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Reviews for The Chains We Wear

By : LadyYeinKhan
  • From ANON - terracannon876 on April 10, 2011
    Hello, nice to see you again! I generally check this fic out once every half year, and I'm finding it works out very well for me =) Thank you for updating, although judging from you AN, it's a belated thank you =)

    Anyways, fic. My favorite part was maybe the conversation between Heero and Trowa. In fact, because of this, and because of the interaction between the pilots (like, say, Duo's cheer) I wouldn't say this chapter was a complete filler. That conversation... It almost seems like Heero wanted Trowa to say no. OK, that much was pretty obvious. But the why is what gets me thinking. Does he want that because he wants them all to be together? Or because he doesn't like the thought that Trowa doesn't trust them enough with the information? Heero's reaction to "it's a guy" seems to point to the former.

    It's hard, not only because Trowa's being the outcast, but a lot of it is based off miscommunication, misunderstandings that are created on purpose, and flat out lies. And yet, it's not like Trowa can just go out and say something, because Fahd's holding that Damacles' Sword over his head (I'm not even sure that's the right analogy ... but you get the point! ...I hope XD)

    I really love this story, and I hope you continue it! I look forward to reading when everything is finally resolved, with no misunderstandings between them, and with Fahd's face ground into the dirt, no matter how far into the future that chapter will be posted! Thanks for keeping with this fic and continuing to write! =)

    PS: How long is the prospected fic length? How many chapters? And, because I'm curious, do you write based off "planning whole fic" first, or "planning one chapter at a time"?

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  • From ANON - Just Me on December 29, 2010
    Woohoo! Merry Christmas to me. Unfortunately, I don't have time to read it right this moment (wails pathetically). I'm going to save it and then print it out to read the second I get the chance. I haven't even read this yet and I can't wait until the next part.

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  • From ANON - terracannon876 on November 16, 2010
    I love how when I randomly check this fic on a whim, you update. Yet again =3 Am I lucky, or am I lucky =333

    The mercenary bit of Trowa's life was completely different from the previous sections. He spoke in shorter sentences (reflecting of his more-of-a-loner nature and his younger age / lack of education and the in-the-moment feeling of being a mercenary?) and Trowa's relationship with the others can only best be described as distant. It was interesting that despite that he was also probably distant with his previous gang, he liked them better. I liked the little comparisons he made; it showed that he missed them.

    And his second team was full of jackasses >_>

    (On a side note, about how old was he then? I imagined less than 10, but that's because I had read the prologue manga ... Target Zero? Zero...something... Wow, it's been so long...)

    And then we get to ... Fahd's blatant raping of Trowa. Yeesh. Fahd, get yourself in control *shudder* But it seems that Trowa's stayed for a night, and then he's going to stay another. Didn't the other pilots expect him back that first night? There's going to be a confrontation about the "where have you been?!" part too, in addition to everything else, isn't there... And by the gods, I can only imagine Heero being observant enough to catch all of Trowa's limping and bruises and flinching when he gets back >_> Not going to be a happy reunion, nope.

    Thanks a bunch for updating =3 Can't wait to read the next chapter!

    (PS: If you really want someone to discuss this with, I can try to help. Only if you want, of course. Or if you want a random kick of inspiration. =P )
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  • From icejade on November 10, 2010
    I just read this story for the first time. And let me just say - wow! I am loving the characterization of Trowa: everything he is going through, bringing up all of these past memories, how he is dealing with it all. I cried reading a few of those chapters as well - really cried. I'm totally peeved at the rest of the pilots for their treatment of him. They really need a couple of smacks to the head, although I am glad that Quatre finally said something in Trowa's defence to his secret.

    As to being "down" about fanfiction - I agree with Whip's comments above. It is a wonderful way to get practice and feedback while also working on originals. And the Gundam Boys are just so much fun to play with! Keep up the great work!
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  • From ANON - originalceenote on November 09, 2010
    This has been a wild ride. Seriously.

    I don't hate Trowa's resignation that he can't do anything to stop Fahd. What I hate is his roommates' reticence and how much they've detached themselves from him. That's a strong reaction for me to feel from reading a fictional story, namely the urge to smack them all upside the head. So, good for you, this was very, very well done. I finally had the chance to sit down and read the eleventh chapter this morning.

    This is a very tangible story. No, the sex doesn't suck, so push that idea from your mind immediately. Is it frustrating to see Trowa abused? Sure. Is it equally so to see Fahd force him to take physical pleasure from it? Yup. But again, look what Trowa's willing to put himself through to protect the people he cares about. He's about to fall apart and he can't even rely on the stoicism that's pulled him through in the past. That's where the storytelling affects me the most.

