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Reviews for Moments In A Life

By : CardDragonBall
  • From Spacefille on July 02, 2004
    Oh wow! you wrote this for me and I haven't even been around to appreciate it! *loves you, showers you with hugs and warm affection* Thank you so much! This was excellent and lovely to read. :} So angsty.

    I wonder if any Vegeta/Krillin fans were born outta this? O_O

    Anyway... *goes to read more*
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  • From ANON - Webtester01 on July 01, 2004

    His two best friends in the whole world had suddenly irreversibly shattered his belin inn innate goodness. -Goku finally woke up to the real world. Not everyone 'good.' Vegeta in this story seems to have a need that he cannot see.

    So he left, but only for a little while, a few hours a day until he found that he was having sparring sessions with Gohan every Tuesday (thus far he’d only had the one, obviously, since it had only been a week.) Goten came to see him all the time and dragged him out to this great thing called a buffet where you paid them a little and they let you eat until you weren’t hungry anymore. (Big mistake for them. Lucky break for him.) Of course, Goten kept giving him rather odd looks and asking him odd questions about what he had done when he was a teenager. (Save the universe, son, the same thing I do now that I’m an adult! Goten hadn’t been amused, and pointed out that his father had only saved the universe once, and that he hadn’t done it alone, Vegeta had helped. It turns out Goten was talking about Buu.) His favorite color (which for some reason, Goten kept insisting ought to be purple, and he didn’t like purple.) If he had ever heard of a show called Tele-somebodies and some ling-po or sing-lala. Or Tinky Winky… The questions got a bit more bizarre after that and he was staring to think that the ‘scratch the back of your head and chuckle until EVERYONE is staring and thinking you’re a freak’ tactic wasn’t working. -Goten doesn't seem to care about Goku's privious 'saving the world' work.

    So, he’d had gotten up (from the buffet) and grabbed his son by the back of the neck, carted him out of the buffet while he stammered and said things like ‘geez, dad! I’m not a baby!’ and ‘I can walk you know!’ and ‘I can fly too!’ But he didn’t really care, he carried Goten until they were outside and dropped him on his butt in the middle of a park where little old ladies were making snide comments about the young ladies attire and children were playing with the dogs. -LOL Goten being dragged outside. That's a good one. And little old ladies making snide comments? How true.

    So, that's it. Bulma had another child with another man. - Oh, Bulma, Bulma, Bulma. *shakes head*

    “Tell me what happened Vegeta. Then I’ll leave you alone.”

    He didn’t turn. That wasn’t what Kakarot came for and they both knew it. -LOL *smirks at Vegeta* Looks like he is going to get it this time.

    Great chapter.

    Notice the text aligned along the edges of the page? This is what the Justify attribute looks like.

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  • From ANON - Macha on July 01, 2004
    Not wierd, just hentai! hehe

    Okay, so in the last chapter, I kind of thought that the conversation Chi Chi was talking about was about Bra and not a bra. So, now it would seem I was correct. It also seems that although Vegeta knows about her (although he hasn't said as much) he doesn't think she is his baby. And maybe where this story is going Bra isn't his daughter.

    Krillin is now over he addiction for Vegeta because he saw Goku kissing the Prince sayian? Well, I guess he isn't as hentai as me, because I would have been joining the two and not running away. hehe

    Goten and his beat around the bush questions. Doesn't he know his Father any better than that? The man doesn't take hints and sometimes not even straight out questions. I hope he learns someday.
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  • From ANON - EleneK on June 30, 2004
    Gohan is not an ass. I really must be rubbing off on you. He's not even that much of a prissy prude. He actually stayed in the room while a perent was talking about sex. Not even my sister is able to do that. Especially when Goku shows up in the kitchen covered in the evidence. LOL I loved the Uncle comment. That was just rich. The fact that Trunks and Goten are even discussing it sends shivers down my spine. gak! Poor Chichi still gets horny at the sight of Goku (or was it the pheremones?) and now she can't have him. Well, thats what she gets for divorcing a fine looking man like that. Oh no Bulma was pregnant. I like the fact that you reversed which woman lived and died. see ya -El-
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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on June 30, 2004
    *law and order music plays* Goku's on the case!!!! yay! Detective Son.

    “You don’t…uh…think of me like that, do you?”
    “No,” Trunks said.--*runs off screaming* The insanity of it all! *curls up in Saiyajin Enlightenment* ahh...that's better.

    “Just what is that supposed to mean?” Trunks demanded, “Is my dad not hot enough for yours or something?” --LMAO!

