Tryst | By : Robyn Category: Dragon Ball Z > Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 9514 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I don’t own DB/Z/GT or any of the characters found in this fic. They are the property of TOEI ANIMATION in Japan and FUNimation in the U.S.A. I am making no money from this work of fanfiction. |
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Disclaimer: I don’t own DB/Z/GT or any of the characters found in this fic. They are the property of TOEI ANIMATION in Japan and FUNimation in the U.S.A. I am making no money from this work of fanfiction.
Rating – NC-17
Warnings – Asphyxiation,Spank, M/M, lemons, front, ki bondage, anal, oral, premature ejaculation. One shot, PWP, alcohol use. OOC. Warning I forgot - random Japanese terms.
Pairing – Vegeta/Gohan
Beta – Hoshi! THANK YOU HOSHI!!!!
A/N – One shot for Angelus of the Hentai Institute. Not that she was expecting it…
The alcohol was impairing Gohan’s coordination – and his judgment. “Hahahahaha,” he’d almost fallen into Vegeta’s lap after tripping over the Persian rug. “Whoops, sorry,” the demi had managed to catch himself awkwardly, one hand on the arm of the leather couch and the other on its back, barely keeping himself from planting his face right into the prince’s groin. The thought made him giggle more – which made it so he couldn’t gain enough muscle focus to move.
“Would you get off me,” Vegeta frowned at Gohan. The half-breed had progressively been making more and more of an ass out of himself and Bulma had whispered at him harshly to do something about it. Contrary to his initial reaction to the woman ordering him to do anything, Vegeta had complied. Mostly because the half-breed brats didn’t need to think this was acceptable behavior. Hopefully his son, daughter and Kakarott’s youngest brat thought Gohan was getting his ass pounded in the gravity room until he was sober.
Gohan licked his lips after his laughter had run its course. “Isn’t there anything to drink in here?” he asked Vegeta in a drunken whisper. It was difficult for Gohan to imagine such an extravagant den not having something as simple as alcohol. If memory served him right, and that was doubtful at the moment, he’d never been in this room at Capsule Corporation.
“You can drink water,” the prince replied gruffly; he’d have to go get it, but boy-genius obviously didn’t need any more alcohol. The stink of alcohol was strong enough on Gohan’s breath he thought he could get drunk from just the fumes. “Just how much have you had to drink?” Vegeta blinked at the younger man. It took an awful lot of spirits just for him to get buzzed; Vegeta couldn’t imagine the amount of liquor it would take Gohan to get in this state. Even if his mixed birth didn’t give Gohan the same tolerance, someone should have noticed long before he ever got this drunk how much he had been drinking.
Gohan’s eyes cast down as he frowned while he attempted to think about it. Then he shrugged and grinned at Vegeta, “I forgot.” Vegeta’s frowned deepened. “Why don’t we go back to the party?” Gohan suggested. So what if he was a little drunk? He was cutting loose without his wife, mother or sensei to watch over him. Nothing wrong with that.
“You need to sober up, that’s why,” Vegeta stated, crossing his arms over his chest. It was a bit disconcerting to have Gohan staring at him from this close – without the glasses he looked vulnerable, younger, something. Leave it to a Son to not think of being in another person’s personal space for the better part of five minutes. “Where is your wife?” The brat’s spouse should have been here to babysit her errant husband – not him.
“Sewing costumes with Pan at home,” Gohan shrugged, hoping to keep Vegeta talking. Watching the prince’s lips move was fascinating; there were times he could see bits of canine teeth.
Vegeta sighed. He should have stayed training in the G.R. rather than coming out to get food. With Kakarott gone – and that still irked him to no end – there was always leftovers after one of the woman’s parties. He’d barely had anything to eat before Bulma had told him to take Gohan elsewhere.
“Vegeta,” Gohan said when it seemed like he had lost the prince’s attention. When Vegeta turned his attention back to him Gohan leaned in.
Vegeta’s eyes widened in shock as Gohan’s lips meshed against his. He uncrossed his arms in order to press the younger man’s shoulders. He ended up grabbing the half-breed’s button-down shirt when it seemed as though he had pushed Gohan too hard and he was about to crash back into the crystal coffee table. “What are you thinking?” The hungry silence he received from the other wasn’t comforting. “You wouldn’t do this if you were sober.”
Gohan swallowed as he leaned forward, “Doesn’t mean I haven’t thought about it.”
Vegeta was seriously stunned by Gohan’s admission. Gohan took advantage of the prince’s silence and shifted until he was back in the same position as when this had started. He pressed his lips to the prince’s again, humming as Vegeta responded by kissing back this time instead of shoving him backwards.
Thoughts sped through Vegeta’s mind overrunning most cautions. Gohan had thought about this? He was so much younger…the kiss was passionate enough for Gohan to have given a lot of thought into this. Whatever mixed drinks Gohan had been drinking tasted a whole lot better on the young man’s tongue than they smelled on his breath.
Gohan shifted in order to wedge his left knee between the arm of the couch and Vegeta’s outer thigh. Their tongues continued to play and lips suck as he set his other knee on the couch over Vegeta’s other thigh. He moaned as Vegeta’s hands cupped his ass and dragged him further onto the prince’s lap as far as physics of furniture would allow. He braced his hands on the back of the couch, continuing to kiss Vegeta with passion born of decades of fantasies. He stilled as one of the prince’s hands slid up his side, over his chest and came to rest comfortably – possessively – above his collar, at his throat.
There had to be something seriously wrong with him, Vegeta decided. He hadn’t had a clue Gohan harbored any interest in him other than the occasional spar until a few moments ago and now he was seriously considering bedding a man that was around the same age he had been when he first came to Earth. The ass he held in his hand was firm, the thighs outside his own warm and well muscled, the vibrations under his other hand from Gohan moaning were delightful, but what about Gohan’s perfectly happy life? A wife and child he knew the younger man absolutely adored. “Gohan, we should stop,” as much as it pained him to be the responsible one at the moment, Vegeta knew Gohan was drunk.
“No,” Gohan wasn’t going this far only to stop now – drink or no drink he’d hoped, dreamed, fantasized of an opportunity such as this. “If you are saying so out of some thought of kindness directed at me, don’t. I’ve wanted you…” he closed his eyes and sighed before leaning forward and whispering in Vegeta’s ear, “If you knew how much I’ve wanted you,” he licked Vegeta’s ear, “If you are saying so because you don’t want me, I’ll beg,” he kissed down the prince’s throat, “Would you like that, Saiyan no ouji? Your rival’s son begging for you to use him?” he opened his eyes as he drew his lips away from Vegeta’s neck, pressed his forehead against the saiyan’s and closed his eyes once again. “Please, Vegeta. One night…”
Gohan’s words twisted Vegeta’s gut with lust. The hand he held around Gohan’s throat squeezed just the tiniest bit as he fought with himself not to just take hold of the other, rip his clothing as necessary to be inside him. He didn’t realize he was growling until Gohan’s lips touched his gently. “You have absolutely no idea what you are getting into…”
“Yes,” Gohan pressed forward, tingling lips meshing wetly, and then drew back enough to continue speaking, “I do. I’ve touched myself so many times thinking of you…” why was he saying these things? Oh, yes, because Vegeta valued directness and boldness – and he was just drunk enough to be those things.
“Jerking off isn’t the same…” The idea of someone masturbating to the thought of him was as flattering as it was disturbing.
“I was doing that too, but,” Gohan reached back and settled his hand over the one Vegeta was still holding his ass with, “I touched myself here too,” he said, forcing Vegeta’s hand to slide over the pocket of his slacks until he felt pressure along the center seam. “Plunged my fingers as far as they would go, cumming to the thought of you inside me. Are you surprised?” he asked as he thought he detected Vegeta’s breath catch. He didn’t bother to explain the toys he’d bought as pretense presents for his wife that he’d used in secret. “Do I disgust you? I can be so depraved, Vegeta. You have no idea.”