    More than anything, I long to smack Duo. I cheered when Quatre told him to get his head out of his butt, and that Trowa never lied to him. That was fantastic.
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  • From ANON - Just Me on November 06, 2010
    Thank you so much for updating. I was extremely happy to see that this had been updated. This is seriously my favorite story.
    Everyday I check to see if it's been updated and am disappointed when it's not. I have to remind myself that unlike me, other people have lives. Then just when I get that through my thick skull, I check and see that you've updated. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the length. I am definitely one of those readers who prefer long chapters.

    Hehe Trowa stabbed Fahd. I love Nizar. Especially when he calls Trowa mutt and when he threatened to bash his head. I feel so bad for Trowa but at the same time I like to see him suffer. Despite knowing it was wrong, he got into the sex. Fahd is going to dig into Trowa's past. Can't wait to see what he does with that. If it makes Nizar come close to feeling bad for him, then it's got to be bad. Also can't wait to see what happens with the other pilots

    Keep up the awesome work. I certainly am looking forward to seeing the next chapter when you're ready.
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  • From AngelNarcissa90 on November 05, 2010
    This was a good chapter as well. Only I can't imagine what the others will think or do or say when they find out.
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  • From ANON - WhipOfLightHeartOfSword on November 05, 2010
    OMG! You have no idea the earsplitting squee my dorm mates were privy to when I came to check on another story's updates and saw yours. Lol, I literally yelled something to the effect of "Holy Shit is this what I think it is?!?!?!" *grin* So wonderful to have you back again. Though I will have to go back and reread the whole thing just to refresh my memory. And I totally get where you're coming from worrying about characterization after being away from a fandom for so long. I myself have fics from different fandoms that I'd love to finish, but have no idea if I could even do them justice anymore.

    To the idea of looking down on fanfiction. HA! I understand being protective of your 'babies' (i.e. stories) but I just can't bring myself to see fanfiction as a bad thing. As an amateur I'd personally love to get original works published one day, but until then I'm getting more experience and better feedback practicing things like plot development and character consistency and dialogue without being encumbered by having to build the entire world, cast and backstory first. It's like a video game to me. Here's your characters, world, and the story so far. Now add continuing plot and have at! So much fun, and such good practice for a writer trying to hone and develop their abilities. And there's the added bonus that I get to enjoy favorite fandoms more interactively than a video game would let me because I can choose more storylines, create sequels of my own, and ultimately remain entertained by the fandom much longer than if I just stuck to canon. So yea, loves fanfiction for that.

    Oh, and if you're looking for someone to discuss story ideas with, or even just characters, I'm open for being a beta reader if you're interested. I'm too lazy to sign in, but search my name and you should see my email address on my profile. Happy writing, and hope to see more chapters soon.

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  • From ANON - Del on November 05, 2010
    Yes!!! You are back with this story! Please continue it. Despite the fact that this is darker story than those I usually read, it has me hooked. And I can't wait to see what happens with the other pilots and trowa...
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  • From AngelNarcissa90 on November 04, 2010
    The sex scene was raw and emotional. I found it good to read. FYI you sound as stressed as I feel!
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  • From ANON - jeff on November 04, 2010
    thanks for updating!!!! I was dying to know what happened! I thought it would never be finished. Keep going please.
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  • From ANON - terracannon876 on October 17, 2010
    Wow, I decided to check this fic on the offchance (and to read it again) and I find it updated! =DDDDD

    I really wish aff had story alerts...

    Thanks for remembering us readers! The characterization was good, considering the long hiatus. I can't wait to read about the developments in the Gundam Team in terms of suspicions and... ... you know, this makes me sound like a horrible person XD

    Thanks for the chapter =)
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  • From ANON - Anon on August 02, 2010
    Yay, you updated! I love this story and every now and then I check back to see if there is more. So glad to see you are continuing it!
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  • From CeeCee on June 08, 2010
    Darn you for posting such a long chapter when I have sewing to do!!!

    But I can't blame you. There were so many intricately detailed, slow scenes where you feel yourself pulled into Trowa's thoughts and emotions, particularly the mirror scene in the shower. I also savored those moments where Heero watched him throughout breakfast and asked him later about the bacon, or when Wufei noticed what crummy shape he was in after his ride to work; it's funny that the quieter, less gregarious members of their circle of friends are the ones who seem to be able to read him the best.

    This was fantastic. I noticed some of the warnings, but I'm sticking with this for a while, that much I already know.
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  • From AngelNarcissa90 on June 07, 2010
    The sex scene was written rather well. At times, I was unsure of their positioning. Hope Japan is working out well for you. Congrats on that feat.
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