I wish I were you | By : Lisachan Category: Gundam Wing/AC > Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 3202 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: Gundam Wing belongs to Sunrise and Bandai, no profit is made from this :) |
4. The perfect dessert
Two pair of feet tumbled
up the stairs and found their way to the second room almost on sense only by
now. The door received another jam of Heero’s foot
and gave in, creaking in protest. Heero ran in as first and threw his light
cargo on the bed. Turning around, he grabbed the box of ice cream and the
chocolate sprinkles in Duo’s arms and threw them neatly next to the can of
whipped cream, banana and the bottles of topping. Swiping his lover up in his
arms, he kissed him fiercely and deposited him on top of the bed, leaning over
him and proceeding to devour the rosy lips as he did so.
“Heero,” Duo
tried to muffle. “I didn’t bring all those things just to toss them on the
“Who cares,”
Heero growled, hastily pulling Duo’s shirt over his head and attacking his
chest with a sudden hunger. “You already taste sweet enough without whipped
cream or ice cream or anything like that.”
“But Heero,” Duo
said in mock indignity, pushing Heero away. “I haven’t got my dessert yet.” He
reached for the bottle of caramel and drizzled some over his nipples, gasping
at the cold feel. “And I want my dessert.” Skilful fingers spread the sweet
over his skin, and an inviting tongue ran over enticing lips. “Don’t you?”
Heero licked his
lips in response to Duo’s moving tongue, if not to stop himself from drooling the whole bed under. Dessert would never have been
sweeter. He swallowed and stared at the beautiful boy offering himself to him,
too mesmerized to say a word.
“Well, don’t
you?” Duo murmured as there came no reply, amused at the obvious awe in Heero’s eyes.
“Oh yeah,” Heero
ground out, only having eyes for the delicious nipples, gleaming with caramel.
He lunged forward, but, to his surprise, was yet again pushed back.
Duo said with an admonishing finger. “First you have to take your clothes off.
Then you can have your prize.” He chuckled when Heero worked himself out of his
clothes. Reaching for the can of whipped cream, he covered his fingers and
deliberately sucked them clean, grinning as he heard Heero moaning.
“That’s a good
boy,” Duo smiled. “Now you may have your reward.” He arched his chest a bit up
to Heero and gladly let his nipples be sucked clean. A soft tongue cleaned off
the sweet topping, travelled to the other one, making sure it didn’t miss any
of the stickiness on its way. Duo bit on his lip and moaned. He felt Heero between
his open legs, rocking his hips to gain friction against the fabric of Duo’s
jeans for his aching arousal. With a kiss on the lips, Duo rolled Heero over
and straddled him, rocking his own groin down onto Heero’s
and revelling in the sounds he made.
“Off… Take them
off,” Heero moaned.
Duo quickly
obliged and took his place back on Heero’s lap. “Was
it good, Heero?” he asked.
“Your dessert,”
Duo said with a swift lick along Heero’s neck.
“Sure was,” Heero
gasped. “But I haven’t had nearly enough.”
love. If you’re good, you might get more.” Duo felt with
his hand for the can of whipped cream and the box of sprinkles, his eyes too
occupied with admiring the beauty that lay underneath him. “Now it’s my turn.”
Puffs of white squirted over Heero’s chest and a
brown snow of chocolate followed.
“Cold,” Heero
“It will heat
up,” Duo murmured.
Heero moaned and
felt the tingles coursing through him as Duo took great pains in licking his
chest clean. Smeared lips were lowered onto his, and he gladly kissed the sweet
cream away. His tongue caressed along Duo’s lips, then pushed inside to enjoy
Duo’s own taste.
Duo again started
grinding his hips against Heero’s. He was hot, he was
horny, he was hard… Dear god, he needed to feel Heero
inside of him. Pulling away, he turned around and straddled Heero’s
chest. “Prepare me, Heero,” he panted. “I’m gonna ride you so good, I’m gonna
take you to the stars.”
Heero chuckled.
“You’re such a naughty boy,” he said.
