Stupid Monkey | By : VegsMate Category: Dragon Ball Z > Het - Male/Female Views: 2444 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own DragonballZ, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Chapter 4: The Morning After
I lean over the toilet as I clutch the rim, my
stomach dispelling more of last night’s dinner. The urge to heave gradually
subsides and I sit back down on the floor, disgusted with the stench and the
taste as Krillin rubs my back soothingly.
“Are you okay, now?” he asks me softly, well aware
of the throbbing in my head. I nod appreciatively.
So I decided I wouldn’t have anymore to drink,
right? I was having too much fun to really care what I did. I hate it when I get
that way; well… at least I do the morning after. I really did want to forget
about everything and I tried my hardest to do so. Goodness… we partied crazy and
came back so late.
Yeah, it was about two and a half hours after
midnight when Krillin and I made it back to Capsule Corp. It was completely dark
inside the compound and we stumbled about awkwardly, laughing for no apparent
“Shhh,” I said, placing my index finger over my
mouth, “you don’t want to wake anyone, do you K-man-chan?” I giggled as if that
was the funniest thing. “Hehehe, that sounds so funny, K-man-chan, hahahaha.”
He laughed too. “Shuddap silly.”
I heard a loud thud against something hard then
a slam. I laughed even harder assuming Krillin fell. “What did I say about
making noise?” I reprimanded.
More giggles from him. “It’s not my fault,” he
complained, “I can’t see in the darkness.”
I cautiously treaded onward, having memorized
this place inside out since I was little. I had no trouble making it over to a
lamp and turning it on, my only problem was trying to keep my balance while
doing so. I look around for Krillin, only to see him sprawled out across the
coffee table. All I could do was laugh as he struggled to get to his feet.
“Shhhh,” he imitated me.
I grabbed his arm and attempted to help him up.
We had difficulty doing so, and fumble stupidly, our laughter making it even
more arduous to coordinate our efforts. But somehow we managed to pull each
other onto the couch.
“Man! Aren’t we plastered!” I announced, through
giggles and hiccups.
“You know it!” he said proudly. We rested for a
little while then he asked, “so what are you gonna do with his number?”
“Hold on to it for now,” I said, “I should just
call him tomorrow—that’ll show Yamcha to ignore me!”
“Hahaha, that would definitely get him jealous,”
Krillin said. He knew I would never call Liam when I’m still with Yamcha; it was
only a whimsical thought.
“What the hell? What do you care? You certainly
got your share of phone numbers.”
“That I did.”
“So K-man-chan, gonna be getting some action,
eh?” I nudged him with my elbow in his side. He giggled.
“Hahaha…see Krillin, you don’t need Marron.
Besides, she was way too ditzy—I doubt you could be satisfied in a relationship
for long with someone you can’t really connect with.”
“Yeah, you’re right about that.”
“Damn straight!”
“What about you and Yamcha?”
“Oh don’t even bring him up again. This night
will be perfect if I don’t have to think about his shit.”
“I almost forgot, hehehe. So you wanna try to
make it upstairs now?”
“Yeah, let’s go.”
The memory slowly fades away as I get up and sit
next to Krillin on the edge of the tub.
“How come you haven’t thrown up, huh?” I ask
“Well actually I did,” he says, “when I woke up
before you.”
“Oh, okay, that makes me feel better.”
“…That you aren’t suffering alone?”
“You know it,” I say flashing him a smile. I slowly
get up and go over to the sink. I need to get this awful taste out of my mouth,
and then take a nice long shower.
I woke up to the most ridiculous sight this
morning. It was around five a.m. and I wasn’t the least bit hungry since I had a
huge meal for dinner. I had already taken a shower last night also, so all I
needed to do was wash up a bit before I train—though I did shower again anyway.
As I opened the door to enter the hallway, I saw the bald guy and the onna
splayed out upon the floor with a scent of alcohol and perfume.
I knew that they came in late last night. I could
hear them laughing like two crazed idiots. At first I thought that Bulma had
come in with her mate, because she only brings him over at such an hour. But I
realized his ki was much stronger than usual so I tuned into it and found out it
was Krillin instead. That was odd, of course, but I do not care at all how the
onna spends her free time. I went back to sleep then, tuning out their ruckus.