Surprised was an understatement – disgust was the last thing on Vegeta’s mind. Saintly Gohan had been…oh, the thought made him dizzy. Gohan shifted the tiniest fraction and Vegeta squeezed the hand he held around his throat and dragged him forward despite the tiny croaking sound Gohan made and kissed him heatedly. Relaxed his hold on the younger man’s throat and slid his fingers up into his short dark hair. Gripped tight as he used his other arm to pick Gohan up and deposit him so he was lying on the black leather cushions of the couch. Fit himself between those warm muscular thighs and leaned forward enough to kiss the man again. Growling and nipping as the one beneath him thrust up, arousal from both of them scenting the air.
Gohan gasped and pressed his hips up, his hard on rubbing against Vegeta’s through their clothing. Vegeta showing interest in him – returning his excitement – giving him the time of day outside of a spar. He’d only ever dreamed of this and it was difficult to believe it was really happening. He groaned loud before whispering, “I’m going to cum in my pants if we keep this up…”
Vegeta growled down at the man beneath him whose eyes were closed. It was fascinating to feel and watch Gohan writhe beneath him, “Yes…I’d like to see that,” it would be even more fascinating to watch him lose himself from just the stimulation of them humping each other. Enough to get him off as well. Too bad the half-breed suddenly panicked.
“N-no!” Gohan gasped, trying to move out from under Vegeta, “I want you inside me – please!”
Vegeta’s initial alarm transmuted to perceptive understanding at Gohan’s plea and he lifted his right hand from where it had rested on the outside edge of a cushion and caressed Gohan’s cheek, “Easy, Gohan,” he said as he stilled. When the other stopped struggling and looked at him he continued, “You asked for one night, right?” Slow dawning on the other’s features encouraged him to continue, “Then we have a whole night. So many opportunities; not one climax and then it’s over. You’re good for more than just one shot, aren’t you?”
“Oh…” Gohan’s embarrassed giggle was cut off as Vegeta pressed down against him again rubbing their erections over each other and he cried out, pressing back. The idea of his fantasy not hindered by quantity…Vegeta’s interrupted rhythm picked up again and his focus turned inward to sensation as his once worry was killed.
Watching the goodie-two-shoes get off fully dressed was messing with Vegeta’s head. How was he supposed to have known Gohan was such a closet freak? The younger man was 35 years of age, maybe older. He’d known the man as a boy and this was the first sign he’d seen Gohan wanted something out of the norm. The man beneath him groaned and rocked, muscular thighs squeezing his hips, a fragile gesture that wasn’t so much meant to hold him as enlighten him to how pleased the younger was of the attention. Which in turn pleased him. Gohan’s hands snaked their way up his arms and then strong hands were gripping his shoulders as the other rose to meet him again and again – what was it going to be like when they were doing the real deal? He hadn’t bedded strength that matched his in decades. The thought almost pushed him over the edge; as it was Vegeta was left dancing precariously close.
Vegeta’s hard cock rubbed against Gohan’s in a sensual rhythm that made his breath hitch constantly, sometimes when he was breathing in, others when he was breathing out would result in short ‘oh’s. As he felt himself draw closer he shifted his hands up Vegeta’s arms in order to grip the other’s shoulders, trying to direct a bit more pressure where he needed it. The prince shuddered above him, a long low growl escaping the saiyan’s throat and Gohan lost sight of the alien’s beautiful face to a bright flash that drowned his senses.
When Gohan shouted and his body arched beneath his, Vegeta finally let himself go. It had been as beautiful as he thought it would be – Gohan’s face flushing, his eyes closing and his mouth opening just so. Not to mention the additional heat as Gohan had pressed up against him firmly. He lowered himself to Gohan’s heaving chest, scooting forward, causing both of them to gasp, in order to lean down to kiss those panting lips. It was a slow kiss, full of the same fulfillment he felt at that moment. Complete now, Vegeta didn’t feel the need to hurry. Gohan’s mouth responded, tongue winding slowing around his. It wasn’t long before they were both moaning and Vegeta drew back, running a hand through his hair, which was finally growing out, as he looked around the den. “Let’s move this to somewhere more private…” he said to the younger man that was running his fingers up his chest in a very distracting manner. Chances were if they, or at least he, didn’t make an appearance the woman would come to check on them. Although he and Bulma weren’t ‘together’, he’d still feel awkward trying to explain his actions with Gohan.
Gohan pouted but grabbed Vegeta’s hand once the other was off the couch and standing and let himself be pulled to his feet. His cum was already cooling but he couldn’t bring himself to be disgusted – it served as a reminder of what had taken place and that soon more would happen, turning him. He stalled Vegeta as the saiyan turned to leave the room, leaning down for another kiss as Vegeta turned back to him. He smiled as Vegeta kissed him, and then rubbed his nose against the prince’s after he drew away and allowed himself to be tugged behind the other out of the den.
Several twists, turns, ups and downs through Capsule Corporation’s corridors later and Vegeta opened one door that looked very much like any other in the same hall. The prince flicked the light switch on and then opened the door wider to allow Gohan in before shutting and locking the wooden barrier. When he turned back he noted Gohan was looking around his room, almost inspecting it. Vegeta supposed Gohan’s curiosity shouldn’t surprise him; he never opened the door to his sleeping quarters to anyone other than his family – and even then most of the time he let them say what needed to be said from the other side of the threshold. It felt strange to have one of Kakarott’s whelps in his room, let alone for the reason Gohan was here. At least Gohan seemed more sober at the moment.
Gohan turned as Vegeta cleared his throat, his breath catching as Vegeta approached him. Strong hands ran up his arms, clutching at his shoulders and he bent down for the kiss he had denied himself on the short journey here. Someone catching them in the halls with his lips locked with Vegeta would be difficult to explain. He grunted as Vegeta pushed him back and then shoved a little harder on his shoulders, causing him to gasp as he fell back, the mattress breaking his fall. The tiny adrenaline rush from Vegeta pushing him around made him purr as Vegeta climbed up on the mattress with him, pressing Gohan to lie back with a connection of their lips once more.
Tongues danced as groans escaped. Hands felt as bodies rocked – all with clothing still in place. Gohan was panting again when Vegeta finally drew back, a small scowl on his face. The demi’s concern he had done something wrong was neutralized as the prince spoke. “I need to go talk to Bulma. Give her a tale so she won’t come barging in unexpectedly or send someone to check on you.”
Gohan frowned, but nodded he understood, leaning up in order to capture Vegeta’s lips with his briefly once more before he pulled back, eyes down cast, “Hurry back.” He looked up as the prince’s hand cupped his cheek. The almost gentle gestures were strange – not something he’d thought Vegeta would indulge in. It was good to know there was more to the saiyan than just the fantasies he’d created. He wasn’t certain he was ready for some of his more violent fantasies to happen tonight.
“Of course. Make yourself comfortable,” Vegeta said with a slight smirk before he shifted off the bed and headed out the door.
Gohan sat up as the door shut, looking around the room once again. He shifted to his feet heading to the bathroom he’d noticed upon first entering the room. He planned to do exactly as the prince had said – make himself more comfortable.
Vegeta grimaced as he walked down the hallways in order to get to the outdoor party. Had he been thinking about it he would have just left by his balcony – but he hadn’t. Gohan was turning out to be quite a distraction; a pleasant one. He scouted the group of people still in attendance, looking for the best moment to approach Bulma or get her attention. There were still too many people out there with more than human sense of smell. It wouldn’t take them long to figure out what was going on. Bulma on the other hand wouldn’t notice anything other than he hadn’t changed his training gear and still smelled from his work out. A moment later he was able to catch her eye and beckon her away from her guests.
“How’s Gohan?” Bulma asked once she was within a couple of steps of the saiyan.
Vegeta crossed his arms before he spoke, trying to affect the same air of indifference he normally did. “Passed out. I’ve taken him to my room to sleep it off,” he hoped to be able to leave it at that.
“Oh, well, maybe I should call Videl…”
“I won’t let him leave the premises tonight. He’ll be staying here until morning – just to be certain…”
It was Bulma’s turn to frown. Usually Vegeta didn’t take this much interest in anybody else’s dilemmas, “Is he going to be okay?”
Vegeta shrugged, “I’ll get him some water for when he wakes up. He’ll be fine with a few hours rest.”
“Well, we could let him have one of the guest rooms…”
“Don’t want him to vomit and choke on it,” Vegeta countered.
“Okay. I just don’t want him to be more of an imposition than he already is for you…”
Vegeta shook his head and smirked. “I’ll make him work it off sometime with a spar.”
