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Reviews for Family Therapy

By : CardDragonBall
  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on May 16, 2004
    Chapter 4

    Because if Aya had come to him bearing a dead hamster and asked why it had died, he probably would have dissected it in front of her impressionable little eyeballs and told her medical fact about how exactly it had died. --lmao!!! I love Goten he is a guy after my own heart...Poor little Aya, if that would have happened that would be horrible...So yes it is best to leave those questions to Trunks.

    “But,” she said again, “Grandma’s a boy.”--awww she is tooo CUTE!!!!!! lol I love how Goten is explaing all of this.

    (who was under him, in their room, on their bed.)--it's nice to see that they finally decided to use their room again.

    (Mostly because sex with Chichi was torture on his poor eardrums. Took too long and never paid off.) --rofl, aww well at least he will never have to relive that again.

    But his brother turned around and looked at him with that strange sense of dead seriousness.--Oh no...what is he buliding...!!!!


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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on May 16, 2004
    Chapter 3

    and was currently working on convincing Aya that skirts were not meant to be worn over jeans. --I loved these skirt lessons...very cute.

    “You’re right,” her father replied, “Its not fair that you’re repeating yourself and giving me a migraine, yet, here I am allowing you to do it.”--lmao!!! Poor Goten..yeah right. I love those kids! Go Aya give your dad a migraine thats so cute! hehe....

    “And here I thought you’d say something cute like: because my Mom is or something.” If you asked Vegeta, the twin, why it was he was so powerful he would tell you absolutely that it was his mother’s side that had given him his power. --aww that is so sweet I loved that definition...and the fact he thinks it has to do with the dermination of the Vegeta family...^_^

    I hope Aya gets to open that box...

    (He liked wildlife as much as the next, but he didn’t think he’d appreciate seeing a bear at this moment.) --GAH!!! *falls over laughing*

    Until he pulled back, looked at him very seriously, and whispered—yet again—“mine.” --that lemon was so...ah..*dies*


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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on May 16, 2004
    Chapter 2

    A set of sliding doors between them for when privacy was needed. --I didn't think that could last! ^.~

    That child refused to identify itself, naturally, but said only that it was indeed a child of the twins.) --lmao I wonder why the child didn't want to reveal themselves. I am happy that they seem to be living for a very long time. I was worried for a moment there. I just love the connection between the twins.

    why his brother was building a large cage (and Goten refused to elaborate on why that was,) --O_O I wonder why he is building a cage myself...strange...

    And being the father of this family, he had always thought that this rule did not apply to him. --lmao!!!! I figured that rule would not apply to him.

    As always delicious lemons!!!!

    I totally love the lemons between Goten and Trunks!!!!

    Gk: *looks at audience * Oh, hi! *notices audience looking at Vegeta * HEY! THAT’S MINE! *grabs Vegeta and carts him off *--ROFL!!!!!!!!!

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  • From ANON - macha on May 16, 2004
    So, Goten had the kids checking for any design holes in his cage, huh? *screeches* Cliff hanger, aaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Uh, oh, sounds like things are going to turn serious.

    Thanks for the map! I also like the dipictions! *so busy looking at map while walking falls off of cliff edge.*
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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on May 16, 2004
    Hello there!
    I am back!!!!!!! Gosh...I feel so bad I thought I had told you that I was going to be gone for about 4 days (in Florida, Disney World) Actually 5 days, my stupid brother Lucas who is 17 got lost -_- but when we found him he wasn't lost at all he was riding the rides!!!!! My dad was so pissed. We found him 5 hours later, and we were supposed to leave that day but we missed our flight. *kicks brother*

    But I read somewhere from Macha that you were worried about some of your reviewers. I told so many ppl I was leaving I think I lost track of everyone I was telling. -_- But don't you worry I would never abandon your fics they are too good to be true.

    Anyway I don't know how long it will take me to catch up but I will ^.~

    Now onto my review of the 1st chapter!!!!!
    He had opened his mouth to breath. --I loved that 1st line...great opener to a wonderful fic...

    the tongue in his mouth and realized—dimly through the sudden overwhelming lust—that he must be fertile again. --O_O *jumps up and down* Oh my gosh!!!!! that is so cool!

