Chronicles of Etcha | By : bluekazoo Category: Dragon Ball Z > Het - Male/Female Views: 2257 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own DragonballZ, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Hope you guys are enjoying
the story! Here comes part 2! It’s really long, so enjoy!
-PART 2-
burst through the door and raced to Gohan’s room, Vegeta on his tail.
“Gohan!” He gasped, his eyes frantically searching the room.
leaned against the doorway and rolled his eyes. “What were you doing, boy?” he
demanded, his eyes on the assassin now.
was an accident...I just knocked over the little...” Gohan stammered, his eyes widened in fear.
knelt down beside Gohan, a hand on each shoulder, “It’s
okay. Her name is Etcha and she’ll be staying with us for a w, ok, okay?”
paused and exchanged looks with Vegeta.
mother...” Vegeta said slowly, “Is a—”
generous person,” sai said suddenly, cutting Vegeta off, “and decided that we
should take care of her because we don’t know who she is and what she’s doing
barked Vegeta, “You can’tl mel me you actually approve of this? The girl is an assassin, sent by Cooler himself to
kill me!!”
eyes snapped towards the girl immediately.
Goku whispered, “Are you...?”
to the girl,” Vegeta mumbled.
told you herself?” Goku asked quietly, his eyes traveling over Etcha’s features.
took some...persuasion....” Vegeta smirked.
suddenly glared at Vegeta in disgust, “She’s just a girl!”
damned little determined one!” Vegeta hissed, “She may not look like it, but
she’s...firm in her decision to kill
“Sh...we’ll handle this in the
morning...” Goku whispered.
no, I’m not leaving!” Vegeta said stubbornly as he walked towards Etcha and
frowned, “You think—you fool—that
she’ll wake up and thank you for your hospitality? No, you idiots! She’ll try
and kill you all!”
her try,” Gohan said, “My dad’s the strongest—”
or not,” Vegeta retorted, glowering, “It is not wise to keep a villain in
your home,”
face grew a brilliant shade of scarlet as he spoke, “And what about you? Bulma let
Vegeta roared, his self control flying out the window, “I am not...I...” his
voice trailed off, trying to grasp the words he couldn’t find.
Goku glanced at Gohan disapprovingly, “Let’s just try and find out what we’re
going to do with her for now,”
frowned. As much as he hated the place... “I will take
her to Master Roshi’s home...”
“And what of Master Roshi and the
You expect them to just welcome the girl? I dunno if he’d approve...” Goku said
hesitantly, his brow furrowing in frustration.p>
afraid so. Otherwise, I will kill them,”
* *
“Wha—?” Master Roshi
blinked, “Vegeta? What are you doing here?”
morning had not yet passed as the sun shined brightly in the sky. It was slowly
approaching noon by the time Vegeta had managed to reach the Kame house.
seems...” he said slowly, motioning to the still unconscious Etcha in his arms,
“We have a problem,”
Roshi looked from the girl and Vegeta in confusion
and sighed. He ushered Vegeta inside and listened attentively as Vegeta
recalled what happened and what Goku, Gohan and himself had decided on.
“Hm...” Master Roshi said
thoughtfully, “Correct me if I’m wrong, Vegeta, but I’ve never seen you as the
type of person to care about anybody but yourself.”
Vegeta could feel his temper rising again, but he fought the urge to.
Master Roshi said calmly, “You—fearing for the safety
of Goku’s household—took it upon yourself to bring Etcha here and stay with
was boiling in Vegeta’s face, his hand twitching.
small grin crept across Master Roshi’s face as he
continued, “Either that, or you care for the young girl and want her,”
was at a loss for words.
so I am right?”
Vegeta shouted, rising to his feet, “I can’t take her to Bulma
or Capsule Corporation for that matter! Where else am I o?”“Because she is my assassin, cold-hearted and alone. Like me.” Vegeta snarled as
he grabbed Etcha and marched out of the door and shot in the sky.
but Vegeta, that is where you are wrong.” Master Roshi
chuckled as he watched him leave.
* *
was sitting down near the bank of a stream, watching it slowly pass by. His
eyes were blank in thought as his arm rested on his knee, watching the fish
swim beneath the blue depths.
was lying nearby, laying in the grass and still unconscious.
hadn’t knocked her out only once. Countless times, while he was on his way to Roshi Island, Etcha stirred, and he had
so happily hurt her again. It was a cycle. Her eyes fluttered, his hand shot
out, and she would collapse against his chest again.
couldn’t help but notice her beauty as she slept. It reminded him of how he
would watchan can class=SpellE>Bulma as she worked from a distance when
he stayed at the Capsule Corporation. However, this woman was different. Her
hair was jet black, her eyes brown. And the necklace....