That sounded a whole lot more like that man she knew. Bulma had sat through a couple of rants this alien had about how Kakarott’s son was wasting himself by not training. “Okay, just not first thing in the morning,” she said with a wink.
Vegeta gave a short bark of laughter, drawing more attention from the crowd than he had wanted. He whispered, “It would serve him right, but I won’t. I’ll send him packing as soon as the sun’s up.” With that he turned and headed back to his bedroom. Hopefully Gohan hadn’t left or passed out with as long as it had taken him to gain and then divert the woman’s attention.
Gohan lifted his head from one of Vegeta’s pillows as he heard the knob turn. He was a bit embarrassed, but it was also difficult not to hide a smirk as Vegeta came in, locking the door before he turned around. Gohan wondered what the saiyan thought when seeing him laying on his bed in nothing but a towel. “I hope this is what you meant by getting comfortable,” he told the prince. He needed another drink – he was already putting too much thought into this.
Vegeta let his gaze roam over the man on his bed from face to toes, smirking as Gohan rolled to his side in order to face him. The white towel showed that Gohan’s skin really was a cream color, both skin and terry framed starkly against his black comforter. “Almost,” he finally responded and then began stripping off his training gear.
Gohan bit his lower lip as Vegeta stripped. The saiyan was doing so slowly, but not so slowly it became a show. Still, he was able to watch muscles of the alien tense and relax. He whimpered slightly, his own hand snaking down his side to settle on his hip as he became excited, tempted to touch himself and barely restraining from doing so.
With his clothing now pooled on the floor Vegeta raised one finger in Gohan’s direction, gesturing for him to wait one moment as he entered his bathroom. He noted Gohan’s clothing neatly folded and on the counter, shoes on the floor, as he dug through one of the drawers, finding the lube there. As an after thought he grabbed one of the glasses from the counter and filled it with water before returning to his bedroom, the young man’s attention drawn immediately to him. “Sit up,” he ordered as he walked over, “Drink this,” he said as he thrust the glass in Gohan’s direction. After Gohan began drinking Vegeta sat on the edge of the mattress, the other moving over slightly in order to make room for him. He took the empty glass as Gohan handed it to him and turned, one knee and thigh settling on the mattress as he stretched in order to set the glass on the nightstand.
When Vegeta turned back he ran his hand down Gohan’s side, watching the other’s ribs expand as Gohan breathed, goosebumps forming over the flawless skin in the wake of his touch. The young man’s breath hitched as he tugged at the towel, undoing the loose knot and then flinging the extra material out to settle on the mattress behind Gohan. When the demi made to roll back, Vegeta placed his hand on his hip. Then he slid his hand over his ass, gripping flesh firmly before he ran his hand up Gohan’s back, watching him arch into his touch as a tiny moan escaped him. It was going to be incredible to have that body under him, responding so vibrantly. He licked his lips before he spoke, “Are you absolutely certain this is what you want, Gohan?” as disappointed as he would be if Gohan changed his mind now, he didn’t want to take the other by force or under false pretenses.
“I am certain, Vegeta,” Gohan whispered. He gasped as Vegeta scratched nails down his back.
Vegeta licked his lips as he watched red marks form down the pale skin of Gohan’s back, “I need to know – have you ever been with anyone else in this manner?”
Gohan flushed, wondering why it mattered, “No.” He hated the tiny quiver in his voice as he said it. It made him sound insecure – nervous.
Vegeta smoothed his hand up Gohan’s back, over the marks he had made, slipping over his shoulder and then cupping his cheek as he finally made eye contact. He smiled, “Okay,” he said as he bent to kiss Gohan. He swathed his tongue against the others, moaning encouragingly as Gohan whined and scooted until the young man’s erection brushed against his hip and dragged to Vegeta’s thigh, smearing a damp path as Gohan rubbed against him. There was certainly no doubt the demi was turned on. He parted slowly from Gohan’s lips, taking the younger man’s hand in his and sliding it over his torso, around his hip and then to his ass, “Hold yourself open for me,” he said as he stretched back to grab the lube from where he’d placed it on the mattress.
As Gohan grabbed a handful of his own ass and spread himself as Vegeta had instructed the prince smeared lubricant onto his fingers. He dropped the tube within easy reach in front of his knee and then pressed his fingers against Gohan’s anus. He rubbed gently, appreciating the quiet mewls of pleasure escaping the other at his touch, before slipping a finger inside. With Gohan’s quiet exclamation of pleasure and the fact he didn’t tense the slightest at the intrusion, Vegeta slipped a second finger in, enjoying Gohan’s reactions immensely. Watching him as he bit the pillow below his arm to stifle his calls as he rocked back and forth. Vegeta scissored his fingers to stretch him and then added a third. He deviled further into the younger man’s body, twisting his hand and growling when Gohan shouted as he found his prostate.
Gohan panted and cried out with his eyes closed as Vegeta mercilessly rubbed the spot over and over. He felt himself jerking uncontrollably, his aching, leaking cock rubbing against Vegeta’s leg, his whole body tensing as Vegeta’s other hand came to rest hot and heavy on his hip. “I see you’ve had a whole lot of fantasies concerning me touching you.” Gohan could only groan in response. “I wonder if you’ve ever fantasized of having my hard cock in your mouth.” He quickly moved his hand from Gohan’s hip to tweak his nipple. Gohan exclaimed and arched at the unexpected touch, and the prince filed the reaction he away – he’d have to do something more intense with Gohan’s nipples later.
“Have you?” Vegeta growled as he stilled his fingers and slipped his other hand back to Gohan’s hip.
Gohan whined piteously, trying to rock his hips back. He finally answered in hopes Vegeta would continue, “Yes,” he admitted.
Vegeta’s fingers started working him over again. “I’m going to make you cum,” Gohan barely heard Vegeta’s growled words over his own senseless moaning, “And then you are going to kneel on the floor and suck me off.” The image that produced in his head helped throw Gohan over the edge. He tried his best to stifle his cry in the pillow, some of his release splattering up his stomach and chest. He whined as he felt Vegeta’s fingers leave him, groaning as one of Vegeta’s hands threaded in his hair and pulled him up from his prone, panting position. He scrambled to get his legs under him in order to get on the carpet more gracefully than being thrown there, even if the idea held some appeal to him. He didn’t need Vegeta to realize how much of a helpless slut he would be for him.
Vegeta breathed deeply through his nose as Gohan settled on the floor between his knees. He scooted so his ass was barely perched on the edge of the mattress and then grabbed a handful of the demi’s hair again, pressing his erection up as he pulled Gohan’s head down, “Suck it.” He threw his head back, his hand falling from Gohan’s hair as the younger man didn’t hesitate. The other’s hot, wet mouth engulfed him, sliding delightfully down the length of his cock before he felt it hit the back of Gohan’s throat. “Oh, fuck yes.” He licked his lips and caught his breath as Gohan pulled back up, saliva coating and then cooling around his shaft as Gohan hummed with just the head of his erection penetrating his mouth. Before he could complain Gohan swallowed him again. Sucked his way back up his erection and then twirled his tongue around the head. Vegeta sucked in a groan, “Stop teasing me or I’ll fuck your face.” Gohan’s lips were too busy to smirk, but there was definitely a challenge in the demi’s eyes as he looked up at Vegeta and continued to only tease the head of his cock.
Gohan’s fascination with giving Vegeta head wasn’t the taste, but watching Vegeta’s pleasure mount and knowing he was the one to cause it. The thought of Vegeta using his mouth for the prince’s pleasure was a great turn on. He wanted Vegeta to do it. Use him, his mouth…whatever Vegeta wanted.
Growling at Gohan’s defiance Vegeta braced his weight with one hand against the mattress before threading the fingers of his other in the hair at the back of Gohan’s head and then forced his mouth down over his cock. He rocked his hips back before thrusting them forward again, stilling as he hit the back of Gohan’s throat, “You want more?” When Gohan’s hands slid up his thighs and squeezed Vegeta withdrew and then pressed in again. Over and over, the tension in his belly intensifying and then of all wonders he hit the back of Gohan’s throat and met no resistance, sliding even deeper until he didn’t have any more to give. Vegeta hissed and did it again, closing his eyes as his head fell back from the feel of Gohan’s throat around him. Losing himself to abandon until his orgasm hit him all at once, cum shooting as he slid over Gohan’s tongue, another spasm as the thrust carried him to the back of the young man’s throat and then finishing off as he slipped down Gohan’s throat and stilled.
