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Reviews for Hormone Therapy

By : CardDragonBall
  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on March 08, 2004
    Why would Vegeta get whiny just because he was pregnant?
    Let me answer that to the best of my knowledge...first I dont know!!!! and secondly refer to the authors of such stories I am sure they have an answer...all I do know is that the few fics I did read (long ago) that had preggy Veggie, he became this whining mass of pure and utter annoyance who was constantly needy and crying and he stayed that way, even after giving birth...sot mat made me hate pregnant Vegeta...and also at the time I hated dominant Goku ,(so that had something to do with it, but now I love it, and that's really all I write) strange how my brain works, you really don't want to be inside my head...

    I really don't mind a fic where Vegeta get's in touch with his emotions anat nat not, I think it makes for a well rounded character, b/c I do that in my fics...but some ppl take it to the extreme...

    but yeah!!! I loved this was definately hilarious. I wish I could be that funny. When I write funny stuff I am the only one's really sad...and then ppl laugh at the stuff that wasn't meant to be funny...*shakes head* I will never get an edge on comedy...oh well

    I loved how Vegeta woke up Goku, that was great!!!
    and how Goku was laughing because Vegeta has to push babies out... hee hee hee that is funny *pictures it* uh...and slightly gross...
    pound your bones to dust...rofl...
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  • From ANON - jaygoose on March 08, 2004
    Another review. I know. But I had to comment on GT. I think it is as stupid as the next person but I still can't help myself everytime a new tape comes out I go and buy it. There is just something in me that says that a Dragonball collection is not complete until you have GT too. So sad. You have to take the good and the bad when you truly love something I suppose. Anyway, that was just my bit. And I agree there is just not enough Vegeta in that show. too too is so sad. :(
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  • From ANON - jaygoose on March 08, 2004
    Okay, I thought that that was extremely enjoyable. Vegeta's evil idea didn't turn out exactly the way he had planned did it? And who the hell did Bulma go and screw anyway? U may have made it a bit obvilous but I am known to be a little slow on the up take. He He. ;)
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  • From ANON - Getarian on March 08, 2004
    Oh Gods, this is probably going to be my longest review...I'm really going to have to learn to whittle.

    LOL! Straight off, first paragraph...loved Vegeta's thoughts, particularly:

    "But his Father never really stopped to say: "Son, women are pregnant for nine months, and this will be vitally important to you in the future.""

    *chuckle* I can definitely see an equally evil grin appear as Vegeta had his 'ingeniously evil idea.'

    Okay, :-) completely lost it at this point:

    "Preparing him for what exactly? Because while Goku appreciated a good stretch as much as anyone, he didn’t really see the sense of doing it first thing in the morning when they could be having sex." ROTFL!

    Damn, as much as I loved the fact that Vegeta got to have his evil way with Goku, I couldn't help but feel a shiver of....God knows what to be honest...(but it was pleasant,) when I read this:

    "Goku realized that this was a role-reversal. Realized that if wanted Vegeta to desist and get himself under Goku like he belonged that Vegeta would have no option but to do as he was told, really."

    I love it when Goku gets dominating thoughts, even better when they become actions...I'm not sure completely why, I mean, Vegeta's my favourite, you'd think I'd want him to be seme...go figure. :-)

    "Genius! Vegeta was a brilliant man." Yay! You go Vegeta.

    "Vegeta just smirked. Turnabout was fair play and all that human bullshit." LOL!

    Loved Vegeta's "MINE. MINE! Mine!" I know he probably meant it every bit as much as Goku, felt all the same feelings and all, but there was a sense of, for want of a better word, 'payback' in the words...which was cool, it's something I could imagine Vegeta doing after hearing it all those times from Goku...even though he probably loves the Saiyan side of it, it probably rankled his proud side. :-)

    Altogether, another fine lemon :-)

    Loved Bulma's reaction! LOL

    "Fish, she was sure, looked more elegant than her. Because just the image of him… With Goku under him… And LORD, the noises they made!" *chuckles* Oh yeah!

    Vegeta's proud strutting...LOL. Ah, as much as I love uke Vegeta, there is no way I would want to deny him this moment :-)

    *chuckles* I see that Goku is back in form, informing Krillin of Vegeta's impending motherhood. The fight followed by Bulma's warning to Krillin, followed by his reaction was a joy to read :-)

    "I was really hoping I didn’t confuse people with the twins. "

    Wasn't the least bit confusing to me, well written as always. I loved them, and I loved the fact that Goten couldn't keep his mouth shut about things and then Vegeta Jr, splurted out more information whilst attempting to shut his brother up. LOL

    "I haven’t watched very much of GT, but I saw enough of it to dislike it mostly."