It was an easy task, since I’ve been used to a lot more noise than that—as a
warrior I had to snatch up sleep whenever the time presented itself, even in the
worst of circumstances.
But anyway, I had to step over them to get to the
bathroom. I cannot believe, though, how these puny humans would allow themselves
to be seen so undignified. I would be embarrassed to ever let myself go like
It is now just about ten or a little after, I
think. I leave the gravity chamber and head into the kitchen to have a light
snack. As I enter the compound I see blonde onna over at the stove preparing
food. She turns towards me, and smiles in her detestable cheery way.
“Vegeta-chan! Good morning,” she says approaching
me mirthfully. She grabs me by the arm. “You’re just in time for brunch; we’re
having it out on the terrace.” And she pulls me her way.
I’m shocked beyond belief. How dare she grab me!
But somehow I cannot pull back from her. I don’t want to hurt the frail human by
abruptly moving away. And she’s so damn happy; she can’t possibly see that I’d
rather her not do this, even if there is a possibility that she could be
perceptive. I think to chide her, to say something in protest but I do not know
what. Would she understand? She’s so flagrantly dim-witted that if I do say
something she may just giggle and continue on as if nothing was said. However,
it’s too late now as we enter upon the terrace. Surprised eyes look my way and
all blonde onna does is giggles gleefully. I only frown deeper.
“Good morning Vegeta no Ouji.”
What? I look at Krillin. My surprise does not relay
upon my face even though inside I’m practically gawking. Did he just greet me
respectfully? I mentally slap myself. Well it’s about time someone acknowledged
who I am!
“Good morning,” I say in response. I would
otherwise not but since he made the effort to be civil, I thought I’d do the
By this time Blondy has already detached herself
from me to leave, so I pull up a chair and sit.
“Hey, Vegeta,” Bulma says leaning against the rail,
“How’s it going?”
I observe her for a moment. She looks different…
She is wearing a deep and light blue dress, with long sleeve. The dress only
goes down mid thigh and swoops low around her collarbone. Then I realize as I
look towards her face that her hair is different—almost like the way she had it
on Namek. I certainly liked it then; this is rather likable as well. I wonder
why I hadn’t noticed before when she was laying out in the hallway.
“Wha?” she says, somewhat self-consciously or
perhaps unsure of why my eyes are fixed on her and my mouth isn’t moving to
I avert my eyes in annoyance, not liking to be
caught staring. “Nothing, just your hair is different.”
“What about it? Do you like? Krillin says it looks
much better than before—what possessed me to do that, I don’t know. But this is
nicer, don’t you think?”
“The contrast is noted,” I say.
She smiles. “Glad to hear it.”
Just then blonde onna comes back balancing four
plates of food.
“Want me to help you, mom?”
“Sure, that’d be great.”
Bulma relieves her mother of the two plates she was
balancing on her arms, and they place them on the table. Then they head back
into the kitchen to get the rest. I am about to help myself to a pastry when the
onna pops her head out from the doorway.
“Don’t even think about it!” she tells me, “wait
till we’re all seated so that we all may be able to have something to eat before
you scarf down everything.”
I glare at her with no real malice as I take what I
had reached for and shove it in my mouth.
She smirks with amusement. “Vegeta…that’s it for
now so please wait, okay?” then she dashes off again.
Silly onna thinks she can keep me from eating
everything. But I’ll wait nonetheless. It’s not like I’m in too much of a hurry.
Besides since I haven’t seen the onna in a while. I might as well indulge
I look at Dr. Briefs who’s hidden behind his
newspaper. “When will the regen tank be finished?” He looks up from what he is
reading—that cat still on his shoulder.
“It should be finished pretty soon,” he says, “the
mechanical characteristic of it was relatively easy compared to the biochemical
part—it’s a tricky thing to get the solution diluted properly.”
“Hn,” I utter. I checked my stash of senzu beans
last night and it’s well-nigh none. So I hope this tank will be finished very
soon—since I have been planning to take my training to the extreme.
“Regen tank?” baldy asks, “Now why does that sound
“Remember the tank on Frieza’s ship, the one used
to heal Kakkarot?” I say annoyed that he could not remember something that
happened a little over a year ago.
“Oh yeah,” come his dawning realization, “and Dr.
Briefs is making one?”
“Yes, he and his daughter have been for a while
now,” I say.