“I know. But you
love me for it,” Duo grinned, glancing over his shoulder. “Which
reminds me… I still have to punish you.”
“For?” Heero
said, arching an eyebrow. His eyes never let go of the enticing delicacy in
front of him, namely Duo’s ass.
embarrassing me at lunch and throwing me in the swimming pool.”
“Oh yeah, I
almost forgot. But aren’t you forgetting something, Duo? I still had to punish
you too for throwing me in the
swimming pool.”
“Huh, that’s
right,” Duo said thoughtfully. “So, that makes it even then?”
“Oh, that’s what you
think,” Heero smirked.
“What?!” Heero
being witty, that couldn’t be a good sign. Before he’d had the chance to turn
his head enough to see what Heero was up to, he could feel something being
spread along his crevice and over his entrance. His eyes widened in alarm. Something
that most definitely would freeze his balls off! “Heero, do you have any idea
how fucking cold that is?!” he yelled.
Heero grinned
while he languidly smeared the ice‑cream open, and he flung Duo’s earlier
words right back at him. “It will heat up. Besides, didn’t I hear you saying
just now that you didn’t bring all this stuff to toss it on the bed? We’re
using it now, so I don’t want to hear any complaints.”
Duo snorted and
gave Heero’s cock in front of him an angry stare. “Alright, if you want to play it like that.” Reaching for
the bottle of chocolate, he dribbled some on the pulsing shaft. He watched with
sadistic pleasure while it dripped torturously slow to the base, and grinned
when he heard Heero groaning at the cold feel. There, now they had used
everything. Almost everything, he
thought, glancing lustfully at the banana. Just as he was about to take his
chocolate covered treat into his mouth, he could feel Heero starting to lick
the melting ice‑cream away.
“Ah, Heero!” he
cried. God, it was going to be hard to keep his mind on what he was planning on
doing. Second attempt. He lowered his head, but again
had to scream. Tongue probing inside of him this time.
Alright now, Duo. You can do it, show that little asshole
that no‑one plays with the God of Death. He nodded in agreement
with his own thoughts and, determinedly, took Heero’s
cock into his mouth. Yes! Made it! Oh, chocolate and precum, such sweet victory.
Heero momentarily pulled away from his lick‑fest when
the little head from his cock was enveloped by Duo’s soft lips. His tongue
resume its work, but he had to strain himself to stay
concentrated, for Duo was taking him with a vengeance. Glancing a bit past his
lover’s buttocks, he saw him bobbing his head with a determined vigour. The boy
was sucking so hard, working his tongue so heavenly, he already felt the fire
ready to consume him. Duo’s preparation had become a case of secondary matter,
his lust was overtaking him. He could feel his balls tightening,
his mind was rapidly seeking up higher atmospheres.
His fingers squeezed subconsciously in Duo’s ass cheeks. He
could hear himself moaning patheticly, but he
couldn’t care less at that moment. One more time, one more suck with that
sinful mouth, one more sweep with that velvet tongue. He was so close. He was
coming. He was…
And then Duo stopped.
He blinked his eyes open. The blissful smile on his lips
soon turned into something rather less attractive. “Duo, why did you stop?” he
growled. A grinning face turned his way.
“Weren’t you going to prepare me, Heero? I can’t ride you if
you don’t give me a proper preparation,” he smirked. The angry glare Heero gave
him made him laugh.
“Oh come on, we’ve already done it three times today!” Heero
snapped. His remark did little to impress Duo, who just wiggled his ass for
Heero to continue. Heero grunted with annoyance. His death glare seemed to have
lost its power! “Alright, if you want to play it like that,” he said. With a sly
expression on his face, he again reached for the ice‑cream and slathered
more over Duo’s crevice, covering his balls and penis too this time.
Duo squeezed his eyes shut and squealed. His ass bounced
with the shock. “Holy f- Heero, you fucking asshole!”
“Don’t worry. I promise to lick it all away,” Heero grinned
with a reassuring pat on Duo’s left butt cheek. “Now, suck!”
Duo cocked his head, indignantly. “Now, lick!” he retorted.
