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Reviews for Hormone Therapy

By : CardDragonBall
  • From ANON - K-GT on March 11, 2004
    Wow I must admit that I really really like this fic, I do so hope you make one of Trunks and Goten!
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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on March 11, 2004
    *smiles* I love this fic so much...platonic love of course, but love all the same.

    A very nice everything, really. But his back was especially nice. And his ass. That too was very nice.- I am in totally agree with that, I wish I could see too!

    little human wifey-poo - rofl Geta cracks me up!

    because Kami knows that is more IMPORTANT than the Saiyan PRINCE that is carrying YOUR TWINS. (Said twins practicing their future moves inside of him at that very moment.) - Poor Geta he is so cute when he is like this, and I agree who cares about ChiChi! *shakes fist at Goku*

    The baka left the bathroom.
    Vegeta didn’t care.- I loved that.

    He had set a mental limit, and he had reached the very end of it.- what a great line and very funny too!

    angry, glaring little frown and all—and kissed him.- My Ouji is sooooo cute!!!!

    Goku made me happy when he didn't go back to stupid ChiChi's house, but went to Vegeta and showed him how much he loved him, that was so yum and so sweet. Very nice lemon.

    than he would have to sleep with all the beings that threatened earth,
    Freiza had been running around naked the whole fight with absolute no sign of… rofl you have no idea how long I was laughing at this paragraph!!!! People thought I was mental...everytime I looked back up at the screen I would start laughing all over again.

    Vegeta was yawninnd hnd he offered no objections to be carried around. Which was probably good, because Goku wouldn’t have listened anyway. CUTENESS!!!!

    Gk: Come on, folks. Don’t you want me to have great sex all the time? Of course I do!

    And finally my one cousin got a shirt that said “Hands off or you die” and I thought that was a lovely sentiment.- lol thats great! That's what I needed, but if I ever decide to have another child I will definately have a shirt like that in my arsenal.

    Oh yeah you did say you were going to steal my ice cream....well you put it to great use! You can take it any time!!!

    Ooo yeah JayGoose I remember the streetfighter movie and the mortal kombat movie too!!! Those kinds of films will traumatize ya! I fear the DBZ scared...and Getarian I am going to have to say NO ONE not one person is a good enough pick to be Vegeta for me!!! I will not accept it!!!! NO! I can imagine it all now...I don't know why everytime I envision this movie I see very cheesy looking 80's graphics and very uncool, un-saiyajin like hairdo's, ppl flying on strings, A VERY SUCKY VEGETA WITH A BAD VOICE!!!! I need that husky Geta voice! So yeah I believe this movie will suck greatly.


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  • From ANON - Hecate18 on March 11, 2004
    You know whats gonna happen here... I'm gonna review chaps 8-13 thats what! ^_^

    Goten and Lil' Geta are soooo cute, they must've gotten that from Goku!

    '...they were more then capable of defeating said Androids, they didn't really feel like it.

    Lazy bums' ... Cute!

    God... I absolutely love your lemons, they're so yummy and... descriptive. ^_~

    "And mom grows that stupid ass moustache and cuts his hair' - I was drinking my hot chocolate at the time... nearly sprayed it all over my computer screen! ^-^

    '...It was very possible that he would be fucked to eath by his mate before he reached old age." - wouldn't be such a bad way to die! ^_~

    Ooooh and 'Geta's ingeniously evil idea.
    ... I like, 'A fuck for a fuck'

    I don't know why but Goku's laughter is contagous, it had me laughing, even though it' mean to laugh at Vegeta having to push out babies.

    ... Poor Krillin, I think he's trumatized.

    I'm starting to feel rather envious of Bulma, she gets to see and 'hear' all the action. ::pout::

    Sometimes I wish I had lazers outside my room, but then 'I'd' probably end up fried! ^_^
    - Just a random thought brought on by Vegeta's suggestion.

    Awww and poor Vegeta, thinking he's not 'sex-worthy' anymore
    -Goku sure showed him didn't he.
    Mmmm chocolate ice-cream.

    'Wifey-poo'!?! ::dieing of laughter:: ... (wifey-poo)

    Sheesh, chi-chi really is an ungrateful bitch.ndomndom comment)

    Your lemony chaps always seem to leave me drooling. ::drools:: 'see'!

    ... I thimk thats my review finished, I'll try to review on time for the next chap. It may be easier! ^_^
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  • From ANON - Ladylupin on March 11, 2004
    Good, good chapter!
    I was reading over the story, and may I ask what the deal with vegetas' hair was
    is the first chapters? It looking longer? I'm a bit lost.
    Hppe you feel better. Update soon!
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  • From ANON - jaygoose on March 11, 2004
    7 am update. Are you mad?! I mean who gets up that early anyway? Hmm? Anyway, I didn't mind at all that the update was a tad late...It wasn't like I noticed or anything.

