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Reviews for Saiyan Enlightenment

By : CardDragonBall
  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on June 29, 2004
    *hangs head in shame* I know *sobs* I didn't review!!!
    I actually fell asleep, I couldn't believe it when I woke up at 3:00 in the afternoon the next day! hehe...
    I barely ever fall asleep and when I do it's like for 2 hours.
    Anywho on with the review!!!!

    Loved the last two chapters and I must agree you are feeling lemony and I am thankful!!!!!!
    Woo hoo yummy lemons... Although when it switched from Vegeta/Goku to Goten/Trunks I was like NO! But little did I know a yummy lemon was awaiting my eyes.

    I totally love how Goku was annoying Vegeta and how he watches the clouds and thinks of ways to annoy Vegeta...hehe that was so funny.

    Thusly the hovering, hanging his head over Vegeta’s shoulder. Invading personal space and being taller with larger muscles and he was radiating just a smidge more power than Vegeta. Just to piss him off.--I loooooooved that. He is good at annoying him and that is hilarious and cute. Their relationship is great.

    Vegeta: If this is teasing I will kill her. *pulls on white gloves so he is now in full “prince” mode and ready to kill *--LMAO! full Prince mode! I love it it!

    I kept imagining Goku measuring the table. Like him standing there scratching the back of his table imagining Vegeta all naked--ROFL! I laughed so hard when I read that.
    and I am currently working on Malicious.


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  • From ANON - Macha on June 29, 2004
    Ah, I see Goku did get inked. Thank Goodness, or badness, which ever resolved Vegeta into deciding to do it. I guess it's a good thing the floor isn't so clean it's mirror like. I do have to wonder if Goku would even care though.

    Ah, *sighs happily* Trunks is getting some after Goten told him to catch him. Yay! I am so happy Goten seemed to have a change of heart. And it was a very GOOD lemon. I think that Goten got more than he bargined for, and likes it.

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  • From on June 29, 2004
    POOR Goku!!! He was left unsatified, the least you could do after leaving the sex so long was give him sasisfaction. Lol j/k. ^_^ I see, i have never heard that expression before, it's interesting, hehe. Wow Goten is getting alot, loads of orgasims, i bet he will be really tierd afterwards. Ja ne!
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  • From ANON - jaygoose on June 29, 2004
    Oh my god! That was...whoa! Okay I'll have this grin on for the rest of the day. Heh...heh. Goten and Trunks' lemon I must say finally but Goku and Geta to shame. it was soooo goood. you can't be unreliable. And yes, Kabu is the boy's name. Its japanese for turnip...keeping with the vegetable theme you see. Kalika is at the end of the week. Sorriness these multiple scene things are killing me. Saves the Day is so much easier to write because there are progressively less characters. Muhahahahaaahaa! Okay, I'll go write now.
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  • From ANON - Webtester01 on June 29, 2004

    I really like Saiyan Enlightenment.

    Goten and Goku are so alike. It was hillarious to see both of them teasing their mates.

    My story number is 25366.

    I will send you an email explaning how to format your reviews.

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  • From jaygoose on June 29, 2004
    That's go back to being reliable and I will continue to be the opposite (ch.4 to Saves the Day is up btw)...

    I loved this chapter. It was so cute...even with Goten's bitchiness. The ink thing annoannoying thing with Goku and Vegeta was precious. (forgive es 4 in the morning when I write this) Me likes where this is going. More kitchen porn perhaps?
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  • From ANON - Macha on June 28, 2004
    Poor, poor Trunks. Mean, unreasonable Goten. I wanted to read about them getting it on. I certainly hope that Goten will have a change of heart.

    *growls* I know exactly what Goku was doing. *growls some more* It's a pet peev of mine. I think that if I had Vegeta's power, well, there may have been sex, but it would have been after one hell of a fight. I call it the "Pay attention to ME!" *growls* And I would have had to kick some serious ass. Sometimes it is cute, and then there is most of the rest of the time. Ahhhhh!

    Okay, It'll serve him right if Vegeta puts ink marks all over his face. hehe. "Why is your eye black Goku?" Ah, now that woul ent entertaining.
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  • From ANON - Webtester01 on June 28, 2004

    Bold = Response to underlined text; *text* = Emphisized tex/action.

    I uhhh what? I uhhhh want to fuck you into the ground, do you mind? It’ll only take a minute? Oh. His father was just full of brilliant suggestions wasn’t he? Go talk tm. m. Tell him what you want to do. Right, because Trunks was so well known for his ability to talk about sex without blushing like a tomato.
    -LOL Poor trunks.