It looked like they were gonna stare each other down, if it
weren’t for the small detail of Duo’s ass gradually getting numb with cold. A
few drops of the melting ice-cream dribbled down on Heero’s
chest, and he gasped.
“Ah shit, that’s cold,” he mumbled.
“Right?!” Duo yelled. With a
derisive snort, he turned back again and lowered his head. He resisted the reflex
to jerk back up and moan when he felt Heero suckling at the junction of thigh
and ass. Instead, he moaned around the hard cock in his mouth, and the
vibrations of his vocal cords made Heero return his moans. If possible, he
sucked him even harder, took him even deeper then he had just now. He could
hear from the pitch of Heero’s moans that his orgasm
wasn’t far away, he had almost been there when he
stopped the first time. It wouldn’t take long before he would yield again.
He grinned around Heero’s cock. He
wondered how long he would hold out. His eyes closed in sudden bliss when he
felt Heero’s tongue cleaning the ice‑cream off
his balls. Very thoroughly! It would be hard not to come himself.
He felt that it was about time to stop again. Heero hadn’t suffered quite
enough yet.
vision started to blur again. He felt his breathing shortening, and soft,
urgent mewls escaped his mouth. He was close, so very close. His eyes already
started to roll back with pleasure.
When Duo’s
fingers pressed around the base of his cock, and he stopped sucking again, his
hand automatically lashed out against Duo’s ass. “Duo, what the hell is it
now,” he hissed.
Mildly shocked,
Duo widened his eyes. “Ow Heero, you don’t have to
slap me that hard!” He nonchalantly shook his hair out of his eyes, and took
the can of whipped cream. “Needs more flavour.”
“Are you implying
that my cock isn’t tasty enough?” Heero grunted. It was followed by another
god dammit! Next time, I’m
tying you up!”
“There’s not
going to be a next time of this! Why do you stop every time I’m almost coming?”
Duo sighed and
glanced behind, shaking the can. “There’s a name for this Heero. I promise
you’ll like it in the end.”
yeah? Well there’s also a name for what I’m gonna do the
next time you’re gonna stop. It’s called ‘pounding into the mattress’!”
Heero’s threats were cut short when Duo sprayed the
cold cream over his hot cock. He lusciously licked it off, and Heero arched up
from the mattress. He felt Duo’s fingers spreading the cream between his crack,
and the two sensations blended so delisciously
“Hm yeah… Don’t stop… don’t stop now…” Heero panted. It had
become rather difficult to use his mouth for anything else than gasping and
moaning. He clumsily pushed Duo’s cheeks apart and probed at the slick hole
with two unsteady fingers.
Duo groaned when Heero’s fingers pushed inside. His drool mixed with the
whipped cream, making Heero’s cock nice and slippery.
While he was sucking, he mentally prepared himself for what he was about to do.
He would have to be quick. The last time he had provoked Heero like this, his eyes had practically spewed fire. He’d been on the
verge of aggression. He had forced his cock into him, and the whole thing had
ended in minor key.
He scooped his
fingers in the box of ice cream, and rubbed them between Heero’s
legs. The cold threw Heero off, and he quickly straddled his crotch, his back
facing Heero.
When Heero had
recovered from the shock of the cold, he became aware of the unusual position. “Duo
what are you gonna do?”
“Just let me,
Heero,” Duo said over his shoulder. “I promise you won’t regret this.” Closing his
eyes with concentration, he steadily sank down on Heero’s
Heero watched with
great delight how Duo’s ass swallowed his cock. He rocked his hips according to
Duo’s rhythm. The tip of his long braid rested on his belly. It moved along
with the movements the boy made and tickled on his skin.
Suddenly he
moaned when Duo’s fingers raked past his balls. He saw Duo taking the box of
ice cream. It disappeared in front of him, between Heero’s
legs. He couldn’t quite see what he was doing over there. He felt him taking
hold of the bottom of his thighs, rolling them back and slightly rocking back
himself as he did so. Then he seemed to cover… something… with the ice-cream.
