Just For One Night | By : bigtrw Category: Gundam Wing/AC > General Views: 3531 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing/AC, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
“C’mon Relena, let’s go!” an
impatient voice said with a stomp of her foot.
Hilde ran a hand through her short, dark hair and checked her watch for
the tenth time in the last five minutes.
Two women emerged from the
bathroom- both of whom were in their late teens. One had long, honey-blond hair reaching down to just above her
waist, and the other had much brighter blond hair that reached all the way down
the back of her thighs.
“Jeez, what the hell took you so
“Sorry Hilde, Relena kept
fidgeting while I did her makeup,” Dorothy groaned. She turned to look at the young politician, and a grin spread
across her face.
“Hey, what’s up girl?” Hilde
asked, noting the way Relena kept looking at the carpeting.
“Guys, do I really have to do
this?” Her two friends just rolled their eyes.
“Yes. You’ve been stuck in ‘political mode’ for the last six
months. You’ve got a few days off, and
you’re gonna have some fun!” Hilde nearly shouted at her.
“Yeah but, what if someone I know
sees me like this?” Relena asked nervously.
She was dressed to kill- in every
sense of the word. She had on a pink
halter top that came down to just above her navel, and a black, leather
miniskirt that made her long, slender legs look very enticing. To make matters worse, she also had on
thigh-high black nylons, and a pair of black high heels.
Dorothy had done her makeup for
her. She had on some dark, blue mascara
that brought out her bright eyes, some rouge to accentuated the soft contours
of her face, and a touch of ruby lipstick completed the package. Her hair hung loosely behind her and had
been brushed so profusely that it nearly glowed.
“Relena, would you relax? First, nobody you work with is going to see
you, and secondly, even if they did, who in the world would believe that the
vice foreign minister would be going to a night club dressed like that?”
Dorothy laughed.
“C’mon, the guys are supposed to
meet us there!” Hilde piped up. Relena
nearly screamed.
“What? You mean Duo and Quatre are coming too!”
“Of course, do you think we’d let
them get out of taking us out on a Friday night?” both girls quipped. Relena’s face flushed, and she put her head
down again.
“Oh would you relax! They’re not gonna say anything!” Hilde
grabbed her friend’s hand and yanked her out the door before she made up
another excuse. What Hilde had
neglected to tell Relena was that Duo and Quatre weren’t the only guys coming;
Heero was coming as well.
“Duo Maxwell, the process of
combing one’s hair does not mean you comb each strand individually,” a voice
growled in a low voice. Duo came into
the room and grinned at his best friend.
“Heero, you have no idea how much
care my hair demands! It must be well
taken care of.” His statement earned him an angry glare from the perfect
“Be quiet, you two, if we don’t
hurry, we’re gonna miss the girls!” Quatre jumped in.
“Hmmph, like Hilde isn’t used to
Duo being late.”
“Hey Heero, what are you
“That you’re taking too damn
“Shut-up, I just wanna look
good!” Duo spat at him. He’d chosen a
black turtleneck and a pair of khakis for the evening.
“I still don’t believe that I
agreed to this!” Heero groaned. He was
dressed in a dark green, silk shirt and a pair of black jeans. His wild hair hung over his face and made
his cobalt eyes flashed with power and strength.
“Too bad, buddy, you did…now
let’s roll!”
Hilde, Dorothy, and Relena were
waiting in line when a familiar voice drew their attention.
“Hey babe!” Hilde turned to see
Duo running towards her. He swept her
off her feet and spun her around.
“Put me down!” she laughed.
“Hilde, you look great!” Duo
said, noting how her black dress hugged her slender form.
“And you look delicious,” she
cooed and kissed him long and deep.
Quatre walked up to his
girlfriend and kissed her hand.
“You look lovely tonight.”
Dorothy blushed slightly; regardless of how many he made, she always flushed
when Quatre complimented her.
Duo finally noticed Relena
standing behind them.