    “uhwhatwhat?” Goten asked, wiggled away from him, out of his grasp (which was getting progressively tighter.) He stood there, close enough not to make Trunks grab him and drag him closer again, but far enough away that he had his own ‘personal’ space. Sniffed his shirt and made a face of disgust. Pulled it up off his chest and tossed it to the ground. “You couldn’t have found some water?” -Oh dear. You shuldn't have done that. *snickers*

    Goten was half naked. He was horny as all hells, and filled to the brim with images of his boyfriend spread out under him in every imaginable way, crying out his name and helpless to do anything but submit to the pleasure and his boyfriend was half naked. He closed his eyes, and that didn’t help any because the images just came to mind and instead of being half naked Goten was fully naked. -LOL *grins mischeviously at Goten*

    “Trunks are you okay?” Concern. Wasn’t ieet eet how his boyfriend was concerned about him. Heh. *rolls eyes*

    It was funny when the pen broke, geting ink all over Vegeta. *laughs*

    Looking forward to more.

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  • From on June 28, 2004
    ~Squeals~ You haff returned. ^_^ I can't wait to read more. Must....have...lemony....goodness..! Hehe, poor ks, ks, atleast he told Goten after so that he can understand him a little better. Now i will go and read the fic you just posted, looks interesting. Can't wait till the next chap Card-san, Ja ne!
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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on June 26, 2004
    Kakarot snorted. “And then,” he said like an old lady teacher, “Come back and we’ll give you a big gold star!” --lmao! I can see him doing funny!

    Trunks looked disturbed—which is how most people looked when Kakarot tried to be funny. --LoL, it's not that disturbing...*thinks about it* well maybe it is...hehe...

    Stronger men than him had tried to stop the impulse and failed. --Really? And how does he know *is suspicious*

    Gave him a smile and a wave and Vegeta shook his head and gave Kakarot a wave as he left. -- :) well isn't that sweet. I am glad to see Goku is begining to learn to control his violence and behavior. I was amazed, and thought for a second he may be be able to do it, but he has proven me wrong.

    She tossed the burp clothe on his shoulder patted him and ran off, up the stairs gleefully squeaking all the way.--O_O! lmao..she is just happy to get a break, I know how that can feel...^_^

    ‘My Daddy is just a big idiot that doesn’t realize Vegeta is an evil man that uses his endless sexual charms to make people forget that he is evil and prone to murder.’--Uh...that is partially true...*points over in a dark corner* See that crumpled body over there? *sobs* that's Goku...Vegeta killed him!!!!! *runs off dressed in Vegeta costume, cackling like a madman*
    But gosh Gohan can be ridiculous...can't he see by now that Vegeta doesn't want to murder anyone...and even I am starting to think the poor boy has a circular logic disease...

    “Every aspect of my trunks?” Gohan inquired--LoL that was just too cute when Goten got up and ran to Trunks.

    Videl, moron,” Trunks said, “Remember to check on youfe. fe. Remember, just had a baby? Going through shit the same as you? --WHOA! yeah!!! Go Trunks! I practically did a victory dance in my chair when I read this little speech! I was so proud. Loved it.


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  • From ANON - Webtester01 on June 25, 2004

    My favorite parts and my responses to them are in bold.

    “Trunks,” he said—and was very proud of him for for not growling out the word because he was feeling much better about life in general this morning—“You can’t learn to control nature. So go find your boyfriend, be honest with him and then fuck him.” Crossed his arms over his chest. *chuckles*

    Kakarot snorted. “And then,” he said like an old lady teacher, “Come back and we’ll give you a big gold star!” -LMAO at this remark.

    “Uh…so, after I do that I won’t want to do it again?” Hdn’tdn’t look like he really believed this to be the truth.

    Was it the truth? Not entirely. There were still times he would like nothing more than to shove Kakarot to his knees and have a bout of animalistic sex. That sort of thing just didn’t go away because you did it once, but generally the urge wasn’t ever as strong as it was the first time. That first time was killer, because it took control of you until you had little choice but to give in. Stronger men than him had tried to stop the impulse and failed. But after that initial encounter, it was easto hto handle. He looked at his son, who was still fidgeting and answered him (after much too long of a delay to be comforting.) “Not like you do now.” *rolls on floor laughing*

    “Ah, well,” she said with an attempt at a smile. “If you’re going to be here for awhile I’m going to go take a shower…or a bath. Are you going to be around long enough I can take a bath?”