Duo scooped up a
good amount of the frosty white candy with his fingers and spread it over them,
rubbing a few times, so it would melt a bit. He took the banana and covered it
with the ice cream. Then he snuck his hand under his own genitals, far under Heero’s soft balls. With some difficulty, he could at last
feel Heero’s entrance, and he teasingly circled it. His
lips curled into a grin when he heard Heero gasping. Oh, payback was gonna be
so sweet.
Heero gasped and
tensed when he felt Duo caressing his puckered hole. Glancing up through hooded
eyes, he saw that Duo was still occupied with something. Then he felt that ‘something’
pushing inside, and he suddenly remembered the banana. “Oh, the banana,” Heero
groaned. The same time Duo pushed the banana in Heero’s
ass, he thrust his body down on Heero’s cock. “Oh, the banana!” Heero cried.
Duo could
recognize the bliss in Heero’s outcry, and it
encouraged him to go on. Obviously, Heero enjoyed what he was doing to him, this had been his intentional plan all along. First, he
had wanted to drive him as mad as possible with desire, and then he’d wanted to
double the pleasure.
He carefully
pushed the banana deeper in, digging deep to find Heero’s
sweet spot. A sudden jerk of Heero’s body and a scream
of rapture behind him told him he had found it.
Heero’s mind
was whirling with unknown double pleasure. The incredible
friction around his cock, and the object penetrating and massaging him inside.
Then Duo struck his prostate. His body arched up, his hands gripped the sheets,
a scream tore from his throat. Dear God, this wasn’t
going to take long.
Duo’s hips and
the banana started moving in synch, going faster as he moaned his way to his
climax. In the mean time, he had made sure to position his hips in the right
angle for Heero’s cock to hit his prostate every time
he thrust down. Heero’s mewls of pleasure drove him
even higher. He could feel Heero’s body starting to
shake, could see his muscles tensing up, and the screams of almost painful
release sent the shivers down his spine. He looked behind, and smiled when he
saw Heero’s face. It was magnificent. This had been
totally worth it.
cum in Duo’s ass kept coming, and he felt his own seed
bursting out of his cock with hot, glorious squirts. Euphoria.
It was euphoria!
Heero felt Duo
slumping forward onto his knee. His legs sagged as he relaxed, and Duo sagged
with them. The banana was pulled out of him, and he gasped. He saw his cock
still partially buried in Duo’s body, the boy’s passage seemingly reluctant to
let it go. His back raised up and down with desperate
pants. Finally, Duo let Heero’s flaccid member slide
out of his body, and crawled over to him on shaky limbs.
“Did you like it,
Heero?” Duo said hoarsely, flopping down next to him.
“It was
incredible,” Heero panted, draping an arm over his exhausted lover. “Glad I
took that banana.”
Duo reached over
and picked up the abused piece of fruit. “Wanted to make a banana split, didn’t
you?” he grinned.
Heero threw his
head back with laughter. “Sort of. But tell me one
thing, Duo love.”
“Why did you,
three times in a row, stop when I was almost there? Coz I swear, I was this close from raping you.”
“Well, Heero,”
Duo said with a mysterious grin. “That’s what people call ‘Coitus Interruptus’, my dear.”
now?” Heero said slowly. “Well, if you ask me, that was just ‘Torturous Terribilus’.
But I gotta admit, it was
the hardest I ever came.”
Duo laughed and
rested his chin on Heero’s chest. “Thank you for
surviving during the wars,” he said softly, looking at Heero with eyes full of
Ah, he was
getting sentimental. That could only mean one thing: he was finally getting
tired. “Thank you for giving me a reason to survive,” Heero smiled, answering
Duo’s stare with a warm and gentle kiss on the lips.
contentedly, Duo snuggled close to his lover and used Heero’s
chest as a pillow. Within minutes, they had both sunken away into a sweet and
peaceful sleep.
