Slave | By : vegetagoddess Category: Dragon Ball Z > Het - Male/Female > Vegeta/Bulma Views: 33223 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own DragonballZ, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
DISCLAIMER: I do not own DBZ or any of the characters from it.
A/N – Heh heh heh…I’m soo good as misdirection! People are never going to guess what happens in this chapter!
Oh, and in answer to your question Tomako – The collar that Vegeta gave Bulma shields her from the gravity on the planet Vegeta. This means that she is completely unaffected by the gravity, and thusly this means that she can move about and throw things like usual. I’m going to go into more detail about the collar in the next chapter ^_^ Mainly because the next chapter focus’s on the collar and what it’s REAL function is!
Thanks to Nikoru for beta reading!
“What?” Bulma climbed unsteadily to her feet and stared incredulously at Brolly, letting go of Ilandra’s hand and paling in confusion. “What are you talking about Brolly? Ilandra didn’t kill King Vegeta…”
“Yes she did!” Brolly interrupted, striding forward and forcing Bulma to back away a few steps as his aura flared up around him. He turned his attention to Ilandra and snarled at her. “Why don’t you tell Bulma the truth, Ilandra? Why don’t you show her how much of a friend you really are!” He took a step towards Ilandra, a grim smile plastered on his usually handsome face.
Bulma glanced at Ilandra and frowned as she realized that Ilandra had stopped crying and was indeed was staring at Brolly with unhidden distaste. She uncurled herself gracefully from the chair and stood to her full height, a small smirk beginning to form on her pouting lips.
“Ilandra?” Bulma asked uncertainly, not sure what was happening between the two people who stood in liviliving room but understanding that whatever was going on was not good.
Brolly tore his glare away from Ilandra and looked at Bulma with a pleading look in his eyes. “I’m your body guard Bulma; I wouldn’t lie to you!” His ebony eyes pleaded with Bulma to believe him.
“Oh really?” Ilandra finally spoke up, and to Bulma’s surprise her voice sounded nothing like it usually did. Ilandra’s voice was a self-assured drawl laced with a chilling amusement that sent shivers up and down Bulma’s spine. “You’ve lied to nearly everyone else in the palace – are you sure you haven’t lied to Bulma as well?” Ilandra stepped away from Brolly and faced Bulma.
Brolly jerked at the last comment as though Ilandra had hit him physically. He turned his ebony eyes onto Bulma and slowly shook his head. “No, the one person I never lied to was Bulma. I may have deceived many other people but Bulma was one of two people who I never lied to.” He looked back at Ilandra and growled when she took another step towards Bulma. “You on the other hand have lied to…”
“No!” Ilandra snarled as she took another step towards Bulma, her red eyes glowing as she watched Brolly. “I never lied to Bulma either – not once!” Her voice was surprisingly intense, as though it was important that Bulma believe her.
“What are you talking about?” Bulma watched both of her ‘friends’ warily, unsure of who to trust.
“She killed the king, Bulma! Believe it or not, Ilandra is Frieza’s daughter!” Brolly erupted, his aura beginning to flicker to life once more. “Look at her! She has his white skin and his red eyes! Her hair is even purple! She’s been spying on the palace now for years!” His eyes sparkled with anger as Bulma scoffed at him in disbelief.
Ilandra however, chuckled. “He’s telling the truth you know, Bulma.” She turned her red eyes to Bulma and grinned as she phased behind her with a lightning speed that was comparable to King Vegeta’s. Bulma let out a startled squeal as Ilandra grabbed her arm and twisted it up behind her. “Don’t struggle now, I don’t want to hurt you. Frieza has plans for you, and if you get hurt in any way he isn’t going to be pleased with me.”
“Ilandra? No, this can’t be happening! You can’t be the one who killed the king!” Bulma’s voice pleaded with Ilandra to let her go and tell her that this had all been one horrible joke.
“She is.” Brolly stated flatly. He had dropped down into a fighting stance and was watching Ilandra and Bulma through hooded eyes. “If you let go of Bulma,” Brolly said calmly, “then I’ll let you go and no one will have to know what has gone on in this room.”
Bulma’s sky blue eyes clashed with Brolly’s, and with a terrifying jolt Bulma realized that Brolly was truly worried for her safety. She stayed perfectly still in Ilandra’s arms as the pale skinned woman let out a peel of shivery laughter.
“Why would I want to let her go? Bulma deserves much better treatment then she gets here. When are you Saiyans going to realize that slavery will be your downfall?” Ilandra’s voice took on a spiteful note. “Your entire race uses people to better benefit themselves without giving though to what the consequences might be.” She twisted Bulma’s arm without meaning to, and Bulma whimpered as pain shot down her arm.
“Ilandra!” Bulma gasped. “Please…just let me go!” She tried to wriggle free of Ilandra’s cruel grasp but the daughter of the famous Icejin only tightened her grasp more securely and pulled Bulma more firmly back against her.
“You know Bulma, if you come with me willingly it’s going to be so much easier on everybody.” She lowered her voice huskily, and her red eyes watched as Brolly balked, clearly afraid that Ilandra might be able to win Bulma over.
“Don’t listen to her Bulma! Don’t you dare listen to her!” Brolly had taken another step towards them, and his hand was outstretched towards Bulma, as though imploring with her to listen to him instead.
Bulma shook her head slightly and closed her eyes. She didn’t want to listen to either of them! Ilandra was tempting her with the prospect of another life away from all the cruelty and torment of her current position. Yet there was something in Brolly’s eyes that made Bulma hesitate to accept Ilandra’s offer. She was confused and wasn’t sure which one of them was lying. She slowly opened her blue eyes again and looked questioningly at Brolly.
