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Reviews for The More I Learn to Care For You: Ed's POV

By : squallstorm
  • From ANON - Amethyst-eyed Koneko on May 27, 2007
    What was Ed thinking when he tried to bluff Roy?? Roy is a master at bluffing and manipulating! No sex until after a successful date?? Oh jeez. Ed may have bitten off more than he can chew! It really was a bad idea for Ed to drag Roy into a club. And, on top of that, Ed didn't really properly ask Roy to dance with him! "So are you going to dance with me or just laze around?" *sigh* Ed has SO much to learn about courting someone! Roy's at fault too for this date not going as planned. Roy shouldn't have made Ed go to that miserable restaurant. Roy was trying to change Ed from the minute he made those reservations. jerk. :) I love Ed when he's totally furious! "Ed brought the full weight of his killing stare down on Roy's head. Die!" ROFL!! I love it!! The party goers musta thought that a demon was among them with that look in Ed's eyes! Roy can't help it that he's "so charming and good looking that the women want to be around [him]"??? Yeah, THAT's just the thing to say to someone who's already royally pissed at you! Ed may have acted like a bitch at times but Roy was being an ass at times too. This "successful date" thing is gonna be a huge problem for Ed. Never having planned a date and not having anyone he can ask for guidance is gonna make this really hard. Is Ed gonna have to give Roy flowers like Roy gave him when this crazy date began? Watching Ed figure out just how much he knows and doesn't know about Roy will be lots of fun! Hell for him to be sure but lots of fun for us! :D I liked how at the end of the chapter Ed got to dance all too briefly with Roy! The kissing in time with the countdown was great too! I asked ZaKai if Roy would be able to control his libido when he dropped Ed off at his place since they both are all horny and ready to go. Will Ed try and con Roy into having sex once they get home to try and make him forget about the successful date deal? Hey, it's worth a shot. I'm sure Ed can be very seductive if he wants to but Roy is quite a determined bastard and is enjoying watching Ed squirm too much. "But remember you said you wanted to be on top. If you want it you're going to have to earn it." *sigh* Poor Ed. I hope topping Roy will be worth all the hell he's gonna have to go thru to get it! :) You have my sympathy, Edo! :D
    Update soon!
    Koneko =^.^=
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  • From ANON - Outcast Martyr on May 19, 2007
    *clicks where the Next Chapter button should be, but can't find it, settles for Review instead*

    Heh, that's not bad at all. Although reading the dialog twice is a little... 'annoying' isn't exactly the word I'm looking for, but it's close. And you do a really good job keeping the repetition to a minimum between the two. Other than that, it's really good. I can't wait to find out exactly what Ed has in store...

    It's everything I was expecting from ZaKai, and now I'll have to look around and see what else kikiyo has written...

    *copies review to other half*
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  • From nomdeplume on May 17, 2007
    I want to tell you that I love this story and the concept behind it. I've enjoyed seeing what both characters are thinking with the same tones and words. I love where the story is going, that Ed is working to show maturity, and I'm enjoying how he reacts to Roy. I await seeing what will happen next.
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  • From yaoigurl06 on May 15, 2007
    Oh God! lol, if Ed was to have sex so bad, he should just tell Roy so they could leave. And Roy really needs to start treating Ed like an adult. You are both very good writers. Update soon please!
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  • From yaoigurl06 on May 13, 2007
    WOW! I just read both of them. I like where this is going! I love the two p.o.v. fic's. I don't think anyone's done that before. I think it's a good idea. Hope both of you update soon!
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  • From AmethystEyedKoneko on May 12, 2007
    As I told ZaKai, I love how Ed's tried to change the dynamics of their relationship by acting more grown up. He isn't really grown up being only seventeen "and a half" (*giggle* Hell, some of us never grow up! :D) and acting mature isn't really his thing (or mine!) but he's trying. Having Roy off balance puts them on a more level playing field - neither superior to the other. Roy is being forced to admit/realize that Ed is his equal. (Shame on you, Roy, for trying to change Ed into what you want him to be!) It's good that they can each grow and change and have a better relationship because of it! Ed will ever lose that snarky attitude of his (nor would I want him too!) and the playful sniping at one another will always be there. They wouldn't be who they are without it!! :D Roy actually admitting he was wrong and apologizing to Ed was a biggie! Who knew he had it in him! :D My favorite parts: Ed rolling his eyes at the waiter when the food arrived (What is it with fancy restaurants and the teensy tiny portions?) and the comment, "Must suck now that you can't be a pedophile anymore." LOL! Love it!! You dropped a tiny clue about what will happen after dinner. When Ed was in the bathroom, he mentioned something about a hall. hmm. What kind of hall? a music hall maybe? I wanna know!! Kitties are curious creatures and it's not nice to tease us so! XD
    Update soon!
    Koneko =^.^=
    P.S. It makes me sad that I was the only one to review chapter one. *sigh* Shame on everyone who didn't click the link. :(
    P.P.S. I feel your pain, Ed, about the tie. I hate the way really dressy clothes fit. They never feel natural - always itchy and uncomfortable. He should be thankful he doesn't have to wear heels! ugh! :)
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  • From KansouAme on May 11, 2007
    You guys this is really great. I love that Zakai is doing Roy's point of view and you Ed's. I can't wait to see where this goes. Thanks for the story and the different points of view.
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  • From ANON - Amethyst-eyed Koneko on April 22, 2007
    Hey! I really like this idea of yours! I don't think I've ever read a story that goes in tandem with another author's story quite like this one does! cool!! The language of flowers thing was fascinating! What could Roy mean by giving Ed a flower that means childishness? At first glance it does seem like an insult but there has to be a deeper meaning beyond that. I can't wait to find out! I'm curious to know what Ed has planned for after dinner!! :D
    Update soon!
    Koneko =^.^=
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