather creaking. Bulma’s eyes flew open and less then a second later she felt the stinging lash of a whip strike her back. Against her will Bulma’s entire body jerked with the pain, and she screamed, a shriek of pain more then pleasure.
The pain dimmed slightly but didn’t fade. It felt as if her back was on fire, as if someone had rubbed salt in a wound. She heard the sound of leather creaking behind her, and this time Bulma was astute enough to pick up the whistling sound the whip made as it sliced through the air.
It struck her back with just as much force as the first lash had, and once again Bulma’s body jerked, and she shrieked. Bulma hung limply in the ki restraints. Despite the incredible pain, she could feel heat pooling between her legs. She could feel herself getting warm and wet – and all because she was being beaten up by a man.
She was sick. She was so, so sick.
She could feel the blood dripping down her back, following the curve of her skin. The whip bit into her skin a third time, and this time all Bulma could manage was a moan of pain as she hung staring at the floor. A strange numbness was spreading down her back, but she could still feel the burning of the lashes on her skin.
Vegeta’s boots appeared in her line of sight. She tried to raise her head to look at him, but the muscles in her back shrieked in pain, and Bulma gasped and let herself hang limply down.
She had never felt pain like this before. Nothing she had ever experienced had been quite as incapacitating as this. It was so painful it felt good…but at the same time it was a bad kind of good.
Vegeta knelt in front of her, and the ki bands that had held her quickly faded, and she dropped like a stone into his waiting arms. He tilted her face up and kissed her, his hands slipping behind her and caressing her back. He swallowed all her moans of pain as he traced the lashes, feeding off her pain as if he was staved for it.
As Bulma kissed Vegeta back she felt herself fading in and out of consciousness. She was aware of everything, but it was as though she was viewing everything from out of her body. The pain, Bulma realized, was a barrier that she could hide behind. If she embraced the pain then she would gain a Safeway she could hide in.
The pain was her protection.
Bulma delved into the pain, focusing on the red-hot pain that was streaking down her back. She let the pain feed the heat that was fast pooling in her stomach and between her thighs; she let herself feel pleasure through the pain.
Bulma growled in the back of her throat and wrapped her arms around Vegeta’s neck, pushing against him with a lust that defied common sense. Her e whi which had closed at some point, snapped opnd lnd lowered with purpose.
Her bra top was off and Vegeta was biting on her nipples, drawing blood even as his hands slipped down the front of her G-string and his fingers plunged inside her moist entrance.
Bulma jerked and shuddered against Vegeta’s chest, her head fell forward, and she fastened her teeth into his shoulder, biting down and groaning in the back of her throat as Vegeta let out a small sound of delight.
He removed his fingers from her, and with a roar of lusty anger he tore her G-string straight off. Bulma fell back from him and landed on the floor with a growl. Vegeta watched her with a sinister intent and began to approach her, his tail lashing like an animal’s tail.
He licked his lips and focused on her again, his eyes burning hellishly bright. Bulma ignored the pain of the ground rubbing into her cuts and flipped herself onto her feet with an agility she didn’t know she possessed…it was if she was borrowing strength from Vegeta’s animal rage.
She could feel her heart thudding and knew that this was it. This was the moment that she could make Vegeta hers. This was the time when she could stamp her mark onto him so that he’d belong to her alone.<span style="font-size:10.0pt; font-family:Ar>&nb>
He forced her legs apart and lowered himself between them, roughly forcing his large, swollen member inside of her. Bulma arched her back and took him inside of her as deeply as she could, wrapping her long legs around his waist and tightening herself around him.
Bulma could see Vegeta’s animal rage behind his eyes again as he loomed over her, thrusting into her with growls and grunts. Bulma could feel her blood under her back, dampening the ground and scenting the air with its metallic smell.
Vegeta began driving himself into her harder and faster, and Bulma felt her eyes roll up into her head as she gave herself over to the acidic pleasure that was tightening inside of her.
Her orgasm crashed over her like a tsunami, driving every thought from her mind, every emotion out of her head until all she felt was the all consuming pain and pleasure that radiated through her body again and again.
The last thing Bulma remembered was Vegeta roar of pleasure as he came in her, his body jerking and shuddering as he reached the release he had been longing for all his life.
And then the blackness claimed her once more.
A/N – Heh…I’ve never written anything like this before. If you don’t like it then please don’t hate me. If you do like it then le me know so I don’t feel so…weird about having written that. The inspiration for this lemon was found in the song ‘STARFUCKERS, INC’ By Nine Inch Nails.
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