Kakarot had been telling the truth, she was...a saiyajin....
necklace was the sign of innocence...
shook his head vigoly. ly. No, couldn’t be
true. There were no remaining saiyajins...where there?
suddenly wanted to shake her awake and demanere ere she came from. However,
Vegeta remained sitting near the small stream, contemplating. “Hm. As I
thought. Everything is working out perfectly,” he paused. “And...that bastard? Goku?”
is alive, too,”
will soon die. As will Vegeta. Both of them,”
* *
think it’s best if we visit Kakarot, Etcha.” Vegeta managed to say.
she whispered again, this time pulling away and looking up at Vegeta. “I am
warrior nodded, “And I am Vegeta. Prince of all Saiyajins.”
froze suddenly and looked up at Vegeta as she began to tremble. “Saiyajins...”
she murmured, “You are a saiyajin...”
Saiyajins are a race of warriors.” Vegeta’s eyes glanced at Etcha’s
necklace and back to her eyes. “You...remember anything about saiyajins?”
not sure...”
with me,” Vegeta stood up and offered her his hand, “We must go see Kakarot
about this. You will need a place to
stay, after all,”
* *
sat down, exhausted. Gohan sat in his room, studying (or so his mother thought)
while ChiChi baked the fish that Goku had just brought in.
Goku waited for his food. ChiChi took her time, however, angry that Etcha was
no longer in the household and Goku and Gohan had been unable to explain her
disappearance. When she had demanded where she was, Goku only managed to
stammer, “I-I don’t know? Maybe with Vegeta?”
it had seemed, was the wrong thing to say. It had only fueled Chichi’s anger,
and she had insisted that Goku find the ‘poor innocent girl’ and that ‘vicious
killer’. When Goku refused—saying it would be best not to meddle in Vegeta’s
affairs—ChiChi had calmed down, but still refusedspeaspeak to him or Gohan for
that matter.
was then, as ChiChi stubbornly threw the plates on the table (Goku flinched at
this) that Vegeta chose to pound on the door.
immediately took this as an opportunity to move as he jumped up and soared for
the door, nearly colliding with Gohan.
stood Vegeta, arms crossed, eyes narrowed, and looking thoroughly pissed.
“Vegeta?” Goku asked, puzzled, “What’re you—?”
ChiChi scrambled towards the door, pushing Goku and Gohan aside. Panting
heavily with one hand planted on each side of the door frame, she screamed,
“What did you do with her, you monster?!”
merely frowned.
cowered behind Vegeta, trembling. “Please...don’t let her—”
up,” Vegeta muttered coldly, “You shouldn’t be afraid of a human woman. You are
far more stronger than you can imagine.”>
nodded slowly as she timidly stepped out from behind him.
suddenly smiled warmly, “Hello, I’m ChiChi,”
is Etcha,” Vegeta said gruffly, motioning towards the still trembling girl.
can speak for herself, I am sure,”
ChiChi said through gritted teeth.
immediately put a fatherly hand on Etcha’s shoulder.
“Don’t be afraid,” he whispered to her and she nodded again.
Goku said from behind ChiChi, “I thought you said that she was
“Apprentice.” Vegeta said quickly, “Kakarot, please, follow me.” Bring your son.”
looked at Vegeta pleadingly, but he only motioned for her to follow ChiChi.
dear,” ChiChi said happily, grasping her hand gently, “Come with me, I’ll show you your room....”
* *
does not need such nonsense! She is more of a warrior than a human child!”
can’t take care of her, you freeloader! Staying in Bulma’s
home because she’s rich! I know! She talks to me, you know!!”
“YOU SHUT UP!” Vegeta roared, his voice
rising with every word, “That is not true! And Etcha needs training! Not your
ridiculous pampering!”
was Vegeta.
sat up abruptly and murmured, “Vegeta?”
happened?” he demanded, his eyes locking Gohan’s.
had a nightmare...” Gohan mumbled as he avoided his eyes. “I woke her up,”
this true?”
raised an eyebrow, still glancing from Gohan to Etcha, as if to search for some
lie. “What kind of nightmare?”
was in a foul mood again, refusing to speak to anyone, even Etcha. Gohan had
locked himself in his room, mumbling about studying and work. Vegeta had more
commanded than asked that Etcha come with him out into the woods to spar with
him, and Goku had so happily decided to join them. However, Etcha soon realized
that she would much rather stay with ChiChi in the house rather than follow
Vegeta into the woods.
you remember how to fly at least,” Goku said, “So let’s see your stance,”
frowned as she moved into her position, which wasn’t all to pleasing to Vegeta.