Gohan waited a few more moments before pulling away from Vegeta’s cock, licking his lips while he watched Vegeta panting from where he laid back on the bed. It was certainly a view to savor while it lasted. One night…there were so many things he’d fantasized and he knew they wouldn’t have the time to do everything, but it was certainly something not to rush through. He smoothed his cheek against the inside of one of Vegeta’s thighs, turning to kiss his way further in as the saiyan chuckled. Gohan licked slowly until he was almost to Vegeta’s crotch and then turned his attention to the other side, kissing and licking his way to the older man’s knee. He nipped gently at the skin there before blazing a return trail.
Vegeta could feel himself stirring again from Gohan’s attention to his thighs. The younger man’s lips and tongue were cleverly adept in arousing him. The strong hands kneading the tops of his thighs were amazing. By the time Gohan made it back to his groin he was ready for another go. He rested his hand gently atop Gohan’s head as he felt the other move to take him in mouth again, stopping him before he sat up. He leaned over to kiss the one still kneeling on the floor as questioning eyes rose to meet his. Then Vegeta slipped a hand under one of Gohan’s arms and lifted him from his knees as he stood also. He turned quickly and pulled the comforter and top sheet out of the way before saying, “Lie down.”
Gohan wet his lips as he took the space on Vegeta’s mattress the prince indicated. Once he settled on his back Vegeta slid between his legs. He closed his eyes as Vegeta’s hands soothed over his thighs, spreading his legs wider as pressure from Vegeta’s hands on his knees indicated.
Vegeta had forgotten how flexible Gohan was. He wondered if the young man could still do splits and then set the thought aside. If time allowed he’d ask him later. Now he scooted further between his legs, clutching and lifting Gohan by the back of his legs and raising his ass to his lap. As he let one of Gohan’s legs go in order to guide himself the other raised it to hook the heel over his shoulder. Vegeta rubbed the head of his erection around Gohan’s prepped hole, enjoying the breathless little whines the other gave as he teased him. He growled as Gohan’s breath hitched as he added more pressure, pushing himself inside, delighting in the hiss and then the eager cry as he breached Gohan with the head of his cock, pushing himself further in, releasing his cock in order to brace Gohan’s leg against his chest as the other arched, “Yeah…” Gohan may have thought he was ready, but no matter how much he’d toyed with himself it was still nothing compared to the real thing. There was a tiny part of him that wanted to teach Gohan a lesson about being careful what he asked for, but he shoved that cruel portion of himself into a corner. There was no need to ruin something so good with a bit of selfish behavior on his part. He watched the other avidly as he finished penetrating Gohan, rotating his hips to loosen him up. The tight ring of muscle around the base of his cock and the heat coating the rest of it as he slid into Gohan’s body was wonderful.
The feeling of having Vegeta slide into him was unbelievable and arousing. All the dildos and vibrators he’d toyed with hadn’t prepared him as much as he’d thought they had. Above all there was the incredible heat penetrating him, spreading from his core throughout the rest of his body. And the thickness – he cried out at the wonderful stretch. Then there was the fact he didn’t have control over it – Vegeta was operating the other side of this equation. He groaned as Vegeta gyrated, the rotation of the cock inside him was mind blowing. Absolutely worth waiting for the right moment. When Vegeta slid back from him and then returned –
There was definitely something to fucking a virgin. The cries and movements of Gohan’s body were fresh, initial reactions – not something jaded with a past. He dropped Gohan’s leg from his shoulder, guiding it to hook around his other hip as he leaned forward, kissing the rising and falling expanse of Gohan’s flushed, sweating chest. He distracted himself from simply pounding into the tight heat below him by the taste of the flesh beneath his mouth. Even as Gohan urged him with heels and mindless calls to move faster, Vegeta abstained from doing so – hoping to prolong this incredible moment. It seemed Gohan finally got the point when the demi’s arms and hands came to wrap around his torso, the other bending enough to kiss at his neck, lick at his ears.
Vegeta squeezed his arms under Gohan’s back, turning his hands to grip his shoulders, thrusting into him harder as they tried to fit into the same space. Gohan’s forehead pressed into his shoulder as the demi stifled a particularly loud cry against his chest. The prince’s next thrust caused Gohan to thrash, back arching as his head came away from his shoulder and connected with a pillow, howling as he came. Vegeta stilled immediately, panting, not having expected Gohan’s release to come so soon. He grit his teeth at the feel of the pulsing constriction around his cock. He obviously had more staying power than the kid – and he had a bit of pride in that little discovered fact. As soon as Gohan’s body relaxed the tiniest fraction Vegeta began moving again. This time the pace set for his own satisfaction, hard quick thrusts that jostled Gohan’s body as he was pounded. It wasn’t long before Gohan’s arms had snuck back around him and they were pressed chest to chest again, Vegeta turning his head to the side so he could pant enough air into his lungs as the legs squeezing his hips closer made him work harder for every thrust. The effort was worth it, by the time Gohan came again Vegeta was ready as well, a shuddering cry leaving him as his release escaped into Gohan.
They lay in a panting, tangled heap for quite some time, both of them groaning at the tiniest unexpected move from the other. Gohan’s hands began moving in circles over Vegeta’s back. Vegeta found the gesture strangely soothing – it wasn’t anything any of his previous bed partners had attempted before. Of course, years ago when he was taking regular bed partners most of them knew the gesture would be cause to have their hands fried off. The novelty of it soon wore off though and he reached towards the center of the mattress to search blindly for the towel he knew lay tangled within the folds of the comforter. Once he found it he pulled it free and spread it out before disengaging from Gohan’s holds over his body. Gohan hissed as he grunted and then flopped gracelessly to the side to lie on the towel.
Gohan stayed on his back letting his arms and legs slowly relax as he tried to keep a dorky smile off his face. He should have known to keep his hands off of Vegeta after he was done, but it had just felt nice to run his hands over the saiyan’s skin. Heck, he felt nice all the way around – even the soreness from anal sex was nice – in its own novel and new way. It was nice to be touched and realize someone had actually been touching him. Of course, there had been that bit in there he couldn’t quite get a handle on – like he’d lost himself to it. He squawked embarrassingly as Vegeta’s arm snuck over his stomach and then twisted him to his side as he was slid across the sheets.
Vegeta spooned against Gohan’s backside. “You were thinking too loud,” he accused. “Second thoughts?”
Gohan shook his head even as he attempted to turn it far enough to catch Vegeta’s eye, “No…just thinking about how good I feel.”
“Mmmm,” Vegeta agreed with a mumble as he began kissing down Gohan’s back. “Ready to go again?”
Gohan had a moment of brain melt at the fact Vegeta wasn’t done. Three times was usually Videl’s max.
Vegeta continued to kiss down Gohan’s back, taking his time tasting his skin and the feel of it against his lips and tongue. He knew what Gohan’s body wanted – the way he moved against him and the tiny sounds that were escaping him were clear enough. He nibbled his way up Gohan’s shoulder blade before biting harder at the skin over his spine making a delightful discovery in the young man’s reaction. “You like pain?” the prince asked.
Gohan closed his eyes as his body relaxed in an almost defeated manner, “Some,” he admitted quietly. He was quick to clarify, “Not body mutilating pain, just erotic stimulus, you know?” Vegeta could very well take chunks out of his hide or limbs off and Gohan didn’t think he was into that.
Vegeta licked soothingly at the red mark his bite had left behind while he thought over Gohan’s response. “I know all sorts of pain – you’ll have to tell me what you find erotic,” Vegeta finally said.
Gohan cleared his throat as he thought about what he should tell the saiyan. “Well, most of this is just theory – I’ve never been with anyone sexually that could actually cause me pain. You understand?” he continued after a grunt from Vegeta, “I guess I find biting erotic –“ he smiled even though Vegeta couldn’t see it. “There’ve been times I’ve gotten off faster by putting myself in a compromising position that causes my muscles to stretch – that sort of pain…”
“Like the way your thighs would stretch when you do splits?” Vegeta asked with a smirk.