When Heero woke
up again, it was already dark outside. He looked at the little clock radio on
the nightstand and was surprised to see the bright red numbers indicating that
it was already round about half
past ten. Still feeling a little sticky from their ‘dessert’
earlier, he longed for a warm shower. Only, someone was glued against his body
and seemed to be pretty comfortable there. Careful not to wake him up, he
crawled from under Duo, supporting his head and laying it down on a pillow.
Still giving a swift peck on his cheek, he headed for the bathroom and quickly
showered. When he came back into the bedroom, he saw Duo sitting upright on the
edge of the bed, looking at him with still sleepy eyes.
“Duo, you’re
awake,” he said, surprised.
“Yes, I am,” Duo
replied simply.
“I’m sorry if I
woke you. I didn’t mean to,” Heero said softly, sitting next to his lover on
the bed.
“That’s alright,”
Duo murmured. Yawning, he rested his head on Heero’s
shoulder and inhaled his sweet scent. “You know Heero,
I meant what I said earlier.”
“Huh? What you
said earlier…?”
we fell asleep. I’m really glad to have you here, Heero. I love you.
I know I only get mushy when I’m sleepy, or after sex, but that doesn’t mean I
don’t mean what I say.”
Heero sighed and
kissed his lover on the crown of his head. “I know that, Duo. I love you too
and I have never doubted your feelings for me,” he said. “It’s already the
third time today you’ve brought this up.”
Lifting his head
from Heero’s shoulder, Duo looked up. “I know. I feel
like my feelings towards you are changing. They’re… intensifying. Back during
the war, we never really had the time to reflect upon it. We didn’t even know
if we were gonna make it through the war.” He shifted towards Heero, and
nuzzled up against his cheek. “But now I know that there is a future. And I
hope I can spend it with you. This isn’t just fooling around, is it Heero? Until someone else comes along. Someone
“No Duo, of
course not,” Heero said. He hugged Duo close to stress his words. “This is
real. This is forever.”
“Okay. I believe
Duo looked up
again. “Yes?” He was surprised to see a grin of mischief on Heero’s
“We still have
some whipped cream left. And caramel and chocolate sauce, and chocolate
sprinkles. The ice cream most probably will have melted by now.”
“Heero!” Duo
“You’re not the
only one who’s insatiable at times, Duo,” Heero grinned, starting to loosen the
towel around his hips. “So, what do you say?”
“I’d say, what the hell are we waiting for?” Duo grinned.
Trowa had
made himself comfortable on the couch, his mind lost
in a crossword puzzle, while Quatre in vain tried to find something on the
television that was somewhat interesting. Wufei was
already in his bedroom, reading probably.
He briefly squinted
over to his blonde friend when he heard him giving an exasperated sigh, and he
was sure that it didn’t have anything to do with the lack of entertainment on
television. He had heard those sighs a lot lately.
“Something wrong,
Quatre?” Trowa asked softly.
Quatre looked up
from the TV guide he was ferreting out, and forced his lips into a smile. “No,
nothing,” he said. Laying the TV guide aside, he stood and went to the kitchen,
away from Trowa’s questions. The last thing he needed
was to go into that again.
He opened the
fridge and poured himself a glass of orange juice. Sipping from his drink, he
slowly turned around and suddenly felt a dizziness sweeping through his head.
Quickly, he pulled a chair back and sat on it, just in time to stop himself
from sinking to his knees. The glass slipped from his hand and clattered to the
floor. Breathing heavily, he pressed the palms of his hands against his eyes,
and tried to stop his head from swimming like this. He should really start
eating some more. Through the pounding heartbeat in his ears, he vaguely heard
someone entering the kitchen. With a groan, he realized it was Trowa.
“Trowa, please leave me alone,” he sighed.
Trowa’s heart
wrenched at the state he found his little friend in. He was shivering, if his
hands could press any harder, they would push his eyes into his skull, and his
already pale face was nearly white. And then those fragments
of glass and the pool of orange juice? Surely, that glass hadn’t thrown itself
on the floor.
“Quatre, what is
wrong with you?” Trowa gasped, sitting next to Quatre
at the table. “Are you ill? Have you been eating enough? You’re not eating that
much lately, this evening too, I had to throw half of
your salad away. It’s not healthy to…”
“Just leave me
alone!” Quatre snapped. He regretted it the moment he’d said it.