“Feh. What kind of a stance is
that? You’re leaving all your weak spots open to your enemy,” he muttered, his
eyes narrowing in disgust.
wait a minute,” Goku said as he approached her, “Move your arms here...”—Goku
grasped her wrists and moved them upwards, to block her sides and chest—“...and
spread your legs a little more...”—he pushed his foot between hers, separating
them so as Etcha’s feet were the same distance as her
shoulders—“...and there! Now just keep your eyes on the enemy and don’t let him
get a move in on you,”
growled. “I’ll fight her,”
held her breath as Vegeta moved forward, arms crossed and eyes narrowed.
into your stance,” Vegeta commanded, and Etcha only obediently obeyed.
is that your stance?” Goku asked slowly.
it does leave all weak spots open,
but it’s very intimidating, don’t you
agree?” Vegeta grinned devilishly, “I don’t think she’d even dare to touch me,”
girl nodded.
swiftly moved to the side, narrowly avoiding Vegeta as he thrust his fist out
at her. Smirking triumphantly, Vegeta simply disappeared. Etcha’s
eyes searched frantically for him, darting left and right, up and down...
him!” Goku shouted, “Not with your eyes, but feel him!”
“How!?” Etcha asked desperately, “I don’t...I don’t understand!!”
his energy!”
can’t...I can’t feel him!”
your eyes and heighten your senses,” Goku commanded, “Try and feel his
nodded and reluctantly closed her eyes. Something about the thought of fighting
Vegeta with her eyes closed didn’t settle with her.
She lost it. It was like a quick burst of energy, but suddenly, it was gone,
like that.
“ETCHA!!” Goku wailed, “OPEN YOUR EYES!”
"Verdana Ref"'>ChiChi’s mood had increased considerably during dinner, as Vegeta had
left the house and said he wouldn’t return until morning. Goku had whispered to
Etcha that he thought it would have been best if she didn’t know that Vegeta
had lost control.
and Goku discussed certain matters while Etcha had excused herself, saying she
was far too tired. Goku offered her a sympathetic look, but otherwise nodded
and said “Good-night,”
lay on the floor, staring at the ceiling. All she could think about was Vegeta.
He was kind to her...but still...he was, in a way, a monster...
shivered as she curled up into a ball.
then, Gohan entered the room and lay on his bed, mumbling a an
class=SpellE>G’night,” to Etcha.
“Hey, Etcha?” Gohan asked as he lay on his bed and stared at the
it true...that your a sign of innocence?”
blinked blankly as she looked at her necklace. “I dunno...I can’t remember...”
sighed, “Well, just thought I’d ask,” he paused, then
added, “I’m really must be hard for you to live here...not knowing
who you are...”
smiled to herself as she replied, “It’s alright. I don’t ask for sympathy,”
enough, Etcha found herself listening to Gohan’s light snores. She watched the
moonlight through the window and thought about Vegeta. Where was he...? How
could he have gone off like that? And where would he go?
And...her necklace. A sign of innocence? Etcha
looked down at the shimmering red ruby held in place by a silver birdlike claw.
* *
Etcha’s eyes snapped open immediately.
glanced at the window and nearly screamed.
standing at the window, lightly tapping at it, was a monster. A fat, red, blobbish monster, staring straight at her and grinning menacingly, showing all of his canines.
just as quick as the rush of horror came to her, she suddenly felt compelled to
open the windows. To talk to him.
the monster whispered through the glass. Etcha nodded as she slowly made her
was to the window and opened it. “So glad to see you again,”
are you?”
creature chuckled, “Cooler said this would happen. Part of the plan ’e says...”
Another laugh. “It’s ’orrible
that you don’t remember me. Name’s Torrir, and please, follow
me, young missus,”
paused and then finally grabbed the creature’s hand, who
helped her over the window. She dusted off her long sleeved pajamas as she
followed the thing through the woods. Finally, she had grown the courage to ask
him, “Where are we going?”
/p> “I “Like...what?” “How “Goku?” “Yes,” “He’ “Not “Yes. “Not “What? “Hm. Master Cooler was are in a very weak state.
have some explaining to do, it seems...” the thing mumbled, “...but first, I’d
like to ask you some questions...if
that’s okay with you, of course,”
are things with Kakarot?”
he said, “Goku. How is he, Etcha?”
strong...very strong,” Etcha murmured.
unbeatable, is he, missus?” the creature asked, twisting his hand back to see
Unbeatable he is...” Etcha said quietly, keeping her eyes glued to the ground.
for you, of course,”
What do you mean?” Etcha asked, bewildered, “I don’t understand...”