“Yeah,” Gohan could feel himself blushing. He couldn’t believe he was telling Vegeta, of all people, these things. He took a big breath let it out before giving up his last little secret, “I’ve thought about being spanked…” he shut his mouth as he heard a chuckle from the prince. He knew he shouldn’t have said anything.
Vegeta chuckled, but not for the reasons Gohan thought he was. Gohan’s desires were easy to fulfill – the young man wasn’t nearly as depraved as he thought he was. He grabbed Gohan’s arm and twisted it behind his back, “This kind of pain?”
Gohan sighed, relaxing into the pull against his shoulder muscles, “A little more,” he hissed as his hand was forced higher into the middle of his back, “Yeaaah,” he moaned out as he felt his erection stirring.
“You want me to fuck you while I’m doing that?” Vegeta asked as he kissed the back of Gohan’s neck. His erection had been stirring the whole time, but it had become rock hard at the demi’s hiss.
Gohan shuddered, “Please,” he begged. These actions were a little more in sync with his fantasies of what it would be like with Vegeta. The almost lovemaking they had shared earlier had been nice, but not what he’d expected from the older saiyan. He whined as his arm was released, thinking Vegeta had changed his mind and wouldn’t do it as the other scooted down the mattress a bit. He gasped as his ankles were pinned between the prince’s calves, groaned as he felt Vegeta’s erection prod against his ass, gasping and then moaning as the other sunk into him again. Vegeta gripped his arm again, forcing his hand up between his shoulder blades as the saiyan thrust into him hard, causing him to shout. Then his head was jerked back by Vegeta’s strong grip in his short hair.
“Is this what you had in mind, Gohan?” Vegeta growled as he thrust his cock into the other and then stilled.
“Oh, fuck…yes,” Gohan hissed. It was – only better. He continued to pant and moan at the unbelievable sensations Vegeta was practically forcing on his body. And he loved it.
“Mmmmm,” Vegeta licked what he could reach of Gohan’s spine biting down just before he plunged again. He used the three-point hold he had on Gohan to keep him in place as he continued to pound into him. It came to a point he didn’t think he’d stop even if Gohan begged him – but by the sounds Gohan was making that wasn’t going to happen.
The stretchy pain in the muscles of his shoulder and chest kept Gohan in the present this go-round. The inconsistent nips and bites along his back kept him guessing. Just when he thought he was going to topple over the edge Vegeta did something to keep him in the here and now. Not that he was complaining – it was mind-blowingly amazing. That, and he couldn’t keep enough air in his lungs to complain. It kept escaping him in an assortment noises he hadn’t realized he was capable of making.
Vegeta’s pace slowed the tiniest bit as he licked his tongue over Gohan’s bent arm, watching and feeling himself disappear and reappear from Gohan’s ass as he listened to the demi’s symphony of sounds. He growled and bit as Gohan tried to move to meet him. “So eager to cum again?” Vegeta questioned as he stilled with just the head of his erection surrounded by Gohan’s heat.
“Oh, gods, Vegeta! Please don’t stop,” Gohan gasped and whined, afraid if he moved now Vegeta might slip from him altogether. The passion that had been building in his lower abdomen eased off and he whimpered. “Please…”
The tension in Gohan’s body as he shook with restraint transferred wonderfully to Vegeta’s cock and he licked his lips with an appreciative growl, “I don’t know, I think I could cum just feeling you quiver around me, Gohan. You’re so nasty. I would have never guessed how badly you wanted my cock up your ass. Or is it anyone’s cock up your ass?”
A shameful blush spread over Gohan’s face, “No, Vegeta, just yours. And I need more of it, please,” he whispered. He gasped as Vegeta pushed in further, but not all the way, whining in frustration as the saiyan stopped. “More,” he groaned as the prince pressed into him further, his eyes snapping wider and his breath catching in his throat in shock as Vegeta slid slowly over his sweet spot.
“Ooooo, I think I found something you like,” Vegeta almost teased as he pulled back again so he could run the head of his dick in the same spot of Gohan’s body. The twisting jerk the other gave made him chuckle, “Oh yeah,” as he deliberately withdrew and slowly pressed in again, Gohan’s involuntary reactions to his toying the only thing worth fucking someone this slow. “Tell me when I’ve hit it,” Vegeta whispered, wondering if Gohan would even be able to speak. He slid himself in the slowest yet, waiting…
“There…” Gohan managed to gasp. He thought the sex earlier had been mind blowing? Apparently he’d mistaken drunkenness for mind-blowing, because now he was aware and he still couldn’t see straight, colors blurring around the edges of his vision and then exploding each time the prince pressed in just right.
Vegeta slid back, adjusting his hips so he pressed in the same place when he withdrew, Gohan’s shout confirming his mark, “Yeah…Going to make you cum,” he licked up Gohan’s triceps, “Going to feel so good. Mmmmm,” back and forth over that one single spot in Gohan’s body, the younger man twitching and jerking, whining and crying out. “Be a good boy and cum, and I’ll cum all over that spot for you. Imagine it, the heat on that singular point,” Vegeta smirked in discovery as Gohan’s back arched – seemed Kakarott’s eldest brat was up for a bit of dirty talk. He grit his teeth as he positioned himself to deliver just as promised with Gohan’s body pulsing around him.
Vegeta held his pose until Gohan’s back relaxed and then, with regret, he slowly slid his softening cock from the younger man’s embracing heat. He released Gohan’s hand and ankles, slowly running his hand over the abused arm as he scooted up the bed, kissing sweat-slicked skin. He came to a rest as he pressed his forehead against the side of Gohan’s head, releasing the grip he had on the younger man’s hair and then gently rubbing the scalp while he kissed Gohan’s ear gently. He ran a finger over Gohan’s cheek through what looked to be tears. “You okay? Was I too rough?” Vegeta asked, although he knew he’d been holding back – an awful lot. The bed – heck, the room – weren’t built to contain what he could do with the right partner. He wasn’t certain if the gravity chamber would be able to accommodate…
It took a moment for Vegeta’s words to bleed into Gohan’s consciousness. When they finally registered he wasn’t certain he understood them, “What?” he asked as he attempted to look back at the saiyan hanging over his shoulder. Vegeta’s finger pressed a delicate line across his cheek, slowly sliding down his face until it traced over his lips. He sucked on it gently as it was pressed into his mouth, tasting the saltiness of sweat and tears, both of them distinct to his inhuman senses. “Oh,” he said as he gave Vegeta’s finger one last lick, “No…I didn’t even realize I was doing that. Sorry. You weren’t too rough,” he stretched, grinning as he pulled his arm back in front of him, “mmmmm. No, you were fantastic,” he didn’t realize he’d licked his lips as he said it.
Vegeta smirked as he guessed Gohan would be able to go a few more rounds, but at the moment, “Let’s take a shower – get some of this filth cleaned off, eh?”
A shower sounded heavenly – at least to Gohan. He slowly sat up as Vegeta climbed off the mattress, the prince showing he was the sprier one at the moment. When Gohan didn’t move fast enough he leaned down and picked him up, throwing him over one shoulder and walking the short distance to his bathroom. “You have a nice ass,” Gohan stated – that’s all he could see – that and carpet – before he was set back to his feet.
Vegeta grinned, “Thank you,” he said as he stuck his head into the shower to turn the water on.
Gohan watched in curiosity as the prince then went to the other side of the curtain and did it again. “Two shower heads?” he blinked at the novelty.
Vegeta shrugged as he held back the curtain so Gohan could climb in, “What good is living in luxury if you don’t take advantage of it?” he grinned as Gohan scooted past him, extremely tempted to smack the man’s ass on his way by. He restrained himself though, letting the curtain drop before going to the other side and entering. He chuckled as he watched Gohan taking great gulps of water from the spray coming down, “Drinking too much catching up to you?”