Startled, Trowa pulled away. It wasn’t like Quatre to be aggressive.
This was very out of character for him, and he would find out why he was acting
like this. “Why do you want to be alone, Quatre?” Trowa asked, calmly.
“Just because,”
Quatre grunted sullenly.
“That’s not an
answer, Quatre. Tell me. I won’t leave you alone until you give me a proper
reason to leave you alone.”
Telling himself
that he should stay calm, that Trowa was his friend
and meant it well, Quatre slowly turned his head, biting his lip to fight back
the tears that threatened to spill from his eyes. “Because when you’re alone,
there is no one who can hurt you, or bring you down, or insult you, or
humiliate you…”
“Or love you, or
console you, or soothe you, or care about you,” Trowa
Quatre stared at
his friend with blank eyes while Trowa’s words were slowly
registering in his head. Understanding what he was trying to say, he lowered
his eyes, a single tear falling down on his hand.
“Do you mean
Duo?” Trowa asked, laying his hand on Quatre’s shoulder.
Quatre nodded
Tucking a few
bangs behind Quatre’s ear, Trowa
put his fingers under his blonde friend’s chin and gently lifted his head.
“Quatre, I’m not Duo.” His stomach gave another twist when he could see Quatre’s face again. It was so sad. The boy’s chin started quivering, his breathing shortened and his beautiful blue
eyes were filling with tears.
closed his arms around him, and Quatre accepted the gesture gladly, breaking
out in sobs against his shoulder.
“You know he
doesn’t mean what he says, Quatre. He likes joking around,” Trowa
consoled him, soothingly rubbing his hand over his back.
“I know that,”
Quatre sobbed. “That’s not what I’m sad about.”
“Then what is
Quatre’s arms
tightened as another wave of hiccups broke over him.
“What is it,
Quatre? Tell me,” Trowa urged softly, the loud
hiccups only serving to fuel his worries.
Finally calming
down a bit, Quatre pulled away again and could muster a faint smile. “I will
tell you, Trowa,” he whispered. “But
not now. I told you, it’s something I have to figure out on my own. I
just needed a good cry, that’s all.”
“Quatre…” Trowa said with a broken voice.
“I’m tired. I’m
going to bed.” Quatre heaved a shaky sigh and gave his friend another tight
hug. “Thank you, Trowa.”
“You’re welcome,
Quatre,” Trowa said, returning the hug. “You need
someone to care about you, to love you.” Pulling away from the hug, he looked
his friend into the eyes, and for a moment there, time seemed to have stopped
for him. “Will you let me be that someone, Quatre?”
Quatre looked up
at him with innocent, unknowing eyes. Then a wide smile warmed his face. “Yes,
you can Trowa.”
breath caught and his heart jumped. Quatre gave him the green light to love
him. Smiling hopefully, his lips started gravitating towards Quatre’s, but just before he could touch them, he still
heard him whispering two words.
“My soulmate.”
On that, Trowa stopped and drew his head back. Quatre would not let
him love him that way. He still saw him as a soulmate,
a big brother. Not as a lover. Kissing him now would be a grave mistake. It
would confuse the boy, crush him, ruin his trust. And Trowa would never hurt him as long as he was breathing air
into his lungs.
“You’re sweet, Trowa. I don’t deserve someone like you,” Quatre sighed.
“Of course you
do, Quatre. I’m a friend. And everyone deserves to have a friend,” Trowa smiled. “Now, go to bed. Get some sleep. I’ll get rid
of that broken glass.”
“Okay,” Quatre
smiled back, and left a hurt and distraught Trowa
behind in the kitchen.
As Quatre lay in
his bed, all of the day’s events came flooding back to his mind. He always
thought about the things of the past day when he lay in his bed, even if it
were the most insignificant things. It was weird that it always happened was
when he was in bed, when he was trying to sleep but couldn’t, just because he
had to think that much.
Not like he had
anything else to do anyway.