I can only hope his plan will bring you back to your power, missus,”
about this thing’s tone made Etcha believe he was...lying.
could beat him, I’m sure. You are Master Cooler’s strongest warrior; my
nodded, “Yes, Etcha. I still have hope in you, unlike most of your followers. This
can work is—after all—your
did I plan?” Etcha said, “I don’t...I can’t remember...”
frowned, “It pains me to see young missus in such a state. Please, let us talk
of your mission. You said Goku was unbeatable? Hah, a laugh it is...”
“ don’t understand!” Etcha cried, “He can change...his
looks...his’s just this...this surge
of power that comes from him. Like I can almost...feel him,”
Torrir said quietly, “The rumor is true.
really happened?”
don’t understand...”
heaved a sigh, “He changes? His power? It changes? And
he becomes...different in appearance? Bright blue eyes and
golden hair?”
nodded, “That’s exactly what I saw,”
help us...Master Cooler’s gonna ’ave a fit over this,
’e will,”
like he became a completely different person,”
stopped and turned to face Etcha when the came across a clearing, “Now, see
here,” he said roughly, “He may be Super Saiyan...but that can’t stop you,
Etcha. Master Cooler has great faith in you, ’e does.”
Etcha shuddered.
risking a lot to come out and see you, you know.” Torrir said proudly, “And I
know you have forgotten us, but I just had to see how you were doing...besides,
I could always alter your memory...”
“My memory!?” Etcha cried, “You can unlock my past!?”
chuckled, “Heh, a little excited there, aren’t you?”
only stared at him pleadingly, “Tell me about me,”
sure your Prince knows about you by now. I’m sure one of them recognize your souvenir.”
nodded, “Your necklace. Your stunning Saiyan necklace,”
looked down at her necklace and frowned. “I’m...saiyan...Prince Vegeta...”
Torrir said, “I think I’ve said too much, missus Etcha, but what I can tell you
is to feed off your emotion. If Frieza’s records are must act upon
your emotion, Etcha,”
Etcha choked out, “ expect me to kill Goku?”
grinned, “No, no, Master Cooler will take care of that. You just need to take
care of your Prince,”
“But?” Torrir inquired, “Etcha, don’t tell me you’ve actually befriended these monkeys, have you?”
was afraid this could happen...” he whispered, his eyes darting to the ground
as he stroked his chin thoughtfully, “You were—in nature—cruel and quiet. A lot
like your family, you were. However, your memory being erased...this...this isn’t you at all...”
“My family?”
nodded again.
is my family?”
could kill me for telling you...” he mumbled, glancing at both sides, “Missus
Etcha, your family is dead. Killed by Frieza,
Cooler’s brother.”
remained quiet and stared at the blades of grass that danced along the winds.
Finally, she spoke, “Dead. They’re all dead...”
entirely,” he whispered darkly, a grin settling around his face, “You have one
family member left,”
there was a flash of light, blinding Etcha. She screamed and threw herself at
the ground, shielding her eyes. When everything cleared, Etcha squinted her eyes and only shrieked in horror. Torrir’s body
lay on the forest floor, his eyes rolling with his purple swollen tongue
lolling out of the side of his mouth. His body had been ripped in half, laying in the pool of his own blood. His hand twitched unconsciously.
did you just scream at the sight of a dead body?”
only whimpered as she pushed herself against a tree. “Who are you!?”
tall dark figure stepped forwards, arms crossed with a grin playing across his
face. “Remember me?” he asked flirtatiously, striding towards Etcha.
stepped away slowly, her eyes fixed upon Torrir’s twitching hand.
“Hmph. Is that little bastard still alive?” the unknown man stepped
towards Torrir, who only gurgled incoherently.
Torrir managed to choke out, his body writhing as he fought to move away, “Please...I
would...would not don’t...”
do shut up,” Rogoria muttered fiercely as he raised his foot and brought it
down upon Torrir’s skull. Etcha screamed as the sickening crunch filled the
forest. Her heart was racing...her head was pounding...
this man turned towards her and extended his hand, bowing.
dear Etcha,” he said, “Surely you remember me?”
shook her head vigorously. Everything...everything was numb. The dream...the
killing and the screaming and the smell of Torrir’s rotting, roasting flesh
filled her nostrils.
you have changed indeed,” Rogoria chuckled, “You used to love killing just as
much as me for Master Cooler. I see that this horrible memory idea of yours was
just as I feared. I knew this would be a disaster,”
stared at him, dumbfounded. His mouth was moving...but Etcha couldn’t hear
anything. She only stared at Torrir’s hand, which continued to twitch.
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