“Mmmmm,” Gohan shoved his face into the spray and then bent his head, “Yeah…”
Vegeta turned his attention from Gohan’s antics to grabbing the soap and lathering up. Once his hands were prepped he nudged Gohan in the arm and passed the soap off to him before he began scrubbing down. He was just relaxing into the spray of water when soap-silky hands glided up his back and over his shoulders. He groaned his appreciation as they began massaging his shoulders and then slowly down the rest of his back. Then Gohan began teasing his sides. It felt good if a bit ticklish. The prince felt one of his brows rise as he heard Gohan snicker behind him, “You’re not getting any bright ideas, are you?” he cleared his throat – that had supposed to come out as a threat, but the other was doing something weird with his fingers on his back now.
Gohan shook his head, “Too late – I’m drawing designs in the lather,” he finished the rays to a sun a first grader would make fun of with a smile on his face.
Vegeta growled, “Play time’s over…” he could see this as one of many reasons not to get involved with a Son for more than one night. Any longer than that and who knows what they’d think they could get away with – and what he might allow them to get away with.
“Aaaah…but I haven’t had the chance to draw grass yet…”
“My back is not a canvas!” Vegeta said turning around so the water washed whatever art the younger man had been creating and frowned at the other. His frown deepened as Gohan only smiled at him and picked up the soap and began generating more bubbles again. “If you don’t keep your soapy hands to yourself, I’m going to tie them behind your back and smack your ass.”
The rotation of the soap didn’t stop as Gohan’s benevolent smile turned into a devious grin, “Really?” he asked. He leaned down to whisper in Vegeta’s ear, “Promise?”
Truthfully, Vegeta had misplaced the memory of Gohan saying something about spanking being one of his particular kinks. He couldn’t figure out if he should growl at himself in annoyance for thinking he was threatening when it turned out he was actually flirting, or smirking and telling Gohan to be careful of what he asked for. Instead he did neither as he grabbed the younger man’s hands and pulled them into the spray to rinse them off as he rinsed any residual soap residue from his body. He turned the water off on his side of the shower as Gohan pouted at him. “Oh, you’re going to get what you want,” he said dangerously, “Turn the water off and get out of the shower, Gohan.”
The way Vegeta said it made Gohan swallow hard as he turned the water off on his side and then stepped out. He grabbed the towel from his face after Vegeta had thrown it over his head and quickly dried off. He quickly stepped into the prince’s bedroom to find Vegeta digging through one of his drawers, “What are you looking for?” he asked in curiosity.
Vegeta smirked as he closed the top drawer with his hip and began tying two of his gloves together at the cuffs, “Oh, you’ll find out. Turn around and put your hands behind your back,” he ordered as he tugged on the fingered ends of his gloves to see if the knot would hold.
Gohan licked his lips as he did as Vegeta had ordered. His dick stirred as he felt the material of Vegeta’s gloves wrap one wrist loosely and then the other, “That won’t hold me…” although he didn’t know if Vegeta meant them to hold him or if it were just to be symbolic.
“Oh, no, they won’t hold you,” Vegeta agreed, “But this will,” he smirked as he circled ki around both of Gohan’s wrists. He chuckled as Gohan gasped as he tightened the ki rings, “Tight enough for you?” the prince asked as he ran his hands up Gohan’s sides.
“Uh…yeah,” Gohan responded a little slowly. His cock was already semi hard – and that was from just being tied up. He gasped as he was jerked backwards to the bed. He was jarred a bit as Vegeta suddenly stopped pulling and then gasped again as he was quickly turned and tugged down, his chest and upper abs coming to rest on Vegeta’s thighs, his face mashing up against the comforter of Vegeta’s bed.
“Keep your hands out of the way,” Vegeta ordered as he smoothed a hand over Gohan’s buttocks. He could feel the head of Gohan’s erection poking him in the thigh. He smirked as he scooted them closer to the corner of the bed and then wedged his hand between the mattress and Gohan’s abdomen, grabbing Gohan’s erection around the head and pushing until it slid from being parallel with the top of the mattress to being held down the side of the bed. When Gohan whined about the position Vegeta quickly pulled his hand up and smacked the man on the ass, “This is supposed to be a punishment. You will keep your legs locked. I don’t plan on holding your weight,” Vegeta said after he’d grabbed Gohan by the hair and turned his head so he could catch the other’s gaze with his own. After Gohan licked his lips and nodded Vegeta gently let him lay his head back down on the mattress. He smoothed his hand down Gohan’s back while he raised the other one, waiting for Gohan to relax just the tiniest bit before spanking him again, enjoying the way the younger man jerked and gasped at the stinging touch.
Even though this was voluntary on his part there was a part of Gohan that enjoyed the illusion of the situation being out of his control. There had always been something about the idea of power-play – or lack there of – in Vegeta spanking him that turned Gohan on. That, and the sharp, intense sting applied to some of his most intimate erogenous zones was getting him off. Gohan’s fantasies about being spanked by Vegeta usually involved a scenario in which ‘saiyaman’ had caught the prince red-handed in a crime, tried to subdue him and then the tables were turned. Although some of the smacks Vegeta gave his ass were making him yelp and squirm there was nothing in this particular set up that made Gohan feel demeaned – until Vegeta started talking.
“So” smack “You like getting your ass beat,” Vegeta soothed his hand over Gohan’s reddening skin as the younger man moaned his assent. smack “Why is that, Gohan?” Three quick swats in a row made sure the man across his lap couldn’t keep enough air in his lungs to answer. “I know it’s not because you’re a bad boy,” smack “You’re the epitome of an upstanding young man.” smack “Except” wack “For this dirty little secret you’ve been hiding.” Gohan groaned as Vegeta ran his hand down the insides of the younger man’s thighs, giving a harsh squeeze here and there on his way back up. “You know, that one were you wanted a very bad man’s cock pounding your ass.” smack
Gohan didn’t know if Vegeta wanted a response to this conversation or not – he certainly couldn’t deny anything the prince was saying. He bit down on a mouthful of comforter instead, anticipating the next swat to his ass. “Was it everything you hoped for?” Vegeta asked, raising his hand and waiting until Gohan responded.
“Yesss…AH!” Gohan almost bit his tongue when Vegeta’s hand came down.
“Gooood,” Vegeta purred at the demi across his lap. He soothed his hand over Gohan’s ass again. “Because I truly had no idea you even thought that way before this evening. You’ve done a very good job of hiding it,” smack “And you’re going to keep on hiding it after this evening – ” he swatted Gohan’s behind again when the younger man took too long to answer the open ended statement.
“Yes” Gohan hissed. His erection was achingly hard and it was becoming difficult not to notice the amount of precome he was spreading all over the side of the mattress as the head of his cock kept sliding through it. He should be disgusted with himself at how badly he was turned on by this. He was also pleasantly surprised by how aroused Vegeta was by the situation. The saiyan’s erection was jutting against his chest and every once in a while portions of it would glide slickly over his nipple. He tried to subtlety angle himself so it happened more often.
“I have to say, I really enjoyed sticking my dick down your throat,” smack “Mmmm, yes, I wouldn’t mind doing that again. You seemed to be enjoying it too,” smack smack “Did you like the taste of it, Gohan?”
“Yes,” Gohan whispered as the memory flooded is mind. It was displaced quickly in favor of focusing on the heated blows raining down on his ass. He writhed, hissed and gasped as Vegeta ‘punished’ him thoroughly.
Vegeta soothed his hand over Gohan’s ass one last time, enjoying the redness achieved with this spanking session – but midnight had come and gone and the prince was ready to move on to other things now. He turned his attention towards the center of the mattress and stretched back once he located the lube and then sat back up. Gohan moaned as Vegeta loosed the ki bands around his wrists, only to slide them further up to his elbows before tightening them again. The prince licked his lips as Gohan’s back was arched from the angle of tension, the demi having to raise his head slightly from the mattress in order to accommodate. “I want you to grab your ass,” Vegeta directed as he uncapped the tube of lubricant. “Now spread your cheeks for me,” he licked his lips at the sight before him – Gohan opening himself for his intentions even as he strained against his bonds. Vegeta hissed in mock sympathy as he lightly touched one lubed finger against Gohan’s opening, “It looks abused,” he pressed his finger into the slightly swollen hole as Gohan moaned. “Oh, but I can see you still want it. Such a dirty boy,” he pulled his finger out and added a second as he pressed back in. “Yeah…” he plunged his fingers in and out of Gohan’s ass, making the man on his lap continuously moan as he masturbated him. He brought Gohan right to the aching edge of another climax and then stopped, pulling his fingers out and smacking Gohan’s ass again.