His lips twisted
into a frustrated sneer at that thought, but almost right after, his heart jumped
when he thought about Duo. He had to think about the hug in the supermarket,
him and Duo in the swimming pool, the sex education. And then there was the
other side of the medallion; Heero and Duo who could jump each other at any
given time or place. It was so hard for him to be around them all the time
without showing his feelings for Duo. God, how he longed for
He sighed deeply.
He was tired, yet still he couldn’t sleep. He kept on thinking about Duo and
didn’t succeed in banishing him from his thoughts. It was all he could do. Lying crouched up all night, worshipping a ghost from his dreams.
He could see him so clearly in front of him. That chestnut haired, exuberant
beauty, he was right there, so close. But he couldn’t touch him. Not a simple
stroke along his soft cheek, not the way he craved it the most.
And then there
was something else that occupied his thoughts. Trowa
had been giving him some really weird signals just now, other than his usual
kindness. His lips had been… very close.
Quatre sighed. It
must’ve been his imagination. He just leaned in out of… friendliness.
It was Duo who he
was in love with, Duo who made his belly tickle; who made his chest constrict.
It was Duo he wanted here in his bed with him. Him and Duo,
alone. His body pressed hotly against him.
“Hmm, Duo,” he
mumbled. He imagined how Duo’s body would feel against him. His
hip nudging against his. His cock…
Quatre whimpered.
He turned on his back, his legs pulled up and falling open. His hand trembling
with desire, he reached between his legs, under his boxers and started stroking
his hardening cock. “God yesss,” Quatre hissed, rocking
his hips. He bit his lip, knowing that he had to keep it down, otherwise Heero
and Duo would hear him. For a few blissful moments, he felt like he was
secluded from the world, like he was in that imaginary bubble with Duo. In his
head, it were just the two of them. Touching,
caressing, kissing. Making love.
And that thought exhilarated him.
He could imagine
Duo moaning, and he came suddenly and forcefully. But when he had recovered, he
could feel the tears in his eyes; because the moans had been real. And they
were coming from the other side of the wall, and his heart seemed to
disintegrate with each one of those erotic sounds Duo made.
Did they really
have to do it that much? Could they not even once control their libido until
they were alone, at home?
When he heard
those noises, he couldn’t help but thinking back to a situation in one of the
safe houses. Heero and Duo were at it, again, and while he was trying to get some
sleep himself, he all of a sudden could hear frantic pounding on the wall in
one of the other rooms.
“Would you knock
it the hell off!! People are trying to sleep here!” he could hear Wufei yelling. Somehow, the poor guy always ended up in the
room right next to them. Quatre and Trowa
usually where lucky enough to have a more distant room. But that one
particular time, they too had to share his discomfort. When Wufei
had sneaked into their room in the hope of finding some peace there, he had to
conclude that he could still hear the screams equally as loud. How Trowa had managed to fall asleep was a mystery to him.
Either way, he had cursed so loudly that it had actually woken the boy. And
honestly, he would’ve done the same.
Nevertheless, the
screams hadn’t stopped. Either they were already too much carried away with
their upcoming orgasms to hear the furious yells, or they just chose to ignore
it. Judging by the intensity of their cries, it must’ve been the first option.
All three of them,
desperate for some much needed sleep, had eventually picked up their mattresses
and had dragged them downstairs, much to the surprise of Duo and Heero the next
Similar screams could
be heard at the other side of the wall now.
”Duo… Nnnh… Oh! OH DUO!!”
”Yes! Oh Heero!
Oh YES!!”
There. That
should’ve been the last ones.
Quatre sighed and
turned again. He couldn’t take this any longer. How he wished he had bought
some earplugs that morning. Then again, he wasn’t too sure that it would help
He was strongly
considering whether or not he should go over to Trowa’s
room and ask his friend if he could spend the night in his bedroom. Knowing Duo
and Heero, they could start doing it again any moment, even though it was in
the middle of the night. On the other hand, it already had been their, what,
fifth time? They already should’ve worn each other out pretty much by now.