“Wow, that’s great! That means you can be as
reckless as you wanna be in that gravity room, eh Vegeta?” And he laughs.
“It does afford me some leverage in my training,
Just then Bulma and her mother come back onto the
terrace with more food. “Oh, come on mom,” the onna says as they place the
plates down, along with a jug of what seems to be lemonade. “It’s no big deal. I
am a big girl now.”
“But still, you should be careful,” her mother
replies as they both sit down.
“Krillin was with me,” she protests.
I wonder what they are talking about.
“Is this about last night?” baldy asks.
“Yes, you know how mom doesn’t like me to get drunk
when I’m out at clubs—I swear mom, you’re way too concerned—I wouldn’t be so
reckless if I was by myself.”
“Yeah, it really is no big deal,” he says.
“Oh, come now,” the blonde onna giggles, “I was
worried for you, so sue me—I guess it was good that Krillin was with you, right
“Of course.”
“So did you meet anyone?”
“Mother! I’m still with Yamcha, you know,” Bulma
says, “but even so, not really…”
“Seriously? I thought you broke up already since he
hasn’t come over or called in four days.”
“Don’t remind me,” Onna growls under her breath.
“That ass has some nerve!”
“So why hasn’t he called, dear?”
“Remember… we had an argument,” Bulma says as if
attempting to rack her mother’s memory.
“Oh yes, but you haven’t told me anything about it
The doctor perks up a bit as he pulls his paper
down slightly, obviously he thinks his daughter will disclose her secrets. I
look at the onna. Her brow is furrowed and her lips are purse. She looks rather
cute when she’s bristling with agitation—I wonder if it’s because she is angry
with her mate or if she is just not enticed to talk about her personal life. I
for one cannot understand how humans can be so adamant about having people
divulge such things that should be kept private. I had been rudely awaken to
such a reality when I saw a talk show once. But even so, I am a bit curious as
to what has been going on with the onna and her mate, though I don’t nearly make
it as obvious.
“Must we talk about this now?” she says, “it’s a
lovely day and I’ve dispelled all my stomach’s content this morning so I am
rather famished, aren’t you Krillin?”
“Good, so no more talk of unwanted things.” I see
the disappointment in the doctor’s eyes—I guess he was hoping to get clued in.
“Okay, okay,” blondy giggles. “Oh! I almost forgot.
You’ve got to go shopping with me. They’re having a sale at West City Mall
today. I need to get some new clothes appropriate for our trip.”
“What trip?” Onna asks.
“Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten already Bulma-chan,”
the doctor says.
She looks confusedly at him.
“You remember your father and I are going to
“England? Oh, of course, I can’t believe I forgot,”
the onna says, “CC is supposed to be merging with Cyber Sonic Co., right dad?”
“Yes dear, it’s a major merger, so you’ll be left
here to take care of Capsule Corporation’s affairs for about two weeks.”
“That’s right…can’t believe I forgot.”
“Well the way you were acting last night, I
wouldn’t be surprised if you forgot your own name,” Krillin says with a hearty
“I was not that plastered,” the onna
protests half-heartedly. “You shouldn’t be the one to talk—mom, would you
believe when we came in K-man-chan here fell all over the coffee table. Talk
about tipsy,” and she laughs. Blonde onna does too.
“Hey it was dark and I couldn’t see,” baldy
attempts to defend himself.
“Whatever, that was so funny—you should have seen
“Yeah, just like when you tried to help me up and
only aggravated the situation,” he says with laughter.
And their light bantering continues on. At this
point I’ve completely lost interest. I do not understand how humans can be so
easy going, so damn carefree, as though life is a series of
inconsequentialities. Why can’t they be serious or solemn at least? The only Z
fighter that actually acts like that is Piccolo and I don’t even like him. These
pathetic humans… I’d rather keep better company. Only the onna is worth talking
to but when she is just as happy-go-lucky like baldy and blondy, it turns me
off. I wish I could at least understand the appeal to such behavior.
Blonde onna turns to me as she notices that my food
is almost gone and asks me if I want more. Well of course I do, so she goes back
into the kitchen. I realize I had initially come for a light snack but I am
quite hungry.
“Vegeta, how’s you’re training going?”
“Oh, he’s really taking it to the limit,” onna
says, “staying in the gravity chamber longer hours than before.”