Gohan whined and rubbed his erection against the mattress, hoping to cum, but the friction was suddenly taken away from him as Vegeta grabbed him by the hair and made him stand. He blushed at how achingly erected he was, precome dripping from the head of his hard on. He stood there, silent, wondering what Vegeta’s game was, but not daring to voice his frustrations – who knew what Vegeta would do if he was suddenly pissed off?
Vegeta ran the tip of his clean pointer finger along the underside of Gohan’s stiff dick. He smirked as even that delicate touch had the man standing before him twitching and hissing. “Come sit on my lap, Gohan. I want to toy with you some more…”
Gohan’s blush burned brighter as he did as Vegeta told him. It felt very awkward, sitting on Vegeta’s lap. Not only because he was older than such a situation should allow, but also because he was bigger than the man he was about to use as a chair. He was guided to sit sideways on the prince’s lap and then he yelped as his far nipple was pinched and pulled. “Oh, god, do it again…”
“How did I know you’d like that?” Vegeta asked as he squeezed his fingertips together again with Gohan’s flesh caught between them. “Maybe it was the way you kept trying to get my cock to run over your nipple.” He switched sides, fingers becoming sticky with his own pre-ejaculate, “Oh, I see, you thought I didn’t notice?” he pinched hard, watching Gohan strain and hiss. “I’m a very, very dirty man, Gohan. Your little kinks don’t even cover a fraction of the things I could do to you. That I’d like to do to you.”
“Fffffuuuuck,” Gohan decided there was something simply wrong with watching Vegeta take his nipple in his mouth and suck on it. And the whole time his aching cock became progressively worse with no relief in sight. Even when his tender flesh was bitten and teased by sharp saiyan teeth all Gohan could do was groan and hope Vegeta would fuck him soon. He gasped and squeezed his eyes shut, hips jerking up as Vegeta’s hot hand slipped down his shaft slowly, groaning when the prince stopped at the bottom and didn’t continue with an upstroke. “Please…”
Vegeta chuckled darkly around the flesh in his mouth before he pulled back with a smirk, “Not this time,” he said just as he put a slender ring of ki around the base of the demi’s erection.
“Nooooo,” Gohan hissed as Vegeta’s mean streak finally shone through.
“Oh, come on, Gohan. You’re like a new toy. You didn’t really think I’d put it back in the box without playing with it for all it was worth, did you?” Vegeta asked as he skimmed the palm of his hand up Gohan’s stomach, chest and then lightly let it rest at Gohan’s throat. He slowly worked the ki rings around the young man’s elbows back down to his wrists.
Gohan shivered, “I – I guess not.”
Vegeta lifted his hand and patted Gohan’s cheek in a patronizing manner, “Good boy. Now, say it with my title…”
Gohan blinked, “Your Highness.”
Vegeta smirked, “In saiyan.”
“Ouji-sama…” Gohan had almost forgotten he’d said that earlier in his drunken state. Not that he was regretting it now – he liked the way it sounded as it rolled off his tongue – as he thought it so many times in his fantasies.
Vegeta licked Gohan’s nipple, “Now, beg me for what you want…”
“Please, Vegeta – Ouji-sama,” he caught the saiyan’s smirk as he adjusted his statement, “I want to cum.”
Vegeta pulled his mouth away and shook his head, “That’s not what you really want. You could go home and masturbate and that would make you cum,” he delicately licked the pert nipple before him as he gazed at Gohan knowingly.
Gohan swallowed, trying to think what Vegeta could possibly mean. Then his eyes widened as he realized what Vegeta meant. “Please, Ouji-sama, fuck me.”
Vegeta stood and then deposited Gohan ass first on the bed, “My pleasure,” he said, quickly coating his cock with lube before pushing back on Gohan’s shoulders and then grabbing his knees, pulling them up around his hips. He pressed the head of his erection against Gohan’s entrance and then thrust his way inside, Gohan crying out as he was entered in the most satisfying of ways. He reached down for the young man’s knees again, unhooking them from the hold they had on his hips and spread them wide as he continued to thrust his cock.
Gohan was certain he would have cum as soon as Vegeta entered him if it weren’t for the ki ring around his dick. His arms were awkwardly placed underneath him as a result of the ki ring still binding his wrists together. He kept making the most astounding noises as Vegeta’s cock entered him again and again – he had no idea how he must look. Vegeta adjusted his grip on his knees and suddenly his sweet spot was pounded over and over even as he couldn’t cum. He was starting to yell profanities – he couldn’t help himself – Vegeta seemed not affected in the slightest as he continued to fuck him.
There was definitely something to fucking a ki bound Son, Vegeta decided. The fact Gohan hadn’t ascended yet meant he was enjoying it, even if he was shouting the most creative curses he’d heard in quite some time. “Yeah – you like it.” The prince almost added ‘slut’ to the end of his statement, but there was still a part of him that didn’t wish to cross that line.
Gohan could only whimper at the truth to that statement. He did like it. He liked feeling used - how pathetic was he?
Vegeta smirked and pulled his cock out, twisting Gohan until his face and stomach were pressed into the mattress, “Going to fuck you from behind,” Vegeta smacked his ass before he forcibly spread the demi’s knees along the edge of the mattress, “You said you could do splits…”
Gohan groaned, trying to get his legs to work. It wasn’t long after he’d succeeded in getting his legs parallel with the edge of the mattress before Vegeta was entering him again. He was a whimpering, blubbering mess by the time Vegeta released his cock from the ki ring – shouting into the comforter as he came hard, almost passing out from the force of his release. He had no idea what to do with his arms after they were released from ki rings and gloves.
Vegeta soothed his hand up and down Gohan’s back as he let the other come to himself in his own sweet time. That had been fairly intense for a first timer – and Gohan had taken it all like a trooper. It was too damned bad this was only for one night – there were so many things he could teach the demi. Still – it would be a distraction from training and best that it ended when the sun rose – which was only a few hours away now. He chuckled indulgently as a soft snore came from Gohan. He dragged the other further up on the mattress by pulling the comforter he was laying on. Then Vegeta tugged the pillows down to where their heads were before he wrapped them both in the comforter, closing his eyes, falling asleep more satisfied than he could remember.
He woke a couple of hours later to Gohan kissing his neck as the demi’s hands roamed slowly over his body. He didn’t bother wrecking the moment with words. Instead he enjoyed the slow exploration Gohan was making of his body. He didn’t think he’d tire of watching that pink tongue lick him delicately, the feel of soft lips suck on his flesh, arousing him greatly. Just when he thought he would climb back between Gohan’s splayed legs the demi surprised him by rolling him to his back. Before he could protest what he thought Gohan was going to do, attempt to top him, he discovered how wrong he was as the demi’s legs straddled his hips. Vegeta groaned as Gohan’s hand reached between them and wrapped around the prince’s cock, steadying it against his entrance before pressing himself back. Vegeta’s hands clutched Gohan’s hips as the younger man cried out. “You – you should – lube – used…” Vegeta panted as he gazed up at Gohan’s flushed face.
Gohan shook his head, not bothering to answer as he pulled away from Vegeta only to slide back. He’d received exactly what he’d been hoping for, the stretchy sting intensified by no interference of lubrication. He wanted that – he wanted to remember…the heat, the pain, the reality of it. Moving – the ache in his thighs, the quivering in his stomach. Every reaction and sensation it stirred he tried to commit to memory. The emotions would last longer – hanging over him like a beautiful, haunting curse.
Vegeta wasn’t certain how much longer he could stand the slow pace Gohan had set. It was nice to feel the rise and fall of the man’s hips beneath his hands as his cock was ridden by that well formed body, but it was slow torture. Keeping him just aroused enough, but never pushing him further. He tightened his grip and urged Gohan to move faster, grateful when the demi didn’t play games and moved as he directed. Soon his eyes were closed as his sole focus became Gohan’s encouraging heat around his spoiled cock. He jerked the demi down and held him in place and then rolled them.
Gohan immediately hooked his knees around Vegeta’s hips, wanting nearness similar to their first time this last time. He watched the saiyan’s body work above him, stirring him visually as the prince’s efforts stimulated him physically. Sensation overload rousing darker parts within him – the want to be owned. Passionate actions he went with rather than question. He moved Vegeta’s hand to his throat, settling it there of his own accord, coaxing the prince to apply pressure.