    He rolled his eyes at her and her long-ass baths, but nodded. She tossed the burp clothe on his shoulder patted him and ran off, up the stairs gleefully squeaking all the way. was was always a bizarre woman. -Squeaking all the way? Bizarre indeed! *chuckles*

    Goten huffed. “Alright, look. Why are you hanging on to this so hard? Are you really going to let Dad’s decision to be with Vegeta to ruin every single aspect of your…TRUNKS!” He jumped up from the rock he had been sitting on and charged across the space and tossed himself into his boyfriend’s arms. (Never mind he looked like a spastic fangirl mauling her favorite bishie.) *rolls eyes*

    “Every aspect of my trunks?” Gohan inquired, turned around and looked at them with a raised eyebrow. (Just a little tiny bit of amusement that warred with a lot of near-disgust.) How could Gohan be so dense? *laughs at his ineptitude*

    I am now wondering what Goten's response will be when Trunks tells him what he wants to do to goten. *smirks*

    KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!! Oh and review chapter 12 for me please.

    I am slowly trying to put my story up on Hudine's site as well.

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  • From ANON - Webtester01 on June 25, 2004

    My favorite parts and my responses to them are in bold.

    “Trunks,” he said—and was very proud of himself for not growling out the word because he was feeling much better about life in general this morning—“You can’t learn to control nature. So go find your boyfriend, be honest with him and then fuck him.” Crossed his arms over his chest. *chuckles*

    Kakarot snorted. “And then,” he said like an old lady teacher, “Come back and we’ll give you a big gold star!” -LMAO at this remark.

    “Uh…sfterfter I do that I won’t want to do it again?” He didn’t look like he really believed this to be the truth.

    Was it the truth? Not entirely. There were still times he would like nothing mohan han to shove Kakarot to his knees and have a bout of animalistic sex. That sort of thing just didn’t go away because you did it once, but generally the urge wasn’t ever as strong as it was the first time. That first time was killer, because it took control of you until you had little choice but to give in. Stronger men than him had tried to stop the impulse and failed. But after that initial encounter, it was easier to handle. He looked at his son, who was still fidgeting and answered him (after much too long of a delay to be comforting.) “Not like you do now.” *rolls on floor laughing*

    “Ah, well,” she said with an attempt at a smile. “If you’re going to be here fohilehile I’m going to go take a shower…or a bath. Are you going to be around long enough I can take a bath?”

    He rolled his eyes at her and her long-ass baths, but nodded. She tossed the burp clothe on his shoulder patted him and ran off, up the stairs gleefully squeaking all the way. She was always a bizarre woman. -Squeaking all the way? Bizarre indeed! *chuckles*

    Goten huffed. “Alright, look. Why are you hanging on to this so hard? Are you really going to let Dad’s decision to be with Vegeta to ruin every single aspect of your…TRUNKS!” He jumped up from the rock he had been sitting on and charged across the space and tossed himself into his boyfriend’s arms. (Never mind he looked like a spastic fangirl mauling her favorite bishie.) *rolls eyes*

    “Every aspect of my trunks?” Gohan inquired, turned around and looked at them with a raised eyebrow. (Just a little tiny bit of amusement that warred with a lot of near-disgust.) How could Gohan be so dense? *laughs at his ineptitude*

    I am now wondering what Goten's response will be when Trunks tells him what he wants to do to goten. *smirks*

    KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!! Oh and review chapter 12 feaseeaseease.

    I am slowly trying to put my story up on Hudine's site as well.

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  • From ANON - Elenek on June 24, 2004
    Wow! It only took Trunks what 10 minutes to do more than Goten and Piccolo did in one week. You’re still missing the main conversation needed though. I know, it’s in the outline. You’ve been hinting at it for so long now. What is Gohan’s problem anyway? Is he just homophobic or does he just not trust Vegeta. If it’s the first then he’s just going to have to learn to live with it and there really isn’t much anyone else can do. If it’s the latter then he really just needs to be taught about saiyan culture and bonds. Yeah! Vegeta’s being a Dad again and not just nnoynnoying jerk.
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  • From ANON - chibi_vegeta on June 23, 2004

    these past two chapters, 30 & 31...completely define this fic...*grins*

    what may seem to be conflicts between the two are more than just that, they are also the things that bind them excellent definition of love, if I may say so...

    thank you...


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  • From ANON - Ele¨ Ï on March 08, 2004
    Glad to see that both you and this site are back up. Are you feeling better?
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