    Erk! I haven't seen it all either, I got about 3/4 of the way through the Baby (or Bebe) saga and just couldn't take anymore...I tried to stick with it for Vegeta's sake, but I couldn't...not that there was much of Vegeta, as Vegeta, anyway...first that damn moustache hai haircut, and then 'weird looking' and 'annoying sounding' 'Bebe Vegeta'

    Blows raspberry at the PTB behind the stupid show.
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  • From ANON - Getarian on March 08, 2004
    LOL Still love those twins!

    "Thankfully the sheets didn’t slip or disgusting would meet a whole new level of gross." LOL

    Ah, some mysteries explained. I love the fact that the reason Goku had remained in SSJ mode even while sleeping, was due to his protective instinct where his mate was concerned.

    ROTFLMAO! I loved when the twins explained about the other timeline...ALL of it, but my favourites have to be these two:

    "Oh, and for some reason, years after that Dad gets turned back into a kid and he travels around with Trunks and Pan. Still trying to figure that out…"

    “Yeah,” Goten agreed, “And Mom grows that stupid ass moustache and cuts his hair.”

    I totally agree with Goten, it WAS a stupid ass moustache! God I hate GT!

    Lemony Goodness:

    "Just when he went to wash his hair, the shower curtain opened and the very vision of naked, bronzed perfection stepped in. Sweaty. Naked." Drools, want Vegeta...must have Vegeta.

    Gods, the shower scene was incredible, Goku moves and Vegeta responds and not a word is spoken, just the moans of pleasure and the total need for each other, completely in sync.

    "Gk: It isn’t going to end is it?!"

    "Vegeta: Logically it must."

    Nooo! Don't listen to him Goku!

    "Too bad they never got along that well while they were fighting on the show."

    It would have definitely been nice if the PTB had concentrated a bit more on a deeper friendship between the last two Saiyans...but it was not to be....sigh! Or did you mean, too bad that they never worked out their friendship, in bed, on thow? ow? LOL Hmmm, could have been interesting, and would certainly give a whole new meaning to Vegeta's 'Big Bang Attack' LOL

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  • From ANON - Getarian on March 08, 2004
    Damn! My last review for 'More of us' ended up looking like a novel, so I thought I'd break this review up for the individual chapters.

    Okay, love the twins! Not exactly mysterious like Trunks are they? LOL No wonder they caused themselves to cease to exist...errr, sort of. :-)

    The fact that the twins didn't feel like fighting the androids was a crack-up! So NOT their parents.

    Lemony Goodness:

    "Then he was flipped onto his back, divested of his clothes and covered with a great mound of shaking happy Kakarot." LOL!

    Another wonderful lemon! And damn, when Goku pulled back and balanced on one arrm, hovering over his Vegeta, and just stared, filled with love...and then Vegeta stared back, feeling the same, it briefly robbed me of my breath. Wonderful!

    "Gk: Great sex! Yellow sex!" LOL

    I very much enjoyed this chapter, lot's of fun :-)
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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on March 07, 2004
    *clasps hands together and sighs* I absolutely loved it! Goku staring at Vegeta like he loved him...beautiful. I love the twins and one is named Vegeta thats soooo cool!!!!

    This chap had me cracking up, those twins are just great! Oh and the lemon was superb, I keep getting dreamy eyes...stared at him lik lov loved him...*drools* Terrific!

    Just the face that his parents were sugary sweet was enough to make him gag....aww poor twins had to see there parents snuggling. I liked that! I can't believe this was supposed to be 3 chapters! I love this story. I never want it to end!!! *cries* never!!!!

    I was rofl when the twins explained the timeline of certain events and then Goten says "And Mom grows that stupid ass moustache and cuts his hair.”

    Goten was the one to explain, as he leaned on the broom and danced in place. That's just too cute!

    and his future children were climbing into their time-ship (decorated with various interesting sayings like ‘Up yours’ and ‘Yamcha was here.’) rofl!!!!! That's great!

    Just when he went to wash his hair, the shower curtain opened and the very vision of naked, bronzed perfection stepped in. Sweaty. Naked.
    that's so cute and that Vegeta's way of saying he wants sex???

    Ok, I think I have quoted enough lines of your story now...I will stop, needless to say I loved it!!!
    Yeah, you have showed me that there can be a pregnant Vegeta, that isn't always crying, whining, stupid, etc...this preggy Veggie seems to stay in character, and I am no longer scared of the..dun dun dun preggy Veggie!!!!

    I can't wait to read about the twins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love'm!!!!
    p.s. thanks for reviewing my story, that's very cool of you!