“Man! How can you stand it in there?” baldy says
with an expression of awe on his face. “I heard that it’s extremely hard to even
crawl around in 300gs.” I wonder who told him that.
“Well for a puny human such as yourself, of course
it will be hard, it would probably squish you like a bug,” I say in a taunting
The cue ball laughs and places a hand behind his
head, much like the way Kakkarot does. “I wouldn’t doubt you on that—you
Saiya-jins can have your heavy g’s—I’ll stick with the norm.”
“Hehe, wouldn’t want to be plucked off so soon
before the androids come, would you?” I comment with sadistic humor.
He laughs in his awkward way that I’ve come to
dislike. Onna looks at me with a wry smirk. “Yeah . . . Vegeta would miss you
too much.”
“Whatever,” I say, just as blonde onna comes back
with more food.
In the distance the doorbell rings as she places
the plates before me. She turns promptly. “I wonder who that could be,” her face
brightening up with delight, perhaps at the thought of servicing more people.
Odd creature, indeed.
I proceed to ignore the conversation as it
continues; I’m more concerned with what pleases my stomach.
It’s not long before Blondy returns. “Bulma-chan,
Yamcha is here to see you,” she says gleefully.
Onna looks up at her mother with her fork suspended
halfway to her mouth. She gives the host of eyes staring at her a once over
before she puts down her fork and gets up. “Thanks mom,” and she walks out while
her mother sits back down.
We all watch her leave. I can’t help but be curious
as to what is going on between Bulma and her mate. Then I notice it’s suddenly
quiet out here. Blond onna is not even attempting to converse. I guess everyone
is anxious to find out what is going on. How absurd.
“Man, I wish I knew what it is they are saying,”
baldy announces as he attempts to view them from his vintage point, which can’t
help much since they are in the kitchen doorway and out of his line of sight.
“Well unlike you pathetic humans with your less
than adequate senses, we Saiya-jins have amplified sensory perception, such as
the hearing kind—it’s not difficult at all to know what’s being said in there.”
I enjoy boasting… it’s my favorite pastime.
“Really? So why don’t you give us the skinny?”
“I’m not an eavesdropper; though I must say what I
hear cannot be helped.”
“So? Are you going to let us in on what’s going on
or not?”
“Please, Vegeta-chan,” blonde onna says.
“Come on Vegeta.”
“Well if you insist, Chibi Cueball.”
“Hush now! The weakling has merely been apologizing
for his behavior since their last encounter, saying he was upset and didn’t mean
what he said.” I pause for a moment, finding it more to my liking to summarize
rather than give a word-by-word account. “She’s willing to accept that pathetic
gesture but asserts that he should not ignore what’s going on between them. Duly
noted, he proceeds to asks if everything is okay between them.”
At this point I can’t help but laugh out loud at
her response to that and I know they must have heard because her voice just
reached new decibels.
“Oh dear, that doesn’t sound too promising,” blonde
onna says.
Obvious not for you. But I’ll be glad to have her
get rid of him. The weakling is too irritating to deal with.
“So now what? What’s he saying?” Krillin asks when
they can hear no more.
“Well he’s just pleading to her, trying to convince
her he only stayed away because he wanted her to cool down and rethink things
before it gets worse—saying some crap about heated tempers and arguments being a
bad thing.” For him, that is.
“No kidding,” baldy agrees. “So what else are they
“You guys are insatiable—shouldn’t this be enough?
After they finish their conversation, if he stays then we’ll know if she forgave
him, if not than you can figure it out, Cueball.”
“Please Vegeta-chan, I really want to know,” blonde
onna says. Gee, I forgot she’s slower than the others.
“Fine, now they’re talking about…” I say as I
listen again—
“Come on Bulma baby, you know I love you.”
“I love you too Yamcha, but you got to be much more
considerate than this.”
—this obviously isn’t something I want to repeat.
“They’re talking about some mushy garbage and there is no way I’ll relate that!”
Blonde onna looks quizzically at me.
“That means they’ve made up,” baldy tells her.
“Oh, how nice!” she cooes.
“Yeah, well thanks a bunch Vegeta,” he says gladly.