    Oh, yeah and I thought of another pointless collection obsession I have. I collect stuffed cows. I think that cows are cute. I'm gonna get me a real one when I get old and retire. Odd huh?

    A live action DBZ movie. Good God! That's a heart attach waiting to happen. They have ruined me on so many series with live action movies. Any one remember Street Fighter? I haven't been able to touch the game since. *Sigh* It was damned good fighter too.
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  • From ANON - Getarian on March 11, 2004
    Oh Gods, Mechanical Butterfly...I just read your last review...I can't believe that it's official, they're actually making a live action movie?...groan, it's so gonna suck!

    I don't know Jet Li...Is he a good pick for Vegeta? Is anyone? Jackie Chan as Goku? I love Jackie Chan! Acknowledge that he keeps his age well and he's beautifully fit, but isn't he a bit old for Goku? Christopher Walken as Piccolo...Good Pick!

    Still don't want the stupid movie though...want more anime with my Vegeta!
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  • From ANON - Getarian on March 11, 2004
    Wonderful! Right from tht got go. Vegeta's sulky attitude is a treat :-) I love his increasing paranoia in regards to his body, and Goku's apparent lack of interest in sex. Laughed when he hated having such stupid thoughts and then blamed them on the female hormones.

    His feelings in regards to his increased girth is hilariously highlighted by this thought:

    "Hated the stupid, effortlessly slim idiot." LOL!

    "He cringed when he thought of what he would look like if this went on for nine months. He’d be a fucking balloon."

    LOL! Ahhh, come here my rotund little Saiyan, I still want to hug you :-) My poor confused Prince...the 'female' of the species, such an enigma! *chuckle*

    "Vegeta removed the hand, bent it back, caused bones to make nasty cracking noises."

    "Hn. Bastard better not be messing with his stomach like he was some kind of woman."

    LOL! Lesson one. Never paw a pissed-off, paranoid, pregnant, Prince ;-)

    "...and he was quite unaware that the big one was frowning at him and glaring until he was picked up, thrown over a shoulder and carried into the brand new house."

    Lesson 2. Never annoy your big, powerful, dominant mate unless you have a handy escape route :-) Absolutely love 'caveman' Goku :-)

    "...go find somewhere to hide until Kakarot got it through his head that this was not the way you treated anyone, much less the pregnant… And what exactly did he have in his hands?"

    LOL! I love this! From indignation to absorbed curiosity in 0.6 seconds :-)

    The whole ice-cream scene was a crack up!

    And another incredible lemon. Life is good indeed :-)

    Very much enjoyed the insight into Goku's thoughts in regards to Vegeta, his stomach, their children, Goku's rights as Vegeta's mate :-) and the future delivery of his children. Love his thoughts as to who could oversee the delivery:

    "Bulma! She could do it. He trusted her. (Mostly.)"

    LOL! Will Bulma be able to restrain herself with hot, naked Vegeta nearby? Hmmm, probably...considering the only time she's likely to see hot, naked Vegeta is when he's giving birth...a bit of a passion killer, wouldn't you say? :-)

    Enjoying this very much!

    "And a live action movie? Noooooooooooooooooo! Absolutely not!"

    Pretty much my reaction when I first read about it! Hopefully, it's all one horrible rumour that heads into nowhere.

    As for the Agatha Christie books...Hang on to them. There may co tim time when you find yourself in the mood for a good mystery...and ignoring the fact that Agatha Christie can on occasion, annoy the hell out of a person with her attitude, I would say that her mysteries are some of the best...even taking into account the fact that her stuff is a bit dated. :-)

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  • From ANON - jaygoose on March 10, 2004
    That was cool. I loved the ice cream bit. Quite steamy. Well I guess as steamy as you can get with ice cream until it becomes no exsistent. Anyway now on to lines I loved:

    Big hand touched his stomach. Bif maf made a pleased little noise.
    Vegeta removed the hand, bent it back, caused bones to make nasty kingking noises.

    Nobody touched him. Especially not his stomach. He wasn’t a fucking good-luck troll where you rubbed their stupid stomach and made a wish. He was a Saiyan.

    What else can I say but sheer genius and fucking hilarious?

    Now...More Smut...Please?
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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on March 10, 2004
    Great chappie!!!
    Goku is a great mate! and poor Vegeta I know what he feels like I was once pregnant too...and what a fun yet horrific time it was. There's just something that draws ppl to touch a pregnant persons stomach...I hated when ppl touched my preggy belly unless it was the father of my daughter of course. ^.~

    I love when Vegeta said you need to learn a new word Kakarott...and then he writes Goku's...awww just to cute. Well it sounds like Vegeta still got see his mate wanted and needed him, how could he ever think (the sexy Prince of saiyajins) was not sex worthy,bah!, that's ridiculous!