“What did you mean that you hadn’t lied to me but you’d lied to everyone else?” she questioned slowly. Behind her Ilandra snorted in amusement.
“Yes Brolly,” she prompted sweetly. “You tell Bulma what you really are.” She laughed at Brolly snarled at her fiercely.
His black eyes flicked from Ilandra’s face to Bulma’s, and slowly he began to force himself to relax. It wouldn’t do for him to get Bulma killed, not after what had had happened to the king today. Vegeta was going to need support from the woman.
“I’m the king’s spy and the body guard of the prince,” Brolly said simply. “When I was younger it was discovered that I had a fighting power larger then any ever recorded. I was in truth, the legendary…”
“The legendary?” Bulma interrupted, her face questioning.
“A super saiyan. I am the legendary super saiyan.” Brolly didn’t sound as though he thought of this as much as an achievement, and he soon divulged why. “When the king found out about me his first instinct was to have me and my father slaughtered. He soon changed his mind though when he realized that I would come in handy later on.” The larger saiyan shook his head slowly. “So he had my father killed and had me raised in private. A chip was implanted in me that controlled my ki power so that only the king himself could control me. It was, and has been for a long time, my job to guard the prince without bringing attention to myself.”
Bulma slowly shook her head. “But you’re my guard; how could you have become my guard while you were sill guarding the prince Vegeta?” She was unable to comprehend everything he was telling her. She had thought that she had known Brolly, but it seemed that he had been leading a double life.
“The king allowed me too. By the time you came onto the scene the king had decided that the prince was well able to defend himself, and of course the king had identified a new threat.” Brolly turned vicious eyes onto Ilandra. “When he found out what you were he ordered me to kill you.” He briefly allowed himself to remember the time when the king had come to him dressed in the hooded cloak while he had guarded the door to the med bay. “He wanted me to kill you without wasting any time, unfortunately whenever I tried to get close to you, you made sure that Bulma was also present.” He laughed abruptly, a short bark of sound that made Bulma jump. “Of course, I did manage to get alone with you one time and all that I achieved then was to discover that you had told other people who I was. How could I kill you when I risked your little servant friends spilling the beans on what I really was?”
Ilandra cackled at this. “Well honestly, did you expect me to simply roll over and die? I hate you Saiyans! I knew the moment the king found out what I was! He was terrible at hiding his emotions from me! It wasn’t even hard to work out that he was going to send you after me.” The Icejin princess tossed her lavender hair and ran a hand through Bulma’s hair, her red eyes looking softly at Bulma. “When I told the Lord Frieza about Bulma, he wanted me to kill her, but I managed to change his mind about that.” She laughed as though something was hilariously funny.
“What do you mean? Why do you want me alive?” Bulma kept still in Ilandra’s grasp. She was picking up some seriously creepy vibes from the woman she had thought was her friend.
“Oh, I wanted you alive for one reason, but I managed to find another reason for my father to keep you alive too.” Ilandra nodded. “You’re going to be the tool through which we bring down the entire Saiyan Empire.”
Brolly and Bulma both gasped. “That’s impossible! I’m just a human! I can’t do anything to the Saiyans!” Bulma denied vehemently. Obviously Ilandra was deranged if she thought that she would help them kill off the Saiyans.
“Oh I know that you can’t do anything to the Saiyans, but it’s what’s inside you that counts.” Ilandra laughed yet again, this time it was obvious that she knew something that Bulma didn’t. “You’re going to make us all so proud, my dear.”
“She’s lying, Bulma! She’s going to kill you out of spite!” Brolly tried one last time to get Bulma to listen to him, but Ilandra interrupted him and began to whisper into Bulma’s ear.
“Come with me Bulma! You’ll be free if you come with me! No more of the torture that the prince is putting you through! You’ll be your own master if you come with me!” Her voice was a soothing lull in Bulma’s ear. “You’ll never have to do any of the disgusting things that Vegeta asks you to do!”
Bulma, who had been about to tell Ilandra that she liked Vegeta, hesitated, and for the first time allowed herself to imagine a world without Vegeta.
No more of the painful sex which she both loved and hated. No more of the emotional torture that he seemed to enjoy forcing upon her. No more Princess Zucchini putting her down.
She would be free.
“Bulma, no!” Brolly had clearly read her facial expression, and he took another step towards them, but halted when Ilandra raised a hand to Bulma’s head and coughed to gain his attention.
“Any closer Brolly, and I will kill her.” She watched Brolly through slatted red eyes and chuckled at his obvious frustration. “It isn’t nice is it?” she asked. “Feeling helpless, that is.”
“Ilandra?” Bulma asked quietly. “I want to go, I want to leave.” She couldn’t bear to look at Brolly’s face as she made her decision to leave. Perhaps the Saiyan guard couldn’t understand why she wanted to get away, but quite frankly the idea of being free from the chains that were currently holding her down, metaphorically speaking, would be a welcome relief.
Ilandra looked at the tiny woman she held clutched in her arms, and a reptilian smile crept over her mouth. “Oh yes, Bulma. We’ll leave.” Her voice betrayed none of her inner feelings. Ilandra smiled to herself as she began to back them out of the room, still watching Brolly through angry eyes.
Everything was falling into place, just as Frieza had predicted.
A/N – We-ell…I did tell people that this isn’t going to be a typical V/B fic and I sure as hell meant it. So what plans does Frieza have for Bulma? And more importantly what plans does Ilandra have for Bulma? Please review and I’ll try to get the next chapter out soon!
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