“Whatever, Cueball,” I grumble. I neglected my food
long enough with that discourse so I continue to eat in earnest. I’m wasting
time with these puny weaklings, so as I finish up, baldy and blondy discuss what
it was I told them.
I take up my glass of lemonade and down its
contents. Afterwards, I wipe my mouth and then get up.
“Leaving so soon?” Blonde onna says.
“I have training to do.”
“Oh, of course, Vegeta-chan. You enjoyed brunch?”
“Yes, it was . . . delicious,” I say and am about
to leave, but then I thought about last night’s meal and realize I haven’t
thanked her for it, so I added—in as much gratitude as I could possibly show to
anyone beneath me, “as was last night’s dinner.”
She squeals in delight at my confession and clasps
her hands together. “I’m so glad you liked it!”
I nod curtly and exit.
Entering the living room, I promptly make my way to
the kitchen where Bulma and her mate are still talking.
As I pass by, Yamcha smiles at me and says, “heyya
Vegeta, how’s it going?”
He’s come accustom to greeting me rather civilly
recently, instead of his initial antagonism towards me, which I can only
attribute to Onna’s doing. I am about to respond in a rude way, for I have not
been given any reason to change my opinion of the ass, when I pick up on a faint
scent that is pervading his person and recognize it not to be of his own. It’s
sweet and effeminate and most certainly distinct from the Onna’s.
So… the bastard isn’t loyal to his mate. How
disgusting. I am not really surprised. As first impressions dictate, I never saw
the weakling as having any honor. Besides, there have been numerous times when
the onna would reprimand him for flirting with other females and they have
separated from each other because of this. Odd, though, that they could just
leave each other at times and then get back together as if what they have is a
joke. Even peculiar still, that he could be with another woman and not have any
qualms about it. I can imagine that this has something to do with their argument
a few days ago.
I abruptly turn away from him, feeling it even a
waste to brandish him with insults that hold more dignity than the worthless
“Vegeta!” Bulma says offended that I would slight
her mate this way. “Why you got to be so rude?”
‘Baka onna,’ is what I feel like calling her for
allowing her mate to treat her so dishonorably, but the notion suddenly leaves
me. I have not once observed her to be as ignoble as her mate and I begin to
wonder if she even knows anything at all of his infidelity. I could not see her
taking shit of this kind from anyone, especially considering the fact that at
times she has even been insolent towards me when I’d cross her. No, she would
not put up with anyone’s shit. So the weakling must be deceiving her. But what
business is it of mine?
“Humph,” I utter as I cross my arms over my chest
and leave without a word. It honestly is none of my business whatever goes on
between them and I should not even care.
What the hell? ‘I should not?’ As though I’m
correcting myself? I do not care at all. So saying to myself, I enter the
gravity chamber to begin training.
“I don’t know what’s with him,” I say to Yamcha,
“just before you came he was acting so nice to everyone, even talked to Krillin
“Krillin’s here?”
“Yeah, he spent the night,” I say, “We went out to
a club.”
“Oh?” Yamcha says raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah, it was tons of fun—too bad you couldn’t be
there,” I say running my hand through my hair. “I met a really cool guy.”
I can’t help but laugh. It’s so easy to get him
jealous. “Oh get off it! Man, it’s not like you can’t trust me. But even so
buster, it was your fault for not calling me.”
“I thought we went over this,” he says pleadingly.
“Yeah, but I don’t think you get it.”
“I do and I’m sorry, but you also have to know that
I’m in training and my time isn’t my own.”
“Yeah, everybody is training,” I say trying to get
rid of the sadness in my voice, “Krillin too and he makes time just to hang with
“Come on Bulma baby, that’s not fair,” he says, “I
have spent a lot more time with you than he has.”
“Yeah, you’re right, it’s not fair—but still you
could’ve just called.” I wasn’t about to believe for a second that he just
wanted me to cool off. He has never been so considerate, but I’ll let him have
it and take it with a grain of salt.
“I know.”
“Come on,” I say, taking his hand, “mom made a lot
of food. You hungry?”
“Yeah, just a bit,” he says with a broad smile. I
know he’s glad I won’t press the issue, at least for now. We’ve got things to
sort out and I refuse to continue in a relationship that leaves me unhappy.