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  • From ANON - jaygoose on March 07, 2004
    You crafty little minx. I applaud your ingenuity. I would have never expected that. I love it. So Lil'Geta and Goten where supposed to be born instead of Trunks all along. Very interesting. Are the twins gonna stick around for a while. *crosses fingers* Can't wait for the next part.
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  • From ANON - Hecate18 on March 07, 2004
    Wow I'm on a roll, I'm gonna try to review each of your chapters (of both your story's).

    As always the Lemon was HOT!!! I love the way there so... um, well discribed ^_~
    Like you said when answering your reviews, my parents now think I'm bonkers, (well they thought I was crazy before) but randomly laughing aloud in my room... by myself, doesn't seem to help my case. ^^

    'My whore'- Gosh Goku can be soooo charming, I was ROTFL at the bits at the end! ^_^

    And Where did Goku have to go so quickly???
    And Vegeta's gonna be a mommy, YAY!!!!!!! ^-^

    Looking forward to the next chap!
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  • From ANON - Sweety-sama on March 07, 2004
    That must be a shock to Vegeta! *lol* He is a mommy!!!!!! I hope the next chapter comes soon!
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  • From ANON - blu sanada on March 07, 2004
    I've read this from the beginning to the last chapter and the only thing I can say is this has to be one of the best Goku and Vegeta get together, pregnancy stories I've read. It's different from all the stories I've read. Everyone basically has them secretly in love with each other. Your better then me when it comes to reviews. I could read a story two or more t and and not review at all. Anyway I've change my ways as you can see and I'm leaving at least a review even if its not after every chapter. You writers deserve at least some type of comment from us readers. Also, I like the fact that you don't have Vegeta as this all knowing about the Saiyan culture. Thanks for writing a new twist to an old story that has a breath of fresh air into the Goku and Vegeta get together.
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  • From ANON - Getarian on March 07, 2004
    Shit, I forgot to say thanks for removing those messed up reviews. They were downright embarrassing. Thanks :-)
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  • From ANON - Getarian on March 07, 2004
    Once again, big smiles all through this :-)

    Love Goku's 'whining thing' and 'pouting thing' and 'being patient thing' *chuckles*

    So, Vegeta has finally put his foot down in regards to Goku's lack of discretion, can't really blame him...but I sure am going to miss those moments ;-)

    Pleased to see that Goku has regained his lusty need for the Prince...I mean, he went almost a WHOLE DAY without sex, I was getting worried :-)

    I absolutely love that all Vegeta has to say is 'over' and Goku instantly understands and complies. What a team ;-)
    Cracked up at: “Can’t you ever warn a person?!” LOL

    The lemon was wonderful, as per usual. I swear, you don't just write the words, you paint the picture. I could see the scene. Wonderfully written :-)

    I wonder why Goku remained in SSJ mode, has it something to do with Vegeta being impregnated? Guess I'll just have to wait and see.

    Silly Goku, thinking that saying that Vegeta was his whore, was a cute thing. LOL He has absolutely no idea how insulting it is, ya gotta love his naiveté :-)

    Oooh, mystery. What has Goku gone after? Why did he tell Vegeta to stay? he's a big boy and can take care of himself...still, I have to confess that I love that protective instinct when it kicks in :-)

    Yay, Vegeta's preggers. Can't wait for the next chapter, when hopefully all will be revealed :-)

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  • From ANON - jaygoose on March 06, 2004
    Yay! Geta's knocked. How loverly. I can imagine that waking up that way was not the most comfortable this in the world. But damned interesting to say the least. I can't wait for the next part and to see how you write a preggers Geta. He He.
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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on March 06, 2004
    @_@ I'm dead!!! That chap was just to good.
    He would probably agree to wear a grass skirt..rofl
    then when Goku set Vegeta on his chest to get his pants off...I died..*imagines it all over again and sighs dreamily*
    when they woke up still together and Goku a super saiyajin...again I was dead...since I was already dead before maybe I was zombified...err...gross...nevermind. I am now wondering what is going on. What is happening?!?

    This story is compelling!!!
    Oh and you know I died when Goku told ta tta to stay! I LOVE THAT!!!! And of course when Bulma said he is a mommy...well I couldn't breathe...(you know my fear of the preggy veggie, grabs a sack and breathes in and out of it) I knew this time would come and I am now preparing myself, b/c I love this fic! I have millions of questions racing through my mind...
    I know they will be answered sooner or later and I can't wait to r
    YOU ROCK!!!!
    p.s. I can't believe someone told you that you're not funny *shakes fist at that person* b/c you are fucking hilarious!!!! but not just that you are also an awesome writer! so keep up the great work!
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