“Relena, is that you?” he
gawked. Hilde had given her a black,
suede jacket to wear, but she still looked hot.
“Yeah, it’s me,” she replied
meekly. Duo had to literally smack
himself to make his eyes blink again.
“Damn, what the hell happened to
“It’s called…drastic measures,”
Dorothy interrupted. The blonde looked
around and found someone missing.
“Hey, where’s number three?”
“Oh him, he’s making sure that
nobody steals his bike. I swear…he’s
obsessed with that thing,” Duo groaned.
“You forget…he restored the
entire thing by himself, and since it’s a classic Harley Davidson, I can
understand why he’s being cautious.
Those are very valuable nowadays,” Quatre stated.>
“You…you guys brought someone
else with you?” Relena gulped. Hilde
grinned devilishly at her.
“Of course, they did; he’s your
date for tonight!”
“My what?” Relena gasped.
“Your date, or did you expect us
to watch you sit in the corner all night?” Relena backed away from them.
“Oh no, I’m not going on a blind
date looking like this; I’m going home.” Just as Relena turned to leave, she bumped
into someone. The force of impact
caused her stumble, but a strong arm wrapped around her waist and steadied her
“I’m terribly sorry…I didn’t mean
to…” Relena’s lips froze in mid-sentence as she saw a pair of gorgeous cobalt
eyes gazing down at her.
“Hello Relena.”
Both of them looked at one
another and wondered if this was actually the same person that they knew. Heero was trying to get his mind to function
however it seemed to be distracted by the way Relena’s legs looked- long, creamy,
‘Shut-up!’ Heero ordered himself.
Meanwhile, Relena was trying to
remember how to breathe. Gosh, that
shirt looked made for him- silk over steel.
The top few buttons were undone and showed a fairly good portion of his
chiseled chest. Relena found herself
wondering if his muscles felt the same way they looked- strong, warm, hard…
‘Be quiet!’ she chided herself.
“Yo! Lovebirds, are you two gonna stare at each other all night, or
are you gonna come inside?” Duo laughed.
Heero glared angrily at the former Deathscythe pilot; the braided, young
man had failed to inform him that Relena was coming tonight. More importantly, that she was coming
dressed as the sexiest woman on the planet.
“Relena, should wen thn them?”
Heero asked quietly.
“Um…well…yes, I suppose so.”
Up until now, Heero had neglected
to realize that he’d had his arm around Relena’s waist for the last several
minutes. He quickly removed it, and
Relena was treated with seeing him turn a cute shade of pink.
The two of them followed their
friends into the nightclub. Heero
noticed the lust-filled glances that Relena was receiving from several men-
regardless of their age. Anger flared
up inside him, and he wondered why he felt like wanting to rip their heads
off. Out of reaction, he stepped up
next to Relena and placed his hand on the small of her back, sending out a
silent message that she was ‘off limits’.
Relena was extremely nervous as
she walked into the bustling nightclub.
She could feel and see men undressing her with their eyes, and her
stomach began to turn. Her fears fell
away when she felt Heero’s hand press up against her back in a silent gesture
of protection. She smiled inwardly;
he’d always been her silent protector.
The six of them sat down at a
table that was close to the dance floor.
Hilde tossed off her jacket and grabbed Duo’s hand.
“Come on, let’s go!”
“Right behind you, babe.” The two
of them disappeared in the mass of dancers.
“Dorothy, would you care to
dance?” Quatre asked.
“Yeah sure,” she replied and took
his hand. Now, it was just Heero and
Several minutes of silence caused
Relena to become a little edgy, and she nearly jumped when Heero talked to her.
“Huh what?”
“I asked you how Hilde convinced
you to come here,” Heero asked.
“Well…I was kinda forced into
coming here. I finally have a couple
days off and wanted some time to myself for once. Unfortunately, Hilde had other plans. The worst part is trying to not feel naked in this outfit.”
Relena rubbed her arms through her jacket and shivered.