    This game of ‘use Aya as a ball’ was one of their favorite pastimes,--that is just mean!!!! How could they do that!?!?!?

    Goten rolled his oldest daughter up in a ball, kicked her straight intointo the middle of nowhere, then IT’ed to where she was headed, kicked her back. --ROFL!!!!! Oh man I am so gld I am not a child of a saiyajin!

    (She only called it this because ‘Uncle ‘Geta’ thought it was cute. She had him wrapped around her adorable little fingers and they both knew it.)--LoL that is cute! She could probably get away with murder. I love all of these little saiyajin kids that are just all so unique.

    As if Presta wasn’t a bigger pain in the ass. --LoL, love the eye rolling and everything..but it seems as though the brood of kids have probably all had there turns at being a pain in the ass.

    Bardock: Oh my goodness! I have a real personality now! I’m not cute anymore!--I think he is! In fact he is my fave!!! He was defending Aya that was so sweet!

    Loved the end notes as always!


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  • From ANON - Ginia on May 16, 2004
    I love your lemons... *sigh* Anyway, about that cage - Silly Goten for not thinking about the larger gaps on the bottom. Maybe if he suspended it before having the kids retest it... might need some kind of flooring (for comfort) over those bars... it would be hateful to have to walk or sit on those bars...

    You'll have plenty more than 35 words available on Monday to tell us about that cage... I can only hope you choose to use them.
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  • From ANON - Majin-Bulma on May 15, 2004
    O.O Thank you veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery Much ^_____________^ -pats her head and givers her a cookie-
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  • From ANON - Majin-Bulma on May 15, 2004
    O.O Thank you veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery Much ^_____________^ -pats her head and givers her a cookie-
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  • From ANON - jaygoose on May 15, 2004
    That age chart you gave Majin Bulma was very helpful. Me with my silly self was killing myself trying to come up with ages on me own.

    But about that cage...What the hell?
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  • From ANON - Majin-Bulma on May 14, 2004
    :O:| oooooooooOOOOOOOOOoooooooooOOOOOOOOOOooooooh O__O cages. >.> For Trunks!?! ( Oh ya, Trunks and Goten doing it in the cage XD) O_O XD ahahahaha O_O; Presta in a cage :O:| o.o; o.o >.> i wanna know ;_; ~!!!! >_< throws crutons at the author- O_o OR FEEL MY WRATH x_x AHDAJ SHD JHASDJ HHAHAHAH HAHA HDJAHSJ HAH A ----,.,,,,,, ya im good .O_o; M;lady O_O! Ah. So how old are the kids???????? O_O;
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  • From ANON - Ginia on May 14, 2004
    I think the cage is for all those puppies your mamma dog just gave you... well it _could_ be! How's the mamma? How many pups? The details woman! Share the details!

    I don't think a cage could be made strong enough to contain a 'seasonal' Presta... so if it's not for your puppies I haven't got a clue what it could be for... Could it be as simple as that? We just haven't been exposed to whatever the cage will be for yet?
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  • From Lenora on May 14, 2004 that you mention it...*Goten and Trunks peek out from behind her* I swear I didn't steal them this time!!! They came of their own free will! *stops Card from noticing the chains that kept them with her* :D well i was stumped on what the cage was for but now i agree that it's for one of Goten's daughters. Which one i'm not sure about though...
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  • From ANON - jaygoose on May 14, 2004
    I can apprieciate Goten's view on life. He's smart because he's a freak of nature. A very realistic view. I agree.

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  • From ANON - Webtester01 on May 14, 2004
    Anon- my post. Forgot to log in.
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  • From ANON - Anon on May 14, 2004
    Vegeta realized that logic did not play an important factor in where and when Kakarot thought to have sex, but sometimes he really had to wonder just how he ended up where he did. Like now, he was on his hands and knees in the dirt (yes, they were outside) with his mate buried deep inside of him while his tail was being sucked on (of all things.) Kakarot’s hands were on his chest and his erection and he had to bit his own tongue to keep from alerting any sort of wild animal of his activities. (He liked wildlife as much as the next, but he didn’t think he’d appreciate seeing a bear at this moment.) LOL

    Yeah. Since when did Goku ever use logic?

    Loved this chapter.
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