Wearily, he
tugged the sheet over his head and made another attempt to get some sleep.
Somewhere on the brink of consciousness and sweet oblivion, he was sure his
mind was playing tricks on him. Now he heard it again, Heero this time.
Thinking that it must’ve been a shred of some twisted dream, he laughed it
away. This couldn’t be. Six times a day, impossible.
Heero and Duo. Not normal. They make the impossible possible. Sexually, at least, a
tiny voice whispered in the back of his head.
With a jolt, his
head jerked upright and he had to conclude that it indeed was Heero he’d heard, and definitely not in a dream.
“That’s it. I’m
sick of it,” he hissed. Mind made up, he pushed the sheet away and strode
towards his door. Once he was in the corridor however, his doubts grew with
every step. What would Trowa say, what would he think
of him? After all, he had chosen the room himself. But then he didn’t know yet
that Heero and Duo would be taking the room next to his. What if he thought of
him as childish and would say: “Come on now, Quatre. Be a big boy. Put your
head under your pillow and go back to sleep.”
By the time he
got to Trowa’s door, he practically stood nailed to
the ground. Another muted cry from Heero settled it. Conquering his shyness, he
softly knocked on the door.
“Who is it?” came the sleepy reply.
“It’s me… Quatre. Can I come in, please?” he asked, hesitantly.
“Quatre? Of
course you can.”
switched on the little light on the nightstand while the doorknob slowly turned
down, and Quatre peeked through the chink. He smiled warmly when the boy stepped
inside, but at the same time, he could feel his cock stirring at the mere
sight. The boy was wearing nothing but his black boxers, a little teddy bear
smiling at him from the left leg. It was only a detail, but it added incredibly
to the sweetness and innocence that was so typical for him, without taking away
his definite masculinity.
”Trowa, can I sleep with you?”
froze, his eyes growing wide. “What?!” He was getting
second thoughts about that innocence‑part.
”Can I… Oh no! Nothing like that!” Quatre quickly said as he realized the
underlying meaning in what he was asking. “Just sleeping,
nothing more! Heero and Duo… I can’t sleep because they’re making too
much noise… You know,” he said nervously.
“Oh! Okay, I
understand,” Trowa nodded, holding up the sheet for
Quatre. “Hop in.”
Biting his lower
lip, Quatre shuffled towards the bed, still hesitating a bit.
“Come on, I won’t
bite you,” Trowa grinned, winking at him. His heart
made a somersault in his chest when he felt the mattress dipping under the
weight of the slender youth, and when he snuggled close against him, it was
sure to explode.
presence gave Quatre a feeling of security. He felt safe when he was with him,
to know that he could rely on Trowa to never nag him
or hurt him, almost as if he was his very own guardian angel in human form.
“Thank you, Trowa,” Quatre sighed, contented.
“It’s okay,” Trowa managed to squeeze out. Quatre’s
breath tickled on his chest and he was starting to have serious troubles with
his groin. Shifting his hips uncomfortably, he quickly sent a mental wish to
Quatre not to slide his hand down.
To be continued…
Next chapter: Heero
and Duo make breakfast. If only that will turn out edible.
“Duo, what the
hell are you doing?” Heero said.
“Heero, where did
your cum go? There is hardly any of it on my hand, and
nothing at all on your belly or chest.”
They both looked
at the table. Little white drops formed a neat trail to the bowl of stirred
eggs. They looked back at each other and promptly broke into laughter.
“I think we’d
better throw those away,” Duo laughed, doubtfully stirring the eggs with his
“Hn. Same goes for the butter,”
Heero said with a wry grin.
“Duo, need I
remind you that your fingers went from my butt to the butter? That’s not
exactly hygienic.”
“Right,” Duo
Suddenly they
heard a grumpy voice coming from the door.
“Tell me again
why I can’t call you insatiable?” Wufei said,
noticing that Heero was still naked and having caught those last few words.
“Fei!” Duo
said, startled, quickly tucking his cock back into his boxers, while Heero dove
under the table to hunt after his boxers. “What are you doing up so early?”
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