“I think you look nice.” Her eyes
shot open. Had Heero just complimented
“Thank you…you look nice as
“Thanks, but I just tossed this
on while waiting for Duo to individually comb the strands of his hair.” Relena
started giggling, and Heero’s lips quirked up slightly.
“I wonder what his stylist
charges to do his hair!” she teased.
“Probably more than Hilde can
stand.” Relena folded her hands and looked down at the table.
“Heero…how come you haven’t been
around much lately? Did you leave the
Preventers?” Relena’s security was assigned directly by Colonel Une, and it was
usually one or several of the former Gundam pilots. When his eyes darkened, she withdrew slightly.
“I’m sorry…I shouldn’t pry.”
“Nah…it’s okay. Actually, I’ve been in training for the last
few months. Une said that I had to
learn how to act at least somewhat sociable, or she’d never assign me to
another ESUN summit ever again.” Relena couldn’t help it and burst out
laughing. Heero had been training in
‘high society etiquette’.
“So, did they teach what hand
you’re supposed to drink your tea from?” she teased.
“Hell no, there’s no way they’d
corrupt me that much. I’ll die before I
act like some rich, pompous snob. What
I learned was essentially the customs that different countries have, and how to
act if for some reason I have to appear in person at a summit.”
Relena found herself becoming
intrigued by this conversation. She and
Heero had rarely talked like this. Even
when he’d been assigned as her bodyguard, he was still too busy protecting her
to just hold a conversation with her.
Now though, he didn’t really have a ‘mission’ and seemed much more open
than he was originally.
“Did you have to learn how to
dance?” Relena blurted out, and a smile tugged at her lips.
“Just what are you implying?”
Heero countered with a raised eyebrow.
“Well, I’ve seen you waltz, but
that’s about it. Did you learn anything
else?” His eyes narrowed at her.
“I’ll make you a bet. I’ll bet that I can dance better than you.”
“Is that a challenge?”
“You bet your behind it is. Will you accept the challenge?” Heero’s eyes
were filled with mirth, and he was trying hard not to smirk. Relena, on the other hand, was grinning slyly
at him.
“You’re on, buster. Get ready…cause you’re about to be swept off
your feet.”
“We’ll see about that!”
Relena took off her jacket and
hung it on her chair. Their
conversation had loosened her up; plus, it was hot and stuffy with so many
people crowded inside the nightclub.
Heero noticed how the thin, red material clung to Relena’s body. The shoulder straps were very thin, and
Heero realized that was all she had on.
He suddenly noticed that he was no longer looking at the girl that he’d met
several years before. She was now a
woman and had developed into a total knockout.
“Shall we?” Heero asked and
extended his hand.
“You’re going down!” Relena
responded and grabbed his hand.
Inside the flurry of lights and
smoke emanating from the ceiling, Heero managed to nudge out a space for he and
Relena to dance in. The music was
fairly slow so Heero drew Relena into his arms, and she wrapped her arms around
his neck. The two of them held that
position for just a moment, relishing the feel of their closeness.
“Let’s dance.” At Heero’s
comment, they began moving. Relena was
surprised to find that he was quite a good dancer. He spun her out in a loop, and then slid over to capture her back
in his embrace.
Relena felt herself tingle every
time she pressed up against him. She
could feel the warmth of his body, and the strength of the muscles under her
fingertips. Relena couldn’t help but
notice how well she fit in his arms.
Her body fit naturally against his, and an errant thought in her mind wondered
if they would ever ‘fit’ together another way just as well.
This had started out as a
challenge, but now, to Heero, it was fight to maintain his sanity. He’d never anticipated Relena to feel so
good rubbing up against him. Her body
was so soft and tender against his hard exterior. She willingly pressed herself up against him and grazed his
exterior with her lusciousness. He
could smell vanilla every time she came close to him, and further exploration
told him that it was coming from her blond tresses.
“Relena!” he gasped and suddenly
spun her around.