After brunch, Krillin departs to go back to Kame
House, but not after promising to call me some time soon as well as Yamcha,
saying something about taking him out to a bar in the near future. Dad is off to
the lab and I promise him that I’ll come by later in the afternoon, after mom
and I go shopping. I am very anxious to go to the lab since we’re almost
finished with the regen tank—if all works well it will be done before dad goes
off to England—but I can never turn down an invitation to go shopping.
Yamcha and I are still sitting out on the terrace,
as the servo-bots take care of the dirty dishes. Mom had gone upstairs to get
ready for our little outing. I told her to take her time because I needed to
talk with my boyfriend.
I stand up and stretch. “Let’s go for a little
walk,” I say.
“Sure,” he agrees.
Today is a lovely one… hardly a cloud in the ocean
blue sky. The hot sun beams down warmly upon my skin. The light breeze flutters
around us as we walk through the garden in the back of my home. It’s a cool
feeling that combats the heat, as well as it blows around the sweet fragrances
of the many exotic flowers mom has planted. In the trees surrounding the
melodious chirping of birds can be heard, in addition to the flow of water from
the fountain in the center of the garden. And far off in the distance, the light
humming of the GR completes this lovely ambiance that is this hot summer’s day.
So serene. So peaceful. It’s hard to image that we
are in the midst of West Capital City.
It’s too tranquil out here and is nothing like the
chaos inside me. For days I’ve tried to ignore the pain. Krillin was so on
point: the way I’d acted last night no one would be surprised if I had forgotten
my own name. That’s how much I wanted to forget. That’s why I drunk so much
against my reason. But unfortunately, I can’t hide from this now, or try to
forget or act like everything is fine.
Yamcha takes my hand and I turn to look up at his
smiling face. I smile back. I don’t want to argue or yell or pass blame. The
best course is to figure this out together.
I open my mouth to speak but I’m suddenly at a loss
for words. I’m not exactly sure what I should say, especially with the idea of
marriage dancing around in my head. That’s what I want, but it’s not like I can
tell him that I want to be proposed to. That just defeats the whole purpose. And
what if he doesn’t want to marry me? I realize now that this is why I am and
just cannot be happy.
I sigh and avert my gaze.
“What’s wrong, Bulma-chan?”
“What about us? I mean . . . what do you mean?”
I might as well ask what he thinks about our
relationship. Perhaps it will give me an idea of where he’s at. “Do you like how
things are going with us?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Really?” I prod, looking into his eyes. I want
more than a simple answer. “Are you really?”
He looks at me with uncertainty, more so at how to
respond. I can tell. He doesn’t want to anger me or hurt me. And he doesn’t like
this seriousness that I’ve set between us. I don’t either but it is necessary.
“Well, I love being with you; I enjoy the times we
spend together.”
It isn’t a matter of whether the time spent
together is pleasant, to the contrary, are these enjoyable times aiming for a
future? “That’s great cause I enjoy being with you, too,” I say. I find I’m
straitened to say what it is that is nagging at me.
“But…” he prompts and waits for me to respond. When
I don’t he says, “. . . you’re not happy.”
“Not completely…” I look away.
“Is it me?” he probes hesitantly.
“No,” I say hastily. I don’t want him to think it’s
entirely his fault, ‘cause it’s not. “It’s just…these childish games we play,
going back and forth—we’re never really serious, we… I don’t know…” My brow
furrows. I hate this. Why can’t I say what I want? I’m just too afraid of
alluding to the fact that I want to settle down.
“I guess we have been rather fickle with each
other, ne?”
I look up at him and laugh. “I guess that is it,” I
say. Well that certainly sums it up nicely.
“Well, we aren’t children anymore,” he says
resolutely, placing his hands on my hips and pulling me close. “So we might as
well not act like it.” Why do I get the feeling his words hold deeper meaning as
if what he wants is what I want?
I smooth my hands over his chest. “No, we might as
well not,” I concur, smiling up at him. He leans down and takes my lips with
his. It is a soft kiss and I respond in kind. My hands traverse up and around
his neck as he tightens his hold on me.
When we break the kiss, I rest my head on his
chest. He then whispers in my ear with hot breath. “No more childish games,
Love. It’s a promise.” I close my eyes reveling in what I hope will change our
lives forever.
I look towards the voice of my mother. “Hey mom,” I
say as I detach from my lover’s embrace.
“Are you ready to go?” she says.
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