    “Honestly, I was thinking of calling up Vicky and getting laid.” --yeah he is calling me!!!! My 1st name is Viktorija middle name Mia..although no one has ever called me Vicky. *shrugs in defeat* So....I guess he's not calling me.

    “Right,” Videl said, “So you and Vegeta and sex. Why did you come here?” Lady had a point.--well duh to tell stories of his exciting sex life and make everyone jealous!

    “And we were talking about how…” this part sounded even worse “You could die. From sex.”--O_O!!! *falls out of chair laughing* Oh gosh, yeah that does sound somewhat ridiculous.

    She looked frazzled. Chichi looked frazzled when she got horny.--Lol I thought so.

    And what is this new clue about a wonder what it all means! Detective Son will figure it out!

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  • From ANON - Hecate18 on June 29, 2004
    I have stayed away from Aff for far too long, (I've got alot to catch up on 'Saiyan Enlightenment')

    Wow! This fic is original, I just love what you've done with the characters.
    I'm thinking Vegeta is mentally unstable, (But isn't he always???)
    Actually everyone seems odd (in a good way.) ^_^

    Goten and Trunks have GIRLFRIENDS!!!
    Noooooooooooooooooooo ::runs out of breath::

    And Chichi, she's um, nice!... and re-married O_O

    ::Sits patiently waiting for the next chapter:: ^-^
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  • From ANON - Macha on June 29, 2004
    Does Goku really think that he is going to be more knowledgeable about the whole situation by going around asking everyone he knows just one question? It would seem as though he doesn't want to fall off the afformentioned wagon by staying with one person and asking a whole lot of them. Maybe it's a question limit with him? Ask one, okay, ask two, okay, ask the third and it comes out really stupid? Sorry, I think that it would be kind of funny in a way if that was how his mind worked. (Am I strage or what? do I really want you to answer that question? *thinks about it* I guess you already know that I am *Shrugs*)

    It does seem to be that he is getting some where asking several individuals one question though. He was a horrible liar. hehe, Piccolo/sex....Riiiiight.

    Gohan did take the whole situation really well.

    Poor, poor scared Trunks. And disturbed Goten... hehe, good idea, become undisturbed by having hetero sex. hehe. (of course, yaoi sexsn'sn't bother me. *thinks for a moment* niether does yuri sex.)

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  • From ANON - jaygoose on June 29, 2004
    *gasps* Opps. Sorries. I am so lame. Heh...heh. This is like some kick ass murder mystery you know. It is so interesting. I feel so bad for the poor hetros (Trunks and Goten) I am amazed at how well Videl and Gohan took the news that Goku and Vegeta "had fun together". I like this so much.
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  • From ANON - Webtester01 on June 29, 2004
    Sorry I forgot to close a tag, so everything turned out bold. Ooops.
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  • From ANON - Webtester01 on June 29, 2004

    Goten finding out from Trunhat hat happended -LOL
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  • From ANON - jaygoose on June 28, 2004
    Even though I have read this already I just had to read it again. I still love it of course. I am so intrigued by this one. I find myself wondering what in the world is going on too. And if I was Goku I probably would have done the same thing. Not that getting sweaty and nake with our dear princy is a chore anyway. :)

    OH...have you read the new chapter for Saves the Day? MB said that she liked it which is surprising being that she loves Vegeta...put it this way, he didn't have a great time in that one. Oh and Cell is psycho...MB's words...not mine.
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  • From ANON - Webtester01 on June 28, 2004

    My responses are in bold and the coressponding parts are underlined. Emphisized text is boldundlined.

    Kakarot looked at him, looked at him forever with those eyes that were still so fucking innocent and he hated them. Hated the eyes. Hated the innocence, hated the loyalty and the kindness that were in them. The depth of understanding, and more than that, he hated that he had just used Kakarot. -Oh really? Gee I wonder why that is? *smirks at Vegeta*

    “What happened, Vegeta?” Kakarot asked, “With Bulma?”

    “Why would I answer you now when I didn’t answer you before?” he snapped, leaned back against the tub, and flicked the water off. It was running down the wall and onto the floor, soaking the rugs in the bathroom and Kakarot’s pants. Getting his back wet as he sat there and tried to figure out what he was supposed to do with the bastard now. He had just kept fucking Krillin, and having sex with Bulma. - Looks like the prince has some major sexual frustration!