The girl felt a little stunned as
Heero pressed himself up against her back and wrapped his arms around her
waist. She turned her head and looked
into his eyes. Even with spotlights
flickering all over the place, Relena could still see the fire blazing in his
“Relena,” he groaned softly and
nuzzled the back of her neck. She
shivered as his arms tightened around her.
Relena finally understood what was happening. Heero was letting himself go.
For once in his life, the perfect soldier was letting himself go; he was
letting go of his logic and acting solely on emotions and instinct.
“Heero…” she sighed and pressed
herself back against him a little harder than before. Relena smiled when she saw his smile of approval. Feeling her mind haze over slightly, she
wiggled her hips against his waist and was rewarded with a deep, masculine
groan from her partner.
“Heero…what are we do” Re” Relena
gasped as she felt him press against her backside again. This time, she felt a firm hardness below
his waist.
“I have no idea, but I don’t want
this to end.” He nuzzled her neck again and gave her earlobe a gentle nibble.
“Don’t stop…” Relena could
scarcely believe what she was saying, but she didn’t care. She wasn’t concerned about who saw her, or
what people would say? Heero was holding
her and touching her the way that she’d only felt in her dreams.
Heero’s strong hands slid down
over her skirt and rubbed her thighs.
He slid them back up her smooth legs, and Relena felt her cheeks heat
up. Reaching back, she wrapped her arm
around his neck and pulled his head down to hers.
“Heero…” she murmured with his
face an inch from hers, “…my Heero.” Without hesitation, his lips captured
hers. It only lasted a few seconds, but
it burned into both of their memories for all time.
“Relena…” he groaned against her
neck, “…my sweet.” He claimed her mouth again and pressed himself harder
against her. Without even thinking,
Relena began to roll her hips back against him and rub her backside directly
over his groin.
The next song came on, and Relena
decided to let all of her inhibitions go.
I don’t know what is
But when I think about you
You’re so irresistible
Don’t try to tell me
That he’s not my type
Cause I know what I feel inside
When he makes me weak with desire
I know that I’m supposed to make
him wait
Every though I like to think
What happens when I keep fanning
the fire
I know I’m meant to say no
But he’s irresistible
Up close and personal
Now inescapable, I can hardly
More than just physical
Deeper than spiritual
His ways are powerful
Relena felt like the song was
telling her feelings to Heero. She
couldn’t say them out loud so she let the song, and her body tell him
instead. Her hips gyrated back into him
again and again. Selt elt his hands
slide up her body and brush across her breasts.
Heero wanted nothing more than
touch and feel every inch of Relena’s body.
He’d listened to the song and felt her movements. He knew what she was saying to him. That deep inside her, there was a part of
her that burned up with the thought of being with him- to lie in his arms all
night and wake up in the morning in his embrace.
“Relena…” he said huskily in her
“Mmm,” she cooed softly, while
rocking her hips in time with his.
“My sweet…let’s take this
somewhere else. I want you all to
myself.” Relena’s body nearly exploded when she heard his words. Heero reluctantly let her go but kept a hold
of her hand.
“Let’s get out of here.”
“Yes.” Relena knew the look in
his eyes; he was holding back his passion because they were inside a
nightclub. She could only guess what he
could be like when they were alone.
The two of them left without even
saying goodbye to everyone else; Relena didn’t even bother to take her jacket
with her. Heero jumped onto his bike,
and Relena climbed on behind him. She
wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. Her hands strayed down towards the front of his jeans, but Heero
turned to look at her.
“If you do that, I’ll drive off
the road…just be patient.” She did as he asked, and they sped off into the
It seemed like hours to Relena
before Heero finally pulled over and turned off his bike. She gazed around at the scenery. He’d brought to a rocky outcropping next to
ocean. But why?
“Heero, why are we in front of a
bunch of rocks?” The perfect soldier slid off his motorcycle and turned to look
at her.
“Trust me,” he stated and
extended his hand. She took it and
suddenly found herself swept up in his arms.
Heero pulled her close and ran straight towards the barrier at the
“Heero!” Relena gasped as he
jumped over the edge.