Not any of the bed partners Vegeta’d had in the past had trusted him this much. To give him this sort of power of them – frankly the thought would have never occurred to any of them. Gohan was showing serious faith (or impaired judgment) that he wouldn’t kill him; either by miscalculation or with intention. Vegeta’s eyes locked with the demi’s, asserting the other was in the here and now he added more pressure around his throat. Gohan’s choked groans becoming silent, the demi’s body struggling for air even as those dark eyes never panicked. The younger man’s free hand caressing the prince’s arm encouragingly until his body locked up in one last climax before he passed out.
Vegeta came with a shuddering breath – the almost killing act more erotic to his instincts than he would have thought possible. He quickly released Gohan’s throat and immediately checked the demi’s vitals to make sure he hadn’t crossed the line – thankful to feel Gohan’s heartbeat steady under his fingertips as the man’s body took a shuddering, unconscious breath. The demi even groaned with what seemed like regret as Vegeta withdrew from his body, fingers caressing the demi’s face as he slowly came back to consciousness. The prince wasn’t certain what sort of reaction he’d receive once Gohan was fully aware again. Still, the impassioned kiss was a surprise. He pulled away from it reluctantly, “I think the sun’s up,” he said in a lame attempt to not analyze any emotions he was feeling. This had to end, anything more and he’d keep Gohan here until he truly killed or ruined him.
Gohan pulled away slowly, nodding his agreement if not displaying his disappointment. “Mind if I take a shower?” He untangled himself from around Vegeta’s body once the prince shook his head, groaning as he sat up. He didn’t dare look back as he headed towards the bathroom – it would be too tempting to start it all again. In a daze he started the water and scrubbed down, shuddering as emotions flooded through him, threatening but never actually overwhelming him. Gohan knew he couldn’t afford that. Once he stepped from the shower he blinked down at the hand held open in front of him – Vegeta offering him a senzu. “I don’t think I need that…”
Vegeta reached up to trace the bruise covering Gohan’s throat, fascinated by the way the demi didn’t flinch or jerk way – instead lifting his chin, making himself more vulnerable as the prince’s fingers graced his skin, “It would be difficult for you to justify these markings to anyone,” he explained quietly.
Gohan shivered as Vegeta’s fingers slid over his neck. He closed his eyes briefly at the wonderful touch before he opened them again as Vegeta’s words sunk in. He quickly grabbed a towel and wiped steam from the bathroom mirror. Finally able to see for himself what the prince was talking about, Gohan felt conflicted about the bruise covering his throat, looking like a purplish collar in the fogged image. He knew he absolutely couldn’t go home with that, and yet part of him clearly enjoyed the mark – the sign that at one point and time Vegeta had, for all intents and purposes, owned him.
Watching the different reactions flitter over Gohan’s face was fascinating to Vegeta, because none of the emotions he noted briefly clouding the demi’s face were what he’d expected to see. Maybe a bit of shock at the image in the mirror, but Gohan seemed perfectly calm as he turned his direction and took the bean from his outstretched hand, chewing on it briefly before swallowing.
Gohan watched the bruise in the foggy glass fade with something close to remorse. He wished there were a part of him that would go home sporting that mark proudly and yet he could already feel the ‘upstanding man’ taking over, struggling to put this other, strange man that had emerged for the night back in some storage trunk in the back of his mind. He pictured it like some terrible mob movie scene involving twins on opposite sides of a conflict. When he blinked himself back to the here and now he was alone in the bathroom. He sighed, running the towel quickly through his hair before dressing in his slightly rumpled clothing.
He was surprised to exit the bathroom and see that Vegeta was actually still there. A part of him had expected the prince to leave – still, this was Vegeta’s room. He smiled sheepishly, starting to put his hand behind his head when Vegeta stopped the action, “Don’t. I am not sorry and there is certainly no reason for you to be embarrassed.”
Gohan dropped his hand back down to his side. “I guess this is good-bye, then.” He received the prince’s signature grunt in reply for his statement of the obvious. He could feel himself blushing as Vegeta strode to his balcony doors and opened them. As Gohan took the hint and stepped out he could see the body of the sun had barely risen above the horizon. Regardless of how ridiculous it may seem, he turned back to Vegeta and bowed quickly, “Thank you, Vegeta.” He didn’t dare look at the saiyan after that particular gesture, instead opting to quickly levitate and return home where he could scramble to put his reality back in place before work the next morning.
Vegeta had steeled himself against some sort of overly mushy good-bye gesture, after all, it had been a Son he’d been having sex with all night – notorious for their overly friendly gestures. He had prepped himself to make it quick so he wouldn’t drag Gohan back into his bedroom. Instead he was disappointed that such an unexpected and enjoyable evening had ended as he watched Gohan fly away. He snarled at himself before he quickly closed his balcony doors and prepared to take a shower so he could eat a hearty breakfast and then train the particular stupidity that he’d allowed himself to participate in out of his system.
That ‘particular stupidity’ stayed with Vegeta much longer than the prince expected. He felt Gohan stop by on Monday morning; he found out later from the woman that it was for his glasses he’d left. There was a part of him that wanted to call the man a coward for not coming to see him. That was the closest Gohan came to Capsule Corporation for more than eight months.
Vegeta didn’t admit it to himself, but he found ways to be near when Goten came over, ease dropping on his eldest’s and the youngest Son’s conversations – most that turned into conversations about this or that girl they were currently involved with. Vegeta would find himself irritated and leave quickly. It was probably for the best, Vegeta quickly losing interest in this new ‘hobby’ in favor of training.
News Hercules Satan had had a stroke horrified the world. Vegeta could imagine it threw the Son family into a bit of a tizzy on a personal level. It was a complete accident he over heard Goten say Videl had temporarily moved into the city to help her aging father recover. Mr. Satan’s health was easy enough to monitor, the news stations covering the man’s recovery in great (sometimes ridiculous) detail – all adding their sympathies for the ‘Satan’ family in this time of crisis. Vegeta could only roll his eyes at the shrines of flowers and candles the stations showed at the man’s mansion gates and walls. Even after it was reported Earth’s Hero would make a full recovery the news coverage continued – for months. Vegeta learned via the media Videl made the decision her father was in good enough health to return home - or ‘quaint country cottage’ as the media liked to call it.
He was not expecting Gohan to show up at Capsule Corporation two months later, let alone his gravity chamber’s steps. He knew the man was there, both by ki signature and the monitors from inside the training facility. He also knew Gohan probably knew he knew he was there. Still, the demi stood in one place doing nothing but staring at the ground, looking out of place and lost. Vegeta’s patience finally ran out and he shut the gravity controls to zero before opening the door.
Gohan heard the door open, but still didn’t look up. Even if he did he didn’t know what he’d say, or even why he was even here. The silence was already uncomfortable and at some point it became too much to bear, “Videl’s divorcing me. Actually, the papers were turned into the judge two days ago,” he finally spit out. Was it wrong to be such an utter failure at being a spouse and yet feel relieved?
“I should care, because?” Vegeta grumbled. The monitors had failed to show how dark the circles were under the demi’s eyes – how totally unkempt Gohan looked.
Gohan sighed and nodded his head, “Yeah, sorry,” he said as he turned away.
“Where do you think you are going?” Vegeta asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Home, I guess…” Gohan replied, not turning around.
“The question I asked was serious; I’d like an answer as to why you came to tell me,” Vegeta growled.
Gohan’s shoulders slumped even more as he chuckled at himself, “For all the wrong reasons, Vegeta,” he turned back to the man he was addressing, “I was wondering – hoping, really – if what we shared…”
“Over a year ago,” Vegeta interrupted as he reasoned his heart was still beating fast from his training regiment.
Gohan cleared his throat and nodded, “Over a year ago, could be something more than a one night stand…maybe…” he couldn’t even look the saiyan in the eye as he said it; that’s how Gohan knew the thought was preposterous. He squawked in surprise as the front of his jacket was used to haul him into the gravity room.
“First of all,” Vegeta’s voice could be heard as the gravity chamber’s door was closing, “You’ve got too many clothes on.”
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