    Oh and they are making a DBZ live action movie...*sighs* It's true and if you go to the official DBZ site you can read about it. Someone told me that Jet Li would be Vegeta, Jackie Chan would be Goku, and Christopher Walken as I don't know about all the characters, but those are the names one of my online buddies gave me. As for GT I too have an obsession of owning every DBZ episode, and I really hate GT, but for some reason I continue to buy it...what's wrong with me? And etimetime I go to this gamestore called Gamers I have a nasty obession of buying DBZ wall scrolls when my original purpose was to go in there and buy a game*shakes head* oh well...
    oookkk thats enough rambling for 1 day
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  • From ANON - Ladylupin on March 10, 2004
    I'm glad i'm feeling better too(grins like that annoying cat in Alice in Wonderland).
    Good Chapter. I love this fic. Write more!
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  • From ANON - CrazyGurl on March 10, 2004
    Great chap, love the story! Goku is a dreamer, I take it things might not go as he expects. I can't wait to find out.
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  • From on March 09, 2004
    It was after the Great Baka had thrust into him that Vegeta realized the woman was still sitting at the table. That was so funny, the great baka...*shakes head* rofl

    “Out!” and “Mine” I always love when Goku says that! ^.^

    So he rested his head on that shoulder, sighed, let himself be held. The Ouji is just too cute...*sighs*

    It would be very hard for me to pick a fave of all your fics, but I have to say I really, really, love this one. I love how everything is turning out, and I love those twins! They rock!

    I also like the fact the Goku wants to be a real saiyajin family....that's so sweet.
    I't 't wait to for the next chap!

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  • From ANON - Ladylupin on March 09, 2004
    I really love this fic! It's so original! Keep up the good work and...
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  • From ANON - Getarian on March 09, 2004
    Okay, here it is...whittle free ;-)

    What a wonderful opening to this chapter...I'm in lemon heaven :-)

    "As it turned out, Vegeta didn’t need the sense to yell at the woman, because Kakarot swiped out his arm, broke a table leg, grabbed the chair and yanked it out from under her—all without even pausing in his thrusting-"

    Impressive! I have a sneaking suspicion that if Bulma suddenly came up with a workable antidote for her 'Hormone Therapy' Vegeta would probably tell her to sod off! LOL

    Loved Goku's “Out!” and “Mine” Completely loved the lap sitting and staring. Definitely loved Vegeta resting his head on Goku's shoulder, sighing and allowing himself to be held. Laughed and sympathised with Vegeta as he acknowledged what his round of gloating had yielded...Everything felt so alive...damn! I love this fic :-)

    Laughed at Bulma's reaction to being evicted from her kitchen.

    "Sure, she thought vindicitively, screw on my kitchen floor and kick me out."

    Gotta feel some sympathy for her, when you get right down to it, that had to be damned embarrassing. LOL! I keep thinking, maybe she shouldn't be such a voyeur, then I think,...two hot Saiyans going at it...hard to remove yourself from that scene...besides Goku shouldn't be such an exhibitionist...poor Vegeta! LOL

    Yes...Vegeta definitely has a perfect body :-)

    Loved Bulma's reference to Goku and Vegeta as the 'Horny ones' *chuckles*

    LOL Okay, I get Krillin sticking his fingers in his e..bu..but the squeezing his eyes shut was a crack-up!

    Nooo, I don't want Vegeta to lose his ‘come fuck me now’ smell. His scent has been wafting nicely through my computer...bring it back now damnit!

    Okaaay, I'm normal again...please disregard above statement. :-)

    Sigh, doesn't Goave ave such a wonderful view of family life? I want to go and live with them...and maybe nudge Goku out of the bed and snuggle up to the Prince...Yes, sounds like a plan to me :-)

    Seriously, another wonderful chapter, you seem to bring everyone to life so easily. Everything flows, the characters, their surroundings, their actions, everything is so well described without anything being overdone. I know that when this all ends, I am going to keep coming back to this, time and time again.

    "Oh, and I never made it to the bebe saga. I watch DBZ on tv, and they often skip episodes just to annoy me."

    I hate that! I have DBZ on tape, and whilst I completely understand that both yourself and Jaygolikelike to possess the whole collection, I really don't see myself buying a single episode of GT...The opening credits, still gives me the horrors. I also have very, very deep fears regarding rumours about a live action movie...Maybe one day, they'll come up with another series along the lines of DBZ, complete with correctly coiffured Vegeta, and a less geeky Trunks (what where they thinking with those shorts?)but until then, I much prefer to leave it all at the end of DBZ and enjoy the wonderful world of fanfiction :-)

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  • From ANON - jaygoose on March 09, 2004
    Yeah, gotta love those transitionpterpters. Are yours as annoying to write as mine are? Because mine are. Arggg! Anywho, nice chapter. I feel all warm and tingly inside. God, I hope that's not gas. That would be really embarassing. :)
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