A few seconds later, they landed
back on solid ground, and Relena opened her eyes. They were on the sand now.
Looking upward, Relena noticed that the rocks formed a large overhang
over this small cove, and it couldn’t be seen from the road.
“Heero, how did you know this was
here?” He set her down on her feet.
“I’ve been here several times
before. I come here to think; it’s
quiet and hidden.” Relena kicked off her shoes and squeezed the warm sand
between her toes.
“What do you think about?” she
asked softly, leaning back against the rocks.
“A lot of things: the past, the present, the future, the war,
you, me…”
“You think about me?” Relena cut
in. Her face flushed, and she turned
her head away shyly. Back at the club,
her body had done most of the thinking, but now, she wasn’t lost in a haze of
music and smoke. It was just Heero and
A strong hand cupped her chin,
and Relena found herself looking into a beautiful pair of cobalt eyes.
“To answer your question, yes, I
think about you. I think about the
times that we’ve met, the pain that we’ve been through, the arguments that
we’ve had…” Heero grinned slightly at that remark, “…the reasons why I always
stay close to you, the reasons why I always protect you…”
“Why do you protect me, Heero?”
Relena interrupted again. Her heart was
pounding rapidly, and her palms were sweating.
Heero didn’t answer her, but instead, place his hands on either side of her,
trapping her body against the rock face.
“Why do I protect you?” he stated
and leaned in close to her. Relena
could feel his warm breath on her lips, and her heartbeat increased even more.
“Why do I protect you?” Heero
repeated and leaned his body against hers.
“Because you’re the one person
who gives me hope, Relena.” His answer took her by surprise, and she wrapped
her arms around his shoulders.
“Is it only hope that I give
you?” she asked while trying not to stutter.
“No, my sweet, you also give me
this…” His lips touched hers in the gentlest of brushes. Relena felt like she was going to melt;
gosh, Heero could kiss. Only his strong
arm encircling her waist kept her legs from buckling.
Relena felt him press up against
her, and she marveled at how well they fit together. Before she could think, Relena found herself swept off her feet,
and the soft sand touched her back.
Heero lay next to her calmly
stroking her cheek. He seemed to be
observing her, seeing if she was okay with what they were doing.
Relena turned on her side and
gazed into his deep, cobalt eyes. As
much as she wanted to bury herself in his arms and lose herself in him all
night, there was a nagging voice in the back of her mind.
“Heero…is this all we have?” she
asked out of blu blue. He looked at her
rather confused.
“Excuse me?” Relena lowered her
head slightly; she couldn’t say this to his face.
“Is this all we have? Is all we’re able to have a single night
together where we just walk away from each other the next morning? Is all we’re able to have just a single
night of unreleased passion?” Tears stung her eyes as she spoke, but once the
words started, they wouldn’t stop.
“Relena…” Heero’s near desperate
tone caught her slightly off-guard, and she felt him grapple her to his chest. He tilted up her chin so he could look into
her eyes.
“My sweet, listen to me very
carefully, I would never…ever treat you like a one-night stand. I would rather stay away from you forever
and be miserable than just be with you for one night. If you’re wondering if all we’ll have it just a few stolen
moments, I promise you that I won’t let that happen.”
“But Heero…you know what my life
is like. I’m hounde rep reporters day
in and day out; my life isn’t my own anymore.
What would happen to you…to me…to us if we were together?”
Relena couldn’t believe that she
was saying this; it was the exact opposite of what she wanted to say. If he was willing to be with her, she’d
gladly give up everything she had, but so many people depended on her. She expected Heero to be angry, but instead,
he calmly stroked his fingers through her hair.
“Relena, I want to ask you
something. You’ve thought of me, your
brother, Noin, the Preventers, the ESUN, and everybody else. That’s fine. But what about you?” Heero’s hand slid out of her hair and cupped
her chin. “Not Relena Peacecraft or
Relena Dorlian but just Relena…what do you want?”
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