    Kakarot shrugged again. “Did you call her a whore?” There was that tone of idiocy and cluelessness in Kakarot’s voice, but it was edged with the knowledge that there was no good answer to that question. Bulma had been Kakarot’s best friend for a long time, and you just didn’t go around and mess with a Saiyan’s best friends. Goku is smarter than he looks. *smiles*

    “And if I did?”

    “Did she deserve it?” Kakarot asked. That is an interesting question.

    “Answer the question,” and wouldn’t you know it, Kakarot figured out that whole ‘lowering your voice’ trick too. Made him sit up and take notice anyway. -LOL Lower your voice trick?

    Whatever he might have said was taken away by the pounding of a hard fist against the door, and his son’s voice: “Dad?” Urgent, worried. “Dad, are you all right? There was a lot of… Noise.” LMAO Noise mmhhhmmm. *chuckles*

    Kakarot looked up at him, bangs flopped forward in his face, guileless expression. And it was there, the knowledge that if Vegeta didn’t say something, Kakarot was going to, but fuck it, his kid knew he was doing the little bald thing it was certainly an upgrade to be found naked in the bathroom stinking of Kakarot. Guileless? Upgrade? *laughs at the dea*
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  • From ANON - Webtester01 on June 24, 2004

    That was a great chapter!! Keep up the good work.

    Vegeta and Goku got together after all. :-)

    And Goku liked it!! -LOL

    I wonder what he is going to see when he turnes around.

    Go forth and write.

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  • From ANON - Macha on June 18, 2004
    You know, I am really starting to like the flavor of this story, and not for the VxK. It's showing a not-so-nice-side of Vegeta. Something that I think a lot of us need to be reminded of.

    He's a bad man, with a badass attitude. And some of us really like that, even if we couldn't handle it in real life.

    Poor Krillin. I am about to say something that I hope nobody else reads, other than you. Maybe Krillin needs to get 18 a strap on; it might be something that he/she needs to continue on with married life. (ahhhhhhhhh, I blame the sake I am drinking, really I do!)

    Okay, so now, I have my hands wringing in anticipation for Vegeta's week or less prediction to come true.

    Hehe, what can I say, I really like VxG. Hmmmm, in reference to your other stories, who's holding out now? (I hope that you caught that.) Offended virgin? Riiiight. LMAO

    Oh, and I REALLY loved the t-shirts. I wish I could wear similar prints at work, but alas, I'd get fired.
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  • From ANON - Mechanical Butterfly on June 18, 2004
    Yes, he thought dryly, yell my name like that. It sounded all right. A little more purr --*dies* I love his thought process.

    He would bet his no-longer existent tail on the fact that Chichi turned into a bobcat when you stripped her. She probably grew claws and spawned a black leather whip. --lmao, you know that is a little scary. But I am willing to be my closet full o f pepsi that, that is true also. I like how Vegeta incorperated that thought.

    Grinned. “Offer me , Ka, Kakarot.”--Bold and sure of himself...really who could refuse that? WHO!?

    It was almost cute if a Saiyan capable of destroying a planet could ever be cute.--LoL aww look at that Goku just destroyed a planet he is adorable!

    “It wouldn’t be right.”--no it wouldn't, but everything is already so wrong.

    Maybe she would hate him, and then he would love her again.--this man needs therapy a.s.a.p! Complicated love is such an adventure, and when the ride is Vegeta who would ever want to give that up? I feel as though Krillen may just ruin his life.

    Bumping over every vertebra as if contemplating how best to snap the spine.--this scares me...I know this had been said before when he had sex with Krillen but it just sends shivers down my spine and makes me think he really did kill Bulma. Either way he seems to be a stagnate unstable. I dunno it seems like he can control himself well...but I'm unsure. It is so weird to think Vegeta is running his finger down Krillen's spine but not in an intimate fashion....

    “And stop coming to me.” All amusement gone. Only angry.--O_O! Vegeta has spoken, will Krillen listen?
    I do wonder.

    LMAO!!! at end notes they made me die laughing!!!
    Goku: Who in the hell got me dressed this morning?!?!?!--O_O *hides shirts and whistles* Certainly not I! *runs off*
    If Vegeta stalked me I would do flips and then I would stalk him back.
    *sobs* actually yes I thought Goku would jump right in the sack with Vegeta at the sound of his deep sexy voice.
    *places sandwich on Vegeta's bed* Look Goku a sandwich!!! *turns to Vegeta* Goku said he will now offer his services he is waiting for you in your room.
    MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! the evils of a fangirl!


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